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1、全国卷完形填空真题二全国卷完形填空真题(二)11.(2011全国)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。There are times when people are so tired that they fall asleep almost anywhere. We can see there is a lot of sleeping on the bus or train on the1home from work in the evenings. A man will be2the newspaper, and second

2、s later it3as if he is trying to4it. Or he will fall asleep on the shoulder of the stranger5next to him. 6place where unplanned short sleep7is in the lecture hall where a student will start snoring(打鼾)so8that the professor has to ask another student to9the sleeper awake. A more embarrassing(尴尬) situ

3、ation occurs when a student starts falling into sleep and the10of the head pushes the arm off the11, and the movement carries the12of the body along. The student wakes up on the floor with no13of getting there. The worst time to fall asleep is when14. Police reports are full of15that occur when peop

4、le fall into sleep and go16the road. If the drivers are17, they are not seriously hurt. One womans car, 18, went into the river. She woke up in four feet of19and thought it was raining. When people are really20, nothing will stop them from falling asleepno matter where they are.1. A. wayB. trackC. p

5、athD. road2. A. buyingB. foldingC. deliveringD. reading3. A. actsB. showsC. appearsD. sounds4. A. openB. eatC. findD. finish5. A. lyingB. waitingC. talkingD. sitting6. A. NextB. EveryC. AnotherD. One7. A. goes onB. ends upC. lastsD. returns8. A. bravelyB. happilyC. loudlyD. carelessly9. A. leaveB. s

6、hakeC. keepD. watch10. A. sizeB. shapeC. weightD. strength11. A. cushionB. deskC. shoulderD. book12. A. actionB. positionC. restD. side13. A. memoryB. reasonC. questionD. purpose14. A. thinkingB. workingC. walkingD. driving15. A. changesB. eventsC. ideasD. accidents16. A. upB. offC. alongD. down17.

7、A. luckyB. awakeC. calmD. strong18. A. in timeB. at firstC. as usualD. for example19. A. dustB. waterC. grassD. bush20. A. tiredB. drunkC. lonelyD. lazy解析 11.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。文章借助几种常见的睡觉现象, 如公交车上、报告厅里、甚至驾驶室里, 说明了人过度疲劳时, 到处都是睡觉的“温床” , 瞌睡无处不在。1. Aon the way home from work指下班回家的路上。属于固定搭配。B: 轨迹; C: 小路; D:

8、 道路, 均不符合题意。2. D由生活常识可知, 人们往往会在公交车上看报纸。看报纸应用read the newspaper。A: 买; B: 折叠; C: 投递; 接生, 均与文章主题毫无关系。因此排除A、B和C三个选项。3. C从后面的内容he is trying to eat it可以分析, 这个看报纸的人好像要“吃” 报纸。“似乎、好像” 应该用it appears as if. . . A: 行动; B: 展示, 表明; D: 听起来, 均与后文中“吃” 无关。4. B从前后语境分析, 此处强调看报纸的那个人打瞌睡了, 给人的感觉好像是要吃报纸的样子。A、C和D三个选项都显示不出文章

9、的主题“睡” 。5. D上文中的信息on the bus or train说明: 过度劳累有可能会靠在坐在旁边的陌生人的肩膀上睡着。6. C前面信息主要说明了人们在车上睡觉的情况。此处表达人很容易睡着的另一场合, 那就是报告厅。7. Ago on进行; end up结束; last持续; return返回, 归还。这里指睡觉这一动作在进行。8. C学生打鼾声音太大以致得叫其他同学把他摇醒。A: 勇敢地; B: 高兴地, 愉快地; D: 粗心地。打鼾声音大应用loudly。9. Bshake sb. awake摇醒某人。10. C根据pushes the arm off可推测, 这里是说学生睡着

10、时由于头的重量压在胳膊上, 致使胳膊离开桌面。因此C项符合题意。11. B根据一般常识判断, 同学们一般趴在桌面上睡觉, 故选B。12. C关键信息and the movement表明这一举动也带动了身体的其他部位一起倒下了。rest表“其他, 剩余部分” 。A: 动作, 作用; B: 位置, 姿态; D: 旁边, 侧面, 均不符合题意。13. A根据上下文推测, 这里指那位掉在地板上的学生醒来之后还想不起自己怎么在地板上。with memory of记得。B: 理由; C: 问题; D: 目的, 都不符合题意。14. D由下文信息If the drivers are. . . 可推测, 此处

