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1、看听学3L1知识点Look Listen Learn3L 英语知识点Linda2011年Lesson1-2知识点单词: 1. meet Nice to meet you . 见到你很高兴。 2. and you and I 我和你(第一人称放到最后) 3. this 反义词:that 4. is (be动词)妈妈有三个儿子:am,is ,are. 口诀:我用am 你用are;is跟着他她它;复数全部都用are . 5. class Class 1 一班 classroom 教室 classmate 同学 6. her her class 她的班级 her mother 她的妈妈8. Mr.Mr

2、. Li 李先生Mr. +姓 9. which 特殊疑问词,引导特殊疑问句放在句首 10. your your pen your class your teacher 11. the 定冠词,特指 12. sir 单独使用,后面不跟姓,首字母小写 13. here 反义词:there 那儿 19. school bag 书包 handbag 手提包 20. rubber = eraser 橡皮关键句型 1. Meet Sandy and Sue ! 祈使句祈使句: a. 省略主语 b.动词开头c. 表示命令,请求,要求等。 2. This is Sues class. s:a. 表示的所有格,

3、不能拆开 如: mothers b. is的缩写,表示“是”。如:it is = its 3. Which is your pen, Sue? 特殊疑问句:(1)不能用yes, no 来回答。(2) 读时用降调。(3)用特殊疑问词引导。Lessson 3-4知识点单词:1. his 他的(所有格)主格I you she he it they we所有格 my your her his its their our2. Miss.对应词 Mr. 3. Williams 姓 4. whose 谁的 who 谁 5. cap 帽子(前沿帽) hat 帽子(全沿帽)7. Yes?升调(什么事)Yes.降

4、调(是的)反义词:no 8. come 反 go sit 反 stand up 反 down stand up 反 sit down 9. please 放在句首句尾都可以.句型 1. This isSandys class. 所有格的 2. His teachers Miss Williams. 缩写是 3. Whose is this cap? = Whose cap is this? 4. Its Sandys .(省略句) Its Sandys (cap) 5. Is this your cap? (一般疑问句)Yes, it is No, it isnt 6. Which book

5、is Sandys? -The green book.语法:( 1 )whose 引导的特殊疑问句 (2)Is this your cap?一般疑问句(3)形容词性物主代词(所有格):his, her, my, your, its,our, their主格: he, she, I, you, it, we, theyLesson5-6知识点Lesson5单词 2. ball football, volleyball ,basketball ,balloon , ballpen 3. all We are all here. 我们全都在这儿。 4. right (1)对的反义词:wrong (2

6、)右边反义词:left同音词:write5. All right = ok6. look (1)看(2)注意 look out(小心,注意)7. sorry = Im sorry 8.Its all right 没关系。(1)Not at all. (2)Thats all right. (3)Its ok.重要句型:1.Kick the ball.祈使句2. Look, Sandy 祈使句3.Whose is this ball? =Whose ball is this?4. Is this your ball, Tom? 一般疑问句用Yes,No来回答,用升调来读。5. it isnt =

7、is not Lesson6单词2. bicycle=bike 3. pencil-box= pencil-case 4.basket basketball 5.desk 课桌 table 饭桌8. grey =gray 10. black black tea红茶11.chair armchair扶手椅 chairman 主席Lesson7-8知识点重要词汇1. who特殊疑问词(whose, which, what, where, why) 2. May姓,五月3. with (1)拿着The boy with the ball.(2)和在一起 play with a dog 4. foot

8、ball 合成词,类似的有:basketball, volleyball5. foot 复数feet on foot 步行6. woman 复数women womens Day man复数men人称代词第一人称第二人称第三人称主格代词Iweyouyouhesheitthey宾格代词meusyouyouhimheritthem形容词性物主代词myouryouryourhisheritstheir句型 1. Who is that girl? Which girl? The girl on the red bicycle. 2. on the red bicycle 骑着红色自行车 Lesson9

9、-10课知识点单词1. Hullo = hello 2. mum 小孩的口语 mother 正式 3. tea green tea 绿茶 black tea 红茶 4. Are you ready? 你准备好了么? -Yes, Im ready. 是的,我准备好了。 5. hungry 反 full 6. no 可单独使用,not不可单独使用。 7. now right now 立刻,马上 8. very thank you very much 9.thirsty 渴的 thirty 三十句子 1. 一般疑问句:Are you hungry ? Yes, I am.No,Im not. 3.

