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人教版新目标九年级英语 Unit 10 Section B 3aselfcheck同步测试有答案.docx

1、人教版新目标九年级英语 Unit 10 Section B 3aselfcheck 同步测试有答案人教版新目标九年级英语Unit 10 Section B (3aselfcheck) 同步测试一、单项选择( )1.It is bad manners to _ someone with your chopsticks during a meal.Apoint at Blook upCtalk to Dpick up( )2.Everyone except Mary and Lily _ there when the meeting began.Aare Bis Cwere Dwas( )3.La

2、dies and gentlemen,please fasten your seat belts.The plane is _Ataking away Btaking offCtaking up Dtaking down( )4.This disabled girl needs our help.We are _ to do something for her.Astopped BinvitedCsupposed Dsuppose( )5.I think you should help him._,he is your close friend.AAbove all BAfter allCAt

3、 all DIn all( ) 6.Lindas teacher was so mad _ her because she made lots of mistakes in the test.Aat Bin Con Dabout( )7.There are many big shops on _ sides of Nanjing Road.Aone Bother Cboth Dall( )8.There is no water in the bottle.Its _Afull Buseful Cempty Dwet( )9.Would you mind _ the door?Its cold

4、outside.Sorry.Ill do it right away.Aopening Bopen Cclosing Dclose( )10.I _ my uncles home when I was back home last time.Adropped off BdroppedCdropped on Ddropped by( )11Whos the most modest boy in your class? Daniel.He never _ in public.Agets offBtakes offCshows off Dturns off( )12Hello!Mum.Long ti

5、me no see. Hello!Mary.Are you busy these days?Im looking forward _ your phone.Ato answer BansweringCto answering Danswer( )13What a good _ youve given me!Thanks a lot. My pleasure.Ainformation BnewsCsuggestion Dadvice( )14Have you seen the TV play My Ugly Mother? Yes, it is well worth _. It is _ mov

6、ing that I have seen it twice.Aseeing, too Bto see, enoughCseeing, so Dto see, such( )15This place _ a factory but now it is a park.Aused to being Bused to beCis used to Dusing to be二、完形填空People in different countries have different ways of doing things.Something is _16_ in one country,but it may be

7、 quite impolite in another.In Britain,you mustnt lift your bowl to your _17_ when you are having some liquid (液体) food.But its _18_ in China.And in Japan you even neednt worry about making _19_ while you are having it.It shows that youre enjoying it.But people in Britain think it is bad manners.If y

8、ou are a visitor in Mongolia,what manners do they wish _20_ to have?They wish you to have a loud “burp” (打嗝) _21_ you finish eating.Burping shows that you like the food.In Britain,you should try not to _22_ your hands on the table when youre having a meal.But in Arab (阿拉伯) countries you must be very

9、 careful with your hands.You _23_ eat with your left hand.Arabs consider (认为) it very _24_ manners eating with left hands.So when you are in other countries,_25_ carefully and follow them.As a saying goes,“Do as the Romans do.”( )16.A.badBusefulCpolite( )17.A.mouth Bnose Ceyes( )18.A.same Bdifferent

10、 Cimportant( )19.A.faces Bnoise Cmistakes( )20.A.them Bhim Cyou( )21.A.after Bbefore Cuntil( )22.A.give Bput Cbring( )23.A.neednt Bmustnt Ccouldnt( )24.A.good Bstrange Cbad( )25.A.listen Btalk Cwatch三、阅读理解In America,just as in Europe,men usually open doors for women,and women always walk ahead of me

11、n into a room or a restaurant,unless the men have to be ahead of the ladies to choose the table,to open the door of a car or do some other things like the above.On the street,men almost always walk or cross the street on the closer side of the ladies to the traffic.But if a man walks with two ladies

12、,he should walk between them.Then if the host (男主人) or hostess (女主人) or both of them come in a car to get their guest for dinner,the guest should sit at the front seat and leave the back seat though there is no people sitting on it.( )26.In America,men usually _Awalk ahead of womenBeat in a restaura

13、ntCwalk behind womenDeat out( )27.The men have to be _ of the ladies to choose the table,to open the door of a car or do some other things like the above.AaheadBbehindCmiddleDunder( )28.In the street men _Across the street ahead of the ladiesBwalk on the right side of the ladiesCwalk on the closer s

14、ide of the ladies to the trafficDwalk on the left side of the road( )29.If a man walks with two ladies,he should _Awalk between them Brun before themCfollow them Dwalk after them( )30.If Mrs. Green wants you to her house in a car,you should _Asit beside a guest Bsit at the front seatCsit at the back

