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1、合同范本之英文保险合同英文保险合同【篇一:保险英文词汇】 保险英文词汇 中国人民保险公司peoples insurance company of china 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司picc property and casualty limited 未决赔款准备金 outstanding loss reserve;outstanding claims reserve 保险公司为尚未结案的赔案提取的准备金,包括已发生已报案未决赔款准备金、已发生未报案未决赔款准备金和理赔费用准备金。 已发生已报案未决赔款准备金 incurred and reported claims reserve 保险公

2、司为保险事故已经发生并已向保险公司提出索赔,但尚未结案的赔案所提取的准备金。 已发生未报案未决赔款准备金 incurred but not reported(ibnr)claims reserve 保险公司为保险事故已经发生,但尚未提出索赔的赔案所提取的准备金。 已发生未充分报告准备金 incurred but not enough reported(ibner)claims reserve 保险公司为已经立案但尚未结案的赔案在未来可能的赔付而提取的准备金。 已发生未立案未决赔款准备金 incurred but not recorded claims reserve 保险公司为已经发生保险事故

3、但是尚未提出索赔或者已经提出索赔但是尚未立案的赔案而提取的准备金。 理赔费用准备金 claim expense reserve 保险公司为尚未完全结案的赔案未来可能发生的理赔费用而提取的准备金。 间接理赔费用准备金 unallocated loss expense reserve;indirect claim expense reserve 保险公司为尚未完全结案的赔案未来可能发生的,并且无法直接确认到每个赔案的理赔费用而提取的准备金。 直接理赔费用准备金 allocated loss expense reserve; direct claim expense reserve 保险公司为尚未完

4、全结案的赔案未来可能发生的,并且可以直接确认到每个赔案的理赔费用而提取的准备金。 准备金 责任准备金 reserve 保险公司为保证如约履行未来的赔偿或给付责任,从保费收入或盈余中提取的与其所承担的保险责任相对应的资金准备。 法定责任准备金 statutory reserve 保险公司依法确定的用以计算责任准备金的利率。 通用会计准则准备金 generally accepted accounting principals(gaap) reserve 在保险公司持续经营的前提下,为了在公正、一致的基础上反映经营状况、体现盈利水平,而采用合理而谨慎的假设计算的准备金。保费不足准备金 premium

5、 deficiency reserve (非寿险)未到期责任准备金和预期的投资收益不足以抵补预期的损失和相关费用时计提的准备金。 未到期责任准备金 unearned premium reserve 在准备金评估日为尚未终止的保险责任而提取的准备金,包括保险公司为保险期限在一年以内(含一年)的保险合同项下尚未到期的保险责任而提取的准备金,以及为保险期限在一年以上(不含一年)的保险合同项下尚未到期的保险责任而提取的长期责任准备金。 精算方法 actuarial method 运用数学、统计、法律和会计等知识进行风险评估或财务安排的方法。 精算师 actuary 受过数学、统计、法律和会计等训练并具

6、有专业资格证书的,对保险经营等领域未来可能发生的偶然事件预估其负债,并运用精算方法进行风险管理和财务安排的专业人员。 精算假设 actuarial assumption 对未来事故发生率、投资收益率、费用率和保单失效率等要素所设定的假设条件的总称。 大数法则 大数定律 law of large numbers 概率论中用来阐述大量随机现象结果趋于稳定的定律。 修匀 graduation 利用初始估计,结合先验观点修正初始估计值的精算方法。 演示利率 illustration interest rate 用于演示人身保险新型产品对应资产的未来年投资收益的假设利率。 费率厘定 rating 在开发

7、保险产品的过程中确定产品价格的过程。 纯保费法 pure premium method 以已发生损失和危险单位数据为基础,计算每一危险单位费率水平的方法。 损失率法loss ratio method 以现行费率水平为基础,通过测算实际损失率和期望损失率的偏差,估计未来费率应调整的幅度,计算未来应使用的费率水平的方法。 定价利率 预定利率pricing interest rate 厘定费率时使用的对预计保单现金流进行折现的利率。 风险管理 risk management 人们对各种风险的识别、估测、评价、控制和处理的主动行为。 风险管理目标 risk management goal 以最小的风险

8、管理成本,使预期损失减少到最低限度或实际损失得到最大补偿。 风险规避 risk avoidance 直接避免某项风险发生的一种风险处理方式。 风险自留 risk retention 由个人或单位自行承担风险的一种风险处理方式。 风险预防 risk prevention 在损失发生前为了消除或减少可能引发损失的各种因素而采取的一种风险处理方式。 风险抑制 risk restraint在损失发生时或发生后,为缩小损失程度而采取的一种风险处理方式。 风险中和 risk neutralization 将风险的损失机会与获利机会予以平均的一种风险处理方式。 风险转移 risk transfer 通过合同

