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高中英语知识讲解 Unit 2 Working the land语言点.docx

1、高中英语知识讲解 Unit 2 Working the land语言点B4 Unit 2 Working the land语言点编稿:张桂琴 审稿:梁晓目标认知重点词汇struggle,expand,check,enough,pare,provide,confuse,damage,affect,reduce,method,avoid,every重点短语thanks to,rid sb./ sth. of sb. /sth.,care about,would rather,too much,lead to,build up,in addition,turn to,focus on,

2、ee from重点句型so that可以引导目的状语从句even thoughhave been doingas用法小结知识讲解重点词汇【高清课堂:词汇精讲】struggle【原句回放】Indeed, his sun burnt face and arms and his slim, strong body are just like those of millions of Chinese farmers, for whom he has struggled for the past five decades.【点拨】struggle (vi.& n.)(1)fight (with sb.)

3、 (与某人)争斗, 搏斗, 打斗 (2) move ones body vigorously, trying to get free 挣扎 (3) try to overe difficulties拼搏;努力;struggle against/with 与斗争struggle for/to do sth. 努力争取with a struggle 费劲地without a struggle 未经努力地struggle to ones feet 挣扎地站起来struggle through the snowstorm 冒着风雪前进a life and death struggle 生死搏斗expa

4、nd【原句回放】Dr. Yuan searched for a way to increase rice harvests without expanding the area of the fields.【点拨】expand (vt. &vi. )(1)bee greater in size, number or importance变大; 扩大; 增强 Metals expand when they are heated.Why not try to expand your story into a novel? (2)spread out 伸展 The petals of the flo

5、wers expanded in the sunshine. 易混辨析:stretch, spread, extend,expand这几个词的共同意思是“扩展”。(1)stretch指把有弹性的物体拉长或拉宽。(2)spread意思较为广泛: 把某物体展开,铺平。 把许多物体铺撒在一定的面积上。 指某事物在人与人之间传播,越传越广。(3)extend指在空间或时间上延伸,一般有一个大致的延伸方向。(4)expand本义指在面积、体积上的扩大,一般是从中心向四周扩 大。用作比喻义时,可以指各种事物的增长、扩大等。check【原句回放】Then skim the passage to check

6、if you were right然后浏览短文。检查一下你是否正确。(P9)【点拨】check vt检查;核对;制止;阻挡;寄存;托运常用搭配:check in(旅馆、飞机等)登记;报到 check up调查Will you please check these figures?你把这些数字核对一下好吗?Doctors are trying to check the spread of the disease with drugs医生正试图用药物阻止这种疾病的蔓延。They have checked the enemys advance他们已阻挡住敌人的攻势。He checked his co

7、at as he went in他进去时把外衣寄存起来。【拓展】易混辨析:check与examine的区别examine表示为了解某种情况而仔细“检查”、“审查”。Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully,but were not able to find any broken glass昨天,消防队员们仔细地检查了地面,但未能找到任何碎玻璃。My suitcases were examined at the Customs when I entered the country入境时,我的提包在海关受到了检查。check表示“检查”

8、、“核对”,以查明是否正确。How does his story check out with the facts?他的说法经核实过后真实程度有多大?Please check over the speech draft and correct the mistakes,if any请把讲演稿检查一遍,如果有错误,请改正过来。enough【原句回放】One dream is not always enough,especially for a person who loves and cares for his people。一个梦想总是不够的。特别是对于一个热爱和关心人民的人来说更是如此。(P

9、10)【点拨】enough adj. 充分的,足够的 adv. 足够地,充足地,十分,很pron. 充分,足够I. 常用搭配:cant/can never do . enough 无论怎么做都不为过I can never thank you enough. 我对你感激不尽。He is such a good engineer that we cannot praise him enough. 他是个很好的工程师,我们再称赞他也不为过。II. 用法注意:1. enough常与for或to do连用。(2016 江苏高考) Sometimes her family didnt have enoug

10、h to eat有时她的家人没有足够的食物吃。Are there enough seats for ten persons? 有没有足够十人的座位?2. enough作副词时,充当形容词或副词的修饰词,但必须后置。She isnt good enough for (=to pass) the exam.她的功课还不够好,还考不及格。I dont know him well enough to ask him for help.我和他不够熟,不能请他帮忙。3. 作代词时,既可以代表可数名词,也可以代表不可数名词。Enough has been said about this subject. 关

11、于这个问题已说得够多了。 If enough of you are interested, well organize a trip to the theatre. 如果你们中有足够多的人感兴趣,我们就组织去看一场戏。4. 作形容词时,可修饰可数名词或不可数名词,可放在被修饰的名词前,也可以放在后面, (但前置多见)。I have enough time(time enough) to finish the work我有足够的时间来完成这项工作。pare【原句回放】Write out your idea and then pare it with your partner写下你的观点,然后与你

