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The Long Goodbye 惜别.docx

1、The Long Goodbye 惜别The Long Goodbye 惜别 【前情提要】 情人节,Elena邀请James在中餐馆吃饭,想借机表白。孰料,席间James却一再向Elena打听Sabrina的消息,这让Elena非常失望;而此时在城市的另一端,小强因为公务繁忙而延误了和Lily的约会,这让Lily非常恼火。就在Lily原谅小强后,一个电话又破坏了整个约会。午夜十二点,整个城市弥漫在爱情的氛围中,但是那些寂寞的城市中人却只能孤单地过着没有情人的情人节 【本期剧情】 James因事要回美国,临行前,他终于鼓足勇气向Sabrina告白,但却遭到了Sabrina的拒绝;小强因业绩突出被

2、公司派往欧洲学习一年,可是他在事业得意之时却情场失意Lily竟然提出了分手。 【重点提示】 Language Focus / 语言点: 1. 语言背后的文化知识 2. 固定英语表达法 3. 阅读难点解析 Part One: Never Gonna Give You Up! 毫无机会 (James有要事需回美国,临行前,他终于鼓起勇气向Sabrina告白) Sabrina: Youre quiet today, is something up? James: Wellactually, I should tell you, I got a call from some family in the

3、 US just yesterday, and they need me to come back as soon as possible. Its some kind of emergency. So, Ive booked my flight home and Ill be leaving next week. Im sorry to give you such short notice work-wise, but I only just heard about it myself Sabrina: Oh. That sounds pretty serious. Dont worry a

4、bout the work, well manage butI hope everything is okay James: Yeah. No-one was really giving me enough information over the phone. Im trying not to expect the worst. Sabrina: Its easy to think its going to be something horrible when you get those sudden Come home now! phone calls, but you shouldnt

5、jump to any conclusions yet. James:Yeah. I know. Sabrina: Do you want to talk about it? I dont want to force you to think about it any more than you already are, but you seem like you could use a sympathetic ear right now. Is someone in the family sick? James: Actually, theres something else. Sabrin

6、a: Okay James: I know we havent always seen eye to eye in the past, but I think Imbeginning to realise that its somethingelse that makes me act a certain waywhen Im around you. Sabrina: Okay James: Like I know I can come across asa little cocky sometimes, and I just wantyou to know that thats not re

7、ally Sabrina: (interrupting) James, James,you dont have to apologise for yourselfright now. You have a lot on your mind. James: No, what Im trying to say isIwas thinking about why I always seem to behave in a way that I dont want to behave in front you, and I think its basically because Ilike you a

8、lot, Sabrina. Sabrina: Oh! I James: And I didnt want to leave for the US without telling you how I feel because I dont know when Ill be coming back, if I come back at all, and I dont want to spend the rest of my life wondering what if. I dont really have anything to lose anyway. So here goes: Ive li

9、ked you since the day I first met you, and I know you have this view of me that Im immature and unsteady, but Im not the playboy that you seem to think I am. If you just give me one chance to show you what kind of guy I really am, I think we could be really happy together. I think Im a pretty nice g

10、uy; Ive stayed friends with all of my exes, not that Im thinking about when and if we ever become exes, because we havent even started yet, butI know this is sudden and Im probably babbling like an idiot, but does any of this sound at all good to you? Sabrina: JamesI really appreciate you telling me

11、 your feelings, and I do think youre a nice guy who could make the right girl very happy James: (interrupting) No, this isnt what I wanted to hear Sabrina: No no, please hear me out ?C its just that Ive always thought of you as agood colleague and a friend, and while Im really flattered by your feel

12、ings for me, I dont think I could think of you in that way myself. Were pretty different people, you and I, and Im of the belief that opposites dont necessarily attract I guess what Im saying is that Idont really see myself dating someonefrom such a different background. I wantto eventually be with

13、someone whoshares the same values, whose familycould get along with mine, who understandswhere Im coming from, becauserelationships are hard enough withoutthere being cultural barriers, you know?And more than that, right now Im justenjoying being single, giving my all atwork and seeing my girlfriend

14、s in mydowntimeI like not having to checkin with someone constantly, workingovertime without feeling guilty thatsomeones waiting up for me, going onspontaneous little trips with my friendswhenever I want to. I just wouldnt be a good girlfriend right now, Im not in theright place emotionally. Once da

15、y youllfind the perfect girl - and you neverknow, that might be sooner than youthink - and youll be glad you didnt endup with me, trust me. James: Look, Sabrina, please dont give me any excuses about backgrounds and values and whatnot, okay? I know youre in love with Paul, and obviously those feelin

