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1、陕旅版小学六年级英语小学英语六年级复习资料试题全册doc陕西旅游版小学英语六年级毕业复习资料第一册一、 复习词汇(词性转换)1.boy(复数) 2. cl ass(复数) 3. T m(完全形式) is (缩写) 5. key (复数) 6. let s(完全形式) 7. nn)nkey(复数) 8. nmut h(复数) 9. peach (复数) 10. neW反义词) 11. T M完全形式) 12、that(复数) 13.straverry(复数) 14、this(复数) 15、they(宾格) 16、to(同音词) 17、阳tch(复数)_18、vhat s(完全形式) 二

2、、 句子复习1.Good rra)r ni ng 早上好2.Wiatz s your nan?你叫什么名字?3.How are you?你好吗?I an fi ne r thank you我很好。谢谢。4.N ce to rraet you.见到你很高心N ce to net you , too见到你也很高兴。5.How ol d are you?你多大年纪了 ?I amf i ve.我五岁。6.Si t dovn , pl ease.请坐。Thank you.谢谢7.Wiat cl ass are you i n ?你在几班?I ami n G ass Fi ve.我在五班8.Wiat s

3、t hi s?这是什么?It s a pen.它是一只钢笔It s an appl e.它是一个苹果9.Wiatz s that?那是什么?It s a pi ctur巳它是一张图片10.Vfiat do you have?你有什么?I have a new bi ke.我有一辆自行车11.How rany appl es do you have?你有多少个苹果?I have three appl es.我有三个苹果。12.Wiat are these ?这些是什么?They are a ppi es.他们是苹果13.Fbppy new year?新年快乐 l-tappy new year?新

4、年快乐14.Ktrry Chri stras 圣诞快乐 kferry Chri stras.圣诞快乐第二册一、复习词汇(词性转换)21. box(复数)_22. bus(复数) 23. dorf t (完全形式) 24. fat(反义词) 25. he(宾格) 26. kno呎同音词) 27.1 i brary(复数) 28.1(宾格) 29. i s not (缩写) 30. pot at o(复数)33. tai 1(反义词)36.血(宾格)_二、短语31、she(宾格)_32. sw n$现在分词)34. that1s (完全形式)35. tonato(复数)Go to school 去

5、学校go hon回家a sw rm ng pool 个游泳池by bi ke骑自行车by bus乘公共汽车by car乘小汽车by taxi乘出租车on foot 步行con to school 来学校an Engl i sh book 本英语书an untorel 1 a 把伞on the chai r 在椅子上under the bed 在床下i n t he box在盒子里pl ay the fl ute 吹笛子pl ay the vi ol i n 弹钢琴pl ay the drum 打鼓pl ay pi ng- pong 打乒乓球pl ay f oot bal 1 踢足球pl ay

6、basket bal 1 打篮球go sw vm ng 去游泳go f i shi ng去钓鱼三、句子1.Let s goAl I ri ght2.School i sI etf s goCk let1 sto schooI让我们去学校行over放学啦hone.让我们回家 go 行让我们走3.Thatz s our cl assroom那是我们的教室4.Do you I i ke sw nmii ng ?你喜欢游泳吗?Yes , I do 是的,我喜欢。5.Vfio are t hey?他们是谁?They are ny cl assnates.他们是我的同班同学。6.Wiat a ni ce

7、pi ct ure! KAy I have a I ook?多好的图片!我能看一看吗?Sure ! Here you are 当然!给你。7.How do you cone to school ?你是怎样来学校的?I corra to school on foot我步行来学校。8.Vfiat about you?你呢?I corre to school by bi ke.我骑自行车来学校。9.Excuse rre, are you Hel en?打扰一下,你是海伦吗?Yes, I am 是的,我就是。10.Excuse ne , is this your book? 打扰了 ,这是你的书吗?Y

