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本文(高三英语译林牛津一轮复习课件第1部分选修8Unit1Thewrittenword.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、高三英语译林牛津一轮复习课件第1部分选修8Unit1ThewrittenwordUnit 1 The written word律讯识记拼写1 写作单词1.会拼写vt.虐待;辱骂;滥用abuse2.desperateadj.铤而走险的,拼命的,绝望的;;非常需要,渴望;1vain3.udj;虚荣的,自负的;徒劳的;无结果的9.n.主题,主题思想;主题音乐10. themevt,& Vi.&Z (使)改过自新,改造;改革,改良reform11.n.1信封1 1 1 Ien velope12 noveln.1小说1111novelist n.1小说家 1 1 3poet13 poptryn.1诗人

2、1 1 1 1poeticn.1诗歌1 111adj.诗歌的,诗的characteristiccharactern.n.15.gen erousgenerously generosity violenceadv.n.16. viole ntviolentlyn.吨adv.特征,特点典型的,独特的,特有耳Kt 人物,角色 1 ,慷慨的,大方的;宽厚的,仁慈的 慷慨地;大方地 I *慷慨,大方;宽宏大量 I暴力,暴行 I I I暴力的,粗暴的;猛烈的,强烈的强烈地,激烈地vi.&vt.反抗,抵制,抵挡adj. 有抵抗力的I In. 1反抗,抵抗,抗拒I I IM&加(使)重逢,再相聚;(使)再结合

3、,再联合vi.& vt.联合,团结,统一,联手一 ity adjt 联合的,统一的f intentionn.1意图,目的,打算2q romanticadj.i浪漫主义的;浪漫的roma neen.1浪漫 1II.阅读单词要识记 21. spit vi. &九n.22 criminal n.udj23 tension n 24 chapter n 25 paragraph n.1. in print2 ho hunt cn(clcing)uth3 on the runlive up to4.Ut? oUl III癱侈维运用(书刊等)仍在印行;发表决心做某事;躲避;忙碌,不停地奔波达到,符合(期望

4、)以为背景6. touch on71 in tune8be intended to be/do e out9.,.-cumeicrones rescue10谈及,涉及音调准确;演奏合调I 1目的是做某事,目的是作为某物 出版,发行111 救援某人,帮助某人3旬武:结构仿写教材原句会背诵句式仿写-能应用l.Because a lot of classics were written so long ago, their language characteristics are quite different from those of modern works.(those 作 代词,代替前面的

5、language characters)1 红色光线的波长约为蓝 色光线波长的两倍。Waves of red light are about twice as long as of blue light.2.Pip!s sister often abuses him, but Joe is a kind and simple man who would rather die than see any harm come to Pip.2为了过低碳生活,一些人宁愿坐公共汽车也不愿自己开车去上班。To live a Ilow-carbon life, some people to work.(wo

6、uld rather do.than do. 意为“宁愿 做也不愿做”) !3那确实是非常危险的,他 差点受了重伤。It was really very dangerous; he might 3.01iver gets arrested by the police and is taken to court.(get arrested 为 “get+done” 的系表结构)【笞案】 1 .those 2.would rather take the bus than drive a car 3.have gotbadly injured精讲4个考纲单词教材原句Pip, who is seven

7、 years old when the story begins, is in a foggy cemetery when a desperate criminal 叩pears and frightens him.i故事开始时,七岁的皮普正在浓雾弥漫的墓地中,这时一个亡命之徒冒了 出来,把他吓坏了。(1)desperately culo.(2)be desperate for sth. be desperate to do sth. in desperate need of 极其,非常;绝望地 渴望某物 ; 渴望做某事 i 非常需要Troops are needed to help get

8、food into the quakehit area where people are in desperate need.;需要军队帮助将地震灾区人民亟需的食品送抵那里。;2Dale took his mothers advice, tried desperately(desperate)and after severalattempts finally made it.戴尔听从了母亲的建议,努力尝试了几次之后终于成功 了。戶 | | | 11 I3There is no doubt that graduates are desperate to get(get)good jobs aft

