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1、级快读专项快速阅读综述快速阅读要求考生在非常有限的时间(15分)内迅速完成字数一千左右文章的任务。在阅读过程中,略过无关信息,筛选有关信息,利用标题、段落、主题句和关键词语,辨认要点,迅速有效地获取重要信息。其测试目标是英语学习者的阅读技能、浏览速度和查读能力。它要求学习者扩大阅读范围,增加词汇数量,提高阅读速度。快速阅读也是很重要的一种阅读形式,要注意以下几点:1不要读出声(眼睛比嘴巴快)。2留意转折词。3总体抓结构和大意。4根据已有的常识是正确的,但是却不是基于文章,一切以文章为准。主要用于快速阅读的方法有两种: 1. 略读 (skimming) 略读又称跳读(reading and sk

2、ipping)或浏览(glancing),是一种专门的,非常实用的快速阅读技能。所谓略读,是指以尽可能快的速读阅读,如同从飞机上鸟瞰(birds eye view )地面上的明显标志一样,迅速获取文章大意或中心思想。换句话说,略读是要求读者有选择地进行阅读,可跳过某些细节,以求抓住文章的大概,从而加快阅读速度。 阅读时,先把文章粗略地浏览一下,看看文章中是否有自己工作和学习所需要的或自己感兴趣的资料和信息,然后确定这篇文章是否值得细读。在查找资料时,如果没有充分时间,而又不需要高度理解时,就可以运用略读技巧。略读可以运用下列技巧:(1)要利用印刷细节(typographical details

3、),如书或文章的标题、副标题、小标题、斜体词、黑体词、脚注、标点符号等,对书和文章进行预测略读(preview skimming)。预测略读要了解作者的思路、文章方式(模式),以便把握大意,有关的细节及其相互关系。(2)以一般阅读速度(200250wpm),阅读文章开头的一、二段,力求抓住文章大意,背景情况,作者的文章风格,口吻或语气等。(3)阅读段落的主题句和结论句。抓住主题句就掌握了段落大意,然后略去细节不读,以求得略读速度。(4)注意转折词和序列词。转折词如however, moreover, in addition等;序列词firstly, secondly等。2. 寻读 (Scann


5、Y,N,NG判断题,八到十题是填空题。第二种又回归传统阅读题型,即,前七题是四选一,和传统阅读题无异,后三题还是填空题。做快速阅读要先看大题目,小标题,或者段首句,再寻找题干中的关键词,然后带着问题快速阅读文章。Passage 1 A Blow to the Software PiracyItalian Governments Campaign Against Software Piracy Fails Its PurposeThe sweep came; it was swift and thorough. Dozens of Italian customs officers searche

6、d across the country and began pounding on doors in Milan, Bologna, Pisa and Pesaro. Their target was a loose alliance of computer bulletin board operators who were suspected of trading in stolen software. According to unofficial reports, the Italian police had shut down more than 60 computer bullet

7、in boards and seized 120 computers, dozens of modems (调制解调器) and more than 60, 000 floppy disks (软盘). These officers were so eager and enthusiastic in their efforts that they even took away those devices that had little to do with high-tech.It was the most dramatic move and among the most determined

8、 efforts by governments around the world to check the spread of software piracy. Software publishers are deprived of 1.6 billion in 1998 by the unauthorized copying of computer programs by American business alone. Moreover, that figure swells to nearly 7.5 billion when overseas markets are included.

9、 The industrys loss on a global basis is staggering (令人惊愕的).But government actions to stop the losses may be causing more problems than they solve. The Italian campaign, which began just as the right-wing government of media super- businessman Silvio Berlusconi took office, hit largely left-leaning

10、bulletin boards. And it is seen by some Italians as an ill-disguised attempt to suppress free speech on a troublesome new medium. In the US, a widely publicized federal case against a college student who was accused of operating a pirate bulletin board may produce an undesired effect if, as expected

11、, a judge rules that the charges filed against the student do not fit the crime. The underlying (根本的) difficulty in fighting software piracy comes from trying to guard new electronic “property” using laws that were made with printing press technology in mind.Software Piracy as a Widespread Phenomeno

12、nAt first glance, software piracy seems no difference from that of any other copyright material. Pirated American movies regularly appear in Asia and Africa long before their official release on video. But software is not really like other intellectual property. Books and videotapes can be copied on

13、ly by processes that are relatively time-consuming and expensive, and the product is never quite as good as the original. Software, on the other hand, is easily duplicated, and the result is not a poor-sound second-generation copy but a perfect working program. The rapid growth of electronic network

14、s only increases the problem, for it allows anyone with a computer and broadband to distribute software silently and instantaneously (瞬间地, 即时地). More than 90 countries around the world are already connected to the Internet, a global network that reaches an estimated 25 million computer users. In man

15、y developing countries, software piracy has become widespread. According to Software Publishers Association, 95% of the software in Pakistan is pirated, 89% in Brazil, 88% in Malaysia and 82% in Mexico. Hundreds of tiny gizmo shops in Seouls Yongsan electronics market offer brand name US-made progra

16、ms for a fraction of the list price, including Lotus 1-2-3 for 7.50 (suggested retail:368).Software Publishers Efforts in Taking Measures Against PiracyHow to combat this widespread piracy? Software publishers have come up with different ways to deal with the problem, but not with much success. Thei

