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人教新目标七年级英语下册教案Unit 8一课时.docx

1、人教新目标七年级英语下册教案Unit 8一课时Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?The first period:The new words of Unit 8Teaching and learning Goals Learn the new words of Unit 8 in one class. Students learn to spell the words in this unit. Students try to learn how to read and remember the words and phrases, and how

2、 to learn individually and collectively. They can learn to make a story with the new words and try to memorize this story.Teaching and learning steps Step 1Learn to read the new words on page 126-1271. Ask the students to try to read the new words in this unit according to the phonetics given by the

3、mselves and underline the difficulties they meet. (the most difficult words: restaurant, hospital, neighborhood. )2. Give them a few minutes to deal with the problems they have in their pronunciation in pairs or groups. 3. Ask individual students to read the new words to the class, the others listen

4、 carefully. If necessary, the teacher should correct the mistakes.4. Ask the students to read the words three times after the tape. Then give them a few more minutes to read all the words quickly to consolidate the pronunciation.Step 2 Learn to remember these words 1. Remember the words by looking a

5、t pictures.This class well study some place nouns and prepositions, lets learn by looking at pictures. I want to post a letter in the post office. Do you want to work in the police station? My uncle has a big hotel. His father is a capital in a bank. Tom wants to have his own restaurant. Do you want

6、 to be in hospital or in the hospital? There are many cars in the citys street. There are many beautiful trees on both of the road sides. I dream to live in the beautiful town. (利用简单的句型和图片结合反复练习单词的发音及拼写, 能加深学生的记忆。)2. Remember the words by looking at the signs. Now, look at the signs, the signs are v

7、ery important in our life. Please do the actions according to the signs. Then let one student do the actions, the other students say out the words.(这些标志简单易记,并且在我们的实际生活中随处可见,通过这些标志来记忆单词有利于使学生树立深刻的印象。)3. Remember the words by looking at the picture and doing different actions.Now class, lets look at a

8、 picture and learn some locative prepositions.Students do different actions together according to the teachers instructions. For example:T: Take out your pen and pencil-box. Now listen and do as my saying. Put your pen on your pencil-box.The students put their pens on their pencil-boxes.T: Put your

9、pen in your pencil-box.The students put their pens in their pencil-boxes .(通过形象的图片和让学生做出不同指令的动作,有利于学生加深对介词位置的理解,更加形象、生动,易于理解。有利于培养学生对语言的直观理解和运用。)4. Remember the words by their similar pronunciations and forms. tree street n. 大街ear near prep. 在附近cross across adv. & prep 在对面 crossing n. 十字路口round arou

10、nd adv. & prep. 到处,大约own town n. 镇,市镇long along prep. 沿着end spend v. 花(时间,钱等)hair chair air n. 空气honey money n. 钱of ten often adv. 时常,常常(在英语单词的记忆中,通过语音记忆和联想记忆,不但记忆准确而且节省时间,是一种非常行之有效的记忆手段。因而在英语学习中,我们一定不要让学生养成单纯记字母的习惯,而是通过语音和相似单词进行记忆。)5. Remember the words by conversion(转换) , complex words (合成)and der

11、ivative(派生).(1) “There is a sun in the sky.” means “Its sunny.” and “We have sunshine.”(2) I have many neighbors in the neighborhood.(3) The work is easy, so I can do it easily.(4) “I cross a crossing.” means “I go across a crossing.”(通过掌握构词法来记忆单词。英语主要有三种构词法:转化,即由一个词类转化为另一个词类. 派生,即演过加前缀或后缀构成另一个词. 合成

12、,即由两个或更多的词合成一个词。这种记忆法可以将具有同一基本意义的不同词性或具有相反意义的一系列单词同时记忆,使不同单词的词义、词性不易混淆。)6. Remember the phrases by matching Chinese.1. post office a. 在对面2. police station b. 在前面3. pay phone c. 沿着走4. across from d. 喜欢阅读5. in the front of e. 邮局6. go along f. 付费电话7. turn left g. 花时间8. spend time h.向左转9. enjoy reading

13、i. 警察局(此环节用幻灯片呈现给学生,先让学生自己匹配最后教师纠正再给出正确的答案,给学生几分钟的时间去背诵,最后同桌互查,以达到全部通过。)Step 3 Consolidation of wordsGive the students a few minutes to try to memorize the words first . 1. Get the students to read the word by looking at the Chinese in Guide Book. Then look at the Chinese and say English.2. Spell th

14、e words in pairs and then write down the words with the Chinese given in guide books. Next, check the results each other .Underline the words they havent grasped.3. If they cant, dictate after class in groups. (设计意图:此环节为巩固单词。通过两两提问或使用助学默写的形式来对单词加以巩固。这一环节中不过关的学生需要利用自习课或课余的时间让小组长跟踪检查,尽量能让所有的学生顺利过关,让前十

