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步步高大一轮复习word文档人教版Book 1 unit 5.docx

1、步步高大一轮复习word文档人教版Book 1 unit 5类型:记叙文话题:记述去郊区开展植树活动的全过程典例展示March 12 is memorable because our class had a meaningful experience on that day.In the morning,we bicycled to the suburbs to plant trees,talking and laughing all the way.Upon_arrival,we_began_to_work_immediately.1Some were digging holes.Some

2、were carrying and planting young trees.Others were watering.After_getting_the_work_done,we_put_up_a_board_reminding_people_to_protect_the_trees.2Before leaving we took some photos to record our green action.Seeing the lines of trees,we all had a sense of achievement.We feel its our duty to protect a

3、nd beautify our environment.佳句变式范文中的划线句子可改为如下句式:1.(1)As soon as we arrived,we set about working at once.(2)No sooner had we arrived than we set out to work.2.(1)With the work done (completed),we put up a board to remind people to protect the trees.(2)Having done (completed) the work,we put up a boar

4、d to tell people to take care of the trees.词汇与派生联想记忆法1.quality n.质量;品质;性质quantity n.数量 adj.积极的;活跃的be active in.在方面积极3.devote vt.献身;专心于be devoted to献身于;专心于devoted adj.忠实的;深爱的4.principle n.法则;原则;原理principal adj.最重要的,主要的;n.大学校长,学院院长 vi. & vt.投票;选举n.选票;投票;表决vote for/against sb./sth.投票赞成/反对

5、某人/事6.equal adj.相等的;平等的be equal to等于7.willing adj.乐意的;自愿的be willing to_do sth.乐意去做某事8.escape vi.逃脱;逃走;泄露escape from.从逃走9.reward n.报酬;奖金;vt.酬劳;奖赏reward sb. for.因奖励、奖赏某人10.opinion n.意见;看法;主张in ones opinion在某人看来构词记忆法1.mean adj.吝啬的;自私的;卑鄙的meaningful adj.严肃的;重大的;意味深长的2.generous adj.慷慨的;大方的generously adv.

6、3.self n.自我;自身selfish adj.自私的selfless adj.无私的;忘我的4.peaceful adj.和平的;平静的peace n.和平,太平5.guidance n.指导;领导guide vt.给某人领路,指引;指导 adj.法律的;依照法律的illegal adj.违法的7.hopeful adj.怀有希望的;有希望的hopeless adj.没有希望的,无望的8.violence n.暴力,暴行violent adj.暴力的,强暴的;激情的9.educate vt.教育;训练educated adj.受过教育的;有教养的10.relative n.

7、亲戚;亲属related adj.相关的;有联系的11.terror n.恐怖;可怕的人terrified adj.恐惧的,害怕的12.cruelty n.残忍;残酷cruel adj.残忍的,残酷的语境助记法He was rewarded for his devotion and generosity to education.He is strongly against violence and terrorism.In his opinion,attack of any kind is cruel and not equal.Everyone should obey the legal

8、principleslaw.学情自测根据句意用框中所给词的适当形式填空reward,mean,generous,opinion,educate,attack,quality,devote,equal,escape,award1.Coffee of high quality costs more than that of poor quality.2.He is highly thought of because of his devotion to duty.3.Little joy can equal that of a surprising ending when you read sto

9、ries.4.You are lucky to_escape punishment/being punished.5.She was awarded the first prize for being the best singer.6.She was rewarded for her efforts with a cash bonus.7.Shes always been mean with money while her husband is generous with his money.8.Which is the better is a matter of opinion.9.The

10、 campaign is intended to educate the public to respect the environment.10.A woman was attacked and robbed by a gang of youths.短语与拓展1.out of work失业off work没去上班,在休假 a matter of fact事实上(同义短语)in fact/reality3.turn to求助于;致力于as it turned out结局是4.lose heart丧失勇气或信心lose hope失去希望e to power当权;上台do everythi

