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1、冠词的用法小结a, an, the的用法精讲及练习冠词是虚词,本身不能单独使用,也没有词义,它用在名词的前面,帮助指明名词的含义。英语中的冠词有三种,一种是定冠词(the Definite Article),另一种是不定冠词(the Indefinite Article),还有一种是零冠词(Zero Article)。an, a是不定冠词,仅用在单数可数名词前面,表示“一”的意义,但不强调数目观念。a用在以辅音(指辅音音素)开头的词前, an用在以元音(指元素音素)开头的词前。the是定冠词,修饰特指名词 翻译成“这个”。 如果泛指某物,用a,/an,具体指某物的话,用the.注意:(1)当我

2、们使用an时,条件有三:这个名词的读音必须是以元音音素开头-即它的 音标的第一个音素是元音,而不是说它是以元音字母开头。它必须是个可数名词。它还必须是个单数名词。我们常常见到这类用法: a university 一所大学 an hour 一个小时 an orange 一只桔子 an engineer 一位工程师 an ordinary man一个普通人 an honest person一位诚实的人 a boy, a city, a girl, a useful animal , an old man, an honest boy, a bad apple, a tall elephant, a

3、 university(虽然u 是元音字母,但不读元音), an hour 一个小时 (虽然h 不是元音,但单词读音是元音开头)不定冠词有a和an两种:a用于辅音音素开头的词前,an用于元音音素开头的词前。例如:a boy, a city, a girl, a useful animal , an old man, an honest boy, a bad apple, a tall elephant, a university(虽然u 是元音字母,但不读元音), an hour 一个小时 (虽然h 不是元音,但单词读音是元音开头)1指某类人或事物中的任何一个。An elephant is b

4、igger than a horse.A car runs faster than a bike.(2)指人或事物,用来表示“”的意思,但不强调数的观念,只说明名词为不特定者。指人或事物即不具体说明是何人何物。例如: There are seven days in a week. We have three meals a day. A teacher is looking for you. We work five days a week.(3)不定冠词含有“”的意思,但数量观念没有one强烈,在句子里一般可以不必译出,但若有“一个”的意思则译出,例如: Theres a tree on t

5、he hill. He has an interesting book. An orange is good for you. 桔子对你有好处。 How much is it ? 多少钱? Two yuan a kilo. 二元一公斤。(4)一般用在可数名词单数前,指人或事物的某一种类。例如:Bill is a student.He is a doctor.(5)用在某些固定词组中。例如:a lot of, a moment ago, a few, a little a bit have a rest have a cold a kind of a piece of have a good t

6、ime6.首次提到的人或物。一不定冠词的用法:2指人或事物,但不具体说明何人或何物。There are seven days in a week. We have three meals a day.4指某类人或事物中的任何一个。An elephant is bigger than a horse.A car runs faster than a bike.(2)定冠词在句子中,既可以用于可数名词前,也可以用于不可数名词前;既用在可数名词的单数形式前,也用在可数名词的复数形式前。从表达意义上讲,它既可表达this, that之意义,也可表达these, those之意义。二. 定冠词的用法 (

7、1)特指某(些)人或某(些)事物。 例如: The book on the desk is mine. (2)指双方都知道的人或事物。 例如: Open the door, please. 请开门。 (3)用在世界上独一无二的事物前。the sun the earth the moon the sky the world例如: The sun is bigger than the moon.太阳比月亮大些。 但这些名词作为描绘性定语时,可用不定冠词。例如: Look! A red sun is rising. 瞧!一轮红日正在升起。 (4)用在序数词和形容词最高级前。例如: The first

8、 island is the biggest of the three.第一个小岛是三个中最大的。 (5)用在用普通名词构成的党派,国家等专有名词以及江河、海洋、山脉、群岛、海峡、海湾等专有名词前。the Sahara 撒哈拉沙漠 the Jinggang Mountains 井冈山 the Changjiang River长江 the Pacific Ocean 太平洋the Red Sea红海 the Suez 苏伊士运河the United Nations联合国 the Great Wall 长城the Red Cross Hospital红十字医院例如: They will visit

9、 the Great Wall next week. (6)用在形容词前表示一类人,the +形容词指的是一群人,是一种复数含义,所以其后动词应用复数形式。the rich有钱人 the poor 穷人 the sick病人 the old 老人the young年轻人 the blind 盲人例如: The old are sick. 这些老人生病了。(7)用在姓名复数形式前表示一家人或一家人中的两个,或两个以上的人。例如: The Smiths have moved to London. 斯密斯一家去了伦敦。 The Whites have no children .怀特夫妇没有小孩。(8

10、)用在某些习惯用语,固定搭配中。例如: in the morning 在早上 on the left 在左边 the day before yesterday 前天 all the same 都一样 at the same time 同时 in the day 在白天in the end 最终 by the way 顺便说一下in the open air 在户外 the same as.和。相同tell the truth 说真话 (9)弹奏西方乐器前面要用定冠词,东方乐器则不用。如:Play the piano play Erhu(10)用于逢十数词的复数前, 指世纪中的年代。The wa

11、r boke out in the thirties.(11)用于方向或者方位名词前。(12)He lives to the east of Los Angeles.基本用法巧记:特指双方都熟悉,上文已提示。世上独无二,序数最高级某些专有名,习语及乐器。三零冠词即不用冠词的情况:1专有名词和不可数名词: China, Class One如特指可与冠词连用。2泛指的复数名词前:Books are my best friend.3在星期(on Monday)、月份(in March)、季节(in Summer)、节日(in Christmas)前。4一日三餐(have breakfast)、球类(

