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1、四川高考英语真题附答案2006年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语四川卷第一卷第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is the shirt? A.19.15. B.9.15. C.9.18.答案是B.1How much will the man pay

2、 for the tickets? A.7.5. B.15. C.50.2. Which is the right gate for the mans flight? A. Gate 16. B. Gate 22. C. Gate 25.3. How does the man feel about going to school by bike? A. Happy. B. Tired. C. Worried.4. When can the woman get the computers? A. On Tuesday. B. On Wednesday. C. On Thursday.5. Wha

3、t does the woman think of the shirt for the party? A. The size is not large enough. B. The material is not good. C. The color is not suitable. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6,7题。6. What c

4、an we learn about Mr. Brown? A. He is in his office. B. He is at a meeting. C. He is out for a meal.7. What will the man probably do next? A. Call back. B. Come again. C. Leave a message.听第7段材料,回答第8,9题。8. What kind of room does the man want to take? A. A single room. B. A double room. C. A room for

5、three.9. What does the man need to put in the form? A. Telephone and student card numbers. B. Student card number and address. C. Address and telephone number.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. What is the relationship between the speakers? A. Fellow clerks. B. Boss and secretary. C.Customer and salesperson.11. W

6、hat does the man like about his job? A. Living close to the office. B. Chances to go abroad. C. Nice people to work with.12. What do we know about the woman? A. She likes traveling. B. She is new to the company. C. She works in public relations.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. When will the visitors come? A. In

7、 March. B. In April. C. In May.14. How many visitors are coming? A. 8. B. 10. C. 12.15. What will the visitors do on the second day? A. Go to a party. B. Visit schools. C. Attend a lecture.16. Where will the visitors go on the final day? A. To London. BTo Scotland. C. To the coast.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。

8、17. What is the first word the baby tried to say? A. Truck. B. OK. C. Duck.18. How old was the baby when he learned to say that word correctly? A. About 18 months. B. About 21 months. C. About 24 months.19. What did the father do when the baby screamed that word at the airport? A. He corrected the b

9、aby. B. He tried to stop the baby. C. He hid himself somewhere.20. Why did the mother pretend not to know the baby? A. She got angry with the father. B. She was frightened by the noise. C. She felt uneasy about the noisy baby.第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节语法和词汇知识(共巧小题;每小题1分,满分巧分)从A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳

10、选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. What a beautiful picture youve drawn! A. Not at all. B. Thank you. C. Youre great. D. Im proud of you.22. Look at the timetable. Hurry up! Flight 4026 _ off at 18:20. A. takes B. took C. will be taken D. has taken23. Mom, what did your doctor say? He advised me to live _ the air i

11、s fresher. A. in where B. in which C. the place where D. where24. Start out right away, _ youll miss the first train.A. and B. but C. or D. while25.The boss said we had only three days to finish the work. Dont worry. We have already _ two thirds of it.A. got down B. got through C. given in D. given

12、away26. The Chinese are proud of the 29e Olympic Games _ in Beijing in 2008.A. hold B. holding C. held D. to be held27. Did you enjoy yourself at the party? Yes. Ive never been to _ one before.A. a more excited B. the most excited C. a more exciting D. the most exciting28. At the foot of the mountai

13、n . A. a village lie B. lies a village C. does a village lie D. lying a village29. Can he take charge of the computer company? Im afraid its _ his ability. A. beyond B. within C. of D. to30. Its thirty years since we last met. But I still remember the story, believe it or not, _ we got lost on a rai

14、ny night. A. which B. that C. what D. when答案:B“_ we got lost on a rainy night”是解释story的具体内容,是同位语从句,不是定语从句,可以排除A和D。同位语从句句子成分齐全,所以选择B。本题容易误选其他答案,主要是对句子结构没分析到位。参见同为语从句31. Of all the books on the desk,_ is of any use for our study. A. nothing B. no one C. neither D. none答案:D解析:考查不定代词。由all可知,是指三者或三者以上,排除

15、C;nothing(没一样东西)与这里谈到的“书”毫无联系,排除A;no one =nobody(没有一个人)只能指人,也错了;指多者中“一个也没有,没有一个”用none。句中of any use=useful,在句中作表语。句意是“在桌上的所有这些书中,没有一本书对我们的学习有用。”32. Is Jack on duty today? It _ be him. Its his turn tomorrow. A. mustnt B. wont C. cant D. neednt33. _ with so much trouble, we failed to complete the task