12、的同伴进行比较。(P11)【点拨】pare vt. vi. 比较,对照 常用搭配:pare . with(to) 和比较 pared . to 把比作If you pare this book with that one,you will find this one much more interesting如果你把这本书和那本比较一下,你就会发现这本书有趣多了。Please pare your translation with the model translation on the blackboard请把你的翻译和黑板上的范文比较一下。Young people are pared to

13、the sun in the morning人们把年轻人比作早晨的太阳。Two concert hails that just do not pare无法比较的两个音乐厅。【拓展】pared with(to) 和比起来 (过去分词短语,通常在句中用作状语)pared to/with many people,she was indeed very fortunate和许多人比起来,她确实很幸运。It was a small place then pared to/with it is now和现在比起来,那时它还是一个小地方。provide【原句回放】to provide with things

14、 necessary for a certain purpose为了特殊目的而提供必需的东西(P12)【点拨】provide vt. 提供;供应;供给常见结构:provide sth. for sb. /provide sb. with sth. 给某人提供某物 provide against sth. 防备发生某事;预防某事 provide for sb. 供应某人所需 provide for sth. 为某事的发生做准备The pany offered to provide anything we needed most这家公司主动提出向我们提供我们最需要的任何东西。The firm ha

15、s provided the manager with a new car这家公司已经向这位经理提供了一辆新的汽车。(2015 天津高考) Students are provided with a bination for their room door locks upon check-in. 签到时学生会得到一个房间门锁的组合密码。 confuse【原句回放】It is important to explain this again or we will confuse the students把这再解释一遍是很重要的,否则的话我们就会使学生们犯糊涂。(P13)【点拨】 confuse v

16、t. 使糊涂,使迷惑;混淆,混同;使更难于理解They confused the teacher by having the same names他们同名同姓,这把老师搞糊涂了。Her unexpected arrival confused all our plans她的突然到来把我们所有的计划都打乱了。I always confuse the twin sistersThey look so alike我总是分不出这对孪生姐妹,她们看上去简直一模一样。(2015 重庆高考) Imagine the first days in a new time zoneSlow to respond to

17、 the change,your body clock is confused想象在一个新时区的第一天。回应这种变化慢的话,你的身体生物钟就紊乱了。【拓展】confused adj. 糊涂的,迷乱的confusedly adv. 迷乱地,糊涂地confusing adj. 莫名其妙的,难以理解的confusion n. 迷乱,迷惑damage【原句回放】First,they damage the land by killing the helpful bacteria and pests as well as the harmful ones首先,化肥在杀死病菌和害虫的同时也会杀死有益的细菌和

18、昆虫,从而破坏土地。(P14)【点拨1】damage n. 损失;损害,损坏;(前面与the连用)价钱;(pl) 赔偿费;vt. 损害,损坏;使受损失The storm did a lot of damage to the crops暴风雨使庄稼受到了很大损失。What are the damage for the wash job of my car? 清洗我的车要多少钱?The court awarded 500 in damages to the injured法庭判给受伤者500英镑的赔偿费。The earthquake damaged several buildings地震使一些建筑

19、受到了破坏。温馨提示:damage作“损坏”讲一般用作不可数名词。易混辨析:damage,destroy与ruin的区别damage指“损坏”,一般暗示损坏后价值或效益会降低,这种损坏是部分性的,有时该词也用于借喻。Her head was slightly damaged as a result of her long illness长期生病使她的心脏受到轻度损伤。What they said and did damaged the relations between the two countries他们的言行损害了这两个国家之间的关系。destroy意为“破坏;摧毁;消灭;毁灭”,指完全

20、彻底地破坏,含有无法修复之意,也可用于借喻。The building was pletely destroyed by the fire这座房子被大火烧光了。ruin可以表达“毁坏”,也可以用于引申意义。He ruined his prospects by carelessness他因疏忽大意而断送了前途。The rain will ruin the crops这雨会把庄稼毁掉的。It poured with rain and my dress was ruined大雨倾盆,我的连衣裙已淋得不成样子了。【点拨2】as well as用于比较,表示“和一样好”。He plays football

21、 as well as,if not better than,that man他足球踢得要是不比那人好,起码是一样好。连词词组,表示“同,还有,不但而且”。Einstein was a violinist as well as a physicist爱因斯坦不仅是物理学家,而且还是一位小提琴手。We shall travel by night as well as by day我们不仅白天旅行而且晚上也旅行。注意:as well as连接两个名词或代词作主语时,后面部分可视为插入语,因此,谓语动词应和前一名词或代词保持人称和数的一致。The manager as well as the wor