10、Tea is ready.4. Whats for tea? 5. Im very hungry. 6.-Is Sandy thirsty?-No, he isnt.语法:1.基数词。 + 形容词(系表结构)Lesson11-12知识点单词2. picture draw a picture 3.nice Thats a nice dress 那是件漂亮的裙子。句型 1. Whats that? Its a.2. Whatsthis? Its a 3. whos that/this? Its 4. Thats nice.Look at 5. Whose is that ball? Its

11、 Sandys. 6. It isnt a ball.Its a basket. 7. Is that a basket? No, it isnt a basket. Its a ball. 8. Is that ball Sues? No, itsAndys. 9. What colour is that ball? Its yellow.语法:What ,who引导的一般疑问句Lesson 13-14知识点单词 2.listen listen to music 听音乐 4.put put on 穿上 7. evening in the evening 8.children 单数child

12、9.empty 反full 13. school go to school上学 go to the school 去学校句子 1. The egg is for you. 2. Put the egg in the egg-cup.3. Good evening 4. Its empty 5. What is it? Its6. What colour is it? Its red7. Is it an apple? No, its an orange 8.What colour is the apple? The aple is red and green.Lesson15-16课知识点及习

13、题单词1. hat sun hat 太阳帽2.shoe slipper便鞋 sandal 凉鞋 a pair of shoes 3. knock knock at(on)the door 敲门4.door open(shut,close)the door 把门关上。at the door 在门边5.policeman-policemen policewoman-policewomen6. postman milkman hot dog 热狗短语 Put on, come with me, come in, knock at the door, look at me,an actor

14、, an actress, mums shoes,dads hat句子1. Who is he? He is a schoolboy.2. Look at him, he isnt a policeman. 3. Are you a ? No, Im not.Lesson17-18知识点及习题单词 1.fat 胖的反义词:thin ,slim 反义词old open the door open your eyes 反:close 5.give give sb sth =give sth to sbe.g.: give me a book = give a book t

15、o me 6.thin 瘦的,薄的。E.g.: Its a thin book.10. handsome =good looking a handsome boy 一个英俊少年11. beautiful a beautiful girl Lesson19-20课知识点及习题单词1.bag handbag school bag a bag of 一包2.heavy 重的反:light 4.sixsixteensixty 7. light 轻的,灯反:heavy句型:1.Look at that schoolbag. Its heavy2. Is the brown schoolbag heavy

16、? Yes, it is .No, it isntLesson21-22知识点Sentences :1. What nationality are you ? Im Fench2. come on my side 3. Is the policeman Fench ? No, he isnt .4. Is that policeman Fench or English ? He isnt French, hes English.5.What make is it ? Its American .New words1Nationality nation 国家 national national

17、flag 国旗2. French French fries 炸薯条3. side lefe-hand said 左手边4. pull 反:pushLesson23-24知识点及习题单词 1. box 盒子 case pencil-box 文具盒 box office 售票处 Boxer 拳击员 boxing拳击 shadow boxing太极拳 2. Jack-in-the-box 玩偶盒 music box音乐盒 3. Jack and Jill 少男少女数字:twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven , twenty-eight , twenty-nine

18、,thirty句子 1. Is that a blue cup ? It isnt a blue one. Its a white one . 2. Give me that cup please. Which one ?The new white one ? No, not that one .The old blue one Lesson25-26课知识点及习题单词 1. there 那儿 a. I live there. I go there every year . b.there be 结构,表示有 There is a tree in the garden . There are

19、some books on the desk . 2. at the door at the bus stop, at the traffic lights, at her desk 3. Good morning . Good afternoon, Good evening. 4. letter 信 a .write a letter to sb. Get a letter from sb . Hear from sb 收到某人的来信 post a letter 寄一封信 Letter-box 信箱 b. a letter of thanks 感谢信 a letter of introduc

20、tion介绍信 c.字母 There are 26 letters in the alphabet .5. mother : mother land 祖国 mother tongue 母语 Mothers Day 母亲节6. father : father of two 两个孩子的父亲 Father Christmas 圣诞老人 Like father , like son . 有其父必有其子 Fathers: 祖先 grandfather(grandmother, grandson, granddaughter)7.bill 账单,纸币;比尔 Telephone bill 账单 gas bi

21、ll 煤气账单8. shop = store book shop 书店 go shopping 购物9 Street = road Lincoln street 林肯大街句型 1. There be 句型 2. Is there a woman at the door ? No, it isnt . (Yes, it is) 3. Is he a postman ? Yes, he is .Lesson27-28课知识点及习题New words : 1. these 这些 eg: these books 2. colour (1)颜色,色彩 What colour is your car ?