17、r first approach was to control piracy through technical means-by putting codes in their programs that prevented users from copying them. This strategy worked for a while, or at least until determined pirates found ways to go around it. But the codes also made it difficult for legitimate users to co

18、py programs onto their hard drives. Copy protection became so unpopular that by 1986 most publishers had abandoned it as their first line of defense. But they didnt give up altogether. Through associations like Software Publishers Association they began punishing pirates one at a time, focusing on t

19、he biggest abusers. The Software Publishers Association began running spot checks and examining company records of major corporations, suing for damages when they found firms had bought a single copy of a program and then made numerous unlicensed copies for its employees. The Software Publishers Ass

20、ociation also opened a hot line on which anybody can report the use of illegal software. The organization now gets 20 to 30 calls a day, mostly from former or unhappy current employees, and collects more than 3.5 million a year in fines and penalties. The Washington-based Business Software Alliance

21、is conducting similar operations overseas, putting pressure on foreign governments to enforce the copyright laws which are already imposed on the books.Whats the Way out? Trying to eliminate piracy under the current copyright system may ultimately prove impossible. “The drafters of copyright never a

22、nticipated a day when everyone could violate the laws.” says Michael Godwin, staff counsel for the Electronic Frontier Foundation. Godwin thinks society may be entering a post-copyright era, in which the creators of intellectual property have to find new ways to be compensated for their work. In the

23、 future, the real value of a piece of software may not be in the program itself but in the secondary services that come with it, such as printed manuals, frequent upgrades and a live person at the end of a telephone help when the thing doesnt seem to work. If such benefits are sufficiently attractiv

24、e, even the software pirates may line up to buy a copy.1 This passage mainly introduces campaigns against software piracy made by countries around the world.2 The Italian campaign against software piracy could be said to be triggered by an official named Silvio Berlusconi.3 Some Italian think the re

25、al intention of Italian governments campaign against online piracy is to suppress free speech of opponents to the government on the internet.4 The current copyright laws are good for fighting software piracy.5 The spread of global networks makes the anti-piracy campaign more difficult.6 Some softwar

26、e publishers still used codes to prevent copying after 1986.7 The Software Publishers Association rewarded those who reported that some companies has made unauthorized copies of a program.8 Those who called and reported to the Software Publishers Association the use of illegal software were mainly_.

27、 9 Another organization of software publishers, apart from the Software Publishers Association, which is fighting piracy, is _.10 This passage suggests in the future the real value of software lies in _.本文讨论的是软件盗版问题。第一个标题指出了意大利政府发动的一场大规模反盗版运动的不足;第二个标题指出了软件盗版不同于印刷产品以及音像制品的特点;第三个标题介绍了软件开发商们为遏制盗版采取的一些不

28、算成功的方法;最后一个标题作者指出打击网络盗版的出路也许在于通过提高软件的相关售后服务以促使人们购买正版软件。1 N) 题干将本文主旨概括为介绍世界各国为反软件盗版做出的努力。由上面的文章大意可知,本题干的陈述不够全面,而且本文只介绍了软件开发商们为遏制盗版采取的一些不算成功的方法,并未上升到介绍世界各国这一范围。2 Y) 由题干关键词Italian campaign定位至第一个标题Italian Governments Campaign Against Software Piracy Fails Its Purpose下第三段第二句The Italian campaign, which be

29、gan just as the right-wing government of media super-businessman Silvio Berlusconi took office.意大利发起的这场运动,是在左翼政府媒体界杰出商人Silvio Berlusconi任职之时开始的。由此可知,题干陈述正确。3 Y) 由题干关键词Italian government campaign和free speech定位至第一个标题Italian Governments Campaign Against Software Piracy Fails Its Purpose下第三段第三句And it is

30、 seen by some Italians as an illdisguised attempt to suppress free speech on a troublesome new medium. 有些意大利人认为其背后掩藏的目的是压制发布在制造麻烦的新媒体上的自由言论。由此可知,题干陈述正确。4 N) 由题干关键词laws和fighting software piracy定位至第一个标题Italian Governments Campaign Against Software Piracy Fails Its Purpose下最后一段最后一句The underlying diffic

31、ulty in fighting software piracy comes from trying to guard new electronic property using laws that were made with printing press technology in mind. 反软件盗版的根本困难在于人们试图保护无形的电子财产时,脑子里依据的是为保护印刷技术而制定的法律。由此可推断,目前的版权法在打击软件盗版方面的力度是不够的,因此题干陈述错误。5 Y) 由题干关键词spread和networks定位至第二个标题Software Piracy as a Widesprea

32、d Phenomenon下第三段第一句The rapid growth of electronic networks only increases the problem, for it allows anyone with a computer and broadband to distribute software silently and instantaneously. 电子网络的迅猛增长恰恰提高了(打击盗版)问题的严重性,因为网络使每一个拥有电脑和宽带的人都可以不为人知地、即时地传播软件。由此可以推断,网络的盛行使打击盗版的任务更加繁重。6 Y) 由题干关键词publishers和1986 定位至第三个标题Software Publishers Efforts in Taking Measures Against Piracy下第六句Copy protection became so unpopular that by 1986 most publishers had abandoned it as their first line of defense. 由此可知,1986年大多数软件商放弃了版权保护,虽然版权保护不那么流行了,但仍然有些商家在用。由此可知,题干陈述正确。

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