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1、电大英语II1题库考题已排序便于查找 交际用语A. - Are you close to your uncle and aunt? (Not particularly) B. - Bruce was killed in a traffic accident. - ( Is that so) ? I talked with him yesterday morning! C - Could you tell me where Mr. Lake is?(At the office )D. - Do you think our basketball players played very well y

2、esterday? (They couldnt have done better )D. Do you think the exam will be put off?(Not likely) D. (I like your new hair style), did you do it yourself?. D. - Dont forget to phone me when you get home. Just to let me know youve arrived safely. - I wont forget. Good-bye then. - ( Have a nice trip )E.

3、 Excuse me, would you lend me your calculator?(Certainly. Here you are)Im glad you like it. My sister did it for me. H. Hello, Sally. Hows everything?(Just so-so)H. - Have you heard that Susan has been appointed director of the Engineering Department? - After working so hard for so many years, _( sh

4、e certainly deserves it )H. - How did you enjoy the concert last night? - ( What a disappointment )! My favorite singer lost her voice and didnt even make an appearance. H. - Have a nice weekend! (The same to you )H - Hello, could I speak to Don please?(Whos speaking?)H. Hello, could I speak to Don

5、please?(Whos speaking?)I - Im interested in that chair. How much do you want for it? - $25.00. - (Thats too much ) .Ill give you $15.00. - No, thats not enough. I - I think Im coming down with a bad cold. - (Then youd better see a doctor). I. - Im sorry to hear that your mother is ill in hospital. -

6、 _ (Its very kind of you). I - (Youd better have some coffee.) It will help you a lot. - Thats a good idea. Lets make some. I. - Im so tired, working all morning on the farm. - Why not take a rest, then? -( Maybe I should )I. - Im sorry I broke your mirror. - Oh, really? _(It doesnt matter)I. - If I

7、 were you, I would tell her frankly. -(I will think about it) I. - I was so sure that our experiment was going to succeed, but something went wrong at the last moment. -,(Im sorry to hear that ) but dont give it up. I. - Is that Mike speaking? - Yes. (Whos that)? I. - Im afraid robots will replace m

8、an in almost all the fields of society one day. ( Im sorry, but I cant agree with you )I. - Im sorry, but I cant hear you clearly. - I say the meeting has been put off till tomorrow. Can you hear me? - Yes,( I know )I. I think the Internet is very helpful.(Yes, so do I)I. - I know its getting late,

9、but this problem will be over in 10 minutes. OK.(But turn it down)It may trouble your neighbors. I. - Ive got your invitation. - Oh, good. (Can you come?) I. - Ill be away on a business trip. Would you mind looking after my cat? (Id be happy to) I. I dont like the spots programs on Sundays.(Neither

10、do I)I. In my opinion, youd better take a couple of days off.(Ill take your advice)L. Lets take a walk. (Yes, lets)M. - My daughter has passed the exam. - Congratulations! Shes really intelligent. -( Oh, thank you! )M. - My children are always arguing. (Just ignore them.) M. - My computer doesnt wor

11、k. Can you repair it for me? - _(OK, I11 try )M. - May I help you, madam?(Yes, Id like 2 kilos of oranges)M. Must we hand in our homework now? (No, you neednt)N - (Can I help you)? - No, thanks. Im just looking around. Ill let you know if I want anything. N. - (Didnt you buy a ticket)? - No, I didnt

12、 know I had to buy one. N. Nice weather, isnt it?(Yes, it is)T. - Thank you so much for the lovely evening, Jim. Frank and I had such a good time. - Youre quite welcome, John. ( Thank you for coming) Wed been looking forward to seeing you. T. - Try this yellow shirt. - ( But I dont like the color)-

13、How about the red one? - Thats OK. W - Waiter!(Yes, sir?) - I cant eat this. Its too salty. W. - Whats going on? - (The Times Theatre is on fire). W. - What do you think of that tea set as a gift for Marys birthday? - _( Not bad) , but I dont particularly care for the design. W. - Were you late for

14、yesterdays conference? - No. Fortunately, I ( was able to )catch the last bus to the place. W. - Why didnt you make a phone call to tell me about it yesterday? - (.I ought to have told you), but I forgot all about it after a meal. W. - Weve got to do something about pollution. Its getting worse. (Ye

15、s, it certainly is) W. - Why didnt you tell Anna the truth? - (But I did) W. Whats the problem, Harry? (Thank you for asking me about it)W. What kind of TV program do you like best?(Its hard to say, actually)W -What would you like, tea or coffee?(Coffee, please)W. -What about going for a walk?(Why n