8、es it is是的Here you are.给你Thank you.谢谢11.Wio i s thi s ? /that?这/那是谁?Thi s /That i s ny teacherMss King.这那是我的老师,金小姐She is tall.她很高12.G ad to see you.见到你很高兴G ad to see you, too.见到你也很高兴13.Wiat book i s t hi s?这是什么书?It s an Engl i sh book.是一本英语书Do you I i ke Engl i sh ?你喜欢英语吗?Yes , I do是的,我喜欢。Wiat about

9、 you?你呢?I dorf t I i ke it我不喜欢14.Wiose j acket i s thi s ?这是谁的夹克衫?Ch, itz s ny j acket.它是我的夹克衫Is t hi s your j acket?它是你的夹克衫吗?Nd, it isrf t.不,它不是。It1 s Li Dong7 s jacket.它是李冬的夹克衫。15.Vfiose shoes are these?这些是谁的鞋。They are Li Shan s shoes.他们是李珊的鞋。Are they Li Sharf s shoes?他们是李珊的鞋吗?Yes r they are 是的,他们

10、是。Nd, they ar erf t不,他们不是。16.Wiere i s ny cat?我的猫在哪儿?Look! it s on the chai r.看!它在椅子上。Is i t under the bed?它在床下面吗?Yes it is是的。Nd , i t i srf t不,他不在。17.Vfiat do you I i ke?你喜欢什么?I I i ke eggpl ants.我喜欢茄子Dd you I i ke eggpl ants?你喜欢茄子吗?Yes, I do.是的,我喜欢。Nd, I I i ke oni ons不,我喜欢洋葱。18.l-bve you got a ki

11、 te?你有风筝吗?lbI haven1 t我没有。Thi s i s for you.这是给你的。Thank you.谢谢。19.Let s go sw rwii ng.让我们去游泳。Al I ri ght. Let s go.行,让我们走。20.Do you I i ke pl ayi ng pi ng- pong?你喜欢打乒乓球吗?Yes, I etz s pl ay pi ng- pong 是的,让我们打乒乓球吧。第三册一、 复习词汇(词性转换)37. aunt (对应词) 38. dad(对应词) 39. farM 名词) 40. daughter(对应词) 41. dri ve(名

12、词) 42. fanil y(复数).43. f ri end(形容词) 44happy(副词) 45 tad(序数词) 46.he(宾格) 47. have(第三人称代词) 48.1 eft(反义词) 49.1 ove(形容词) 50. nan(复数) 51. phot o(复数) 52. w)ran(复数) 53. young(反义词) 54. you are(缩写) 二、 短语ny uncl e s fanhl y 我叔叔一家人I ook at 看一看the pi cture of图片照片be f ri endl y 有好的 how nany peopl e 多少人 i n ny far

13、riily在我家里 i n Torh s farriily 在Tom的家里 on the beach在海滩上 i n t he ci nena在电影院里 an engi neer 个工程师 a housevi fe 个家庭主妇 a taxi driver 个出租车司机 a pupi I 个学生 a nurse 个护士 a doct or 个医生 a teacher 个老师 a cook 个厨师 a barber 个理发师 a pol i ceran 个男警察 a pol i cevoran 个女警察 a photo of 张照片 i n Grade Four在四年级 on the I eft在

14、左边 on the ri ght 在右边 i n t he rriiddl e 在中间 i n t he sky在天空中 the nwon 月亮 the sun太阳 get t oget her 聚会 have di nner 吃午饭 have cakes吃蛋糕 a pi cture of ny farriil y 张家庭照片 I i ve i n居住 on the farm在农场上 vel con to欢迎回到 have a I ook 看看on the second fl oor 在第二层楼上cl ean and t i dy干净整洁I i vi ng room起居室each other

15、彼此重点句子1短文Look at the pi cture of ny farnl y Thi s i s ny dad H s n an i s . He is a t eacher . He i s tai I He i s k i nd Thi s is ny rnum. Her n arre i s She i s a nurse she i s fat and short She i s f ri endl y. Thi s i s rre 馆 narr i s I am I ovel y. I I ove t hem2句子Look at the pi cture of ny far

