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1、精品高考英语一轮复习课件Unit2NewsmediaUnit 2 News media记忆重现考点梳理重点单词考纲单词difficulty, present, go, develop, face, complete, reason, effort新课标单词reliable, inform, relate, reflect, ignore, concern, injure重点词组 I I I I I I I Iturn down, on all sides, look up to, more than, go up, burn down, relate to sb./ sth., be addi

2、cted to, even in love withif, draw onesattention to, change ones mind, fall重点句型 1. It / This / That / is thefirst / second / third time (that). 2. The two reporters agreed to. ratherthan the interviewers.考点识记一、根据所给汉语及词性,写出英语单词1. adj 可靠的;可信赖的;确实的2.3.4.5.Vt通知;告诉vi. & vt有关;涉及vt面临;面对;正视vt.使沉溺;使入迷6. vt.呈

3、现;赠送adj.在场的7. vt.完成;结束adj.全部的& n.原因;动机vt. & vi.说服;推论9. n努力;艰难的尝试10. vt使蒙受损失;伤害二、选用所给单词或短语的适当形式填空,使句意完整正确go up, burn down, relate to sb. / sth., be addicted to, even if, draw attention to, on all sides, change ones mind, look up to, fall in love with11.The fire is , get some more coal please12.Prices

4、 of houses at an unreasonable speed again.43. She doesnt know exactly whether she Jack14.The word “moon is an ancient word “month15.We all Mr Chen as a hero who laid down his life for the studentsin the earthquake46.Its terrible that he the drug47.If you , you have to inform the director soon, or yo

5、ull getinto trouble18. the you take a taxi, youll miss the train.19.The Cookcroft Report on the teaching of maths importance of learning through talk.20.Our plan to help the homeless children was praised 三、根据所给汉语意思,完成下列句子21 (这是第二次)he has made the same mistake22.I always prefer starting early, (而不愿把事

6、情留到最后一分钟).23.(不想做的事).Dont force him to do24.(渐渐被It is believed by many people that the buildings here 覆盖)by storms from AD 200 to AD 500. 25. Hes just(完成这部电影的拍摄工作).1 reliable 2. inform 3. relate 4. face 5. addict6. present 7 complete 8 reason 9. effort 10. injure11. burning down 12 have gone up 13.

7、falls in love with14. related to 15. look up to 16. is addicted to17. have changed your mind 18. Even if 19. drew attention to20. on all sides 21 It is the second time that22. rather than leaving everything to the last minute23. more than he wants to 24. have been gradually covered over25. completed

8、 the film / finished shooting the film点睛讲练考点1. inform vt.通知或报告某人某事;告诉某人vi.(向警方)告发或检举某人【典型例句】1.Some money is missing. Have you informed the police?有些钱不见了,你 报警了吗?2.Please keep me informed (of / about what happens ).有事请随时通知我。3.One of the criminals informed against / on the rest of the gang 有一名罪 犯告发了同党。

9、【用法提示】1.inform sb. of / about sth.告知某人某事2.inform sb. that.告知某人3.inform sb. + 疑问词4.keep sb. informed 向某人报告5. be well informed about sth.精通某事;对某事消息灵通6. inform against / on 告发,举报7.拓展词语:informed adj 明智的;有知识的;了解情况的;information n.通知;情报;信息(不可数)【及时训练】用inform. (of)的正确形式填空。4.1 wasnt the decision until the nex

10、t day.2. We are kept of what is happening in the world by readingnewspapers and watching TV.3. Please keep me the changes in case they affect our work.Key:1informed of 2 informed 3 informed of考点2. relate vt.(在思想上或意义上)将(两事物)联系起来;将某事物与另一事物相联系;理解【典型例句】Its difficult to relate cause and effect in this ca

11、se.这个案件的动机与结果很 难联系起来。2.Does the new law relate only to theft?新法规是否只涉及盗窃案吗?3.He is related to her by marriage.他与她是姻亲。【用法提示】1.relate to sb. / sth.1与某人/物有关;涉及某人/物2能理解并同情某人/某事2. relate sth. (to sb.)(向某人)讲述某事3. be related to 与 有关4.拓展词语:related adj有关系的,与有亲戚关系;relation n.关系;亲戚;in / with relation to关于,就而论【及

