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1、专四模拟试题完型篇附答案详细讲解A great deal of attention is being paid today to the so-called digital divide-the division of the world into the info(information) rich and the info poor. And that _1_ does exist today. My wife and I lectured about this looming danger twenty years ago. What was less _2_ then, however

2、, were the new, positive _3_ that work against the digital divide. _4_,there are reasons to be _5_.There are technological reasons to hope the digital divide will narrow. As the Internet becomes more and more _6_, it is in the interest of business to universalize access-after all, the more people on

3、line, the more potential _7_ there are. More and more _8_, afraid their countries will be left _9_, want to spread Internet access. Within the next decade or two, one to two billion people on the planet will be _10_ together. As a result, I now believe the digital divide will _11_ rather than widen

4、in the years ahead. And that is very good news because the Internet may well be the most powerful tool for _12_ world poverty that weve ever had.Of course, the use of the Internet isnt the only way to _13_ poverty. And the Internet is not the only tool we have. But it has _14_ potential.To _15_ adva

5、ntage of this tool, some poor countries will have to get over their outdated anti-colonial prejudices _16_ respect to foreign investment. Countries that still think foreign investment is a/an _17_ of their sovereignty might well study the history of _18_ (the basic structural foundations of a societ

6、y) in the United States. When the United States built its industrial infrastructure, it didnt have the capital to do so. And that is _19_ Americas Second Wave infrastructure-_20_ roads, harbors, highways, ports and so on-were built with foreign investment._1. A) divide B) information C) world D) lec

7、ture_2. A) obscure B) visible C) invisible D) indistinct_3. A) forces B) obstacles C) events D) surprises_4. A) Seriously B) Entirely C) Actually D) Continuously_5. A) negative B) optimistic C) pleasant D) disappointed_6. A) developed B) centralized C) realized D) commercialized_7. A) users B) produ

8、cers C) customers D) citizens_8. A) enterprises B) governments C) officials D) customers_9. A) away B) for C) aside D) behind_10. A) netted B) worked C) put D) organized_11. A) decrease B) narrow C) neglect D) low_12. A) containing B) preventing C) keeping D) combating_13. A) win B) detail C) defeat

9、 D) fear_14. A) enormous B) countless C) numerical D) big_15. A) bring B) keep C) hold D) take_16. A) at B) with C) of D) for_17. A) offence B) investment C) invasion D) insult_18. A) construction B) facility C) infrastructure D) institution_19. A) why B) where C) when D) how_20. A) concerning B) co

10、ncluding C) according D) including参考答案:1.A 由文中第一行的digital divide得出答案。2.B obscure模糊的,不清楚的;visible看得见的,明显的;invisible看不见的;indistinct不清楚的,模糊的。空格前的less已有否定意义3.A force力量,武力;obstacle障碍;event事件;surprise惊奇,诧异。句意:现在有新的、乐观的力量来对抗数字鸿沟。4.C seriously认真地;entirely完全的;actually实际上;continuously 连续地。5.B negative消极的;opti

11、mistic乐观的;pleasant令人愉快的; disappointed令人失望的。前文说有积极的力量在对抗数字鸿沟的不利因素,因此,实 际上我们有理由保持乐观的态度。6.D develop发展;centralize集中;realize认识到;commercialize使商业化,由下文“网络有利于商业途径的普及”,可知此处表述的意思是网络越来越商业化。in the interest of.为了.的利益7.C user使用者;producer生产者;customer消费者;citizen公民。句意:越多的人上网就有越多的潜在消费者。8.B enterprise企业,事业;government政

12、府;official官员;句意:越来越多的政府害怕他们的国家.9.D leave behind 留下,超过与leave相关的短语:leave aside把某事搁置一边leave out 省去,遗漏,不考虑leave off 停止,不再穿10.A 网络把人们联系在一起,选netted11.B decrease减少,narrow变窄;neglect忽视,疏忽;low降低 句意:因此,我现在认为数字鸿沟是在变窄而不是在拓宽12.D contain包含,容纳;prevent防止,阻止;keep保留,保持;combat战斗,搏斗13.C win赢得;detail详述,细说;defeat击败,战胜;fea

13、r畏惧。14.A enormous巨大的;countless无数的;numerical数字的。potential作名词为不可数,不能用countless修饰,big一般表示尺寸、数字、围上的大。15.D take advantage of 利用16.B with respect to 关于,至于 with也可换成in.表示关于的还有with regard to,concerning等。17.C offence冒犯;investment投资;invasion入侵;insult侮辱18.C construction建筑;facility设备;infrastructure基础设施;instituti

14、on公共机构,制度。从后文中出现的infrastructure可以轻易得到答案。19.A 表语从句,表示原因,“这也就是为什么.”20.D concerning关于;concluding结束的;according根据;including包括An invisible border divides those arguing for computers in the classroom on the behalf of students career prospects and those arguing for computers in the classroom for broader rea

