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1、高一英语下册月考模块检测试题8长春外国语学校2011-2012学年第二学期月考高一年级英语科试卷 出题人:张剑书 审题人:张振河 程静第一部分:听力(共20小题,满分20分)听下面5段对话,每段对话仅读一遍。1. Which country does the man want to know about? A. Australia.B. America.C. Canada.2. When did the baseball game start? A. At 3:45.B. At 4:45.C. At 5:45.3. What suggestion does the man give to th

2、e woman?A. Find the owner by using the phone. B. Hand in the phone to the security office. C. Take the phone to the teaching building.4. What are the two speakers doing? A. Having a meeting. B. Cooking a meal. C. Setting a table for a meal.5. What kind of sport does the woman like? A. Golf.B. Tennis

3、.C. Badminton.听第6段材料回答第6、7题6. When did the woman buy the books? A .Last Sunday.B. Last Monday.C. Last Friday.7. How many books does the woman want to exchange? A. One.B. Two.C. Three.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题8. What does the man teach at college? A. English.B. French.C. Chinese.9. Where does the woman come fro

4、m? A. England.B. America.C. France.听第8段材料回答第10至12题10. Who is wanted on the phone? A. Mr. Prince.B. Mr. Carson.C. Mr. Smith.11. What is Mr. Carson doing now? A. He is talking to Mr. Smith. B. He is having a meeting. C. He is on business in Hong Kong.12. What is the mans phone number? A. 62861427.B. 6

5、8261274.C. 68261427.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题13. Why does the man want to buy flowers for his girlfriend?A. She loves flowers. B. Her birthday is coming. C. There is a discount on flowers.14. What kind of flowers does the man buy for his girlfriend? A .RosesB. Lilies.C. Tea roses.15. How much does the man pa

6、y for the flowers? A. 90 yuan.B. 98 yuan.C. 100 yuan.16. When is his girlfriends birthday? A. Next Monday.B. Next ThursdayC. Next Saturday.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题17. How do Indian people treat their guests? A. They treat them as employers. B. They treat them as family members. C. They treat them as strang

7、ers.18. Who are the driving force in the family? A. The elders.B. The children.C. The men.19. How do people get blessings from their elders?A. By passing on the Indian culture. B. By touching their heads. C. By touching their feet.20. What is a striking feature of Indian culture?A. Caring for the yo

8、ung. B. The helpful nature. C. Respect for bosses.第二部分:英语知识运用(共三节,满分30分)第一节 单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21. Mary, how about visiting the newly-built park this weekend? _. I have been looking forward to it.A. Its well done.B. I couldnt agree more.C. Im afraid not.D. Thats all right.22. Todays teaching met

9、hods are quite different from _ of the past.A. thatB. oneC. whatD. the ones23. _ either she or I fit for the job? Im sorry to tell you that neither she nor you _.A. Is; areB. Are; areC. Am; isD. Is; is24. Have you told him the news? I _, but I forgot.A. mustB. should haveC. ought toD. would25. May I

10、 take the magazine out of the reading room? No, you _. It is not allowed.A. needn tB. wontC. mustntD. shouldnt26. He asked me for this book many times. Please tell him he _ have it tomorrow.A. must B. shallC. mayD. should27. Please _ your sister to bring the ticket for the concert.A. remindB. rememb

11、erC warnD. let28. He _ to us that he _ the watch on the table.A. lied; layB. lay; laidC. lied; had laidD. lay; had laid29. It _ be the postman at the door. Its only six oclock.A. mustntB. cantC. wontD. neednt30. To our joy, the operation is _ success and the patient is now out of _ danger.A. a; theB

12、. a; /C. /; theD. /; /31. The competition between the two restaurants was _.A. inB. onC. awayD. out32. The thief _ computers _ $20.000. A. got away with; worthB. got away from; worthyC. away with; worthD. got away; worthy of33. He was in hospital for six months. He felt as if he were _ from the outs

13、ide world.A. cut downB. cut offC. cut inD. cut through34. When we got to the top of the mountain, we were nearly _.A. taken a deep breatheB. lost our breathC. caught our breathD. out of breath35. He stood still in front of the shop window _ he were thinking something.A. as thoughB even thoughC. as l

14、ong asD. although第二节 完形填空 (共15;每小题1分,满分15分) Two weeks before Christmas, Mother told me we were going to my grandmothers house for the holiday. Grandma and Uncle Henry lived on a farm some 15 miles out of town. They had no electricity or running water and 36 what I considered the “good things” in lif