12、时训练】根据所给汉语,用relate及其词组完成句子。1. The matter (关乎你的命运)cant be taken for granted.2. The man on watch (向我们讲述了)how it happened3. Some parents (不能理解)their children.Key:related to your fate 2. related to us 3. canJt relate to考点3. present vt.将某物赠予或交给某人,(尤指在仪式上)授予;提交;交付(票据或支票)n.礼物;赠品adj(指人)出席;在场;目前的,现在的【典型例句】 1

13、 Present at the meeting were the leading members of the departmentconcerned.出席会议的是有关部门的负责人。2. The cheque was presented for payment on 21 March.这张支票是在 3月 21 日 兑现的。3. They presented a sum of money to the college in memory of their son 他 们向学:赠送了一笔款项以纪念他们的儿子。【用法提示】1. present sth. (for sth.)提出(计划.理由、请愿等)

14、;呈请(批准、考虑等)3. present sb. (to sb.)正式介绍;引见(某人)(尤指向级别地位等较高的人)4.相关短语be present at出席;all the people present在场的所有人(作后置定语);the present situation当前的形势;for the present ( = for the time being)就目前来 说;暂时;at present现在;目前;up to the present直至现在;至今【及时训练】用present及其短语填空。1. All the people at the party were his suppor

15、ters2. Good teachers try to their material in an interesting way3. I have been working hard, but I havent caught up with him1.present 2 present 3. up to the present考点4. reflect vt.反射,反映映出;vi.仔细考虑【典型例句】1.V m sitting in the warm night air with a cold drink in my hand and reflecting on the day.我手拿一杯冷饮坐

16、在温暖的夜空,思考这一天。2.After reflecting for a time he decided not to go仔细思考后,他决定不去了。3.The mountains were reflected in the lake.山在湖面上映照出来。4.The unemployment figures reflect badly on the governments policies.失业 数字给政府的政策带来很坏的影响。【用法提示】1.中反映出be reflected in sth.在 2.reflect + n.反射4.reflect + n.显露5.reflect on / up

17、on + sth.仔细考虑6.reflect well / badly on / upon sb.给某人以好(坏)的影响7.拓展词语:n. reflection反映,倒影;adj. reflective反映的,有反映能力的 【及时训练】使用reflect-词完成下列句子。1.她的想法已从她行动中反映出来了。Her thought in her action2.他们瞧着他们在湖中的倒影。They looked at their in the lake.3.我对你所说的话一直在进行思考。I what you saidKey: 1 has been reflected 2. reflections

18、3. have been reflecting on考点5. ignore vt.忽视,不予承认或理睬【典型例句】1. He ignored all the “No smoking” signs and lit up a cigarette.他无视所有“禁止吸烟”的警示,点了支香烟。2. I made a suggestion but they chose to ignore it.我提了个建议,但他们不予 理会。【用法提示】1. ignore sb. / sth.忽视某人/某事;故意不理睬某人/某事2.拓展词语:ignorance n不知,无知;ignorant adj无知的,不了解的 be

19、 ignorant of sth不知 道【及时训练】选用 ignore, ignorance, ignorant完成下列句子。4. She was kept in of her husbands activities2. At that time, I was of events going on elsewhere.3 YoiTve beenme!Key:1ignorance 2 ignorant 3 ignoring考点6. reason n. C,U起因;动机;理由【典型例句】1 Give me your reason for going / the reasons for your g

20、oing告诉我你去的动机o2. The reason why Pm late is that I missed the bus.我迟到的原因是因为我没赶上 公共汽车。3. Wee not going for the simple reason that we cant afford it我们不去,原因很 简单:我们负担不起。【用法提示】1. the reason why / for which / that或省略关系代词 的理由2. the reason for sth. I to do sth. 的理由3.reason that-clause 推断4.reason sb. into / ou

21、t of doing sth=persuade sb. into / out of doing sth. 说服某人做 / 不做某事=persuade sb. to do / not to do sth.5.拓展词语:reasoned adj.作定语(指论据)合乎逻辑的;理智的;reasonable adj.(指人)讲 理的,明事理的;(指情感、见解等)合情理的,合逻辑的;公平的,不过分的,适 度的【比较辨析】reason, cause, excusereason意为原因,理由常指需要推理分析的原因。常用结构,the reason for.cause起因,原因,常指引发、诱发某事的直接原因,如暴