12、play basketball)、学科(maths)、语言( in English)名词前。5职务、头衔、称呼前:Doctor,I am not feeling well.6名词前已有指示代词、物主代词或不定冠词时。7在某些固定短语中。by bus by bike in bed at homeon foot in class go to collegego to school day and night from morning till night练习:选择a或an或者不填(用/来表示) pen bag apple big apple banana orange oranges orange

13、 pen hour house umbrella university 用a/an填空:Is it Chinese book or English book?This is ring, and it is orange ring.Mary is English teacher. Tom is Chinese teacher.This is bike. Its old bike.This is telephone number.That is ID card.I lost my keys. Its set of keys.Its apple, not pear.This is peach. Th

14、ats orange.You have banana, but I have egg.Is there umbrella on the desk?There is island in the sea.There is picture on the card.I have old book. apple is a kind of fruit.There is armchair in the living room.Id like egg.Look, there is bird in the tree.Is there map on the wall?There is bench in the p

15、ark.选择正确的答案1. I am _(a, an)student. 2. There is _(a, an) elephant in the zoo.3. You are _(a, an) good boy. 4. I have _(a, an) orange.5. Miss Grant is _( a, an )ugly teacher.6. This is _(a ,an)new book.7. Please take _(a, an )umbrella.8. Close _(a, an ,the)door, please.9. My father is _(a ,an) doctor

16、.10. There is _(a, an) orange on the table.11. He gives me _(a, an )sticker.12. What is _(a, an, the )biggest bird in the world?13. I have _orange ._orange is very sour.( a, an ,the)14. My father is _(a, an, the )man.15._(A ,An ,The )moon is in the sky. 16. Theres _(a, an, the )apple on the table.17

17、._(a, an, The) blackboard in our classroom is big.18. He likes to play _(a, an, the )piano.19. Monday is _(a, a, the )first day of the week.20. My favorite animal is _(a, an ,the) cat.二、在需要的地方填入适当的冠词,不需要的地方填/。1This is _egg. Its _small egg.2Jim has_ big head.3Who is_ girl in green?4-Do you have_ knif

18、e?-Yes, I do. I only have_ small one.5. Lucy and Lily look_ same.6. Jim is from_ USA. Mike is from_ England.7._boy over there is Jims_ brother.8. Is that_ cat or_ tiger? Its_ cat.9. We are in_ Beijing No.2 High School.10. They are in_ same class.1. There is _ “h” in the word“honest”.A. a B. the C. /

19、 D. an2.What _ terrible life people in the small island lived at that time!A. an B./ C. a D. the3Father often says to me, “Be _ honest boy today and _ useful man tomorrow. ”A. a; a B. an; an C. a; anD. an; a4.Qingdao is _ most beautiful city in summer.A. the B. / C. a D. one5.So you are running _ re

20、staurant?Yes,but I dont want to make it _ restaurant only for rich people.A. the; /B. the; the C. a; the D. a; a6.Have you seen _ pen? I left it here this morning.Is it _ black one? I think I saw it some where.A. a; the B.the; the C. a; aD. the; a7. Oh,John. What _ you gave us!A. a pleasant surprise

21、 B. pleasant surpriseC. an pleasant surprise D. the pleasant surprise8. John is _ university student.A. / B. any C. a D. an9.Id like _ information about the management of your hotel,please.Well,you could have _ word with the manager. He might be helpful.A. some; a B. an; someC. some; some D. an; a10

22、.If you dont like the red coat,take the blue one.OK, but do you have _ size in blue? This one is a bit tight for me.A. a big B. a biggerC. the bigD. the bigger1. _ doctor told him to take_ medicine three times _ day 2.There is _ woman over there _ woman is Merimees mother 3. _ sun rises in_ east 4.

23、_ Changjiang River is_ longest river in _ China5.Its too hotOpen_ door,please 6.Washington is _ capital of _ USA 四、总结与作业1.单项选择。1) He often has _ egg and some milk for breakfast.A. / B. a C. the D. an2)-Whats the trouble with Lingling?-She doesnt go to_ school and stay in _bed now.A. a; / B. the; the

24、 C. /; / D. /; a 3)-Do you have _ dictionary? -No, but Lucy has _ new dictionary on the bookshelf.A. a; the B. the; the C. the; a D. a; a 4) _ earth is round.A. A B. An C. The D. / 5) There is _ “L” in the word “LUCK”.A. a B. the C. an D. / 6) I hope you have _ happy day today. A. a B. an C. the D.

25、/ 7) _ Whites are having dinner together.A. A B. The C. An D. / 8) There is _ orange and some pineapples in the basket.A. the B. / C. a D. an 9) Lisa has _ hat. _ hat is very beautiful.A. a; A B. an; A C. a; The D. an; / 10)Im watching_ movie. It is about_ interesting love story.A. a; an B. a; a C. the; the D. /; an2. 句子改错。每句中有一个错误,请改正。1) July is a seventh month of the year.2) We wait here for half a hour.3)Students often play the football after school.4)Its an European wolf.5)They often have a supper in a restaurant.(学习的目的是增长知识,提高能力,相信一分耕耘一分收获,努力就一定可以获得应有的回报)

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