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1、八年级英语上册Unit1PlayingSportsTopic2Illkickyoutheballa内部文件,版权追溯授课日期及时段Unit 1 topic 2 Section D教学目标掌握重点单词和重点句型重点难点重点句型的掌握教学内容ill /l/ adj.有病的;不健康的 fall /fl/ ill 患病,病倒 mind /mand/ v.介意;关心;n.思想,想法 kick /kk/ 踢,踹 pass /ps/ 传递,经过,推移,及格 give /gv/ sb. a hand 帮某人一个忙 do /du/ well in 在某方面做得好 certainly /stnli/ 确定,肯定

2、somewhere /smhwe/ adv.在某处 throw /r/ n.扔,投,掷 shout /at/ at sb. 斥责(某人),对某人大声说 fight /fat/ v.争论;打仗(架),与打 仗(架);n.打仗(架),争论 do /du/ ones best 尽(某人)最大努力 teamwork /timwk/ 协同工作,配合 angry /gri/ 发怒的,愤怒的,生气的 be /bi/ angry with 生(某人)的气 nothing /n/ pron.没有什么;没有一件东西 finish /fn/ 完成,做好,最后部分 grandfather /grndf/ (外)祖父,

3、爷爷,外公 invent /nvent/ v.发明,创造 inventor /nvent/ 发明家,创造者 court /kt/ n.球场,运动场;法庭;法院outdoors /atdz/ 在户外,在野外 century /sentri/ n.世纪,百年at /t/ first 起初,起先 indoor 室内的 become /bkm/ 变得,变成 into /ntu/ 进入,到 里 come /km/ into being 形成,产生 goal /gl/ 目标,进球得分,射门 through /ru/ 通过, 穿过 side /sad/ 一边,一侧,侧面 basket /bskt/ 篮子 f

4、ollow /fl/ 遵守规则,跟随,仿效 example /gzmpl/ 例子,实例,样品 for /f/ example 例如,举例 hold /hld/ 抓住, 举办,保持,包含 skill /ski/ 技艺,技能 as /z/ 作为,当然 像 一样,因为 than /n/ 比 score /sk/ v.得分;进球;n.得分,lover 爱好者,热爱着 cricket 板球(运动) main /men/ 主要的 person /psn/ 人,个人 hero /hr/ 英雄 grass /grs/ 草坪,草地 point /pnt/ 得分,观点, v.指着 hit /ht/ 击球,碰撞 b

5、at /bt/ 球拍,蝙蝠 一、 学习目标 Aims and Demands学习复合形容词的用法。二、学法指导 How to study1. 预习Unit 1 Topic 2 SectionD,并对语言点、难点做出标记;2. 学习学案,并完成学案上的练习题。三、 自主预习.英汉互译下列单词并标上词性。1.相反,而不是 _( ) 2. 巧克力 _( )3. 疲惫的 _( ) 4. 练习 _( )5. 通过 _( ) 6.英里 _( ) 7. 新鲜的 _( ) 8. 然而,可是_( )II在课本中找出下列短语划在书上并翻译1. 一个十五岁的男孩 _ 2.感到疲惫 _3.一段1.5英里的跑步_ 4.

6、强壮身体 _5. 感觉很健康 _ 6.看起来很健康 _7.在擅长 _ 8.运动会 _9.男子800米赛跑 _ 10. 相反,而不是 _ 11. 全世界 _ 12.为了娱乐 _. 翻译并熟记下列句子.1.我从跑步中获得很大的乐趣。_2. 所以我开始了跑步。_3. 一天早上我看到几个年轻人在公园里跑步。_4. 健康的饮食习惯和跑步帮助我强健了身体。_IV、 知识链接 Hot links1.【课文原句】I am a 15-year-old boy and Im quite healthy.译文_【分析点拨】15-year-old 十五岁的,是复合形容词,放在名词前作定语,在此结构中year不能用复数

7、形式。e.g.一座100米长的桥_2. 【课文原句】However, one year ago I was fat. 译文_【比较】however, but二者都意为“可是,但是”; but是并列名词,连接两个并列分句,上下二句在总的意义上构成了对比。 我实在是不喜欢吃奶酪,但是这次我要尝一点。 I really dont like cheese, _I will try just a little this time. however不能直接连接两个分句,必须另起新句,并用逗号隔开。 It was raining hard._, we went out to look for the boy

8、. 雨下得很大,不过我们还是出去寻找那个孩子1.however比but用的场合更正式, however用于书面语,而but 常用于口语. 2.however后有, 而but 没有 3. however的其它用法: however可以作连词(conj.),表示“无论以何种方式,不管怎样”,引导让步状语从句。例如: You can travel however you like.你可以随心所欲地去旅行。 However I approached the problem, I couldnt find a solution. 这一问题我不管怎样都无法解决。3.【课文原句】I got tired ea

9、sily.译文_【分析点拨】 get tired 感到疲劳,这里get 是系动词,后接形容词,构成系表结构。类似的结构有get hungry_ sound interesting_ turn warm_ look hungry_ 4.【课文原句】I drink milk and eat fresh fruit and vegetables instead of chips and chocolate.译文_【分析点拨】instead of 代替,顶替,后可跟名词、代词、形容词、副词、介词短语、动名词等。e.g.Lets stay at home watching TV instead of g

10、oing to the movie.5【课文原句】I have great fun running.译文_【分析点拨】fun是不可数名词,意为“乐趣”,词组 have fun =enjoy oneself=have a good time 玩得高兴,过得愉快 have great fun+doing sth. 非常快乐地做某事e.g. 1)Yesterday my family had fun at the party. 译文_.2) 孩子们非常快乐地学英语。 译文_V. 问题探究 Research在本部分的学习中你遇到什么问题了呢,又是怎样解决的呢?请把问题及获得的结果写在下面与同学共享:_