16、gs have nothing to do with whether or not you could see your families getting along. Why dont you just be honest with me? Sabrina: What?! I dont think thats any of your business! James: If you truly believe that Paul is the only guy that could make you happy, I will gladly back off. I will even wish

17、 you guys well. But looking at you and Paul, Im not sure thats the case. I dont think hes the right guy for you. So as long as I think theres even a tiny bit of a chance, my feelings for you will remain and I will keep asking you out until the day you say yes, Sabrina. I dont mean to sound like some

18、 crazed stalker but when I care about someone, they become all I can think about and I dont give up that easily. Sabrina: (to herself ) I had no idea James could be so single-minded. It makes me think I could get to like him one day but no, my heart belongs to Paul. I cant just fall for someone else

19、 like that. (to James) James, I dont know what more there is to sayIve heard your speech, and Im still not convinced. Socan we just drop this for now? James: (laughing) That doesnt sound like a yes, but it doesnt sound like a no either! The first thing Im going to do when I get back from the US is c

20、ome and see you, Sabrina, and I hope youll be able to give me a clear answer then! Part Two: When Breaking Ups Not So Hard To Do. 分手在即 (小强将被派到欧洲学习一年, 他希望Lily可以等自己,孰料,Lily的想法却和他截然不同) Lily: So what is it that you wanted to talk to me about? Xiao Qiang: Well.this isnt going to be easy whatever way I de

21、cide to do it, so Ill just come out with it. Ive been told by my company that theyre moving me to Europe for a year for training. Lily: Europe? A year? Xiao Qiang: Andwell, I know its a long time, but I really hope that youd be willing to wait for me, and believe in me, believe in us. I mean whats a

22、 year, after all, when you consider how long a lifetime is? I know couples whove done the long-distance thing for longer than that, and they managed to make it work. I want us to approach this in a positive way, Lily, because Im confident everything will be okay. Just think, Ill be so much more valu

23、able as an employee once Ive been through this period of training. Lily: Xiao QiangI dont know. This is a lot to take in. Xiao Qiang: I know, I know, but its going to work out fine, please dont worry. Lily: I dont knowIm not so confident myself. You know, Im not one of those superficial women who ne

24、ed their husbands to make a lot of money. Ive partied a lot in the past, but Ive changed my ways and now all I want to do is be with you, and be happy Xiao Qiang: (interrupting) I know! We can still do that! Lily: BUT, at the same time, I know myself. Im needy, and I like to be the center of someone

25、s attention. I couldnt be in a relationship where we couldnt even see each other once a month. Xiao Qiang: Lily, listen to me. I plan to be with you for the rest of my life. This year in Europe is going to be just a blip in the grand scheme of things! And itll allow us to have an even better life to

26、gether when I get back. Dont you see, things will work out for the better in the long run. Lily: But you have to be realistic on a certain level. This may sound conceited, Xiao Qiang, but even since weve been seeing each other there have been a lot of guys who have wanted to take me out. You already

27、 know what a flirt I am. Dont you think that things could change dramatically in a year? Arent you afraid that something would happen, and youd be made a fool? Xiao Qiang: Lily, none of this worries me because I trust you completely. Lily: Im not the kind of person who could stay in on a weekend, mo

28、ping over you, waiting around in case you call. I need to feel loved constantly, I need to be out there having fun and I need someone to always be by my side. The way I see itmaybe we should each think this through over the next year. Maybe we fell in love too fast, and we need to cool down, be more

29、 practical about this. A year is a long time for anyone to be apart. Xiao Qiang: Wow. I have to say, this wasnt the reaction Id expected. What is it, Lily, have you met someone else already? Lily: Well.I guess you should know that theres a guy whos been pursuing me for a while now. But believe me wh

30、en I say Im not at all interested in him; hes not the reason why Im saying this. I really feel that a year is a long time, and its highly likely that youll be so busy with your training that you wont even have time to e-mail me or call me as much as I would want you to. People can change in the spac

31、e of three months, let alone a year, and I think it would be natural for us to change as well. Having unrealistic expectations would be unhealthy and ultimately damaging to both of us. I think it would be better for us to put this relationship on a backburner for now, and if it turns out that we still love each other when you come back in a years time and still want to make it work, then great! If not, no-ones hurt, because no-one expected anything. Xiao Qiang: Wow. Okay 下期预告 Sabrina在和Elena讨论音频节目的时候突然身体不适,Elena觉得这是她工作劳累过度、饮食不规律引起的。于是,Elena带Sabri

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