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1、绿水三位一体技术初级篇解密篇绿水三位一体技术初级篇解密篇免费下载大盘连攻数日,很多踏空的资金相当着急,其实没有必要着急,现在许多主力还是处在底部建仓阶段,其中一个很重要的建仓形态就是底部连阳,或者7连阳,或者8连阳,还有复合连阳(7连阳+阴+6连阳)等等。只要你仔细筛选,耐心跟踪,就会发现你心目中的黑马。 regularly, neat in appearance, the main-beam with small harness line must be smooth transition, small wire harness tied to main beam should be at

2、a 90-degree angle. 6.4.5 harness banding material for plastic cable tie, and banding material colors should 加速指标的三种买入和卖出信号 regularly, neat in appearance, the main-beam with small harness line must be smooth transition, small wire harness tied to main beam should be at a 90-degree angle. 6.4.5 harnes

3、s banding material for plastic cable tie, and banding material colors should regularly, neat in appearance, the main-beam with small harness line must be smooth transition, small wire harness tied to main beam should be at a 90-degree angle. 6.4.5 harness banding material for plastic cable tie, and

4、banding material colors should 形态特征描述 目标个股在底部区域经过长期盘整之后,在连续七个交易日或者更多天内收出小阳线,成交量温和放大,并且平均每天涨幅不大(当然,有突发利好时平均每天的涨幅要更高一些)。 主力心态研究 此时由于股价较低,属于主力吸筹的“底仓”阶段,因此盘中可以明显感觉到一种对收集廉价筹码迫不及待的感觉,一有卖单挂出即被主力吃下,股价来不及调整而不断被推高,连续拉出一根根的小阳线,而成交量的放大更暴露了机构在此建仓的痕迹。 实战操作注意事项 regularly, neat in appearance, the main-beam with sma

5、ll harness line must be smooth transition, small wire harness tied to main beam should be at a 90-degree angle. 6.4.5 harness banding material for plastic cable tie, and banding material colors should 一旦发现这种走势的股票,应在随后的缩量调整中坚决介入,今后的中线上涨空间将会很大。但注意在选择目标个股时,要排除那些在历史高点或者次高点区域的股票,在股价中底部区域出现的连阳才是准确无误的底部连阳形

6、态。 技术总结 底部连阳是一个含金量很足的特殊形态,由于该形态主动将市场主力的“想法”和“黑马”暴露在大家面前,一般盘中出现的机会并不多。当然,一旦盘中出现连续不间断的阳线,通常是预报个股有重大题材或大盘有大行情将至,因为此时主力由于题材紧急而急于建仓,连续用大量买盘在盘中扫单,从而一连几天推高股价不给市场调整的余地,加之此时股价刚从底部跃起,从时间和空间上也容不得主力在此价位反复洗盘和震仓。 一旦投资者发现底部出现此类形态的股票,千万不能随意放过。并且除非一些极端强势情况下,通常在连阳后会有一个缩量调整的走势,稳健的投资者可以注意观察成交量的变化,在成交量大幅萎缩的情况下买入,中线持有。 r

7、egularly, neat in appearance, the main-beam with small harness line must be smooth transition, small wire harness tied to main beam should be at a 90-degree angle. 6.4.5 harness banding material for plastic cable tie, and banding material colors should 案例一:智光电气 操作过的股票印象特别深刻,该股在建仓时出现了罕见的11连阳,你说主力想干嘛呢

8、。看图: 例2 罗顿发展 regularly, neat in appearance, the main-beam with small harness line must be smooth transition, small wire harness tied to main beam should be at a 90-degree angle. 6.4.5 harness banding material for plastic cable tie, and banding material colors should 作为短线交易,特别是超短线交易,一定要按照技术和心理分析来操作。物

9、极必反、乘胜追击是很好的方法。“快、狠、准”正是短线交易的技术要点。小钱赚大钱的唯一方法就是积小胜为大胜,见好就收,知足常乐,不要太贪,要学会适当控制住自己的欲望,能坚持原则,守规矩,不要因为临时的冲动而改变自己的计划,不轻易追高。最主要的是做有把握的事,做确定的事。 单一的方法如果能够实现超额利润,就重复地操作让自己赚钱。顺手的时候,加大力度操作;不顺的时候,及时调整,快速降低自己的仓位。只做短线具有非常巨大上涨预期和迹象的股票,就是重点关注涨停的股票。一般在股票价格二次探底再次起飞时,出现二次放量迹象是最好的短线机会。第一次突破长期压力线的股票是好股票,当突破最近高点之后还能不大跌,而是横

10、盘一两天再次启动,这个股票就是庄家要做主升浪的好股票,短线追进通常都可以获利丰厚。 要做就做涨幅第一名的股票,要抓就抓飙股。但是必须有一个完整的市场分析能力和短线盘中分析经验及瞬间判断能力。追错regularly, neat in appearance, the main-beam with small harness line must be smooth transition, small wire harness tied to main beam should be at a 90-degree angle. 6.4.5 harness banding material for pla