9、er graduation.毫无疑问,毕业生毕业后都渴望得到好工作。; ;教材原句Fagin and his group of criminals find him and drag him back intothe life of crime, pressuring him with the threat of violence if he resists.费金和他的犯罪团伙找到了他(奥利弗),强迫他回到犯罪的生活,如果他反 抗就用暴力威胁来给他施加压力。(1)resistant adj. be resistant to.(2)resistance n. resistance to.(3)r

10、esist doing sth. cant resist doing sth. 二 cant help doing sth.抵抗的;有抵抗力的 对有抵抗力: 抗拒;反对 ; 对的抵制 ; 反对做某事 I忍不住做某事I prefer the plants that are resistant to bad climate.我比较喜欢那些对恶劣的气候有抵抗力的植物。;2To gain further development, the firm had to overcome its resistance(resist)to new technology.为了获得进一步的发展,这家公司必须克服对采用

11、新技术的阻力。I【导学号:928721363I have a sweet tooth and cant resist eating(eat)chocolate and ice cream.我喜欢吃甜食,抵扌当不住巧克力和冰淇淋的诱惑。名师点津resist表示“忍住”,常与表否定意义的cant/canhardly/benot able to连用,resist之后常接名词、代词或动名词作宾语,而不接不定式。rescue n. &W救援,营救教材原句My favourite character in The Attics Stuart, who comes to her rescue and add

12、s some comedy to this otherwise dark tale.4阁楼这部小说中, 我最喜欢的人物是斯图尔特,他救助了她,给这个原本黑暗的故事增添了喜剧 色彩。屛I 1 1 1 1 II(1)rescue sb.from.rescue sth.from.(2)come/go to sb/srescue从营救某人使某物免于 前来/去救某人1A fireman rescued the two small children from the burning building.一名消防队员从陷入火海的大楼中救岀两名小孩。 ; ;2It was you that came to my

13、 rescue in time, which made me get selfconfidence again.是你及时帮助了我,那让我重新获得了自信教材原句The poem was published in 1794 and, like many of Burnsspoems, it was intended to be a song.S首诗发表于1794年,和许多彭斯的诗歌一 样,这首诗原是为歌咏而作。(l)intended adj.故意的,有意的;打算中的 丿qbe intended for; 为准备/设计的 ;be intended to be/do sth.;目的是作为某物/做某事

14、;(2)intention n.意图,目的,企图 illhave no intention of.1 无思 1,111with the intention of doing/to do.1 抱有做的目的/打算 1 1(3)intend to do/doing sth.打算做某事had intended to do sth./intended to have done sth.1 本来打算做某事 1 1 1intend do sth.:打算让某人做某事 ;:!intend sth.for sb.:为某人准备某物 ;intend that.(should)do1主张做 1 1 了 1T

15、his book is intended for children.;这本书是供孩子们用的。;珥D I saw a man walking across the road with the obvious intention(intend)of talking to me.1我看到一个人穿过马路,显然想跟我交谈。 III。(3)1 intend to join(join)a Dragon Boat Training Camp, and I wonder if youd like to go with me.我打算参加龙舟训练营,我不知道你是否乐意和我一起参加。 ;【导学号:92872137链接

16、写作句式转换They intended that the plan should be put into practice within this year.(改为简 单句)孵;They intended the plan to be put into practice within this year.【导学号:92872138诠释2个核心短语I be bent on(doing)sth.决心做某事(通常指坏事);一心想要做某事; 教材原句Pip is bent on becoming a gentleman and winning Estellas love. 皮普一心想要成为一位绅士,赢

17、得埃斯特拉的芳心。;表示“决心要做某事,决定做某事”的其他表达方式还有:I ; decide to do sth., make a decision to do sth., make up onefs mind to do sth., determine to do sth., be determined to do sth.Thanks to your encouragement, I made continuous progress in math, and finally I was bent on studying 二 made up my mind to study)it in th

18、e university.1由于您的鼓励,我在数学上取得了不断的进步,最终下决心在大学里学习 它。p I I I 11111Last term, after getting a low score in the middle exam, I was bent on believing (believe)in myself and I tried to change.上学期,期中考试得的分数低, 我决心相信自己并且我设法改变。链接写作例句的其他表达方式Last term, after getting a low score in the middle exam, I made up my min

