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1、高考英语读后续写结尾提升技巧解析版专题04 读后续写:结尾提升技巧(解析版)一、积极的态度主题升华1. Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it.生活中10%是发生在我们身上的事,90%是我们应对的方式。2. The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, andachieves the impossible.积极的思考者能看到看不见的,感受无形的,实现不可能的。3.Its not what happens to you, but how yo

2、u reactto it that matters.在你身上发生了什么并不重要,重要的是你如何应对。4.Livelife to the fullest, and focus on the positive.充分地享受人生,保持积极的心态。5.Onesmall positive thought can change your whole day.一个积极的小想法可以改变你的一整天。6.Whenlife gives you lemons, make lemonade.当生活给了你柠檬,就做柠檬水。7.Insteadof worrying about what you cannot control,

3、 shift your energy to what you cancreate.不要担心你不能控制的事情,把你的精力转移到你能创造的事情上。8.Youcannot control the behavior of others, but you can always choose how yourespond to it.你无法控制他人的行为,但你可以选择如何应对。9.Themore you feed your mind with positive thoughts, the more you can attract greatthings into your life.你越是用积极的思想充实

4、你的头脑,你就越能吸引极好的事物进入你的生活。10.Happinessdepends on your mindset and attitude.幸福取决于你的心态和态度。11.Yourattitude will make a difference on how you view the facts in your life.你的态度会改变你看待生活中的事实的方式。二、梦想主题升华1.Its true: If the dream is big enough, the factsdont count.心中有目标,风雨不折腰。这句话没错。2.“All of the hard work and sac

5、rifice paid off,”she said.“When you have adream, believe it with all of your heart.”“所有的努力和牺牲都得到了回报,”她说。“当你有梦想时,要全心全意地相信它。”3.Anyonewith a dream, courage and persistence will be successful.”任何一个有梦想,有勇气和毅力的人都会成功。”4.Iknow now that big ambitions need not just time to develop, but firm belief inthem. And

6、 I will not allow anyone else to decide for me whats possible.我现在知道,远大的抱负不仅需要时间来发展,还需要坚定的信念。我不会让别人替我决定什么是可能的。5.Thekey is to focus on your dreams,instead of the hardships you encounter along theway.关键是要专注于你的梦想,而不是你一路上遇到的困难。6.Fulfillingones dream has nothing to do with age,disability or the thoughts o

7、rexpectations of others,but a firm belief in yourself.实现一个人的梦想与年龄、残疾或他人的想法或期望无关,而是与对自己的坚定的信念有关。7.WhenI held fast to my dream, even during the tough times, the miracles really beganto happen.当我坚持我的梦想,即使在艰难的时候,奇迹真的开始发生了。8.Theworld always makes way for the dreamer.这个世界总是会给梦想家让路。9.Mydream has powered so

8、 much energy in me that my life has become colorful everyday. So, however hard it will be to stick to my dream, no way will I give itup!我的梦想为我提供了如此多的能量,我的生活每天都变得丰富多彩。所以,无论坚持我的梦想是多么艰难,我都不会放弃!10.Thatdream helped me put everything behind me and gave me the confidence to pursuenew possibilities.那个梦想帮助我放

9、下一切,给了我追求新的可能性的信心。11.Shetaught us by example that its never too late to be all you can possibly be.她以身作则告诉我们,成为你可能成为的(人)永远都不晚。三、佳句赏读梦想1.Neverallow reality to get in the way of your dreams.永远不要让现实阻挡你的梦想。2.Adream doesnt becomereality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.梦想不会通过魔法变

10、成现实;它需要汗水、决心和努力工作。3.Thereis only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear offailure.世界上只有一样东西可以阻止梦想实现,那就是害怕失败。4.Lifewithout dreams is like a bird with a broken wingit cant fly.没有梦想的生活就像一只断了翅膀的鸟,它不能飞翔。5.Youare never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.设定一个新的目标或去梦想一

11、个新的梦想永远都不迟。6.Thebiggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.你能经历的最大冒险,就是过你梦想的生活。7.Dont let others hijack your dreams. Be captainof your own ship and master of your own destiny.不要让别人劫持你的梦想。做自己船的船长和自己命运的主人。8.Allour dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.如果我们有