16、ot? A good idea)W. What subjects are you studying? (Im studying philosophy)W. Which language do you speak at home?(English, most of the time)W. Would you mind if I open the window for a better view?(Of course not)W -Well, Mary, how are you? (Im fine)W - What about going for a walk?(Why not? A good i

17、dea) W -What is the problem, Harry?(I cant remember where I left my glasses)W-Would you like to have dinner with us this evening?(Sorry, but this evening I have to go to the airport to meet my parents)W -Would you like to see the menu?(No, thanks. I already know what to order)W -Will you go on a pic

18、nic with us tomorrow?(Sorry,I have an appointment with Dr. Brown)Y. - Your name again, please? _(.I didnt quite catch you )- Its Bell Green. Y. - Your notebook?(I threw it into the waste) - My god! How can you do it on what doesnt belong to you? Y. - You couldnt have chosen any gift better for me. (

19、Im glad you like it so much.) Y. -_(Am I supposed to get over and see Caroline? )- Yes, I think so. 词汇与结构A .A new hotel _ is being built in the centre of town at the moment. A . All the team members tried their best. We lost the game, ( however ). A. A lecture hall is ( one ).where students attend l

20、ectures.B. Before I got to the cinema, the film_( had begun ).B .By the end of this year, I will save enough money for a holiday. C. Can I get you a cup of tea? . (Thats very nice of you)C .Could you please pay me_ in. _advance?D . Dont worry. There is ( enough ) room for all your books here.E Exerc

21、ise every day for 20 minutes.F . . ( What ) fine weather it is!G .Given the high price, but its not surprising they didnt buy it.H Her parents died when she was very young, so she was ( brought up ). by her aunt.H ( What ). he said is quite right.H He is the man whose dog bit me. H .He has written f

22、our successful books.I .If I get the new job, I - buy a better car. I .I stopped to smoke last year. I .I prefer tea . to coffee. I .I have_ already _ finished the report. I .If you go by car, youll get there_ within _ 40 minutes.I .I _ asked her to marry me and she agreed. I I dont suppose he will

23、attend the meeting, ( will he ).?I I know it isnt important but I cant help ( thinking )about it.I I think all these are main points ( worthy of ) much attention.I I prefer classic music ( to ) pop music.I I have given (up ) eating meat.I It happened ( on ) a winter night.I Im tired. I (have been )

24、working very hard.I Im in Greece at the moment. I like the weather ( here ).I I am leaving.for New York in three days time.I Iprefer the TV (to) the radio. I I broke my leg when I (was) skiing in AmericaI Its very convenient living _here.I I have lived here since 1997 I If he was fitter, he_ would l

25、ive longer.I I have spent a lot of time- working on this problem.L. Let me ( look into ) the case carefully before I draw a conclusion.M . Mary forgot (to write) a letter to her mother, so she wrote to her just now.M . My father (would) take me to work with him when I was a child.M . The majority of

26、 people agree with him.M .My car was being_.repaired _ when it was stolenN . Not only I but also Jane and Mary. ( are ) tired of having one examination after another.N . Next year, I ( -) plan to go to ItalyO .Of all the stories here, I like this one (least ). Its not interesting at all.S . Silk ( h

27、as been used ). by Chinese for thousands of years now.S She has lived here there years. (for) S She (keeps) talking when I am watching TV.S She has brought (up) two children by herself.S .She likes to spend time_ playing with her grandchildren.S .She comes from a Peoples Republic of China.S .She was

28、 convicted_ to murder.T Time is money! We should ( take the place of ) our time.T They ( watched ) the train until it disappeared in the distance.T The patient acted on the doctors ( Advice ) and finally recovered.T Thats all settled. It ( neednt be ) talked about.T Those cakes look nice.Can I have

29、(one) ?T The road (was) built last year.T .The bedroom needs decorating .T . That place is in the south of the city.T .The policeman was attacked_ with _a knife.T .The problem is because by pollution.T .The blue whale is _.the _largeset animal in the world.W Whats happened to Yom?. ( Hes been taken

30、)W Which do you like better, real movies(or )cartoons?I prefer cartoons(to)real movies.W . What a fool I have been! Why(didnt)I think of that before?W. We must make a difference between (spoken) language and ( written), language.W When we were having a meeting, the director ( was told ) the bad news by telephone.W We have our office .cleaned every day by a cleaner.W .When I was a child, we had to wear a uniform for school.Y . You must explain (to us) how they succeeded (, in) the experiment.Y . You ( ought ).to lock the door at night.Y .You should to exercise more. Y .You

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