16、riil y 看看我家的照片Corr to see ny uncI ez s farriil y 看看我叔叔的I I ove them我爱他们How rany peopl e are there in your farriil y ?你家里有多少人? There are fi ve peopl e i n ny farriil y.我家里有五个人Are there three peopl e i n your fantl y ?你家里有五个人吗? (Yes, there are.) 是的 Nd, there ar erf t.不There are not three peopl e i n n

17、y farriil y.我家里没有三个人 Wiat i s your fat her? =Vfiat i s he?你父亲是干什么的? He i s an engi neer.他是一个工程师Vliat i s your not her?=Wiat i s she?你妈妈是干什么的?She i s a nurse.她是一个护士Wiat are you?你是干什么的I ama pupi I.我是一个学生Vulcone to our school.欢迎来我们学校Wio i s the young nan on the I eft?左边的这个年轻人是谁?The farriily are getti n

18、g together. 家庭在聚会They are havi ng di nner/havi ng cakes /havi ng f rui ts.他们正在吃饭、吃蛋糕、 吃水果语法解解【现在进行时】注意动词的i ng形式的构成规则:1一般的直接在后面加上 i ng,如 doi ng , goi ng , wrki ng, si ngi ng , eati ng2以e结尾的动词,要先去e再加i ng ,如havi ng , wi ti ng3双写最后一个字母的(此类动词极少)有:runni ng , sw rm ng , sitti ng , getti ngWiere do they I i

19、 ve?你住在那儿?I live in a f I at vith ny father and ny rwt her.我和我爸妈住在楼房 叩grandpa and grand I i ve on the farm我爷爷、奶奶住在农场里 They I i ve i n a I ovel y house.他们住在一家很漂亮的房间里 Vfiat do you have ?你又什么?I have a cow我有一个奶牛Wiat does your si st er have?你妹妹有什么?She has a duck.她有一个鸭子作文练习旳flat我的公寓Hel I o! 妮I con to our

20、newfI at. It s on the second fl oor There are tvo bedr oons i n i t . The bi g one i s for ny parents It s very n ice 馆 bedr oom i s snaII. but ni ce too. the I i vi ng roomi s i n the rrhddl e i tr s bi g and bri ght There i s a ki tche n and a bat hr oom, too they are cl ean and ti dy 礎 I ove i t

21、very much.第四册一、复习词汇(词性转换)Begi n(现在分词)bl ack(反义词)breakf形容词can not (缩写)careful (副词)cl ass(复数)Dorf t (过去式)late(反义词)radiof 复数)Pol i ceran(复数)pushf反义词)run(现在分词)Real (副词)w)rry(形容词)pl av(现在分词)Mke(现在分词)svi nfi现在分词)_ ToM名词所有格)短语It1 s tinw to do sth二it,s ti rre for sth 该做某事的时候了get up 起床go to school 去学校go to b

22、ed 上床睡觉have breakfast 吃早餐 have I unch 吃午饭 have supper 吃晩饭vatch TV看电视pl ay ganws玩游戏 have musi c cl ass上音乐课wash the face洗脸do the honvork做作业at seven t hi rty7点半j unp rope 尼兆绳pl ay basket ba 11 打篮球 pl ay vol I eybal I 足球球 pl ay wth a yo-yo on Tuesday 星期二 rake a present for 给做礼物 draw a pi ct ure 画一张图片I i

23、 sten to the radi o 停收音机si ng songs 唱歌pass rr the hanwr 传给我锤子rra)ve the conputer avvay 移开电脑 nend the cl ock修理电脑 hurry up 赶快be I ate for 迟到footbal I natch 足球比赛hal f past four 4 点半a quarter to seven 7点缺一亥Upl ease go to your seat and si t dowi请回到你的座位上坐下来 don t rra)ve 不要动go to that pol i cenan for hel p

