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1、CET4(一).社会生活类1、购物消费:mall 购物中心; convenience store 便利店chain store 连锁店; supermarket 超市department store 百货商店; grocery 杂货店customer 顾客; complaint 投诉;display 展示 counter 柜台;balance 余额,结余; budget 预算 catalog 商品目录; famous brands 名牌;bargain 讨价还价(v.); 便宜货(n.); stationery文具electronic products 电子产品; digital camera

2、 数码相机;discount 折扣; shopping list 购物清单;receipt 收据; on sale 出售,上市;sell out 售完; out of stock 没货,脱销;deliver 送货2、居家琐事:trivial affairs 日常琐事; laundry 洗衣店iron 烫衣服; keep an eye on sb./sth. 照料某人事in a mess 杂乱; economical 经济的,节俭的open an account 开户; deposit 存款;withdraw 取钱; interest rate 利率;property 财产; debt 债务;

3、pay off 还清; parcel 包裹; zip/postal code 邮政编码3、日常交往:leisure time 休闲时间; call on sb. 拜访某人drop by/round 突然造访; take a message 捎信hospitable 好客的; hang up 挂断电话hold on 别挂电话; operator 接线员4、休闲娱乐:hobby 爱好; keep pets 养宠物;tame dog 训狗 gardening 园艺;play chess 下象棋 TV channels 电视频道;broadcast 广播,播放 live broadcast 现场直播;

4、programme 电视节目 commercial advertisement 商业广告tennis court 网球场; performance 表演entertainment industry娱乐业; comedy 喜剧tragedy 悲剧; horror movie 恐怖片;plot 情节 entertaining 有趣的,愉快的;enthusiastic 热情的 5、外出就餐:waiter/waitress 男女服务员; napkin 餐巾order 点菜; tip 消费;menu 菜单; snack 快餐dessert 甜点; appetizer 开胃菜;yogurt 酸奶 toas

5、t 烤面包; junk food 垃圾食品; roast 烤肉beef steak 牛排; rare 半熟的;medium 中等熟的 sour/sweet/bitter/hot 酸甜苦辣go dutch AA制; treat 款待,宴请make a reservation 预定; have a picnic 野餐6、住房搬家:landlord/landlady 房东; tenant 房客apartment/flat 公寓; residence 居住,住所monthly rent 月租; spare rooms 空余房间available 可利用的; accommodate 供给住宿或房间set

6、tle 定居; downtown 市中心;suburb 郊区 neighborhood 邻近地区;transportation 交通 subway entrance 地铁入口;put up with the noise 容忍噪音7、装饰维修:furnished 已装修的; furniture 家具decoration 装饰; painting 画;cupboard 衣柜 shower 淋浴;sink 下水槽; pipe 管道;leak 漏水 fix 维修;install 安装; maintenance man/technician 维修工air conditioner 空调 (二).学校生活类

7、1、注册:register 注册,报到,登记; enrolment 登记入学department 系; student ID card 学生证recommendation letter 推荐信; application form 申请表2、选课:semester 学期; register for/sign up for/enroll in/take 选课quit/drop a course 退课; earn a credit 修学分major in 主修; required /compulsory course 必修课optional/elective course 选修课 curriculu

8、m 课程;linguistics 语言学; philosophy 哲学;psychology 心理学; literature class 文学课3、听课:professor 教授; supervisor/advisor 导师lecturer 讲师; tutor 家教;dean 系主任 teaching assistant 教学助理call the roll 点名; catch/follow 跟上make a presentation 作陈述或介绍 confused/puzzled 迷惑不解的;get lost 不明白 attendance 出席人数;presence 出席 absence 缺席

9、; punctual 守时,准时 take notes 记笔记;skip the class 逃课 make up弥补(课)4、作业:assignment/homework 作业; experiment 实验survey 调查; rough draft 草稿;final draft 终稿 have ones hands full with 忙于做due 到期; deadline 最后期限;criticism 批评 feedback 反馈5、读书:journal 定期刊物; magazine 杂志;periodical 期刊; book review 书评;editorial 社论; go th

10、rough this novel 通读小说out of stock 已脱销; out of print 已绝版up-to-date 最近的,当代的; publisher 出版者reference book 参考书; publication 出版,出版物;publishing house 出版社6、学习:concentrate 集中精神; distraction 使人分心的事review/revise 复习; fall behind 落后;think much /highly of 对评价很高7、考试、成绩:mid-term exam 期中考试; final exam 期末考试quiz 小测验;