11、stic cable tie, and banding material colors should 涨停就会出现涨停封不住,当天就有可能亏掉6%以上,次日还有更快的下跌几率。所以,准确时总是大仓位操作,错误时总是快速止损卖出。 看图分析解密 深圳华强(000062)该股是深圳板块活跃股之一,在不断上涨之后出现了高位“十字星”信号。一旦坚定将出现汹涌的卖盘,一定要在跳水之前回避风险。如果主力出货比较顺利就会快速下跌,如果主力不是很好出货就会反复震荡下跌,通过做反弹双重头部的形式不断卖出筹码。其实,一个主力如果是底部一路做上来的、赚尽差价的股票是很难判断其真实的成本区域。因为上涨时期的震荡差价都

12、被主力赚取了。在不明了的情况下,我们以24日线作为主力的成本区域。一旦股票价格跌破该线,有可能出现逃庄现象,此时应空仓等待。任何一次下跌途中的冲动买入都会给本金的缩水带来致命的伤害。 regularly, neat in appearance, the main-beam with small harness line must be smooth transition, small wire harness tied to main beam should be at a 90-degree angle. 6.4.5 harness banding material for plastic

13、cable tie, and banding material colors should 实战技术精要 (1)股票经过连续上涨后出现了加速的上涨,突破高位后出现了高位十字星,坚决卖货。 (2)股价跌破5日线的当日收盘前卖出也许会错,但是不会出现大亏。 (3)下跌趋势形成之后,要立刻做出卖出的决策,不要奢望明日反弹再卖。 (4)套牢不可怕,怕的是没有控制亏损的幅度,让亏损失去控制。 (5)果断逃顶是成功获利的前提,真正到达底部你才有钱捡便宜。 看图分析解密 regularly, neat in appearance, the main-beam with small harness line

14、must be smooth transition, small wire harness tied to main beam should be at a 90-degree angle. 6.4.5 harness banding material for plastic cable tie, and banding material colors should 株冶集团(600961)该股经过长期的底部横盘之后,出现了均线粘合又发散向上的超级强势股特点,快速跳空向上突破年线的压制,在加速上涨之前还出现了十字星的洗盘动作,经过一个小阳线的过渡,快速出现了“横行霸道”一字涨停,牢牢缩量涨停封

15、死。股票沿着5日线向上,涨停过后次日又出现了高开低走放出巨量,结果所有的人都被清理出局了,主力展开疯狂的九连阳暴涨。股价的快速推高,很多人还没有反应过来就已经上到了翻倍的价格了。不管什么类型的牛市,只要是低价的股票都会成为大机构疯狂炒作的对象。群众基础比较好,行业清晰,有实体的大盘低价股票是非常方便大机构进出的,从2元多做到8元附近的股票到处都是,这么大的上涨幅度一般的投资者是很少抓住的。因为大家都没有那个耐心,越是上涨快的股票越是想卖出。所以,那些从来没有上涨过、业绩又比较稳定的股票在机构收集筹码完毕之后一定会有所表现的。 regularly, neat in appearance, the

16、 main-beam with small harness line must be smooth transition, small wire harness tied to main beam should be at a 90-degree angle. 6.4.5 harness banding material for plastic cable tie, and banding material colors should 实战技术精要 (1)股票价格开始缓慢上涨,随着成交量温和放大,加速的时机来临,这个时候最好买入。 (2)底部启动的股票在第一个涨停要重点关注。 (3)经常涨停的

17、股票会改变股票的股性,活跃之后就会有很多资金关照。 regularly, neat in appearance, the main-beam with small harness line must be smooth transition, small wire harness tied to main beam should be at a 90-degree angle. 6.4.5 harness banding material for plastic cable tie, and banding material colors should (4)沿着5日线上涨的时候要大胆加仓,不

18、要被主力中途洗盘出来。 (5)当股票价格上涨很多之后,一旦出现滞涨就要注意是否出现向下的拐点。 例4:路翔股份 regularly, neat in appearance, the main-beam with small harness line must be smooth transition, small wire harness tied to main beam should be at a 90-degree angle. 6.4.5 harness banding material for plastic cable tie, and banding material colo

19、rs should 李易天:选择具备牛股形态的股票,牛股形态体现了主力介入的深度,是主力吃货和洗盘后所形成的经典形态表现。股票一旦走出牛股形态,不涨都不行。大家要从K线形态去发现未来可能走牛的个股。大盘不同的阶段会有不同的牛股形态出现, regularly, neat in appearance, the main-beam with small harness line must be smooth transition, small wire harness tied to main beam should be at a 90-degree angle. 6.4.5 harness ba

20、nding material for plastic cable tie, and banding material colors should 比如:我们2月3日操作的002019鑫富药业, 2月8日操作的600576万好万家是在底部出现了“底部双雄”牛股形态的股票。 regularly, neat in appearance, the main-beam with small harness line must be smooth transition, small wire harness tied to main beam should be at a 90-degree angle.

