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1、所有SCI生物期刊影响因子0901002252所有 SCI 生物期刊影响因子Ranking Journal Title Impact Factor带 #者为 EI 亦收录者1. Biochemical Research Methods (生物化学研究方法)1Current Opinion In Biotechnology 3.1812Journal Of Chromatography A 2.6973Bioconjugate Chemistry 2.4404Methods In Enzymology 2.4355Applied Immunohistochemistry 2.1626Cytome

2、try 2.1507Acta Crystallographica Section D-Biological Crystallography 2.1188Chromatographia 2.0799Journal Of Immunological Methods 2.04310Analytical Biochemistry 2.017#11 Journal Of Molecular Graphics & Modelling 2.01212Biotechniques 1.91313Journal Of Chromatographic Science 1.69614Journal Of Virolo

3、gical Methods 1.62315Journal Of Chromatography B 1.58816Transgenic Research 1.43017Protein Expression And Purification 1.34118Journal Of Neuroscience Methods 1.335#19 Journal Of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies 1.27220Biomedical Chromatography 1.17121Molecular And Cellular Probes 1.11022

4、Journal Of Microbiological Methods 0.95823Journal Of Labelled Compounds & Radiopharmaceuticals 0.76724Genetic Analysis-Biomolecular Engineering 0.69625Journal Of Biochemical And Biophysical Methods 0.64826Biologicals 0.59827Preparative Biochemistry & Biotechnology 0.47228Hybridoma 0.45829Journal Of

5、Magnetic Resonance 0.0002. Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (生物化学与分子生物学)1Annual Review Of Biochemistry 40.7822Cell 37.2973Nature Medicine 28.1144Annual Review Of Cell And Developmental Biology 19.0005Trends In Biochemical Sciences 18.7666Annual Review Of Plant Physiology And Plant Molecular Biology

6、17.0217Faseb Journal 14.6298Embo Journal 12.6439Critical Reviews In Biochemistry And Molecular Biology 11.69610Advances In Enzymology And Related Areas Of Molecular Biology 11.12511Nature Structural Biology 10.78212Molecular And Cellular Biology 10.02513Plant Cell 9.70914Annual Review Of Biophysics

7、And Biomolecular Structure 9.51215Advances In Protein Chemistry 9.16116Molecular Biology Of The Cell 8.92617Human Molecular Genetics 8.50518Structure 7.63319Current Opinion In Structural Biology 7.50920Reviews Of Physiology Biochemistry And Pharmacology 7.18821Bioessays 7.05322Journal Of Biological

8、Chemistry 6.96323Oncogene 6.77224Vitamins And Hormones-Advances In Research And Applications 6.11825Gene Therapy 5.99626Rna-A Publication Of The Rna Society 5.97027Progress In Nucleic Acid Research And Molecular Biology 5.86828Chemistry & Biology 5.79629Journal Of Molecular Biology 5.67330Molecular

9、Microbiology 5.60531Cell Death And Differentiation 5.27432Molecular Biology And Evolution 5.24933Journal Of Biomolecular Nmr 5.15434Mole35Molecular Pharmacology 4.92136Protein Science 4.60037Biochemistry 4.57238Progress In Lipid Research 4.53639Natural Product Reports 4.48440Natural Product Reports

10、4.48441Journal Of Neurochemistry 4.23442Nucleic Acids Research 4.18843American Journal Of Respiratory Cell And Molecular Biology 4.16444Proteins-Structure Function And Genetics 4.16145Journal Of Lipid Research 3.76446Cell Growth & Differentiation 3.68047British Journal Of Pharmacology 3.61948Biochem

11、ical Journal 3.57949Free Radical Biology And Medicine 3.52850Febs Letters 3.50451Progress In Biophysics & Molecular Biology 3.27552Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 3.26753Molecular Phylogenetics And Evolution 3.25054Journal Of Molecular Evolution 3.18155European Journal Of Biochemistry 3.13656Eu

12、ropean Journal Of Human Genetics 3.11257Molecular Ecology 3.08658Drug Discovery Today 3.07359Journal Of Membrane Biology 3.04860Journal Of Structural Biology 3.03661Glycobiology 2.92762Plant Molecular Biology 2.85263Diagnostic Molecular Pathology 2.79564Molecular & General Genetics 2.74965European C

13、ytokine Network 2.73066Molecular Carcinogenesis 2.72667Journal Of Cellular Biochemistry 2.68668Biochemical And Biophysical Research Communications 2.67169Chromosoma 2.66970Journal Of Inflammation 2.66771Archives Of Biochemistry And Biophysics 2.64972Antisense & Nucleic Acid Drug Development 2.62073B

14、iological Chemistry 2.55174Insect Molecular Biology 2.46875Cell Motility And The Cytoskeleton 2.46176Biochemical Pharmacology 2.44377Yeast 2.44278Bioconjugate Chemistry 2.44079Methods In Enzymology 2.43580Photochemistry And Photobiology 2.426#81 Biopolymers 2.42582Free Radical Research 2.36183Molecu

15、lar Medicine Today 2.24384Molecular Reproduction And Development 2.18985Cellular Signalling 2.17486Molecular Psychiatry 2.16287Dna And Cell Biology 2.12888Acta Crystallographica Section D-Biological Crystallography 2.11889Insect Biochemistry And Molecular Biology 2.09490Journal Of Molecular Neuroscience 2.07791Cytokine 2.07692Mammalian Genome 2.06993Mutation Research Dna Repair 2.06094Molecular Membrane Biology 2.05795Journal Of Muscle Research And Cell Motility 2.03896Growth Factors 2.03697Analytical Biochemistry 2.017#98 Journal

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