11、 pop quiz 突击测验;standardized tests 标准测试; national test 统考entrance exam 入学考试; review/go over/go through 复习;grade/score/mark 成绩; full marks 满分passing grade 及格分; straight As 全得A,全优B plus B加; B minus B减;repeat the course 重修; repeat the year 留级8、毕业进修:graduation 毕业; graduate 毕业生;post graduate 研究生; diploma

12、文凭;a bachelors degree 学士学位; a masters degree 硕士学位;a doctors degree 博士学位; further/advanced study 进修;study abroad 留学9、学费及奖学金:tuition 学费; fee 学杂费;grant 助学金; financial aids 助学金;scholarship 奖学金 student loan 学生助学贷款10、课余生活:participate in/take part in 参加; enroll in 登记sign up for 参加(俱乐部,课程等); taste 兴趣,爱好;run

13、 for 竞选; vote 选票questionnaire 问卷调查; election campaign 选举活动;the student union 学生会; chairman 主席candidate 候选人(三)、求职面试1、求职面试job hunting 找工作; want ads 招聘广告position/post 职位; opening/vacancy 空缺opportunity 机会; inquiry 询问;consult 咨询 resume 简历;application form 求职信 interview 面试;interviewee 面试者 interviewer 面试官;

14、competent 胜任的 inexperienced 没有经验的;qualification 资历 unemployment 失业;lose ones job 失业 full-time job 全职工作;part-time job 兼职工作 do odd jobs 做零工;fire/dismiss 解雇 hire/employ 雇佣;job-hopping 跳槽 appointment 任命;turn down 拒绝2、工作往来:clients 客户; secretary 秘书;colleague 同事 superior 上司;get along with 与相处 appointment 约

15、会;confirm 确认 ask for leave 请假;arrangement 安排 apply for a vacation申请休假;fill in the application form 填写申请表 morning shift 早班;night shift 夜班 shift work 倒班工作;take over 接管,接任 in charge of 负责;be involved in 参与 assistance/favor 帮助,协助;negotiate 谈判 inquire 咨询;cooperation 合作 competition 竞争;bid 投标; contract 合同d

16、ifference 分歧; approve 同意,批准disapprove 反对; compromise 妥协,让步headquarter 总部; branch 分部,分公司3、工作态度:attitude 态度; personality 品质active/positive 积极的; optimistic 乐观的pessimistic 悲观的; determined 有决心的forgetful 健忘的; diligent 勤奋的confident 有信心的; hard-working 工作努力的perseverance 坚持不懈; struggle 奋斗overwork 加班; work add

17、ict 工作狂overwhelmed 疲倦的; workload 工作负担wear out 疲劳的; complain 抱怨work like a horse 辛勤工作; devote oneself to sth. 致力于4、工作业绩:promotion 升职; career 事业achievement 成就; contribution 贡献deserve 值得,应得; worthy 值得的(四).科普知识类1、生物,生态:biology 生物学; cell 细胞;protein 蛋白质 gene 基因;inherit 遗传; survive 生存digestive system 消化系统;

18、 adapt to 适应ecology 生态学; soil erosion 水土流失rare animal 珍稀动物; extinction 灭绝2、气候:weather forecast 天气预报; temperature 温度Sunny/clear 晴天; cloudy 多云的overcast 阴天的; drizzle 毛毛雨;light rain 小雨 heavy rain 大雨;shower 阵雨 pour/downpour 倾盆大雨;thunderstorm 雷雨rain cats and dogs 下倾盆大雨; blizzard 暴风雨snowstorm 暴风雨; hail 冰雹;

19、windy 刮风的 breeze 微风的;sweltering 酷热的 steamy 湿热的;sticky 闷热的; stuffy 闷的muggy 闷热潮湿的; chilly 严寒的freezing 寒冷的; frigid 严寒的severe winter 严冬; foggy/misty 有雾的humid 湿的; humidity 湿度3、天文地理:astronomy 天文学; universe 宇宙cosmos 宇宙; solar system 太阳系solar energy 太阳能; satellite 卫星planet 行星; comet 彗星;telescope 望远镜 microsc

20、ope 显微镜;geology 地质学 geography 地理;exploration 勘探 north Pole 北极;South Pole 南极 equator 赤道;latitude 纬度; longitude 经度iceberg 冰山; volcano 火山;erupt 爆发4、现代科技:high tech 高科技; clone 克隆portable computer 手提电脑; Internet 因特网websites 网址; cyber 网络;log in/on 登陆 hacker 黑客;computer virus 电脑病毒 chat room 聊天室;on-line shop

