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1、上册Unit3Topic1WhatsyourhobbyPeriod1教学案例设计新版仁爱版Topic 1 Whats your hobby?教学内容分析及课时分配建议:本话题围绕业余爱好而展开。主要内容包括:由Helen和 Wen Wei谈论空闲时间做什么引出话题-Whats your hobby ?在孩子们谈论业余爱好的过程中,引出本话题的语法知识used to do sth.和本话题的功能“喜欢和不喜欢”。本话题除了介绍常见的业余爱好。如:集邮、收藏物品、饲养宠物等还介绍了另类有趣的业余爱好。如:制作剪贴薄。还要求学生制作班级薄来培养学生的动手能力。通过学习本话题,学生能够交流有关业余爱好

2、的信息,丰富自己的业余生活。本话题建议用5个课时来完成:第一课时:Section A1a,1b,1c,1d第二课时:Section B1a,1b,1c,2,3第三课时:Section A2,3a,3b,Section B-4a,4b第四课时:Section C1a,1b,2,3第五课时:Section D-Grammar and Functions,1,2,Project 第一课时(Section A1a,1b,1c,1d)教学设计思路:本课主要是引入话题,语法和词汇相对较少。虽然是新的话题,但学生可以用已学的句型来表达。首先通过师生问答,让学生畅谈自己的业余活动,老师总结导入到业余爱好的话题

3、,并通过图片解决新词汇。然后引导学生归纳表达业余爱好的句型并让学生小组操练。有了足够的信息输入以后,就让学生完成1b,1c和1d的听力技能训练。为了巩固课堂内容,完成了听力任务后,还增加了替换式的角色扮演。最后师生一起回顾和总结本课内容完成本课时。. Teaching aims1.Knowledge aims:(1)学习并掌握新词汇。 hobby, poem,maybe,recite(2)学习表达业余喜好。2. Skill aims: (1)能够听懂有关业余爱好的内容。 (2)能够与他人交流自己的业余爱好。3. Emotional aims: 鼓励学生培养健康的业余爱好,但要引导学生不要过分沉

4、溺,影响学业。 4. Culture awareness: . The key points and difficult points1. Key points:掌握表达业余爱好的句型,能够正确表达有关业余爱好的活动。2. Difficult points: . Learning strategies1.通过总结已学的句型来表达新的话题。2.在听前阶段要有充分的听前准备。如:扫除词汇障碍。. Teaching aids多媒体课件/图片/小黑板/录音机V. Teaching proceduresStage 1(7mins):Lead-in StepTeacher activityStudent

5、activityDesigning purpose1 (Class activity)Greet the Ss and lead to the new lesson.T: Good morning , class . T: Hi, boys and girls , do you have colorful free time ?T:Xxx, what do you usually do in your free time ?T: Sounds great ! Xxx, how about you ?T:What a good girl ! Xxx, And you ?T: A nice hob

6、by ! Today , we will talk about hobbies .If you like doing something in your free time, you take it as your hobby .For example , I like reading , I usually read in my free time. So I can say my hobby is reading . Now,who can tell me what hobbies mean ?T: Yeah .Different people have different hobbies

7、 . (Shows pictures) .Whats his hobby ,can you guess ?T: Whats her hobby, then ?T:Yes . Reciting poems .T: .T:What do you usually say when you are talking about your hobbies ?T: Wonderful ! What else ?Learn the new words.Ss: Good morning , Mr. .Ss: Yes.S1: Sometimes I listen to music , sometimes I pl

8、ay basketball and sometimes I play computer games. S2: I have to do some housework in my free time . S3: I often read stories in my free time . S4: 业余爱好。S5: cycling .S6: 读诗歌。S7: .S9: I like doing sth .S10: I love doing sth.S11: I enjoy doing sth.以旧引新,导入本课的业余爱好话题,导出表达业余爱好的句型,学习部分新词汇。Remark:表达兴趣爱好的句型学

9、生已经学习过。教师可以通过图片,谚语等形式来导入。Stage 2(10mins):Practicing StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1( Group work)Let the Ss work in groups to share their hobbies.T:Good job .Now work in groups and tell your partners what hobbies you have .Please use the expressions listed on the Bb and the gro

10、up leader should make a report later.T: Now stop talking . Group One, please make a report.T: Perfect . Next Group, please .T: Im very happy everybody has nice hobbies. Hobbies can help us relax and learn more interesting things. But remember: hobbies are what we do in free time and study must come

11、first. Do you agree with me?Share their hobbies with their partners . Group One:In our group , Xxx likes reading , playing soccer and watching TV. Xxx loves .Group Three:In our group , Xxx enjoys .,Ss: Yes . 操练表达兴趣爱好的句型:like/love/enjoy doing sth.Remark: 教师在学生交流业余爱好时,要四处走动,有的业余爱好学生可能不会用英语表达,需要教师提供帮助。