21、 6.4.5 harness banding material for plastic cable tie, and banding material colors should 还有2月9日我们操作的000518四环生物, 2月13日操作的601258庞大集团属于“按奈不住”牛股形态, regularly, neat in appearance, the main-beam with small harness line must be smooth transition, small wire harness tied to main beam should be at a 90-degr

22、ee angle. 6.4.5 harness banding material for plastic cable tie, and banding material colors should regularly, neat in appearance, the main-beam with small harness line must be smooth transition, small wire harness tied to main beam should be at a 90-degree angle. 6.4.5 harness banding material for p

23、lastic cable tie, and banding material colors should 近期我们操作的“海豚嘴”牛股形态:2月8日300081恒信移动, 2月17日60060海信电器等, regularly, neat in appearance, the main-beam with small harness line must be smooth transition, small wire harness tied to main beam should be at a 90-degree angle. 6.4.5 harness banding material f

24、or plastic cable tie, and banding material colors should regularly, neat in appearance, the main-beam with small harness line must be smooth transition, small wire harness tied to main beam should be at a 90-degree angle. 6.4.5 harness banding material for plastic cable tie, and banding material col

25、ors should regularly, neat in appearance, the main-beam with small harness line must be smooth transition, small wire harness tied to main beam should be at a 90-degree angle. 6.4.5 harness banding material for plastic cable tie, and banding material colors should 海豚嘴形态的技术要点是主力一浪上升后洗盘回调到标志性K线和主要均线位置

26、止跌后再度启动所形成的经典形态。当前行情是“海豚嘴”牛股形态出现的最佳时机(其他几个牛股形态的技术要点登陆我公司网站有详细图解)。一个股票涨不涨取决于主力的持仓和控盘,牛股形态真实地反映了主力的控盘程度,符合牛股形态的票上涨就是必然,所以大家要追本求源,抓住股票的本质。我认为股票的核心技术就是K线形态+量价关系,掌握了K线形态就抓住了股票的牛鼻子。牛股形态已经韵含了股票背后regularly, neat in appearance, the main-beam with small harness line must be smooth transition, small wire harne

27、ss tied to main beam should be at a 90-degree angle. 6.4.5 harness banding material for plastic cable tie, and banding material colors should 的故事,所以大家不要再去到处搜集消息炒股。如果再学会判断大盘和板块热点,那做股票就会很舒服。跟我们学习的投资者最近都深刻地体会到了牛股形态的魅力。 regularly, neat in appearance, the main-beam with small harness line must be smooth

28、transition, small wire harness tied to main beam should be at a 90-degree angle. 6.4.5 harness banding material for plastic cable tie, and banding material colors should regularly, neat in appearance, the main-beam with small harness line must be smooth transition, small wire harness tied to main be

29、am should be at a 90-degree angle. 6.4.5 harness banding material for plastic cable tie, and banding material colors should regularly, neat in appearance, the main-beam with small harness line must be smooth transition, small wire harness tied to main beam should be at a 90-degree angle. 6.4.5 harne

30、ss banding material for plastic cable tie, and banding material colors should 回抽的定义 由于近年来证券投资领域中技术分析的不断普及,许多投资者都认识到了股价(汇价)一旦突破颈线压力,后市看好。但是还有一部分投资者在“真突破”时及时跟进,后来割肉出局的,regularly, neat in appearance, the main-beam with small harness line must be smooth transition, small wire harness tied to main beam s

31、hould be at a 90-degree angle. 6.4.5 harness banding material for plastic cable tie, and banding material colors should 这就是由于投资者持股信心不足,在股价(汇价)“回抽”的过程中,被震荡出局的。 所谓“回抽”,就是股价(汇价)向某一方向发展并突破颈线后,在数天内汇价会重新回到颈线位测试是否突破成功,此时的颈线或由压力变为支撑、或由支撑变为压力,这种股价(汇价)暂时回归的现象在业内被称之为“回抽”。回抽不仅仅发生在向上突破(即升势),也同样会在向下突破(即跌势)后出现。 回抽

32、的产生 当股价(汇价)向上突破压力颈线后,一般都以为后市会有一波不错的涨升,于是大量散户紧紧尾随。由于坐轿的人多,抬轿的人少,不利于大型投资机构的抬升,故在汇价正式展开攻势之前,大型投资机构会进行股价(汇价)震仓,股价(汇价)调头向下,将一些缺乏信心的投机者震荡出局,然后轻装上阵,展开攻势,不断将股价(汇价)推高。这正好印证了“欲进则退”这条成语。回抽现象在升势中出现,不但可以将一些浮动筹码清理干净,还可以将回抽作为突破信号的确认依据。“真突破”的行情,在突破压力后,原来的颈线压力则会变成颈线支撑,并在2至5天内,股价(汇价)会重新回头测试颈线支撑,并在测试完成后,重新回到上涨的轨道。如果在股价(汇价)回抽的过程中,再度跌破颈线,那么这种突破则属于假突破。 regularly, neat in appearance, the main-beam with small harness line must be smooth transition, small wire harness tied to main beam should be at a 90-degree angle. 6.4.5 harn

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