15、名的学生教后十名课下采取一对一辅导。这样以优等生带动后进生提高很快。教师应及时督促、让小组长反馈检查的结果,做好跟踪检查。)Step 4 Read the story and translate it into ChineseFirst, ask the students to read the story and underline the new words. Second, let the student read the story and can understand its Chinese meaning. Third, read the story fluently by the

16、mselves. Next morning, let each group tell this story to the class.I live in a noisy neighborhood. My house is between a post office and a police station. There is a restaurant behind my house and there is a bank across from it. Next to the bank is a hospital and a hotel. There is a park and a zoo n

17、ear the town and you can get there easily. To get there, I often walk out and go along Green Street, then turn right at the first crossing. The park is on the right and I enjoy reading there. I like the clean air and sunshine. The best things in life are free, so you cant pay money for them. There i

18、s a pay phone in front of the park. On the left of North Road is a zoo. I love to spend time there on weekends and watch the monkeys climbing around. I like my neighborhood. 我住在一个繁华的社区, 我家在邮电局和警察局之间。在我家后面有一个餐馆,在对面有一个银行, 紧挨着银行是一家医院和宾馆。在街镇附近有一个公园和动物园,你可以容易的到达那儿,我经常走出去,沿着格林大街,在第一个十字路口向右转。公园在右边,我喜欢在那儿阅读

19、。我喜欢清新的空气和阳光。生活中最好的事情是免费的, 因而你不用为他们付钱。在公园的前面有付费电话。在北大街的左边是一个动物园。我喜欢周末在那儿度过时光、观看猴子四处爬。我喜欢我的社区。(在所编写的故事中,用到了本单元所学的所有单词,故事的编写以本单元的重点句型和课文基本内容为主,故事简单实用,贴近生活,使学生有身临其境的感觉,易于接受。)Step 5 Look at the memory tree to tell this story.The main words of the unit.Get the students to retell the story using the mind

20、map. Green Street (设计意图:在学生基本掌握本单元单词的基础上,根据单元话题要求和对重点单词要求编写了一个小故事。但单纯记忆故事对学生有些难度,因而设计了一幅所居住的社区图,直观而印象深刻,有利于学生结合图片进行立体思维。既复习了当堂课所学单词又发散了学生的思维,与本单元的教学目标相吻合。同时,引导学生在具体的语境中体会单词、词组的意思和用法,体现了在使用中学的教学理念,有助于课堂教学效率的提高。)Step6 end-of-class test一、 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。1. E me, is there a hotel near here?2. The p phon

21、e is on the street.3. The police station is not f from here.4. The bank is a from the pay phone.5. There is a ball b the door. And you cant see it.6. Walk a this street and turn left.7. There is a bank on Bridge R .8. He looked a but could see nobody.9. He studies in a f school, so he need not pay.1

22、0. There are many kinds of sports in my school l .11.Canyougotothep_officetosendaletterforme?12.Tomisillinh_.13.Letsgotother_andeatsomefood.14.Youshouldputthemoneyintheb_.二、根据汉语提示完成句子,每空词数不限。1. The library is the park (在之间) bank.2. Two boys are (在前面) the library。3. Look! The restaurant is (靠近) the s

23、upermarket.4. The bank is (在对面) the supermarket.5. There are two post offices (在这个城镇).6. Go (沿着)this street, you can find a post office.7. I see a bank at the third (十字路口) .8. Do you find the supermarket on your (左边)?9. Go along Xinhua Street and (转向) right and you can get to the pay phone.10. There

24、 are two big supermarkets in the (街区) .(课堂检测没有设计太难的题目,基本通过阅读文本就能选出单词,主要是针对大多数同学而进行设计的,增加学生学习的自信心。)Step7 Homework 必做题:1. Dictate the words of unit2 in groups.2. Preview Unit 2Section A.选做题:总结单词的词类,词性, 发音规则及用法, 用新单词来编一个新故事。【亮点】本单元的生词课堂设计涵盖了本单元新学的所有单词和短语。本节课借助图片展示所学单词,激发了学生学习单词的积极性,其中也包含了通过认识标识、根据老师指令做

25、动作以及单词发音的趣记等方法记忆单词。尤其是短文编写以学生居住环境为载体、以认识社区地图为主线,对单词有了全方位的认识,并能够初步进行运用,同时在单词的拼读学习中注重了学生自学能力和小组合作能力的培养。通过各种形式的单词记忆既加深了单词的识记,又学会了部分单词的用法,渗透了本单元的重点话题,达到了预习的目的;当堂检测的设计更是有效地补充与巩固了词汇的运用。【不足】由于本单元单词比较多,课堂的设计环节又比较多,因而一节课讲得比较仓促,使成绩弱的同学不能更好地进行练习和反馈。【使用建议】要根据学生的实际情况进行使用,不可只为了完成任务而盲目求快,这样学生也消化不了。The keys of the end-of-class test一、 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。1. Excuse 3.far 4.across 5.Behind 6.along 7.Road 8.around 10. Library 13.rastaurant 14.bank二、根据汉语提示完成句子,每空词数不限。1.between, and front to 4.across from the town 6.along 7.crossing 8.left 9.turn 10.neighborhood

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