11、四、目标检测 PracticeI.词汇。根据句意及首字母提示补全单词,或根据汉语提示,完成句子。1. I _ _ _ (尽力) to help you with your English.2. One of my teammates fell ill, so he cant _ (训练) with us now.3. _ _ _ (越来越多) people like watching basketball games in the NBA.4. Im tired. Could you please _ _ _ _ (帮个忙)?5. You are always so careless. You

12、 also miss _ _ _ (一次好机会).6. Would you mind not speaking so l_? Im sorry about that.7. All the football players must _(遵守) the football rules.8. Edison(爱迪生) i_ the electric light(电灯).9. Do you know how to s_ in the game?10. Lets play sports i_ of watching TV.II.单项选择。( ) 1. Would you mind doing the di

13、shes? _A. Certainly. B. Of course not. Ill do them in a minute.C. Sorry, I wont. D. Yes, I mind.( ) 2. Would you please _ to the zoo?A. walking B. to walk C. walk D. walks( ) 3. Why Lily go shopping with us this Saturday? Ive no idea. She often her grandfather every weekend.A. wont; visits B. not; w

14、ill visit C. wont; will visit D. dont; visits( ) 4. They are busy _ now _ themselves up.A. exercise; building B. doing sports; cheerC. exercising; to build D. do sports; build( ) 5. Keep _ English, and you will improve your oral English(口语).A. to speak B. speaking C. speak D. speaks( ) 6. Kangkangs

15、mother has great fun _, and looks fit.A. run B. to run C. runs D. running( ) 7. Will you join us? _.A. Not very often B. Around an hourC. I hope not D. Of course, Id be glad to( ) 8. This is a _ passage(短文). Can you read it for me?A. 200 word B. 200-word C. 200-words D. 200 of words( ) 9. Dont worry

16、, Madam. Your daughter will be _ soon. Thank you, doctor.A. nice B. good C. well D. right( ) 10. At last, we decided(决定) to go hiking instead of _.A. go shopping B. going shop C. go shop D. going shoppingIII.情景交际。从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话。A: There will be a football game at the Childrens Palace tomorrow after

17、noon. Do you know? A. Taking a bus is much better. B. Why not? C. Really? D. Where are we going to meet? E. Sorry, I dont like riding a bike. B: 1 Shall we go and watch it? A: 2 Lets go at half past two. B: 3 A: On the road outside the school gate. B: Would you mind going there by bike? A: 4 I like

18、taking a bus. B: 5 Lets go there by bus. A: OK. See you tomorrow. B: See you tomorrow.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. IV.完形填空。What should we do to stay healthy? One important rule is to exercise 1 . The Lees family try to exercise every day. Lee Fang 2 exercise in the morning because he must be at his job at exactly

19、 seven oclock. But he runs every evening. He would rather run than watch TV. He walks a lot, 3 . He walks to school every day, and after school he 4 different sports with his friends. Lee Fang goes to a yoga(瑜伽) class 5 . But it wasnt 6 this way. Last year Mr. and Mrs. Lee used to 7 everywhere, even

20、 to the drugstore(药店) two blocks(街区) away. They thought they had to use the car all the time. They wouldnt walk. The Lees all 8 better now. And they believe you mustnt be lazy. You 9 exercise every day. But you should 10 to get in shape and stay in shape(身体健康). ( ) 1. A. often B. sometimes C. late D

21、. later( ) 2. A. may not B. can not C. would D. should not( ) 3. A. either B. also C. too D. again ( ) 4. A. watches B. plays C. loves D. practises ( ) 5. A. in two weeks B. for two weeksC. after two weeks D. twice a week( ) 6. A. always B. seldom C. usually D. sometimes( ) 7. A. ride B. drive C. fl

22、y D. walk( ) 8. A. had B. make C. feel D. feel like ( ) 9. A. neednt B. dont C. wont have to D. mustnt( ) 10. A. try B. want C. wish D. hope.阅读理解。Mary likes sports. There is going to be a sports meet in her school on May 4. She will take part in the high jump and the long jump, and the other girls i

23、n her class are sure she will win both. Then ten days before the sports meet, when Mary climbed a hill, she was wounded(受伤) in her left leg. Her first thought was the sports meet. Would her leg be all right by May 4? Four of her friends sent her to hospital. The doctor said it was not serious. Marys

24、 left leg was much better by the end of April, and on May 4 she was able to(能, 会) run and jump at the sports meet. ( )1. Mary would take part in _. A. the high jump B. the long jump C. the hill-climbing race D. A and B( ) 2. When was Mary wounded in her leg? A. May 4. B. April 24. C. April 23. D. Ma

25、y 14.( ) 3. What was Marys first thought when she was wounded?It was whether _. A. her leg was broken B. she could go to hospital C. she could go to school or not D. she could take part in the sports meet( ) 4. Why did the doctor say she would be better soon?A. Because Mary was not badly wounded. B.

26、 Because Mary was sent to hospital in time.C. Because Mary was strong enough. D. Because Mary had a lot of time before the sports.( ) 5. Which of the following is true? A. Mary could not enter herself for the sports meet. B. Mary won the high and long jump at last. C. Mary took part in the sports meet. D. Mary was only able to watch the sports meet.V. 书面表达。根据中文意思和英文提示以“Working Hard and Keeping Fit”为题写一篇80个词左右的短文。 _

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