12、教师要鼓励几对学生作汇报。Stage 3(3mins):Listening to 1a and finishing 1bStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Individual work)Let the Ss listen to 1a and finish 1b.T:A hobby a day keeps you happy every day. But dont spend too much time on your hobbies .Now ,lets listen to a conversation and the

13、n answer my question .T: What are Helen and Wen Wei talking about ?T:Whose hobbies do you think are better ? Why ?Listen to 1a and finish 1b.Ss: Hobbies.S1: .S2: .培养学生的听力能力,完成1b 。Remark:通过前面的两个步骤,学生能够通过猜测得到1b的答案,这无疑降低了听的需求。老师最好让学生合上课本,听完对话以后再提出1b的问题。教师也可以根据学生的能力再增加几个问题。Stage 4(10 mins):Finishing 1C

14、StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1 (Class activity )Guide the Ss to learn the phrases in 1c by showing picturesT:In our daily life , there are many kinds of hobbies. I have prepared some pictures of hobbies . Please speak out the hobby when you see the picture . (Shows pictures)

15、T: .T: Good job . Now , lets read the expressions together . Learn the phrases in 1c. Ss: Listen to musicSs: .Ss: .学习有关业余爱好的活动,增加信息输入,降低听力难度。2(Individual work)Let the Ss listen to 1a again and finish 1c . T: We have learned so many hobbies now. Wen Wei and Helen have some of the hobbies . Now , lets

16、 listen to their conversation and choose their hobbies. Are you ready?T: Now, lets check. Who likes going fishing?T: .Listen to 1a again and finish 1c .Ss: Yes . Ss: Wen Wei.Ss: .训练听力技能,完成1c。Remark:教师要展示1c中的图片,让学生熟悉这些活动的英语表达。为了增加一点难度,教师可以增加一些活动图片。待学生说出活动名称后,教师最好板书出来,并让学生会读会用。Stage 5(5mins):Reading 1

17、a and Finishing 1dStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose(Individual work )Let the Ss read 1a and do 1d.T:Just now , you knew Wen Weis and Helens hobbies. Now please fill in the blanks in 1d according what you learned about them. Pay attention to the correct form of the words.T: Now, l

18、ets check together. Wen Wei enjoys.T: Great! For the rest blanks,please read the conversation and find the answers . Of course, you can underline the difficult points at the same time .T: Finished reading ?T: What does Wen Wei get from these activities ?T: Yes. Where does Helen usually go ?T: And ho

19、w can get the DVDs ?T: Yeah. He is really a big movie fan. By the way , do you have any problems ?Read 1a and do 1d.Ss: going fishing, .Ss: Yes .Ss: Great fun.Ss: Movie theater.Ss: Rent.Ss: .培养学生的阅读能力,完成1d。Remark: 这个环节十分简单,可以让学生先根据1c来完成部分空格,然后再读1a,完成1d。 Stage 6(5mins):Role-playStepTeacher activitySt

20、udent activityDesigning purpose(pair work)Let the Ss work in pairs to practice the conversation in roles . T:Up to now , we have almost finished 1a, next, Id like you to work in pairs to practice the conversation in roles . You have follow the example on the Bb.T: Hey, boys and girls . Its time to p

21、resent now . Which pair would like to try first ?Work in pairs to practice the conversation in roles . S1:Xxx, what do you often do in your free time ?S2: I often .S1:.S2: .巩固操练对话,完成1a。Remark: 为了防止学生无从下手,尤其是基础较差的学生,教师可以把1a设计成替换练习,通过大屏幕或小黑板展示出来。教师要鼓励几对学生不看课本,向全班展示。Stage 7(5mins):Summarizing and assig

22、ning HMKStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Class activity )Let the Ss summarize what they have learned today .T: Good job. Next , lets summarize what you have learned today . What is this period talking about ?T: Fine . When do you work on your hobbies ?T: .Summarize what they ha

23、ve learned today .S1: Hobbies .S2: In our free time .S3: . 回顾总结,加强记忆。2 (Class activity)Assign the HMK.T: For todays HMK, Id like you to introduce your family members hobbies.Finish the HMK.介绍家人的业余爱好,既可以巩固表达已学的句型,又可以增进学生与家人的了解。Remark:学生对自己的业余爱好很清楚,但对家人可能就不了解。让学生介绍家人的业余爱好,可以巩固所学句型,也可以为下一次课的复习环节提供材料。VI. Blackboard design 第一课时(Section A1a,1b,1c,1d) Words and expressions Topichobby-hobbies Hobbiesrecite-reciting like/love/enjoy + doing sth. poem-poet go fishing Maybe readingmay be listening to music do outdoor activities reciting poems Why not . ? . 0 0 0 0 0 0

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