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1、江西省中考英语中等学校招生考试前试题无答案江西省2018年中等学校招生考试英语信息试题卷说明: 1. 本卷共有6大题、86小题,全卷满分120分, 考试时间为120分钟。2. 本卷分为试题卷和答题卷, 答案写在答题卷上, 不要在试题卷上作答, 否则不给分。一、听力测试(27分)A)请听下面8段对话。每段对话后有一小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都将有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。(每小题1分)1. What is the man doing?ASweeping the floor. BCleaning the table. CM

2、aking red lanterns. 2. When did the speakers begin to skate?A. At two oclock. B. At two thirty. C. At three oclock.3. Who is the girl in a black coat?A. Jane. B. The mans sister. C. Janes sister.4. How long does the film last?A. 1 hour. B. 1.5 hours. C. 2.5 hours.5. Where did the woman get the tea?A

3、. In Anxi. B. In Dali. C. In Hangzhou.6. Why does the woman want to leave so early?A. To sit at a better place. B. To sit in the front row. C. To meet other people.7. What did the boy use to like?A. Math. B. Sports. C. English.8. What will the man do?A. Empty the bags for the woman. B. Drive the car

4、 for the woman.C. Carry the bags for the woman.B)请听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。读每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。(每小题1分,共14分)请听第1段材料,回答第8、9小题。9. Who is Annie?A. The boys friend. B. The girls friend. C. The girls teacher.10. Why does everyone like Annie? A. S

5、he enjoys studying. B. She is often friendly to others. C. They have the same interests.请听第2段材料, 回答第11、12小题。11. What happened to Peter?A. He lost his bag. B. He lost his wallet. C. He didnt catch the bus.12. What did the woman suggest to Peter?A. She suggested that he should look for it on the bus.B

6、. She suggested that he should forget it.C. She suggested that he should report it to the police.请听第3段材料, 回答第13至15小题。13. How did the man feel about the trip? A. Exciting. B. Surprising. C. Angry.14. What unusual things happened during the trip?A. It suddenly rained heavily. B. It suddenly snowed.C.

7、The road was blocked and they couldnt go on.15. What trip might the man take part in?A. He went to climb mountains. B. He took the plane around the world.C. He went on a skating trip.请听第4段材料, 回答第16至18小题。16. How did Alan feel the first time when he spoke English to a foreigner?A. Nervous. B. Happy. C

8、. Excited.17. What did Alan worry about?A. His bad pronunciation. B. Not being able to express himself.C. Making a lot of mistakes.18. Which of the following is true?A. The foreigner answered Alans question at last. B. The foreigner wasnt American.C. Alan met the foreigner in a hotel.请听第5段材料, 回答第19至

9、22小题。19. How was the weather that day?A Warm B. Cold. C. Hot. 20. Who swam happily in the river?A. The little girl. B. Mike. C. Mikes friends.21. Why did the girl fall into the river?A. She wanted to save Mike. B. She wanted to learn to swim.C. She wanted to get the ball back.22. How was the girl sa

10、ved in the end?A. Mike asked his friends to save her. B. Mike saved her himself.C. Mike called the police for help.C)请听下面一段独白,根据独白内容完成下列句子,每个空格不超过3个单词。听独白前你将有时间阅读句子内容。独白读两遍。(每小题1分)23. There are_ basic subjects in American high schools.24. Some students_ English classes because they can read famous n

11、ovels.25. In science classes, students can do many experiments and learn to discover the mystery of the _. 26. Some students are interested in learning_. 27. Music is interesting to some students because they feel it is_. 二、单项填空(8分)请阅读下面各小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(每小题1分, 共8分)28There is a

12、big sports center near my house, so it is _ for me to do sports. Aimportant Bdifficult Cimpossible Dconvenient29- Why are you so upset?- I thought my ideas were good, but _ agreed with me at the meeting.Asomebody Banybody Cnobody Deverybody30_ the prices are a little higher at that supermarket, we l

13、ike to go shopping there anyway.AUnless BThough CBecause DSince31- Do you know about the scientist Tu Youyou? - Yes, she won the 2015 Nobel Prize in medicine because of her great _.Asurprise Bachievement Ceducation Dimprovement32-Look out! Something _ down from the building. - Dear me! Its too dange

14、rous.Afell Bfalls Cis falling Dhas fallen 33The water in rivers is even _ than before. Something must be done now.Adirty Bdirtier Cmore dirty Ddirtiest34-How tidy the classroom is! - Yes, Im sure that someone _ it.Acleans Bwas cleaning Cwill clean Dhas cleaned 35The work _ in three hours. Lets hurry

15、.Amust finish Bwill finish Cmust be finished Dfinished三、完形填空(25分)A)请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项。(每小题1分)Do you often talk with your parents about your problems? When you talk to 36 , will they believe what you say, listen to you and 37 you?It has 38 to do with both you and you