11、强调最糟的就是开车打盹。D是最佳选项。15. D从该句分析, 这里是警察统计的发生的交通事故。(交通等重大)事故应用accident。16. Bgo off the road偏离道路。17. A如果司机幸运的话, 就不会伤得很重。18. D此处作者在举例子。19. B由下文的信息and thought it was raining可以猜测, 那位女司机醒来之后发现自己在四英尺深的水里, 还以为是天在下雨呢。20. A文章首尾呼应, 表明: 当人真的累了时, 无论身在何处, 都能睡着。12.(2012全国) Around twenty years ago I was living in York

12、. 1 I had a lot of experience and a Masters degree, I could not find 2 work.I was 3 a school bus to make ends meet and 4 with a friend of mine, for I had lost my flat. I had5five interviews(面试) with a company and one day between bus runs they called to say I did not 6the job. “Why has my life become

13、 so 7 ? ” I thought painfully.As I pulled the bus over to8 a little girl, she handed me an earring9 I should keep it 10 somebody claimed (认领) it. The earring was painted black and said “BE HAPPY”.At first I got angry. Then it 11 meI had been giving all of my12 to what was going wrong with my 13rathe

14、r than what was right!I decided then and there to make a 14of fifty things I was happy with. Later, I decided to15 more things to the list. That night there was a phone call for 16 from a lady who was a director at a large 17 . She asked me if I would 18 a one- day lecture on stress (压力) management

15、to 200 medical workers. I said yes.My 19 there went very well, and before long I got a well- paid job. To this day I know that it was because I changed my way of 20 that I completely changed my life.1. A. AsB. ThoughC. IfD. When2. A. successfulB. extraC. satisfyingD. convenient3. A. drivingB. repair

16、ingC. takingD. designing4. A. workingB. travellingC. discussingD. living5. A. prepared forB. attendedC. asked forD. held6. A. loseB. likeC. findD. get7. A. hardB. busyC. seriousD. short8. A. wave atB. drop offC. call onD. look for9. A. orderingB. promisingC. sayingD. showing10. A. in caseB. or elseC

17、. as ifD. now that11. A. hurtB. hitC. caughtD. moved12. A. feelingsB. attentionC. strengthD. interests13. A. opinionsB. educationC. experiencesD. life14. A. listB. bookC. checkD. copy15. A. connectB. turnC. keepD. add16. A. herB. a passengerC. meD. my friend17. A. hospitalB. factoryC. restaurantD. h

18、otel18. A. listen toB. reviewC. giveD. talk about19. A. planB. choiceC. dayD. tour20. A. operationB. speakingC. employmentD. thinking解析 12.语篇解读本文为记叙文。文章借助作者的亲身经历说明了一个道理,即思维方式的转变可以改变一个人的生活。1. B由I could not find(satisfying)work可知前后句是转折关系,as作 “though”讲时,应用倒装形式,其余两项不符合句意。2. C从前后语境分析可知作者是一名校车司机,作者认为这份工作与

19、他的学历、经历不相称,故答案为C项。successful成功的; extra额外的; convenient方便的。3. A从下文As I pulled the bus over to (drop off) a little girl. . .推测作者是一名司机,故答案为A项。4. D根据for I had lost my flat (因为我没有住的地方)可推知作者现在和他的一位朋友住在一起。此空与前面的driving为并列关系。5. B attend five interviews参加了五次面试,属于固定搭配。prepare for准备; ask for请求; hold举行,举办。6. D g

20、et the job获得工作,由下文作者感叹 “Why has my life become so(hard)?”可知没有获得这份工作。7. A根据下文中的I thought painfully可推知作者认为自己的生活很艰难。A:艰难的; B:忙碌的; C:严肃的,认真的; D:短暂的。8. B根据常识可知作者靠边停车是为了让某人下车。drop off:allow sb. to get out of a car,etc.让下车。wave at朝挥手; call on sb.拜访某人; look for寻找。9. C强调说话内容用say。order命令; promise承诺; show出示,表明