22、kers wishes for an outing经理和他的工人们都希望去远足。as well as连接两个动词时,后面的动词用-ing形式。He hurt his arm as well as breaking his leg他伤了胳膊,又弄断了腿。affect【原句回放】This affects crops and therefore,animals and humans,since chemicals get inside the crops and cannot just be washed off这会影响到庄稼,进而影响到动物和人类,因为化学成分会进入到农作物中。并且不能被冲洗掉。(

23、P14)【点拨】 affect vt.影响;感动,触动(相当于move);感染,侵袭(感染疾病)The rise in prices will affect all classes物价的上涨将会使各阶层的人都受到影响。Some plants are quickly affected by cold有些植物很快就受到了寒冷的影响。I was too much affected to answer我感动得回答不出话来。This disease affects millions of people in the world every year这种疾病每年都使全世界数百万人受到感染。【拓展】易混辨析

24、:affect,effect与influence的区别(1)affect指“产生的影响之大足以引起反应”,着重“影响”的动作,有时含有“对产生不利影响”的意思。This article will affect my thinking这篇文章将会影响我的思想。(2)effect指“实现”、“达成”,着重“造成”一种特殊的效果。This book effected a change in my opinion这本书使我的看法起了变化。(3)influence指“通过说服、举例等对行动、思想、性格等产生不易觉察到的,潜移默化的影响”。Influenced by a high-school biolo

25、gy teacher,he took up the study of medicine在一位中学生物教师的影响下,他从事医学研究。reduce【原句回放】A healthy soil reduces disease and helps crops grow strong and healthy健康的土壤会减少病虫害并且帮助农作物茁壮成长。(P14)【点拨】reduce vt. vi. 减少,缩小(尺寸、数量、价格等);使陷入(更坏的)境地,使沦落常用搭配把)减少到把)减少了reduce sth. to.使变为(某个状态)reduce sb. to(

26、doing) sth. 迫使某人陷入(不佳状态);使某人不得不The great fire reduced the forest to a few trees大火将森林烧得只剩下几棵树。The price has been reduced to $5价格已经降到了5美元。Enemys bombers reduced the city to rubble敌人的轰炸机把城市夷为了平地。The Depression reduced many。people to begging on street cornets大萧条使许多人沦落到街头乞讨。The store has drastically redu

27、ced winter coats商店对冬装大减价。method【原句回放】These many different organic farming methods have the same goal:to grow good food and avoid damaging the environment or peoples health这些不同的有机耕作的方法有着同样的目标:种植好的粮食,避免损害环境或者人们的健康。(P14)【点拨】method n(系统的、逻辑的)方法、办法;秩序;条理;规律Try the new method, and maybe youll succeed试试这种新

28、方法,或许你会成功。We must get some method into our office filling我们必须把公文归档工作弄出些条理来。【拓展】易混辨析:way,method与means的区别way为可数名词,后接不定式或of+动名词。We must find a way to solve this kind of problem我们必须找到解决这种问题的方法。Im not happy with this way of working我不喜欢这种工作方式。method也是可数名词,常指系统的、逻辑的方法、办法,后接of+ 动名词,不接不定式。He is a man of accu

29、racy and strict method他是个精细而严谨的人。means单复数形式相同,其前有a,one,this,that,every等时表单数意义,其前有such,these,those,all等时表复数意义,其多指抽象或概括性的意思,也可以指(交通等)手段,后可接不定式,也可接of +动名词名词。There is no means of finding out what happened无法搞清楚发生了什么事情。注意三个词的不同搭配:with methods of用方法 with this/that method用这/那种方法in this/that way用这种/那种方法 in t

30、he same way用相同的方法in different ways用不同的方法by this/these means用这种/这些方法avoid【原句回放】These many different organic farming methods have the same goal:to grow good food and avoid damaging the environment or peoples health这些不同的有机耕作的方法有着同样的目标:种植好的粮食,避免损害环境或者人们的健康。(P14)【点拨】avoid vt避开;避免;逃避常用搭配:avoid doing . 避免做

31、I crossed the street to avoid meeting him,but he saw me and came running towards me我横穿马路以便避开他,但他看到了我并朝我跑过来。To avoid confusion,the teams wore different colours为避免混淆,两队分穿不同颜色的衣服。Are you trying to avoid me? 你是不是想避开我?【拓展】avoidable adj. 可避免的avoidably adv. 可避免地 avoidless adj. 无法避免的every【原句回放】They often change the kind of crop in each field every few years,for example,growing c

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