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1、旅游服务礼仪情景剧本英汉对照25组旅游服务礼仪情景剧本(英汉对照)25组ContentsSituation Play 1客房预定 Room Reservation 1Situation Play 2在前台入住登记 At the Front DeskChecking in 3Situation Play 3 客房用餐服务 Room Service 5Situation Play 4整理房间 Making up the Room 7Situation Play 5 洗衣服务 Laundry Service 9Situation Play 6 处理投诉 Handling Complaints 11S

2、ituation Play 7 赔偿损失 Paying for the Damage 13 Situation Play 8 紧急服务 Emergency Service 16Situation Play 9 餐厅预订 Restaurant Reservation 19Situation Play 10点 单 Taking Orders 22Situation Play 11在酒吧 At the Bar 25Situation Play 12会议室预定Reserving the Meeting Room 27 Situation Play 13结 帐 A t the Cashiers 29 S

3、ituation Play 14订 票 Booking Tickets 33 Situation Play 15接 机 Meeting the Tourist Group at the Airport 35Situation Play 16交 通 Transportation 37Situation Play 17商讨旅游行程 Discuss the Itinerary 39Situation Play 18游览黄山 Climbing Mount Huangshan 41 Situation Play 19参观长城 Visiting the Great Wall 43Situation Pla

4、y 20参观兵马俑 Visiting the Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses 46 Situation Play 21游览紫禁城 Visiting the Forbidden City 48 Situation Play 22购买纪念品 Shopping for the Souvenirs 51 Situation Play 23在银行 At the Bank 53 Situation Play 24办理海关手续 The Customs Formalities 56 Situation Play 25欢送客人Seeing the Guests off 58 Si

5、tuation Play 1客房预定Billy (B)打电话预订房间,前台服务员Ann(A) 接听电话.A:早上好,假日酒店,我能为您做些什么?B:我可以预订一个房间吗?A:请问您需要几间房,何时入住?B:三间房,我们从5月6号住到5月9号共三晚。A:您需要什么样的房间?B:两个标准间和一间套房.A:对不起,现在是旅游旺季,套房已经全部预订出去了.B: 那就三个标准间吧。请问房价是多少?A:一共130美元加上百分之十五的服务费和税金.B:好的,请为我订这些房间,我是肯。詹森先生。请问您能提供接机服务吗?A: 当然,请告诉我您的航班号及抵达时间。B:886号航班,3月6号早晨6:30。A:我们期

6、待您的光临。译文:Room Reservation(Billy is calling to make a room reservation. Receptionist Ann is answering the call 。) A: Good morning, Holiday Inn。 Can I help you?B: Can I make a room reservation? A: May I know how may room you need and when you need them?B: Three rooms for three nights。 Well arrive on M

7、ay 6th and depart on May 9th 。A: What type of room would you prefer?B: I just want two standard rooms and a suite. A: Sorry, for it is peak season, all the suites are fully booked.B: In this way, three standard rooms are just O.K. And whats the room rate?A: Its 130 US dollars plus 15 service charge

8、and tax.B: Fine, please book the rooms for me. Im Mr。 Ken Johnson。By the way, would you please offer an airport pickup service?A: Of course, please tell me your flight number and arrival time.B: Flight NO.886。 6:30 p.m, May 6th。A: Ive written down. We are looking forward to welcoming you.Situation P

9、lay 2在前台-入住登记一个客人(G)走进接待处办理入店手续,接待员(R)提供帮助。R:欢迎来到天堂酒店。我能帮您做些什么?G:我要住店。R:先生,您有预定吗?G:没有。我想要一个标准间,从6月6日到6月9日.R:请您填写这张入住登记表,并出示您的身份证。G:好,在这儿.R:请您预付300美金的押金。G:信用卡可以吗?R:可以。这是您的收据与钥匙。您房间的号码是708。是否需要找人帮你把行李送到房间吗?G:不用了,谢谢。我自己可以。R:如果您需要其他服务,请直接拨“11”号到前台.祝您愉快!译文:At the Front Desk-Checking in (A guest is checki

10、ng in, and the receptionist is offering help。) R: Welcome to Paradise Hotel。 Can I help you?G: I want to check in.R: Do you have a reservation, Sir?G: No. I need a standard room from June 6th to June 9th.R: Would you please fill out this registration form and show me your ID card?G: Yes, here it is。