19、d to believe in myself, and I tried to change Last term , after getting a low score in the middle exam , I decided/determined/was determined to believe in myself, and I tried to change.Last term, after getting a low score in the middle exam, I made a decision to believe in myself, and I tried to cha

20、nge.教材原句However, if you liked the book, you should probably not be too eager to see the film, as it is not likely to live up to your great expectations.然而,如果你喜欢这本书,就不要急于看电影,因为它可能不会达到你的期望live outlive onlive withlive throughlive a. .life活过;实践;实现以 为主食;靠 为生,继续存在忍受;与住在一起 *经历(艰难或险境) I 过着的生活Just accept the

21、m for who they are, and give them encouragement to live as rich and full a life as you do.要接受他们,给予他们鼓励,让他们能像你一样过上 丰富多彩、充实美满的生活。 Illi 1Looking back, I dont know how I lived through those years.回顾往事,我真不知道那些年是怎样过来的。突破2个高考句型D (教材 P2)Because a lot of classics were written so long ago, their language char

22、acteristics are quite different from those of modern works因为许多古典名著被写得如此之久,所以它们的语言特点非常不同于当代 作品的语言特点。I I ; I I I I Ithose 代表前句所说的 language characteristics0替代词 those, that, one, it 用法:1 (l)those用作替代词主要用于替代复数名词,表特指,相当于theoneso that 用作替代词主要用于替代“the+单数名词(可数或不可数)”,表特指。I(2)同一个人或物,两个不同的时间进行对比时,应该用人称代词。I(3)两个

23、不同的人、物、地点、天气等进行对比时,用that。 I(4)one指代同类单数可数名词,it指代上文提到过的同一事物。This dictionary is more useful than the one/that I bought yesterday.这本词典比我昨天买的更有用。 Illi I2The population of Scotland was eight times as large as that of Cornwal苏格兰的人口是康沃尔人口的八倍。 III I3In my opinion, life in the twenty-first century is much ea

24、sier than it used to be. 在我看来,21世纪的生活要比过去的生活容易得多。(教材 P3)Pip!s sister often abuses him, but Joe is a kind and simple man who would rather die than see any harm come to Pip.皮普的姐姐经常辱骂他,但乔却是一个淳朴 善良的人,他宁愿死也不愿 看到皮普受到任何伤害。would rather do.than do“宁愿做 而不愿做(l)would rather do.than do.=would do.rather than do.宁

25、愿做 而不愿 做 I1 (2)would rather+从句,宁愿 (从句中用一般过去时表示与现在、将来事实相反的假设;用过去完成时表示与过去事实相反的假设)I Inifher than而不是prefer to do.rather than do宁愿做 而不愿做 He would rather give lectures to the students than be invited to boring conferences I他宁愿给学生上课也不愿被邀请参加乏味的会议。 I I I would rather he had told(tell)me about the fact at tha

26、t time.ft宁愿他那时告 诉了我真相。链接写作例句的其他表达方式He would give lectures to the students rather than be invited to boring conferences He prefers to give lectures to the students rather than be invited to boring conferences 多角快练练单词练短语练句型 ;基础考点全面练 ;I 单句语法填空; ;1 (abuse)his position as mayor to give jobs to his friend

27、s, Williams isnow under investigation.2 The new mayor, who adored (go)to the volleyball match, didntapprove of discussing the new building plans at the meeting.3.Let me now deal more fully with the important question that was touched earlier.4 After the quarrel, I tried all my best to remove the mis

28、understanding betweenus, but all my efforts seemed vain.5.Iam heavily debt at the moment, but I hope to be out of it when Iget paid.6.To improve our English and get more students interested in English, I intend (organize)some activities at school.【导学号:928721397.Many scholars are making efforts (resc

29、ue)dis叩pearing languages.8 They were strong and cold, rocking our little camping truck (violent).【答案】 1 .Having abused 2.going 3.on organize 7.torescue 8.violentlyIL单句改错1 Some glasses got breaking when we were moving house2. He is bent on master English.To learn it, he gets up early a

30、nd goes to bed late every day.3 He couldn make himself hear because of the noise, so we didn!t know what he was saying.4.Judging from what he said and did, we can conclude that he was desperate of fame.5.lam thankfully to the company for giving me such a chance, and I earnestly hope that Hive up to everyones expectations.6 Do you think

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