22、雨引起的洪灾,粗心引起的事故。常用结构:the cause of.:the excuse for.【及时训练】单句改错。1 The reason why the six super girls drive young people crazy is because they have beautiful faces and impressive stage settings.2. The police are looking into the reason of the accident.3. The reason why he explained to us sounded reasonab

23、leKey:1 because 改成 that2.reason 改成 cause3.why改成that或去掉why损害,伤害(名誉、自身等)【典型例句】1 To those who have been injured or struggle with a physical disability, happiness can simply mean a day without pain or just being alive对那些受伤的或 身有残疾的人来说,幸福可能意味着没有痛苦或活着的一天。2. Three people were injured and five killed in the

24、crash.飞机失事事故中有三人受 伤,五人死亡。3. This could seriously injure the companys reputation.这会严重损害公司的声 誉。【用法提示】1. be seriously injured 严重受伤2. injure ones reputation I figure 损害某人的声誉,形象3. injured pride受伤的自尊心4. the injured party 受害方5.拓展词语:injured adj.受伤的;受伤害的;injury n.伤害;损害【比较辨析】wound, harm, hurt 与 injurewound常用来

25、指在战争、暴力或灾害中受伤,也可指精神上的创伤。用其作名词时, 指“刀伤、枪伤或伤口” ;harm常用于口语,特指伤及到一个人或其心情.健康、权利、事业等,作“对 有害、损害”解;hurt为一般用语,既指肉体上的,也可指精神上的,也可指在事故中受伤。其名词 hurt尤指感情上或精神上或肉体上的伤害; injure主要指在事故中受伤,其名词injury,可指平时的大小创伤或伤害,也可指在事 故中的伤害。【及时训练】使用wound, harm, injure与hurt的适当形式完成下列句子。4. Dont your eyes by reading in dim light.2 He was at

26、your words, so he looked unhappy.3. Two soldiers died and three others were in the attack.4. He his back in Tuesdays gameKey:1.harm 2 hurt 3 wounded 4. injured考点8. effort n. C、U力气、努力,费力的事,艰难的尝试,尽力【典型例句】1. Its a long climb to the top, but well worth the effort.爬到顶上还很。远,虽然 费力却很值得。2.The local clubs are

27、 making every effort to interest more young people 当地 俱乐部正在尽一切努力来吸引更多的年轻人。3. They lifted the heavy stone without effort.他们没费劲就把那块沉重的石头抬起 来了。【用法提示】1without effort毫不费力地2. make (an) effort 努力,尽力3. make no effort 没有努力4.with (an) effort 费力地5.spare no effort不遗余力地6.拓展词语:effortless adj.不费力的;effortlessly adv

28、.不费力地【及时训练】根据所给汉语,完成下列句子。1.Please (努力)to arrive early.2.He (没有努力)to learn (不遗余力)to arrive on time.Key:1 make an effort 2. made no effort 3. spare no effort考点9. even if即使,尽管【典型例句】4.Even if I have to sell my car, Ill help you get through the hard time.艮卩使 我把车卖了,也要帮你度过难关。2.Even if invited

29、, I wont go to the party.即使受到邀请,我也不会参加这个聚 会。【用法提示】1. even if同even though,属conj.引导让步状语从句。其从句内容含强烈的假定性 o可在虚拟语气中使用。2.拓展短语:even so,即使如此;even now即使现在;even then甚至那时【及时训练】 用even的相关短语填空。1.It was hot, but we enjoyed the camping.2.Well go there it rains.Key: 1 even so 2 even if考点10. look upto尊重,尊敬;向上看【典型例句】4.

30、 He is a fine teacher. Pve always looked up to him.他是个好老师,我一直很尊敬他O2. We should look up to him as an example of devotion toduty.我们应该尊敬他,把他作为尽心尽职的典范。【用法提示】1look up to sb.尊重/敬重某人2. look up at 向上看3.拓展短语:look up 査看,抬头看;look down 俯视;look down upon 看不起,轻视;look on 旁观;look on. as., look into调査,向.after照料;look around环顾四周;【及时训练】根据所给汉语,完成下列句子。1. Lawrence used to (回忆他的童年)with great pleasure.2. Those nurses (照顾病人)very well.3. Young people should (尊敬父母).Key:1 look back

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