22、(2)动词,给。着色 colour the wall yellow 3. lock 锁 a new locks 一把新锁反:unlock lock the door 4. 数字 ten, twenty, thirty, fourty ,fifty ,sixty ,seventy , eighty,ninety , one hubdred重要句型 1.What colour are your shoes ? My shoes are black . 2. Look at these shoes. 3. Which are your shoes ?句型操练1. Which are your boo

23、ks ? The red books . 2. What colour are your books ? My books are red . 3. Are your books red ? No, they arent. (Yes, they are ) 4. Are your books red or blue ? My books arent blue . My books are red .Lesson29-30课知识点及习题一. New words 1. hand n. 手 a. left hand, right hand green hand 生手,新手 b. 指针。 The ho

24、ur hand .c. hand in hand 手拉手 d. finger 2. clean (1)形容词:清洁的反:dirty (2)打扫,弄干净clean the room (3)cleaner 清洁工,干洗店(4)dry cleaning干洗 a general cleaning 大扫除cleanings扫出来的垃圾 (1)v. 出示,显示,给。看 eg: show me your tickets (2)n. 展览会,演出,节目 fashion show talk show 4. they (他她它)们5. dirty 脏的 dirty clothes 反:clean6.

25、go 反come go to school上学 go to the classroom 去教室7. wash v.洗(1)wash clothes wash dishes (2) Washing machine 洗衣机 Washington华盛顿 Washington DC 华盛顿市 Washington State 华盛顿州 8. at once 立即 Do it at once Once adv. (1)曾经 She was once rich (2)一次 once again, once more 从前 once upon a time 9. towel毛巾 soap 肥皂 shampo

26、o 洗发水 comb 梳子二. 句型 1. Are your hands clean ? Yes, my hands are clean . 2. Your hands arent clean 3. Wash your hands 4. Are Sues hands dirty ? No,they arent . (Yes, they are ) 5. Are Sues hands clean or dirty ? Sues hands arent dirty . Sues hands are clean .6.What about the brown shoes ? The brown sh

27、oes are small .Lesson31-32课知识点一. 单词 1. heads : head(头)+s 正面 2. tails: tail(尾巴)+s 反面 3. our 我们的主格:we 单数my your his her its复数 our your their二. 课文分析 Heas or tails ,Sue ? or 表选择, “或者还是”Lesson33-34知识点及习题一. 单词.1. try: have a try 试一试 2.try on: put on 穿上3. tight: tights 紧身衣形近词: light night right4. those: 反义

28、词 these 单数that 5.pretty : (1)漂亮的(2)可爱的近义词:beautiful nice6 . lady :young lady 小姐7. right: (1)合适的(2)正确的(3)右边8. 词组:these shoes 这些鞋 try on 试穿 sit down 坐下just right正好合适 9. Try on these shoes = Try these shoes on .二. 句型: 1. 变复数:eg: This banana is nice . These bananas are nice . 2.变疑问句:eg: Is this banana n

29、ice ? 3.变否定: eg: This banana isnt nice .三.语法.口诀: 句中有be动词,变否定句在be动词之后直接加not ,变疑问句可把be动词提前。Lesson35-36知识点一. 课文分析: 1. Show me those Italian stamps , Billy. Show sb sth = show sth to sb 2 .Give sb sth =give sth to sb 3 .Two apples for one stamp! 两个苹果换一张邮票。Lesson37-38知识点一. 单词: pupil 小学生 student 学生二. This

30、 iserLiz. This is 用于英语中介绍人三. (1) 提问国籍: eg: Mr. Crisp is English .(对划线部分提问) What nationality is Mr. Crisp?(2) 提问工作: eg: He is a teacher . (对划线部分提问) What is he? =Whats his job?Lesson39-40知识点一 . 单词及短语 : 1. sandwich: 复数sandwiches (以ch , sh, x, s 结尾的名词,变复数要加-es ,如:watch ,brush, box ,bus ) 2 .take 反义词bring take out 反义词put in 3.duster: dust(弹子) +er dust the table 弹弹桌子上的灰 4.hurry up 赶快 in a hurry 匆忙

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