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本文(人教版七年级英语下Unit 5Why do you like pandas单元检测题及答案含答案及解析.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

人教版七年级英语下Unit 5Why do you like pandas单元检测题及答案含答案及解析.docx

1、人教版七年级英语下Unit 5 Why do you like pandas单元检测题及答案含答案及解析人教版七年级英语下Unit 5 Why do you like pandas单元检测题及答案【含答案及解析】姓名_ 班级_ 分数_题号一二三四五六七总分得分一、单项填空1. This is _ Australian koala. _ koala is a gift to Beijing Zoo. A. an; A B. a; The C. an; The D. a; An 2. Animals are our _, and we should be _ to them. A. friend;

2、 friendly B. friends; friendly C. friendly; friends D. friendly; friend 3. The color red is a _ of good luck in China. A. name B. lesson C. subject D. symbol 4. Tony Scott is a _ student. H e does well in every subject. A. smart B. scary C. cute D. lazy 5. Lisa can t find her English book. I think s

3、he _ to bring it to school. A. remember s B. learns C. forgets D. saves 6. Now many elephants are _ great danger because many people _ them for their ivory. A. in; save B. in; kill C. with; kill D. with; save 7. My little cat can walk _ his two hands for a long time. A. in B. to C. on D. of 8. I kno

4、w ice-cream is not good for me, _ it tastes good. A. but B. and C. so D. either 9. Dont be _, and please speak loudly. A. beautiful B. shy C. noisy D. quiet 10. Mark wears a T-shirt and looks _ cool. A. kind of B. a kind of C. all kinds of D. kinds of 11. Those chairs are cool in summer because they

5、 are made _ bamboo. A. with B. for C. about D. of 12. Where _ the elephant _ from? A. is ; come B. is; be C. does; come D. do; comes 13. - Mr. Scott is a nice teacher. - _. M any students like his lesson. A. I see B. Good luck C. Sounds good D. Yes, you re right 14. - What do you think of animals ?

6、-_. A. Theyre tigers B. Theyre very lovely C. I like tigers D. Youre right 15. - _ do you like Huba in Monster Hunt (捉妖记) ? - Because it is very cute. A. What B. When C. Why D. How 二、完形填空16. Do you like dogs or cats? I like all kinds of (16). _ . S o I find a part-time job in the zoo in my city. I (

7、17). _ on weekends. T he zoo is about 15 kilometers away from my home. I usually (18). _ a bus to work. A fter I (19). _ the zoo, I clean the animal rooms and cages(笼子). O n weekends, there are many people come to the zoo to (20). _ these animals. I need to tell (21). _ what they can do and what the

8、y can not do. I like my work because I can (22). _ my favorite animals. I like the grey koala best. It is from ( 23 ). _ . I t is one of the symbols of the country. B ut I dont think it is a (24). _ idea for animal to live in the small rooms or cages. T hey are from nature (自然), and they are our fri

9、ends. I think they will be happy (25). _ they can live in nature. 1. A. sports B. subjects C. animals D. colors 2. A. study B. work C. learn D. sleep 3. A. sell B. bring C. help D. take 4. A. get to B. get C. arrive D. come 5. A. save B. kill C. buy D. see 6. A. me B. them C. they D. we 7. A. live w

10、ith B. write to C. play with D. dream with 8. A. Australia B. America C. England D. China 9. A. difficult B. bad C. good D. shy 10. A. because B. before C. after D. if 三、阅读理解17. Animal shows in City Zoop18. ly:宋体; font-size:11.5ptLion show Day: Friday: Time: 6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. Place: Lion s Home Pr

11、ice: ¥20/ one person(人) Elephant show Day: Saturday Time:8:00a.m.-9:30a.m. Place: Elephants House Price: ¥30/ one person Monkey show Day: Sunday Time: 10:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Place: Monkeys Home Price: ¥10/ one person 1. When is the lion show? A. On Friday morning. B. On Friday evening. C. On Saturday

12、 morning. D. On Sunday afternoon. 2. If (如果) John s parents take him and his sister to see the lion show, they need to pay _. A. ¥30 B. ¥40 C. ¥60 D. ¥80 3. How long is the elephant show? A. Half an hour. B. One hour. C. One and a half hours. D. Two hours. 4. Where can we see the monkey show? A. Nea