15、 seat Ddrive the car四、词汇运用A)用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。31Thank you for your _(suggest)I have finished the work.32This book is well worth _(read)33She didnt like to keep others _(wait)34His speech is of great _(valuable) to me.35She gets used to _(drive) a small car.36They are excited about _ (go) to Beijing.37I

16、ts impolite _ (make) a noise when you are eating.38Im looking forward to _ (meet) you soon.39My English teacher gives me some _ (suggestion) about learning English.40.Tony is used to _(go) to bed late.B)根据句意,选择方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。show up, knock on, be worth,table manners, in different situations41Can you

17、 tell me something about the _in China?Sure.42When I was watching TV last night, someone _ my door.43I waited for him for a long time, but he didnt _at last.44Please tell me about how to give first aid _45The film is a great success. It _watching.五、完成句子根据汉语意思完成下列句子。46与朋友见面时她总是努力做到准时。She always _to b

18、e on time when she meets her friends.47那家旅馆让每个人都感到宾至如归。That hotel _everybody feel _48不要担心那件事,没什么大不了的!Dont worry about that. Its_!49请把这两扇窗上的污点擦一下。Please _the black marks _the two windows.50他们格外努力地帮助她。They _to help her.51我会尽力让你感到舒服的。I will _way to make you _comfortable.52他用错误的方式问候了保罗的妈妈。He _Pauls moth

19、er the _ way53他习惯于制订计划去看他的朋友们。He _plans to see his friends.54不恰当的举止使人很生气。Bad manners can _people _55谢谢你让我感到宾至如归。_me _ at home.六、句型转换56They mend the desk.(改为被动语态)The desk _by them.57The Great Wall was built to protect some states against enemies. (对画线部分提问)_ the Great Wall built?58A knife is used for

20、cutting things.(对画线部分提问)_a knife used for?59You cant take the books out of the reading room.(改为被动语态)The books _out of the reading room.60The math problem is too difficult for him to work out.(改为复合句)The math problem is _difficult _work it out.七、补全对话从方框里选择合适的句子补全对话(有一项多余)Dave:Nice to meet you!Im Dave

21、from America.He Wei:Nice to meet you,too!Im He Wei,an exchange student from China.Dave:China?Its a great country.61._He Wei:Really?Well,next year,you can come to my house for the New Year.Dave:OK.62._He Wei:Of course not.On the New Years Eve,we always make dumplings with family and some coins are pu

22、t in the dumplings.63._.Dave:Thats cool.Anything else?He Wei:On the New Years Day,we Chinese always visit relatives and give gifts to each other.Dave:Oh,I like gifts.64._He Wei:In China,you shouldnt open the gift at once.You should wait and open it later.Dave:Really?Its interesting.65._He Wei:Youre

23、welcome.AThank you for telling me so much.BWhen I get a gift,could I open it right now?CWould you mind telling me some customs about the festival?DIm interested in Chinese festivals,especially the Chinese New Year.EThe person with coins is lucky.FDo you like coins?八、任务型阅读ABrazilians are outgoing,fun

24、loving people.Friends are greeted with kisses and hugs (拥抱)BIf you are invited to a Mexicans house,bring a gift such as flowers or sweets.And you can arrive 30 minutes late in most places.The usual greeting is a handshake or a nod of the head.Women often greet each other with a kiss on the face.CIn

25、the United States,most people do not talk about religion,politics,or personal feelings with strangers.“Small talk” is spoken including some topics such as sports,weather,jobs,or past experiences.DBesides chopsticks,South Koreans regularly use soup spoons at meals.The chopsticks are used mainly for s

26、ide dishes,while the spoon is used for soup and rice.They are supposed to bow when they meet for the first time.EThe bow is embedded (根深蒂固的) in Japanese culture.You will become used to it after only a short time in Japan.The Japanese bow when they meet and part from one another to express appreciati

27、on.FIn Colombia,men often shake hands with everyone when entering a home,greeting a group,or leaving.Women offer a greeting and may kiss each other on the face if they know each other.Young people may also kiss if they are good friends.GIn Switzerland,etiquette (规矩) requires that one does not start

28、eating until the host or the eldest has begun.The fork is held in the left hand,and the knife in the right hand.Hands are kept above the table.Most Swiss shake hands when greeting.根据上栏信息描述,将这些人与栏中某个国家的风俗习惯搭配起来(有两项多余)。( )66Every time Kate invites Alice,she always comes half an hour late and then kiss

29、es her.( )67When Jack goes to a friends house,they shake hands with each other.But Jack starts eating first when the dinner begins,so the friends mother isnt very happy.( )68The waiter bows to customers and picks up some meat with chopsticks and some rice with a spoon.( )69At a bus stop,one says to the other,“Hello!The weather is

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