15、sons of radical educational reform. Very few writers on the subject have explored this _1_indeed, contradictionwhich goes to the heart of what is wrong with the _2_ to put computers in the classroom.An education that aims at getting a student a certain kind of job is a/an _3_ education, justified fo

16、r reasons radically different from why education is _4_ required by law. It is not simply to _5_ everyones job prospects that all children are legally _6_ to attend school into their teens.Rather, we have a certain _7_ of the American citizen,a character who is _8_ if he cannot competently assess _9

17、_ his livelihood and happiness are affected by things _10_ of himself.But this was not always the case; before it was legally required for all children to attend school until a certain _11_, it was widely accepted that some were just not equipped _12_ nature to pursue this kind of education.With opt

18、imism characteristic of all industrialized countries, we came to accept that everyone is _13_ to be educated. Computer-education advocates _14_ this optimistic notion for a pessimism that _15_ their otherwise cheery outlook. _16_ on the confusion between educational and vocational reasons for bringi

19、ng computers into schools, computer-education advocates often _17_ the job prospects of graduates over their educational _18_.There are some good arguments for a technical education given the right kind of student. Many European schools _19_ the concept of professional training early on in order to

20、make sure children are _20_ equipped for the professions they want to join.1.Adistinction Btopic Cseparation Deducation2.Acampaign Bpractice Caction Dgoal3.Ainformal Bbasic Ctechnical Dexpensive4.Adifferently Buniversally Cconversely Dregularly5.Aform Bconsist Carise Draise6.Aordered Binquired Crequ

21、ired Dacquired7.Aconception Binformation Ctheme Dimagination8.Acomplete Baccomplished Cincomplete Dimproper9.Awhy Bwhat Cwhere Dhow10.Ainside Boutside Cbeside Daside11.Ayear Bage Cday Dextent12.Ain Bat Cby Dwith13.Afit Bresponsible Csuitable Dable14.Aconsider Bforget Cforsake Dforetell15.Abelieves B

22、becomes Cbears Dbetrays16.AEncountering BBanking CDevising DSeeking17.Aemphasize Bencourage Cengage Denlarge18.Aacademy Bposition Cdegree Dachievement19.Ainteract Bintroduce Cannounce Dinvent20.Atraditionally Bdrastically Cproperly Dhardly 答案:15 AACBD 610 CACDB 1115 BCACD 1620 AADBCHave you ever won

23、dered what our future is like?Practically all people _1_ a desire to predict their future _2_.Most people seem inclined to _3_ this task using causal reasoning.First we _4_ recognize that future circumstances are _5_ caused or conditioned by present ones.We learn that getting an education will _6_ h

24、ow much money we earn later and that swimming beyond the reef may bring an unhappy _7_ with a shark.Second,people also learn that such _8_ of cause and effect are probabilistic(可能的) in nature.That is,the effects occur more often when the causes occur than when the causes are _9_, but not always.Thus

25、,students learn that studying hard _10_ good grades in most instances,but not every time.Science makes these concepts of causality and probability more _11_ and provides techniques for dealing _12_ then more accurately than does causal human inquiry.In looking at ordinary human inquiry,we need to _1

26、3_ between prediction and understanding.Often,even if we dont understand why,we are willing to act _14_ the basis of a demonstrated predictive ability.Whatever the primitive drives _15_ motivate human beings,satisfying them depends heavily on the ability to _16_ future circumstances.The attempt to p

27、redict is often played in a _17_ of knowledge and understanding.If you can understand why certain regular patterns _18_,you can predict better than if you simply observe those patterns.Thus,human inquiry aims _19_ answering both what and why question,and we pursue these _20_ by observing and figurin

28、g out.1. Aexhibit Bexaggerate Cexamine Dexceed2. Acontexts Bcircumstances Cinspections Dintuitions3.Aunderestimate Bundermine Cundertake Dundergo4. Aspecially Bparticularly Calways Dgenerally5. Asomehow Bsomebody Csomeone Dsomething6. Aenact Baffect Creflect Dinflect7. Ameeting Boccurrence Cencounte

29、r Dcontact8. Apatterns Bdesigns CarrangementsDpictures9. Adisappointde Babsent Cinadequate Dabsolute10.Acreates Bproduces Closes Dprotects11.Aobscure Bindistinct Cexplicit Dexplosive12.Afor Bat Cin Dwith13.Adistinguish Bdistinct Cdistort Ddistract14.Aat Bon Cto Dunder15.Awhy Bhow Cthat Dwhere16.Apre

30、dict Bproduce Cpretend Dprecede17.Acontent Bcontact Ccontest Dcontext18.Ahappen Boccur Coccupy Dincur19.Aat Bon Cto Dbeyond20.Apurposes Bambitions Cdrives Dgoals 参考答案:1.A 词义辨析 exhibit展出 ,表现,exaggerate夸,exceed超越,胜过 原句意为:实际上,人们会对未来的 生活怀有(展示出)一定的愿望。2.B 词义辨析 context上下文,circumstance环境,inspection检查,视察, intuition直觉

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