21、ping 在线购物 surf on the internet 在网上冲浪;distance learning 远程学习; fax machine 传真机;advance technology 先进技术; printer 打印机copying machine 复印机 photocopying machine 影印机(五)、社会问题类1、环境问题 environment protection 环境保护; reclaim 开垦; deforestation; 滥砍滥伐 over-fishing 过渡捕鱼; dump 倾倒; ecosystem 生态系统; vegetation 植被; oxygen

22、氧气; ozone layer 臭氧层; deterioration 恶化; pollution 污染; recycle 回收再利用; circulation 流通,循环; purify 净化; radiation 辐射; drought 干旱; dust-storm 沙尘暴; acid rain 酸雨; greenhouse effects 温室效应; global warming 全球变暖; rare 稀有的; sensitive to climate; 对气候敏感的endangered species 濒危物种; wipe out 清除,消亡; extinction 灭绝; conser

23、vation 保护,保存;2、移民种族:industrial Revolution 工业革命; famine 饥饿refugee 难民; migrate 移民;immigration 移民; settlement 定居;cultural conflict 文化冲突; diverse 多样的;multiculturalism 多元化文化主义; descendant 后代,后裔;racial segregation 种族隔离; racial discrimination 种族歧视;3、妇女问题:womens liberation 妇女解放; sex discrimination/sexism性别歧

24、视;womens movement 妇女运动; professional women 职业女性;domestic violence 家庭暴力; traffic in women 贩卖妇女;abuse 虐待 compensate 补偿;divorce 离婚4、政治经济:international organizations 国际组织 non-governmental organizations 非政府组织economic sanctions 经济制裁; economic recession 经济衰退;economic depression 经济萧条; reform 改革;crisis 危机; i

25、nstitution 机构;alliance 联盟; cooperation 合作;politics 政治; (anti-) dumping (反)倾销deficit 赤字; legislation 立法;merge 并购,合并; judicial 司法的;listed company 上市公司; executive 行政的subsidiary 子公司; parliament 国会;the Congress 国会(美); bankrupt 破产;the Secretary of State 国务卿 the State Council 国务院break out 爆发; summit meetin

26、g 峰会;internal affairs 内政; rebel 暴乱;terrorism 恐怖主义; strike 罢工;CEO (chief executive officer)首席执行官 GDP (gross domestic product)国内生产总值GNP (gross national product) 国民生产总值(六)、文化习俗类1、文化艺术:mass media 大众媒体; cartoon/animation动画片musical 音乐片; Academy Award 金像奖fashionable 时尚的; outmoded/outdated 过时的popular with 流

27、行; catch on 流行;Yuppie 雅皮士; Hippie 嬉皮士;classical literature 古典文学; art works 艺术作品collected works 文集; collection 作品集,收藏品aesthetic 美学的; graffiti 涂鸦;oil painting 油画; sculpture 雕塑;dignity 尊严; individual 个人的;confrontation 冲突; offensive 冒犯的;(musical) instrument 乐器; concert 音乐会wind instrument 管乐; folk art 民间

28、艺术stringed instrument 弦乐; performance 表演;orchestra/band 乐队; classic art 高雅艺术;2、社会习俗:exotic 有异域情调的; custom 风俗;costume 服饰; proper conduct 得体的举止good-mannered 文明的; taboo 禁忌;ill-mannered 无教养的; behavior 行为;blunt 唐突,直言的; practice 惯例;tradition 传统; bridegroom/groom 新郎;wedding ceremony 婚礼庆典; bride 新娘;bridesma

29、id 伴娘; best man 伴郎;engagement 订婚;(七)、旅游交通类:1、火车track 轨道; express train 快车;a non-stop/through train 直达火车; stopping train/slow train 慢车;change/transfer 转车、换乘; schedule/timetable 时刻表;car/train attendant 列车员; booking/ticket office 订票处;information booth 问讯处; passenger 乘客coach/carriage 车厢; sleeping car 卧车

30、车厢berth/bunk 铺位; restaurant/dining car 餐车;platform ticket 站台票; one-way ticket 单程票return/round-trip ticket 往返票 left-luggage office 行李暂存处;check (in) luggage 托运行李; punch a ticket 剪票refund a ticket 退票; terminal/terminus 终点站to change trains at 在(某地)换车 the train is due at在(某时)到达to break the journey 中途下车2、

31、汽车commuter 通勤者; rush hour (车辆的)高峰时间zebra 斑马线; traffic jam 交通拥挤;jay-walker 乱穿马路的行人; handbrake手刹车;park a car 停车; hold up 阻塞,抑制;run a red light/jump the light 闯红灯; over taking on the inside 超车;speeding 超速; make a wrong turn 拐错弯;drunken drinking 酒后驾车; casualties 伤亡人数hit-and-the-run accident 事故后驾车逃逸 one way street 单行道; intersection

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