16、r parents. Some parents are easy to talk to, and they are great 39 , but some are hard to walk close to. As communication is a two-way street, the 40 you talk can cause different results. So you should follow the 41 below.Be 42 .Tell your parents about 43 you think,feel,and want as clearly as possib

17、le. They will be more helpful if they 44 what you mean and whats really going on.Make your parents 45 you. If youre 46 honest, your parents will believe what you say. However, if you hardly tell them the truth, it will be 47 for them to believe you.Try not to 48 . If you disagree with your parents,

18、can you see things 49 your parents sides?If both you and your parents think for each other, you will be able to talk in a 50 way.36. A. they B. them C. their D. theirs37. A. depend on B. take after C. give up D. agree with38. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing39. A. listeners B. dance

19、rs C. teachers D. singers40. A. time B. place C. trouble D. way41. A. advice B. article C. information D. message42. A. easy B. different C. clear D. loud43. A. how B. where C. what D. when44. A. understand B. change C. control D. question45. A. help B. believe C. miss D. wonder46. A. sometimes B. a

20、lways C. never D. hardly47. A. difficult B. easy C. great D. cheap48. A. compete B. explain C. compare D. argue49. A. with B. from C. in D. of50. A. normal B. similar C. friendly D. lonelyB)请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。每个词限用一次(每小题1分)until, nervous, compare, argue, wrong, push, anymore, allow, mak

21、e, himselfLi Tao hates his mom. He thinks she 51 him so hard. To make him get good grades, she doesnt 52 him to see friends on weekends. She sends him to all kinds of after-school classes. She always 53 him with his classmates. She hardly communicates with him. Yesterday she 54 with him again. That

22、made him crazy. Li Tao ran down the street. After running for 30 minutes, he felt tired. He decided not to run 55 . He started to walk. There were fewer and fewer people on the streets. He walked on 56 he had only the street lights to keep him company.When he finally reached his building, he saw all

23、 the lights were off except his moms. Li Tao said to 57 ,Is Mom waiting for me? With the key in his hand, he was very 58 . At last, he opened the door. He saw his mother 59 his bed, and tears ran down his face. He said quietly, Mom, Im 60 . I. His mom said nothing. She just held him in her arms. 4Co

24、xs HotelTel: 01789 404600E-mail: timesCoffee shop: 9:00am-6:00pmTea room: 10:30am-5:30pmPub (酒吧): 12:00- midnight(1:30am on Friday/Saturday)The Cartoon MuseumCome and see the best of British cartoon art. There is something for everyone -includin

25、g popular cartoon characters and a great shop full of funny books and cards.Price: 4.00Opening times:Tuesday Saturday 10:30-17:30Sunday 12:00-18:00阅读理解(分) AStratford Butterfly(蝴蝶)FarmTel: 01789 299288 Price: Opening Hours:E-mail: 5.50 adult Summer 10am-6am4.50 child Winter 1

26、0am-4:30pm16 familyVisit: 61. Where can we get funny cards when we visit England?A. In the Cartoon Museum. B. On Stratford Butterfly Farm.C. At Coxs Hotel. D. At Coxs pub.62.Which is the proper time to go to the pub at Coxs Hotel?A. 9:00-18:00 on Friday. B. 10:30-17:30 on Tue

27、sday.C. 12:00-1:30 on Saturday. D. 10:00-16:30 on Monday.63. How much should four college students pay for a visit to Startford Butterfly Farm?A. 16. B. 32. C. 18. D. 22.BHave you ever wanted to achieve something really amazing in life? Well, Greg Mortenson wanted to climb a mountain, but he ended u

28、p helping thousands of people to have a better life.Gregs story began with failure. In 1993, he set out to climb K2, the worlds second highest mountain. But Greg never made it to the top. After five days, he stumbled (踉跄)into the village of Korphe in northern Pakistan, injured and hungry. The kind v

29、illagers there looked after him for several days.Greg saw that the villagers were very poor and hungry, and some of them were ill. Also, the village school didnt have a roof and the children wrote on the ground with sticks. Greg knew he wanted to do something to help. “Ill build you a school,” he to

30、ld the villagers. “I promise.”Greg went back home to the USA to raise money for the school. He even lived in the car to save money! Finally he went back to Korphe and built the school. But this was just the beginning of something bigger! Since then, Gregs organization has built around 80 schools and

31、 runs many others in Pakistan and other countries, too.Greg hasnt finished yet. He does many other things to help people in poor countries. He has got many prizes, but its the smiles of the children he has helped that makes him happy!Greg has just written a best-selling book about his story called Three Cups of Tea. Its an interesting and exciting book which tel

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