11、ng in ones power尽自己的最大能力6.set up设立;建立set about (doing) sth.开始、着手做某事set sth. off使爆炸;拉响(警报);引发,激起 sentenced to被判处(徒刑)学情自测根据语境选择框中所给短语的适当形式填空1.I replied and turned_to my mom for permission.2.Dont lose_heart and youll succeed sooner or later.3.In her opinion,the thief should be_sentenced_to ten year

12、s in prison.4.A new school was set_up in that faraway village.5.She has been out_of_work for a year.教材与高考1.(教材原句)He strongly believed in the three principles:nationalism;peoples rights;peoples livelihood.(P33)(2011浙江,18)Anyway,I cant cheat himits against all my_.A.emotions B.principlesC.regulations

13、D.opinions命题思路本题考查名词词义在具体语境中的辨析,考查从语义、语用和语境的角度作出正确选择。选B项。变式训练Anyway,he should take the blame for the accidentits my_.A.emotion B.principleC.regulation D.opinion答案解析本变式提供的语境与原题完全不同。句意为:无论如何他都应该为这次事故承担责任这是我的看法。本题考查名词词义在语境中的辨析。emotion情感,情绪;principle准则,原则;regulation规章,规则;opinion意见,看法,主张。根据语境应选D项。2.(教材原句

14、).,and I worried about whether I would become out of work.(P34)(2011重庆,22)It is still under discussion_the old bus station should be replaced with a modern hotel or not.A.whether B.whenC.which D.where命题思路本题考查名词性从句的连接词在名词性从句中的语法功能,特别是从语义、语用、语境的角度进行考查。选A项。变式训练It has been decided_the old bus station sh

15、ould be replaced with a modern hotel.A.whether B.whenC.which D.that答案解析本变式提供的语境发生了变化,所需要填的连接词的语义和语用也发生了变化。句意为:已经作出决定,老汽车站应该被一个现代化的宾馆代替。根据语境,it为形式主语,_the old bus station should be replaced with a modern hotel是主语从句,连接词在从句中不作任何成分,只起连接作用;从语境分析,不需要任何词义,故选连词that,答案为D项。.经典课文原句1.The time when_I_first_met_Ne

16、lson_Mandela(第一次见到纳尔逊曼德拉) was a very difficult period of my life.2.However,this was_a_time_when(是那个时候) one had got to have a passbook to live in Johannesburg.3.The last thirty years have_seen(见证) the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress, until today we have reached_a_stage_where(

17、到了一个阶段) we have almost no rights at all.4.He taught us during the lunch breaks and the_evenings_when_we_should_have_been_asleep(晚上本来该睡觉的时间).5.They were not cleverer than me, but they did_pass_their_exams(的确通过了考试).6.However, the police found out and told my boss that I had_been_in_prison_for_blowing_

18、upgovernment_buildings(因为炸政府大楼而坐过牢).7.So I lost my job.I did not_work_again_for_twenty_years_until(20年没有工作直到) Mr.Mandela and the ANC came to power in 1994.8.I felt bad the_first_time(第一次)I talked to a group.单元语法自测用定语从句的引导词完成句子1.What is the name of the town where we stayed last night?2.Please leave t

19、he book where it was.3.This is the reason why/for_which he cried.4.July,when/in_which we can go home for a rest,is coming soon.5.I shall never forget the days when I lived in the country with my parents.1.quality n.the quality of sth. is how good or bad it is质量;a feature of a persons character, espe

20、cially when it is a positive one such as honesty, kindness, or a special ability品质;品德high/good/top quality高质量poor/bad/low quality质量差be of high quality质量高(1)To see if the books were of good quality. (2011山东,阅读B)去看看书的质量是否很高。(2)The food is of_the_highest_quality.这种食品质量最优。(3)What is the quality you most