9、或非合同的方式将风险转嫁给另一个人或单位的一种风险处理方式。 风险集合 风险对冲risk pooling 集合同一性质的风险单位,使每一单位所承受的风险减少的方式。 风险分散 风险分割risk diversification 疏散同一性质的风险单位,以减少一次事故所导致的最大损失的方式。 风险识别 risk identification 用感知、判断或归类的方式对现实的和潜在的风险性质进行鉴别的过程。 风险估测 risk estimation 在风险识别的基础上,通过对所收集的资料进行分析,运用定性与定量的方法,估计和预测风险发生的概率和损失程度的过程。 风险评价 risk evaluatio

10、n 在风险识别和风险估测的基础上,对风险发生的概率、损失程度,结合其他因素进行全面考虑,评估发生风险的可能性极其危害程度,并于公认的安全指标相比较,以衡量风险的程度,并决定是否需要采取相应的措施的过程。 风险分级 risk classification 以风险估测和评价为基础,将风险划分成不同的级别。 风险因素 hazard 促使某一特定风险事故发生、增加损失机会或加重损失程度的原因或条件。 物质风险因素 实质风险因素 physical hazard 某一标的本身所具有的足以促使风险事故发生、增加损失机会或加重损失程度的客观原因或条件。 道德风险因素 moral hazard 因故意行为促使风

11、险事故发生、增加损失机会或加重损失程度,以致引起财产损失和人身伤亡的原因或条件。 心里风险因素 morale hazard 因人们不注意、不关心、存在某些侥幸或依赖心理,促使风险事故发生、增加损失机会或加重损失程度,以致引起财产损失和人身伤亡的原因或条件。 风险事故 peril 造成损失的直接的或外在的事件。 风险 risk 事件发生的不确定性。 纯粹风险 pure risk 只有损失机会没有获利可能的风险。 投机风险 speculative risk 既有损失机会又有获利可能的风险。 财产风险 property risk 因发生自然灾害、意外事故而使个人或单位占有、控制或照看的财产遭受损毁、

12、灭失或贬值的风险。 责任风险 liability risk因个人或单位的行为造成他人的财产损失或人身伤害,依法律或合同应承担赔偿责任的风险。 人身风险 personal risk 因事故发生造成人的死亡、伤残或疾病的风险。 信用风险 credit risk 在经济交往中,因义务人违约或违法致使权利人遭受经济损失的风险。 环境风险 environmental risk 因职业、收入、居住环境、工作环境和生活习惯等因素导致人死亡、患病或伤残的风险。 职业风险 occupational risk 因工作环境导致人死亡、患病或伤残的风险。 自然风险 natural risk 因自然力的不规则变化产生的

13、现象所导致危害经济活动、物质生产或生命安全的风险。 巨灾风险 catastrophic risk;catastrope 因一次重大自然灾害、疾病传播、恐怖主义袭击或人为事故造成巨大损失的风险。 社会风险 social risk 因个人或单位的行为,包括过失行为、不当行为及故意行为对社会生产及人们生活造成损失的风险。 政治风险 political risk 因种族、宗教、利益集团和国家之间的冲突,或因政策、制度的变革与权力的交替造成损失的风险。 经济风险 economic risk 在经营活动中,因受市场供求关系、经济贸易条件等因素变化的影响或经营决策的失误等导致损失的风险。 税收风险 tax

14、risk 因税收政策变动导致个人或单位利益受损的风险。 法规风险 legal risk;regulatory risk 因国家法律法规变动导致个人或单位利益受损的风险。 保险费率 premium rate 单位保险金额应该收取的保险费。 纯费率 pure premium rate 单位保险金额应该收取的纯保费。 费率浮动 premium rate adjustment 保险公司销售产品时,在费率表中的基准上对保险费率作的调整。 纯保费 pure premium 净保费 net premium 用于支付保险赔款或保险金给付金额的期望值。 附件费用 loading 在费率厘定中,在纯保费基础上附加