13、r Elephants House. B. Next to Lion s Home. C. At Monkeys Home. D. In City Zoo s hall. 5. Which of the following is TRUE? A. You cant see the elephant show and the monkey show on the same day. B. The ticket (票) for the lion show is the most expensive (最贵的) of all. C. Ben has ¥50 and he can see all th

14、e animal shows in City Zoo. D. The monkey show is two hours long. 四、任务型阅读19. p20. ly:宋体; font-size:11.5pt1. Dales favorite animal is pandas. H e wants to play with them. 2. Mary likes cute koalas best. S he wants to see some now. 3. Bob likes dogs. H e wants to have one on his 14th birthday. 4. Cind

15、y wants to see an elephant show on weekends. 5. Anna loves giraffes very much. S he hopes to see some one day. A. Aunt Li has six dogs in her house. A ll of them are very smart. D o you want to have one? B. The White Zoo is the best place for you to see giraffes. T he giraffes here are very beautifu

16、l. C. We have lots of cats in our pet center. T hey are black and white. W ant to have one? D. We have some pandas from China here. T hey are very cute. A nd you can take photos and play with them because they are friendly to people. E. Do you know about lions? Do you want to see some? T here are so

17、me lions from South Africa. C ome and have a look. F. Do you like elephants? T here are elephant shows from Friday to Sunday. A ll of the elephants are friendly to people. G. There are ten koalas from Australia in our zoo. T hey are very cute and shy. C ome and see them! 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 五、短

18、文填空21. Nice to meet you, clever boys and beautiful girls! Welcome to Green Zoo. I am Fiona. Before visiting our zoo , I hope you can follow our zoo s 1. . 2. be noisy or made our zoo dirty. N ow, let me 3. you our plan ( 计划) today. F irst, we will visit the Sheep Park. 4. are from Australia. T hey a

19、re cute and friendly. N ext is the Dolphin Park. T hey can swim very 5. . T hen we will go to the 6. Home. They are shy. A nd then you can see our beautiful Miss. Giraffe in the Garden of Giraffe. T hey are really 7. . S o they can eat leaves in high place. And we can see those clever monkeys. Next

20、is our Mr. Elephant. H e is nice. A fter that, we will visit the Tiger Park. They must be in cages 8. they are dangerous. I hope you must 9. : Don s feed (喂) our animals. Thank you. I m sure you will have 10. here. 六、任务型阅读22. T here is a tiger there. H is name is David and he is from South Africa. H

21、 e is very scary and also kind of lazy. H e always sleeps for about 12 hours every day. David s birthday is on next Sunday. W e will have a birthday party for him. Anna comes from Thailand. S he is friendly and cute. P eople like her and always take photos with her. S he is an elephant. Y esterday w

22、as her ninth birthday. H er favorite food is fruit and vegetables. She likes to make friends with people and people can ask her to help do things for them. Lily is a koala. S he is from Australia. S he is cute but a little shy. S he loves sleeping in the day. B ut at night she usually gets up and ea

23、ts food. L ily is six year s old and healthy. Information Card p23. ly:宋体; font-size:11.5ptWhen is David s birthday? 1. How old is Anna? 2. Where does Lily come from? 3. What does Lily usually do at night? 4. How many animals are mentioned (提到)in the passage? 5. 七、书面表达24. 假如你是李华,这个星期六早上你打算带来自英国的新朋友T

24、om去动物园。请你根据地图及标注,向Tom介绍一下你的游览计划及动物的情况。 1.可爱的猴子(靠近门口) 2.聪明的长劲鹿 3.懒惰的河马(hippos) 4.友好的熊猫 5.可爱的大象 6.可怕的鳄鱼(crocodiles) 7.漂亮的斑马(zebras) 8.可怕的狮子 _ 参考答案及解析第1题【答案】第2题【答案】第3题【答案】第4题【答案】第5题【答案】第6题【答案】第7题【答案】第8题【答案】第9题【答案】第10题【答案】第11题【答案】第12题【答案】第13题【答案】第14题【答案】第15题【答案】第16题【答案】第17题【答案】第18题【答案】第19题【答案】第20题【答案】第21题【答案】

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