12、勇气去追求,我们所有的梦想都可以成真。9.Ajourney of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.千里之行,始于足下。10.Wherethere is dream, there is hope.哪里有梦想,哪里就有希望。11.Itsnot enough just to dream of your ideas. Youve got to take action to bringabout their creation.仅仅梦想你的想法是不够的。你必须采取行动来创造他们。四、救急收尾句型It suddenly dawned on me

13、that.Only then did it dawn on me that.It was the first time that he had wholeheartedly accepted his second home.Cold as the climate was, deep in her heart was glowing warmth.末尾启发:Only then did it dawn on me that. could make a difference. 睛环境好: With the amber-like sunlight filtering into the room and

14、 the twittering of cheerful larks floating outside, (the family) entered a new chapter./ the two souls were getting closer. 温馨结尾:What a memorable moment it was, witnessing a new and meaningful bond in them/this family. 多人情节尾处:Tears blurring his vision/A surge of. creeping over him, he embraced her t

15、ightly/warmly. 冷感动: Cold as the climate was, deep in her heart was glowing warmth.五、结尾方法(一)结尾完形方法1:利用意外反转讽刺现实【典例赏析】项链(莫泊桑)小说以“项链”作为线索贯穿全文。主人公玛蒂尔德为了参加一个舞会,向朋友借了一条钻石项链。舞会上,她大出风头,却乐极生悲,无意中丢掉了项链。为了赔偿,她整整十年拼命劳作,省吃俭用,不顾一切地还债。当债务终于还清,她却得知这条项链原来是假的。十九世纪八十年代的法国,政府贪污风行,唯利是图的道德观念影响到整个社会,很多人贪慕上流社会的生活。小说通过这样一个巧妙

16、设置的故事,尖锐讽刺了那种虚荣心和追求享乐的思想,同时,对受尽生活愚弄的主人公又寄寓了深切的同情。结尾部分:Madame Forestier had halted.“You say you bought a diamond necklace to replace mine?”“Yes. You hadnt noticed it? They were very much alike.”And she smiled in proud and innocent happiness.Madame Forestier, deeply moved, took her two hands.“Oh, my p

17、oor Mathilde! But mine was imitation. It was worth at the verymost five hundred francs!.”(二)结尾完形方法2:利用意外反转传递深情厚谊【典例赏析】最后一片叶子(欧亨利)最后一片叶子(The Last Leaf)是欧亨利短篇小说作品中具有代表性的一篇,亦采用小人物作为主角,歌颂伟大的人性关怀。小说中,青年画家琼珊得了肺炎,她消极地认为当窗外墙上最后一片常春藤叶被吹落时,她的生命就会消逝。当楼下穷困而不得志的老“画家”贝尔曼听到这件事后,冒着暴雨在墙上画出了一片永远不会凋落的常春藤叶,让琼珊重新燃起了生命的希

18、望,自己却因此染病去世。作者通过描写萍水相逢的普通人之间的关怀,刻画了一个舍己为人的画家形象。在作者心中,美好心灵造就的作品才是不朽的杰作。结尾部分:“I have something to tell you, white mouse,” she said. “Mr. Behrman diedof pneumonia today in the hospital. He was ill only two days. The janitor foundhim the morning of the first day in his room downstairs helpless with pain

19、. Hisshoes and clothing were wet through and icy cold. They couldnt imagine wherehe had been on such a dreadful night. And then they found a lantern, stilllighted, and a ladder that had been dragged from its place, and some scatteredbrushes, and a palette with green and yellow colors mixed on it, an

20、d look outthe window, dear, at the last ivy leaf on the wall. Didnt you wonder why itnever fluttered or moved when the wind blew?Ah, darling, itsBehrmans masterpiece he painted it there the night that the last leaf fell.”“我有些话要告诉你,小丫头,”她说,“贝尔曼在医院里去世了。他害肺炎,只病了两天。头天早上,看门人在楼下的房间里发现他痛得要命。他的鞋子和衣服都湿透了,冰凉冰


22、盖斯勒兄弟一生都在制鞋,从不打广告,也不考虑能赚多少利润,却因为大公司对市场的侵蚀减少了生意,入不敷出,最终难以维持生计直至被饿死。小说的结尾震撼人心,流露出了作者对传统手工业者的怀念与惋惜之情。作者用他细致入微的描写为我们展现了残酷的社会现实,揭示了在这个适者生存的现代社会中理想与现实的矛盾。故事结尾:“That may be a bit flowery, as the sayin is but I know myself he wassittin over his boots day and night, to the very last. You see I used to watchh