11、R: Then may I ask for a deposit of 300?G: Do you accept Visa credit card?R: Yes, we do. This is your receipt and your key. Your room number is 708。 Do you need somebody to help you send your luggage to your room?G: No, I can manage it on my own. Thanks.R: Should you need any assistance, please dial1

12、1 to Front Desk。 Have a pleasant day.Situation Play 3客房用餐服务Mr。 White(W)正在向客房服务员(R)咨询客房用餐服务.W:明天我想在房间吃早餐,你们能将它送来吗?R:当然了,我们的酒店可以提供非常好的客房用餐服务。W:那太好。我们什么时间,用什么方式订早餐呢?R:这是挂在门把手上的菜单,您可以在上面选择您喜欢的食品,记下用餐时间,在您今晚睡觉之前挂到门外就可以了。W:还有方式使用这种服务吗?R:是的,先生。 打电话,拨 “6键给送餐部直接订餐。W:顺便问一下,用餐后盘子怎样处理?R:请把他们放在房间外,我们会来收拾的。W:明白了,

13、谢谢。 译文:Room Service (Mr。 White is talking with the room attendant, inquiring about room service。) W: Id like to have our breakfast in bed tomorrow。 Could you bring it here?R: Of course. Our hotel provides very good room service, sir。W: Very good. How and when should we order our breakfast?R: This is

14、 your door knob menu. You may choose the items you prefer, mark down the time and hang it outside your door before you go to bed tonight.W: is there any other way to have room service?R: Yes, sir。 Just dial 6 to call the room service section directly to order your meals。W: By the way, what should I

15、do with the dishes when we finish eating?R: Please leave them outside your room, well come to collect them。W: I see, thank you.Situation Play 4整理房间客房服务员(H)敲门,询问客人(G)是否可以清理房间。H:早上好,史密斯先生.您何时想让我为您整理房间?G:现在我在等朋友,我们将一起去参加10:30的校友会.您可以一小时之后来.H:很抱歉打扰您。你们外出后我再来打扫房间。G:好吧.但是现在您把起居室先打扫一下怎么样?乱七八糟的。H:当然可以,先生.(一

16、小时之后)H:打扰了,我现在能收拾房间吗?G:我想这会儿您早该把房间收拾好了.快到午饭时间了。H:很对不起,先生.今天早上有间离客房,我得先打扫这两间。按照惯例退房要尽快准备好出租。G:我明白了。但是午饭后我有一位客人要来,恐怕你没有足够的时间来打扫。H:没问题,在你吃午饭那会儿工夫,我能完成。译文:Making up the Room (The housemaid knocks at the door of the guest and asks if she can clean the room.) H: Good morning, Mr. Smith。 When would you lik

17、e me to do your room?G: Well, Im waiting for some friends and will go out for a alumni reunion at 10:30。 So you can come back about an hour later。H: Sorry to disturb you。 Then Ill do the cleaning up when you are out。G: Ok。 But how about tidying up a bit in the sitting room? Its quite a mess。 H: Cert

18、ainly, sir。(An hour later) H: Excuse me, can I do your room now?G: I think you should have done it by now。 its nearly lunch time. H: Im sorry, madam。 This morning there are two checkout rooms, so I did them first。 As a rule, checkout rooms have to be ready for sale as soon as possible.G: I see. But

19、I have a visitor after lunch. I doubt if there is enough time for the cleaning.H: No, problem. I can finish it while you are taking your lunch.Situation Play 5洗衣服务一位客人(G)想洗衣服,他给洗衣部(L)打电话询问该项服务。G:您可以找人上来把我要洗的衣服送走吗?908房间.L:当然可以,几分钟后以为男服务员会上来。G:我有一件真丝裙子,我很担心在洗的过程中它会褪色.L:我们会干洗这条裙子,这样它就不会褪色了.G:太好了,我什么时候能

20、拿回我的衣服?L:您需要加快服务还是当天服务?G:价格有什么不同吗?L:如果是加快的话我们要另外收取50%的手续费,但它只需要5小时。G:当天服务需要多长时间?L:今天晚上六点之前会完成。G:那就加快服务吧.L:我们的服务员在门外,您可以随便问他。如果您想得到进一步的信息请参考洗衣服务单。译文:Laundry Service (The guest is calling the Laundry Department。) G: Could you send someone up for my laundry, please? Room 908。L: Certainly. A valet will