21、 admire in others?你最羡慕其他人的什么品质?2.devote give most of your time, energy, attention, etc. to sb./sth.致力;献身;专心把致力于,专心于be devoted to致力于,献身于;热爱devoted adj.忠诚的;(表语)专心的devotion n.忠诚;关爱(1)He has devoted his whole life to world peace.(2011陕西,单词拼写)他把一生都致力于世界和平。(2)His life is one devoted to the p

22、eople.他的一生是全心全意为人民服务的一生。(3)He devoted his whole life to_studying the cure of cancer.他的一生都在研究癌症的治疗。 写作句组满分作文之佳句a.Besides, she often devotes her spare time to helping others. (2010浙江)b.We should earn the honor for our class if we are buried in it. (2008上海)3.equal n.a person or thing of the same qualit

23、y or with the same status, rights, etc. as another同等的人;adj. the same in size, quantity, value, etc. as sth. else相同的;同样的;平等的;能胜任的; be the same in size, quantity, value, etc. as sth. else与相等;等于be equal in在方面比得上be equal to sth./doing sth.等于;与相等;胜任on equal terms在对等的条件下be without equal/have no equal无

24、与伦比(1)This position is equally suitable for a school leaver or for somebody who has office experience. (2011新课标全国卷,阅读D)这一职位同样适合离校生或有办公室经验的人。(2)They are equal in ability.They are of_equal_ability.他们能力相当。(3)Though she is young, she has no equal in music.尽管她很年轻,但在音乐方面没有人能比得上她。4.escape get away fro

25、m a place where you have been kept as a prisoner or not allowed to leave逃跑;逃走;to be forgotten or not noticed被忘掉;被忽视;n.the act or a method of escaping from a place or an unpleasant or dangerous situation逃跑escapen./doing sth.逃脱了/避免了escape from/out of.从逃脱sth. escape sb.某事被某人遗忘;未被注意a narrow escape九死一生注意

26、下面两个短语的区别:escape from prison越狱escape prison逃过牢狱之灾(1)Now its up to Blu and Jewel to escape the criminals. (2011广东,信息匹配)现在Blu和Jewel只有靠自己才能从捕鸟人那里逃脱。(2)You are lucky to escape punishment.You are lucky to escape being_punished.你逃过了处罚,真是幸运。(3)He had a narrow escape.他九死一生。5.reward give sth. to sb. bec

27、ause they have done sth. good,worked hard,etc.奖励;奖赏;n.a thing that you are given because you have done sth. good,worked hard,etc.奖赏;回报;酬金in reward for为奖赏reward sb. for sth.因某事而奖赏某人reward sb. with sth.用某物回报某人(1) This may seem like a lot of time,but the rewards are well worth it.(2011北京,概括大意题)这可能需要大量时

28、间,但回报是值得的。(2)He was given a medal as a_reward_for his service.作为对所提供服务的奖赏,他得到了一枚奖章。(3)This must have been very rewarding for Kathy but obviously it had to be stopped.对凯西来说,这一定是非常值得做的,但它显然要被停止了。对点自测 .语境填词1.The old professor received a title as a reward for his service to the nation.2.Im sorry, but yo

29、ur name escapes me.3.Her son,to whom she is so devoted,_went abroad last year, leaving her alone in the small village.4.He is a player without equal.5.Quality is more important than quantity.单项填空1.My mother used to_her teaching when she was young.A.devoting to B.devote devoted to D.being devo

30、ted to答案C2.It is widely accepted that young babies learn to do things because certain acts lead to_.A.rewards B.prizesC.awards D.results答案A3.In the great fire, he was lucky to be killing B.killingC.killed D.being killed答案D4.I dont think he is equal_this kind of work, so I cant hire doing do doing答案D5.He is a man_.A.of high quality B.qualityC.of quantity D.quantity答案 trouble有麻烦,处于困难中get (sb.) into/out of trouble(使某人)陷入或摆脱困境put the trouble of (doing) sth.使某人陷入困境have troub

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