15、e. They 37 made no plans for Christmas. When Christmas Eve arrived, Mom told me in her best “I-mean-it” voice to 38 0 all the decorations from our tree. She packed those up 39 all the trimmings(材料) for a complete turkey dinner.Christmas morningdawnedperfectly with the sun shining brightly across a f

16、resh blanket of snow. 40 I sulked(生气) silently in the backseat of the car as we made our 41 to grandmas. This was going to be the 42 Christmas ever! Grandma was 43 to see us as we walked up to her door. “What on earth are you doing here?” she stammered(结巴).” We werent expecting 44 . Its Christmas, a

17、nd I dont even have a turkey to cook for you.” “I knew 45 .” Mom said as we set boxes of goodies on the kitchen table. “Thats 46 we brought all with us.” “We 47 have a tree,” Mom insisted. “ Otherwise(否则), what will we do with all these decorations?” Uncle Henry quickly caught Moms spirit. He called

18、 me to join him, and we found a perfect Christmas tree in the woods. Soon the housesmelledfresh and piney as we decorated the tree, and the daytake ona festive air. The turkey dinner was very good, too. I was actually beginning to enjoy this unusual Christmas day!Dessert was forgotten 48 Mom came ou

19、t with the final surprisea flaming pudding! “Merry Christmas, mother,” Mom said. “Dear me!” Grandma gasped(喘息). “I havent seen a flaming pudding since I left England before I was married.” Tears of 49 filled her eyes. I could not hold the tears back, 50 . I knew then that Mom had also given me the b

20、est Christmas present ever-she had taught me what a beautiful thing it is to give.36. A. prepared B. lacked C. refused D. wanted37. A. also B. still C. never D. hardly38. A. replace B. collect C. remove D. show39. A. instead of B. by the side of C. along with D. in spite of40. A. But B. So C. And D.

21、 Then41. A. decision B. way C. wish D. plan42. A. last B. busiest C. best D. worst43. A. expected B. eager C. surprised D. ready44. A. anyone B. others C. someone D. no one45. A. you B. them C. that D. this46. A. how B. why C. where D. what47. A. can B. must C. may D. might48. A. until B. after C. b

22、ecause D. unless49. A. sadness B. joy C. regret D. worry50. A. too B. also C. neither D. either第三部分 阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,共30分)AAn 80-year-old man was sitting on the sofa in his house along with his 45-year-old son. Suddenly a crow (乌鸦) landed on their window.The father asked his son, “What is that?”The

23、 son replied, “That is a crow.”After a few minutes, the father asked his son for the second time, “What is this?”The son said, “Father, I told you just now. Its a crow.”After a little while, the father asked his son the same question for the third time, “What is this?”This time, the son said to his

24、father in a low and cold tone, “Its a crow, a crow.”After a moment, the father yet again asked his son for the fourth time, “What is this?”This time his son shouted at his father, “Why do you keep asking me the same question again and again? I have told you already, IT IS A CROW. Are you not able to

25、 understand this?”A minute later the father went to his room and came back with a diary, which he had kept since his son was born. On opening a page, he asked his son to read that page.Today my little son aged three was sitting with me on the sofa when a crow suddenly landed on the window edge. My s

26、on asked me 23 times what it was, and I replied him 23 times that it was a crow. I hugged him lovingly each time he asked me the same question. I didnt at all feel angry, but instead felt affection for my son.If your parents reach old age, do not look at them as a burden, but speak to them gently, a

27、nd be kind to them. From today say this aloud, “I want to see my parents happy forever. They have cared for me ever since I was a little child. They have always showered me with love. I will take care of my old parents in the best way no matter how they behave.”51. The writer mainly intends to _. A.

28、 tell us the function of a diary B. call on us to love our parents C. teach us what a crow is D. introduce a pair of son and father52. The underlined word “affection” probably means_. A. puzzlement B. hatred(恨) C. worry D. love53. We can infer that the father wrote that piece of diary at the age of

29、_. A. eighty B. three C. thirty-eight D. forty-five54. The old man brought out the diary, which he had kept since his son was born, because _. A. he forgot what had happened B. he would like his son to read it C. it could remind himself of the past D. he wanted to find what a crow wasBWhen Christopher Columbus landed on the then unnamed Costa Rica in 1502, he saw many Indians wearing gold earrings. So he thought the land must be rich in gold. He named the place Costa Rica, which means “rich coast”

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