21、be up in a few minutes.G: Good. I also have a silk dress which I dont think is color fast. Will the color run in the wash?L: We will dryclean the dress. Then the color wont run. G: Thats fine。 When can I have my laundry back? L: Would you like our express service or same-day service?G: Whats the dif

22、ference in price?. L: We charge 50% more for express, but it only takes 5 hours。G: How about the sameday service?L: Your clothes will be delivered before 6:00 this evening。G: I have the express then. L: Our valet is at the door。 Please feel free to ask him. Also, please refer to your laundry list fo

23、r further information。 Have a nice day。Situation Play 6处理投诉Nancy Knight (K)15分钟之前入住,她很吃惊房间如此杂乱。她要求向经理(M)投诉。M:太太,你有什么问题?K:我要住的是酒店不是牛棚。我没见过比这更恶心的房间了。M:这个房间没打扫吗?K:当然没有。这浴室乱成一团,没有香皂,没有毛巾,也没有手纸.M:我非常抱歉.对于给您带来的不便,我深表歉意。我会处理的。请稍等,我马上就回来。(一段时间后)M:太太,看来前厅与客房部在沟通上出现问题。他们已经答应给您安排一个完全符合标准的房间.K:越快越好。M:他们马上会到您房间就

24、此事向您道歉.十分对不起。译文:Handling Complaints (Nancy Knight Checked into her room 15 minutes ago. She was surprised to find that the room is in such a mess。 She asks to see the manager。) M: Whats the trouble, Madam?K: I ask for hotel accommodation, not a cowshed。 Ive never seen anything more disgusting。 M: Th

25、e room hasnt been cleaned then?K: Of course not。 The bathroom is in a total mess。 There is no soap, no towels, not even toilet paper.M: Im extremely sorry to hear that. We do apologize for the inconvenience。 Ill look into the matter and Ill be back in a minute。 ( After a while)M: Well, Madam, there

26、seems to have been a communication-breakdown between the front office and the housekeeping department。 They have promised to give you a room that is fully up to standard。 K: The sooner, the better.M: Theyll be there in a minute。 Sorry about the trouble.Situation Play 7赔偿损失一位客人(G)的朋友昨晚醇酒闹事,他正在向服务员(C)

27、说明此事并表示赔偿。C:早上好,大卫先生.我能帮你吗?G:早上好。昨天晚上,昨天晚上我有两个朋友来我这儿给我庆祝生日,但是他们喝多了。C:太糟糕了。我希望没出什么事。G:不,很糟糕。经理在吗?我想我必须告诉他发生了什么事。C:对不起,大卫先生。我们的经理刚才出去了.你能告诉我发生什么了?G:当然.我们喝酒时,我接到一个非常重要的电话,有人在楼下等着要见我.所以我出去一会儿。等我回来时,他们打碎了玻璃,梳妆台上的镜子,还有床头灯。我想他们打架了。C:不用担心 .我想我应该叫修理员到你的房间修理窗户,再找人打扫房间。G:好的,非常感谢。C:不用谢。我会立即告诉维修部与客房部.但是恐怕你得赔偿损失。

28、G:当然,这正是我想做的。对此,我深表歉意.C:我们理解.译文:Paying for the Damage (A guest is explaining to a clerk about the damage made by his two friends who drank too much last night。) Clerk : Good morning , Mr。 Davis 。 May I help you ?Guest: Good morning , I hope you can . Last night , I had two friends coming into my roo

29、m to celebrate my birthday , but they drank too much .Clerk : Oh , thats too bad 。 It was nothing serious , I hope .Guest : Well , it was serious enough . Is your manager here ? I think I must tell him what happened 。Clerk : Im sorry , Mr. Davis 。 Our manager has just gone out for the moment . Can y

30、ou tell me what happened ?Guest : Yes . When we were drinking , I received an important telephone call 。 Someone was downstairs waiting to see me 。 So I went out for a moment . When I came back , they had broken a window , a mirror above the dresser , and a lamp beside the bed 。 I guess they had a f

31、ight .Clerk : Well , dont worry about it . I think I ought to call a repairman to go to your room to fix the window and get someone to clean the room .Guest : Yes , please 。 And thank you very much .Clerk: Youre welcome. Ill tell the maintenance and housekeeping departments immediately . But Im afraid youll have to pay for the damage .Guest : Oh , yes , of course . Thats what I expected 。 And Im really sorry about this 。Clerk : Well , we underst

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