15、的用于支付保险公司营业税支出、营业费用支出、保险保障基金、利润及风险附加等的费用。 总保费/毛保费/营业保费 gross premium 投保人支付的、由纯保费和附加费用组成的保险费。 已赚保费 earned premium 在评估期内保险公司承保的保险责任已经结束部分对应的保费。未满期保费/未赚保费 unearned premium 在评估期内保险公司承保的保险责任尚未结束部分对应的保费。 唛头 shipping mark【篇二:英文合同英-文保险合同】 master lease agreement number 12809 this master lease agreement is da

16、ted and effective as of _,_,_(m,d,y) , (the effective date), by and between aaa inc., a _ corporation, located at _ (together with any successors or assigns, the lessor), and the lessee indicated below (the lessee). lessee full legal name trade name bbb mailing address city state zip _ _ city _ _ ty

17、pe of legal entity state of organization date of establishment corporation _ _ 1. lease. lessor hereby leases to lessee and lessee hereby leases from lessor all of the tangible personal property listed on each equipment schedule executed from time to time pursuant to this agreement (each, an equipme

18、nt schedule). each equipment schedule shall be substantially in the form annexed hereto as annex a, shall incorporate by reference therein all of the terms and conditions of this agreement and shall include such other terms and conditions upon which the parties have agreed (each equipment schedule,

19、together with this agreement as it relates to such schedule, is referred to herein as a lease). with respect to each lease, capitalized terms not defined in this agreement shall have the meanings stated in the applicable equipment schedule. 2. net lease. each lease is a net lease, and lessee shall p

20、ay all costs and expenses of every character, whether foreseen or unforeseen, ordinary or extraordinary, in connection with the use, possession, storage, maintenance and repair of the equipment. lessee is unconditionally obligated to pay periodic rent and all other amounts due under each lease regar

21、dless of any defect in or damage to the equipment, loss of possession or use of the equipment or destruction of the equipment from any cause whatsoever. lessees obligations under each lease shall continue until specifically terminated as providedtherein. lessee is not entitled to any abatement, redu

22、ction, recoupment, defense, or set-off against periodic rent or other amounts due to lessor under each lease, whether arising out of such lease (including any breach, default or misrepresentation of lessor) or out of lessors strict liability or negligence, or otherwise. 3. term. the term of this agr

23、eement shall commence on the effective date and shall continue in effect thereafter as long as any lease remains in effect. the term of each lease shall commence on the lease commencement date as set forth in a delivery and acceptance certificate signed by the lessee in substantially the form annexe

24、d hereto as annex b (the lease commencement date) and shall continue thereafter for the lease term set forth in the applicable equipment schedule (the lease term). unless lessee shall have given due notice of the exercise of one of the options available to lessee under section 13 hereof or shall hav

25、e given lessor written notice of noenewal at least 30 days prior to the expiration of any lease term, such lease term shall automatically renew for successive monthly periods until terminated by lessee or lessor upon at least 30 days prior written notice. 4. rent. lessee agrees to pay periodic rent

26、in the amount specified in each equipment schedule (the periodic rent). the initial periodic rent payment for each lease shall be due on the date the equipment is accepted by lessee and subsequent periodic rent payments shall be due as specified on the applicable equipment schedule. all periodic ren

27、t and other amounts payable under each lease (collectively referred to herein as rent) shall be paid to lessor at the address specified on the applicable equipment schedule or at such other address as lessor may specify thereafter in writing. if any periodic rent or other rent payment is not paid wi

28、thin 10 days of its due date, lessee agrees to pay as additional rent a late charge equal to 5% of such unpaid rent payment plus 1 1/2% per month of any amount due and unpaid for more than 30 days, or, if less, the maximum amount permitted under applicable law. periodic rent payable during any autom

29、atic renewal period described in section 3 hereof shall be equal to the highest periodic rent payable during the initial lease term. lessee hereby agrees that the amount of the periodic rent payments and purchase option price under each lease shall be adjusted to reflect any change in the cost to le

30、ssor set forth in the applicable equipment schedule as a result of equipment change orders or returns, invoicing errors or other similar events. in the event of any such adjustment, lessor willfurnish to lessee a written notice stating the final cost to lessor, periodic rent and purchase option pric

31、e. 5. disclaimer of warranties. lessee acknowledges and agrees that: (a) each item of equipment is of a type, design, quality and manufacture selected by lessee, acceptable to lessee and suitable for lessees purposes; (b) lessor is not the manufacturer or supplier of the equipment or the representat

32、ive of either; (c) lessor is not required to enforce any manufacturers warranties on behalf of itself or lessee; (d) lessor has not inspected and is not obligated to inspect the equipment; (e) lessor leases the equipment to lessee as is without warranty or representation either express or implied, and the le

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