21、。10. A句意:她递给我一个耳环并告诉我要把这个耳环留下来以防别人认领。in case以防; or else否则,要不然; as if似乎,好像; now that既然。11. B句意:然后我脑海中突然浮现出这个想法 sth. hit sb.等于it strikes (occurs to) sb.,意为:某人突然想起某事。12. B句意:我一直关注的是生活中的阴暗面而不是积极的一面! feeling感情,感觉; attention注意,关注; strength力(气),力量,长处; interest兴趣,爱好。13. D由第二段中的 “Why has my life become so(ha

22、rd)?”可推知答案。opinion观点,看法; education教育,培养; experience经验; life生命,生活。14. A根据下一句中的I decided to (add)more things to the list可知答案。15. D句意:后来,我决定把更多的东西加到这个单子上。add. . . to. . .把加入; connect. . . to/with连接,结合; turn to求助于; keep to遵守,信守,坚持。16. C结合上下文可知电话是打给作者的,所以用me。17. A根据下文中的200 medical workers可判断设空处为hospital。

23、18. C give/deliver a lecture为固定搭配,意为:讲课,讲学。19. C根据上文中的a one-day lecture可知答案。20. D根据倒数第二段可知,作者改变了自己的思维方式(即从过去关注生活中的阴暗面到关注生活中的积极面),从而改变了自己的生活。operation手术; speaking说; employment职业,雇用。长难句 To this day I know that it was because I changed my way of thinking that I completely changed my life.到现在我才知道,因为我改变了

24、思维方式,所以才彻底改变了我的生活。句中第一个that引导的是宾语从句,作know的宾语。该宾语从句又包含一个强调句型,被强调部分为 “because I changed my way of thinking”。13.(2012课标全国)Body language is the quiet, secret and most powerful language of all! It speaks 1than words. According to specialists, our bodies send out more 2 than we realize. In fact, non- verb

25、al(非言语) communication takes up about 50% of what we really 3 . And body language is particularly 4when we attempt to communicate across cultures. Indeed, what is called body language is so 5a part of us that its actually often unnoticed. And misunderstandings occur as a result of it.6 , different so

26、cieties treat the 7 between people differently. Northern Europeans usually do not like having 8 contact(接触) even with friends, and certainly not with 9 . People from Latin American countries, 10 , touch each other quite a lot. Therefore, its possible that in 11, it may look like a Latino is 12 a Nor

27、wegian all over the room. The Latino, trying to express friendship, will keep moving 13. The Norwegian, very probably seeing this as pushiness, will keep 14 which the Latino will in return regard as 15.Clearly, a great deal is going on when people16. And only a part of it is in the words themselves.

28、 And when parties are from 17cultures, theres a strong possibility of 18 . But whatever the situation, the best 19 is to obey the Golden Rule: treat others as you would like to be20.1. A. straighterB. louderC. harderD. further2. A. soundsB. invitationsC. feelingsD. messages3. A. hopeB. receiveC. dis

29、coverD. mean4. A. immediateB. misleadingC. importantD. difficult5. A. wellB. farC. much D. long6. A. For exampleB. Thus C. HoweverD. In short7. A. tradeB. distanceC. connectionsD. greetings8. A. eyeB. verbalC. bodilyD. telephone9. A. strangersB. relativesC. neighboursD. enemies10. A. in other wordsB

30、. on the other handC. in a similar wayD. by all means11. A. troubleB. conversationC. silenceD. experiment12. A. disturbingB. helping C. GuidingD. Following13. A. closerB. fasterC. inD. away14. A. stepping forwardB. going on C. backing awayD. coming out15. A. weaknessB. carelessnessC. friendlinessD. coldness16. A. talkB. travelC. laughD. think17. A. differentB. EuropeanC. LatinoD. rich18. A. curiosityB. excitementC. MisunderstandingD. Nervousness19. A. chanceB. timeC. resultD. advice

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