24、 去求助于警察 don1 t w)rry 别着急don t cry 不要哭read i n bed 躺在床上读书the traff i c I i ghts 交通灯cross the road 穿过马路turn I eft 向左拐turn ri ght 向右拐Aai t a rra)rrnt 稍等Yel I ow I i ght 黄灯Red I i ght 红灯Green I i ght 绿灯a red dress一件红色的女裙a pur pl e T-shi rt a yel I ow j acket bl ue j eansa green svater bl ack shortsi n P

25、E cl ass一件紫色的女裙一件黄色的夹克 蓝色的牛仔裤 一件绿色的毛衣 黑色的短裤 在体育课上speak Engl i sh vel I 英语说得好tai k about 谈论i n t he san school在同一个学校里重点句子Wiat t i rra i s i t?=Wiat s t he tin ?几点了It s ei ght o cl ock (整点)八点了IV s four thi rty. =Itr s hal f past four.(分钟数为一半)四点半It s el even forty-f i veItz s a quarter to tAel ve.(分钟数超

26、过一半)11 点 45分 12点差一刻It* s tventy past four (分钟数不超过一半)以上五句总结了时间的表达方法Itz s ti rr to do sth 该做某事了Vfiat tine do you have breakfast?你几点吃早餐?I have breakfast at seven.我在 7 点吃早餐Vfiat about you?你呢?I* , too我和你一样Wiat day i s i t?今天星期几?It s Tuesday.星期二Look! They are pl ayi ng pi ng- pong 看,他们在打乒乓球。They pl ay pi

27、ng- pong on Tuesday.他们在星期二常打乒乓球。(现在进行时与一般现在时区分练习)(p22)Wiat are you doi ng ?你在干什么?I ami i steni ng to the radi o.我在听收音机。Vfiat s she doi ng ?她在干什么She i s doi ng her horrewrk.她在做家庭作业。Wiat7 s he doi ng?他在干什么?He i s vvatchi ng TV.他在看电视。Wiat are they doi ng?他们在什么?They are pl ayi ng pi ng- pong 他们在打乒乓球Are

28、they pl ayi ng pi ng-pong ?他们在打乒乓球?Yes, they are是的,他们在打乒乓球Nd, they ar erf t.不,他们没有打乒乓球对现在进行时做一小结:现在进行时:含义:表示说话时动作正在进行。构成:主语+be+vi ng .(陈述句句式)特别是陈述句、一般疑问句及其肯定、否定回答、否定句、特殊疑问句等做一详细 讲解并记住重点句型。pass rre the hanwr请接过锤子rwve the conputer avvay 移开电脑nend the cl ock修理闹钟hurry up 赶快Don t rwve 别动Don1 t Aorry不要担心Do

29、n t cry不要哭Dorf t read i n bed不要躺在床上读书Don1 t park here不要在这儿停车Donz t turn I eft不要向左拐Don t turn ri ght不要向右拐Don1 t cross the road不要穿过马路Don t stop here不要再这儿停以上语法为祈使句的肯定和否定形式。叩 bi ke i s broken, I ran hereI amsorry to hear that.You I ook ti red.I ami ate The I i ght i s red The I i ght i s green以上为形容词的两种简

30、单的用法:让小学生注意其用法。VW ch i s your f avori te subj ect?那门科目是你最喜欢的?My favori te subj ect i s PE.体育I I i ke PE best.我最喜欢体育Do you I i ke Chi nese ?你喜欢语文吗?Yesr I do 是的,我喜欢语文。l| Chi nese teacher can speak Engl i sh agI I.我的语文老师英语说得也很流利。 第五册rai n(形容词) cl oud(形容词)_ hot (反义词) bad(反义词) east(对应词)_ fal 1(同义词)_一、记忆词性转换Sun(形容词) w nd(形容词) snov(形容词) 反义词) I ong(反义词) sout h(对应词) 二、归纳本册短语It s tin to get up该起床的时候了 have no cl asses 没上课 go boat i ng去划船 go sw nrnii ng 去游泳 fly ki tes放

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