16、on time. A. Faced B. Face C. Facing D. To facebe faced with34. Do you mind my smoking here? A. No, thanks. B. No. Good idea. C. Yes, please. D. Yes. Better not.35.Why didnt you tell him about the meeting? He rushed out of the room _ I could say a word. A. before B. until C. when D. after第二节 完形填空(共20

17、小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的四个选项(A,B,C和D)中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 One day, Raul was miles away from the small ranch(牧场)house in a large valley. _36_ seemed to be all right,yet he felt strange and somewhat uneasy. The wind had picked up,and angry,dark clouds _37_ across the sky. He could sme

18、ll the rain coming. And it did. _38_,the lightning flashed through the clouds, nearly _39_ Raul. The thunder(雷声)was so loud that he buried his _40_ in his hands and rubbed his eyes. Then he heard it. Hoofbeats(蹄声). He _41_. There before him stood a tall, white _42_. An old man stared down at him fro

19、m its back.“Wh-wh-who are y-y-you? asked Raul.“My name is Gray Cloud,”the old man answered_43_Come with me.”Raul followed on his horse. A _44_ feeling came over him. All _45_ them the rain was pouring down,_46_ not a drop fell on them. They seemed to be _47_ back toward Raul s home. Raul lost track

20、of time. Then all at once he found _48_ at the ranch gate. The old man turned his horse,_49_ his hand, and smiled. Lightning flashed again. The old man and his horse were _50_Rauls father ran out across the yard to _51_ him. We have been _52_ sick about you. Are you okay? Hurry. Lets get in out of t

21、he _53_”Wait,”said Raul. Have you ever heard of an old man called Gray Cloud?Cant say Iwait. I _54_ my great-grandfather used to tell stories about a man called Gray Cloud. He died a long time ago. They say he was _55_ by lightning during a terrible thunderstorm. Why do you ask?36. A. Something B. E

22、verything C. Anything D. Nothing37. A. dropped B. fell C. rolled D. covered38. A. Suddenly B. Strongly C. Quickly D. Hardly39. A. beating B. blinding C. burning D. touching40. A. nose B. hair C. neck D. head41. A. looked up B. woke up C. lay down D. sat down42. A. tiger B. horse C. lion D. elephant4

23、3. A. lazily B. angrily C. coldly D. slowly44. A. natural B. common C. strange D. bad45. A. around B. beside C. through D. above46. A. yet B. for C. so D. or47. A. walking B. leading C. heading D. returning48. A. them B. themselves C. him D. himself49. A. shook B. waved C. held D. took50. A. gone B.

24、 left C. followed D. lost51. A. see B. meet C. beat D. ask52. A. waited B. thought C. worried D. excited53. A. yard B. wind C. grass D. rain54. A. believe B. consider C. doubt D. forget55. A. defeated B. caught C. damaged D. struck第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列5篇短文,从每题所给的A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上

25、将该项涂黑。A I was the middle child of three,but there was a gap of five years on either side,and I hardly saw my father before I was eight. For this and other reasons I was somewhat lonely. I had the lonely childs habit of making up stories and holding conversations with imaginary persons,and I think fr

26、om the very start my literary ambitions(文学志向)were mixed up with the feeling of being isolated(孤独)and undervalued. I knew that I had a natural ability with words and a power of facing unpleasant facts,and I felt that this created a sort of private world in which I could get my own back for my failure

27、 in everyday life. However, the quantity of serious writing which I produced all through my childhood would not add up to half a dozen pages. I wrote my first poem at the age of four or five,my mother taking it down to dictation. I cannot remember anything about it except that it was about a tiger a

28、nd the tiger had chair-like teeth”-a good enough expression. At eleven,when the war of 1914-18 broke out, I wrote a poem which was printed in the local(地方的)newspaper, as was another, two years later, on the death of Kitchener. From time to time, when I was a bit older, I wrote bad and usually unfini

29、shed nature poems. I also, about twice,attempted a short story which was a failure. That was the total of the would-be serious work that I actually set down on paper during all those years.56. The underlined word“it in paragraph 2 refers to_. A. the quantity of serious writing B. the writers first p

30、oem C. the writers childhood D. the tiger in the poem57. From the text, we learn that as a little boy the writer A. had no playmates B. showed his gift for writing C. put out lots of poems and stories D. got his first poem published in 1916.58. What can be inferred about the writer? A. He was least

31、favoured in his family. B. He had much difficulty in talking with others. C. He had an unhappy childhood for lack of care. D. His loneliness resulted in his interest in writing.B Welcome to Ontario Parks,a new body set up to manage Ontarios most treasured special places, the parks in our area. We are entering a ver

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