23、im. Never gave imself time to eat; never had a penny in the house. All wentin rent and leather. How he lived so long I dont know. He regular let his firego out. He was a character. But he made good boots.”“Yes,” I said, “he made good boots.”And I turned and went out quickly, for I did not want that

24、youth to knowthat I could hardly see.“这样说也许有点儿夸张但是我自己知道,他从早到晚坐在那里做靴子,一直做到最后的时刻。你知道,我往往在旁边看着他。他从不给自己吃饭的时间,店里连一块钱都没有,所有的钱都用在房租和皮革上了。他怎么能活到这么久,连我也莫名其妙。他经常断粮。他是个怪人,但是他做的靴子都顶好。”“是的,”我说,“他做的靴子都顶好。”我随即立刻转身离开了,我不想让那个年轻人看到我已经模糊了的双眼。(四)结尾完形方法4:利用自然发展烘托温馨浪漫【典例赏析1】小女孩(凯瑟琳曼斯菲尔德)小女孩(The Little Girl)是一则讲述父女情的故事。在小

25、女孩凯齐娅的心中,爸爸是个威严、高大的人,她因此很怕他,与他说话的时候支支吾吾。一次,她在奶奶的鼓励下为爸爸缝制生日礼物,无意中剪碎了他重要的演讲稿,让爸爸勃然大怒。凯齐娅很伤心,想到隔壁麦克唐纳家慈祥的父亲,心中就隐隐作痛。直到有一天妈妈生病,家中只留下了凯齐娅和爸爸,她因为害怕黑暗,做了噩梦,没想到平时不苟言笑的爸爸将她抱进了怀中,安慰她入睡。小女孩是一篇典型的曼斯菲尔德作品,它截取日常的生活片段,刻画出其中细腻丰富的感情,读来令人心醉。故事结尾:Then the dark did not matter; she lay still. “Here, rub your feetagainst

26、 my legs and get them warm,” said father.Tired out, he slept before the little girl. A funny feeling came overher. Poor father! Not so big, after all and with no one to look after him.He was harder than the grandmother, but it was a nice hardness. And everyday he had to work and was too tired to be

27、a Mr. Macdonald. She had torn upall his beautiful writing. She stirred suddenly, and sighed.“Whats the matter?” asked father. “Another dream?”“Oh,” said the little girl, “my heads on your heart; I can hear itgoing. What a big heart youve got, father dear.”“来,把你的脚放在我腿上蹭蹭,这样能暖和些。”爸爸说。他困极了,比小女孩先入睡。一种奇怪



30、心。”相信众多读者的心也同样被小女孩的天真愁绪深深打动。(五)结尾完形方法5:用平凡和伟大再现英雄和悲壮【典例赏析1】最后一课(阿尔封斯都德)小说最后一课(The Last Lesson)在表现普法战争这一主题时,并未正面描写战争的残酷场面,也没有突出普鲁士侵略者的骄横暴戾和法国人民的英勇无畏,而是将视线聚焦到了阿尔萨斯省一个小镇的一堂普普通通的法语课上,以一个学龄孩子的感触,反映了法国最普通的民众对自己国家深厚的情感。故事的主角并不是个出色的学生,他爱去田野里玩耍不爱去学校,上课也经常开小差,觉得外面的世界比课堂有趣。但在普鲁士人的政令公布之后,这个调皮学生的心态在一点点地发生变化他发现老师

31、教的内容竟然很容易听懂,并且还希望自己能有更多的时间学习得更加深入,他甚至还开始体贴地察言观色,理解老师的良苦用心。文章在详细描述主人公的转变时,也带出了其他学生、甚至小镇居民们的转变满教室只听见笔在纸上沙沙作响,不识字的老居民也摊开课本认真地学习拼写。作者通过截取主人公、学生和那些居民面对国家危难的这一小片段,以小见大,展示了爱国精神在一个普通人心中引起的强烈化学反应,深刻地反映了法国上上下下的民众在国难之际的面貌。故事结尾:Suddenly the church clock struck twelve. Thenthe Angelus. At the same moment the tru

32、mpets of the Prussians, returning fromdrill, sounded under our windows. M. Hamel stood up, very pale, in his chair. Inever saw him look so tall. “My friends,” said he, “my friends,. I. I.”But something choked him; he could not finish the sentence. He returnedto the blackboard, took a piece of chalk, and wrote in large letters, “VIVE LAFRANCE.”Then he stood leaning against the wall, unable to

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