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1、辽宁省大连市中考英语试题和答案2020年辽宁省大连市中考英语试卷、单项填空(此题共20小题:每题1分,共20分)从A.B、C和D四个选项中,选出能够填入空白处的最正确选项1(1分)We should return the books to the library time()Aabout Bon Cby Dfor2(1分)Im sure I can improve in spoken English in two years time()Amyself Bourselves Chimself Dthemselves3(1分)Happy Birthday, Jim!_!()AThe same t

2、o you BThank you CGood luck DHave a nice time4(1分)Must I be back home before 6 oclock?No, you But dont be too late()Acant Bmustnt Cneednt Dwont5(1分)Yao Ming is as one of the most popular basketball players in the world()Aregarded Bmade Ckept Dwatched6(1分)Last weekend many people went to the concert,

3、 young people()Ahardly Bprobably Cmostly Dreally7(1分) ?I dont feel very well today Ive got a pain here()ACan I take your temperature BWhats wrong with you CDo you have a cough DHow long have you been like this8(1分)The boy won the first prize is called Roy()Awhen Bwhom Cwho Dwhich9(1分)There are two n

4、ew buildings near the sea, and of them are very tall()Anone Ball Cneither Dboth10(1分)Last Thursday when I got to the airport, I_ I had left my ticket at home()Aforgot Brealized Cbelieved Dseemed11(1分)He was so tired that he fell asleep he went to bed()Aas if Beven though Cever since Das soon as12(1分

5、)May I use your dictionary? ()ANever mind BYou are welcome CIt doesnt matter DCertainly Here you are13(1分)Willile will learn swimming, no matter how much it ()Acosts Btakes Cspends Dpays14(1分)If you want to do better in playing the piano, you need more ()Atechnology Bpractice Cpleasure Dchallenge15(

6、1分)The harder we work, the result we will get()Afaster Bfewer Cbetter Dsmaller16(1分)Miss Zhao is very helpful She often helps us we are in trouble()Awhether Balthough Cwhenever Dhowever17(1分)You must read the carefully before taking the medicine()Anews Bpictures Cnumbers Dinstructions18(1分)I my CD h

7、ere and there,but I still cant find it()Ahave looked for Blook for Cwill look for Dwas looking for19(1分)Its too noisy here Please ask him to the radio a little()Aturn down Bfall down Cshut down Dcome down20(1分)Could you tell me_ ?About two months()Awhen are you leaving for Shanghai Bhow often you go

8、 to the school library Chow many tickets have you booked Dhow long you have been at this school、完形填空(此题共1小题:每题1分 共20分)阅读短文,从各题所给的四个选项(A. B. C和D)中,选出能够填入空白处的最正确选项21(20分)Once a young man was travelling by train It was a long and boring journey As the train was moving (1) a wilderness (荒野)? the passeng

9、ers looked out of the windows (2) When the train reached a bend(转弯处), it (3) and then a simple house(4) It was so easy to notice, (5) everybody on the train turned to enjoy with eyes wide open Some passengers even began a (6) about it The young man was also (7) by the scenery On his return he(8) the

10、 train at the nearest station and found his(9) to the house Its owner said that he was troubled by the (10) of the trainHe wanted to (11) the house, but nobody would buy it (12) the young man spent 30 000 dollars on the(13) He thought it was a good place for(14) because it was facing the railway ben

11、d When the train moved slowly past?the(15) passengers would be very interested in the house He (16) to connect with some big companies and told them that could be used for advertisement (17) the CocaCola Company took it to put up their(18) To everyones surprise, the young man was (19) 180 000 dollar

12、s for a threeyear rent(租金) This is a true story It tells us that discovery is very important to (20) Many people have got new ideas from it(1)AoverB aroundCthroughDacross(2)AhappilyBquietlyCsafelyDclearly(3)Adropped offBfell behindCslowed downDrushed out(4)AappearedBfoundCdiscoveredDcame(5)AwhenBtha

13、tCwhyDhow(6)AdiscussionBmeetingCsubjectDcompetition(7)AattackedBfrightenedCtrappedDattracted(8)Agot onBlooked forCgot offDwaited for(9)AaddressBwayCkeyDtrip(10)AtrackBconductorCpassengerDnoise(11)AchangeBpaintCsellDmend(12)ASoonBYetCInsteadDAfter(13)AroomBplaceChouseDland(14)AinformationBrelaxingCtr

14、avellingDadvertisement(15)AexcitedBtiredCsurprisedDworried(16)AtriedBhadCagreedDstopped(17)ASince thenBAt lastC At leastDSo far(18)AmessagesBcompaniesCnoticesDsigns(19)AshownBallowedCofferedDreturned(20)AsuccessBconfidenceCactivityDinvention、阅读理解(此题共4小题:每题2分,共46 分)A)阅读下面广告和短文,从各题所给的四个选项(A、B. C和D)中,选

15、出最正确选项,22(10分)THE TAJ100 years of picturesTHEN AND NOWSee the Taj In history from 1900 to 2000 Photography ShowCity Art Museum 720 High StreetTuesday to Sunday 10 am to 5 pmAFRICAN SAFARI PARKA Drivethrough ZooDrive in your own car or take thespecial train See lions,elephants, tigers without cagesOp

16、en every day 94 Special tickets35 for 4 peopleBELL TOWER TRIPSGreat scenery from the top!Climb 439steps or take the liftlearn the 300year history of ourcitySunday only 8 am to 3 pm No children under 5HARRY POTTERMAGIC SHOWSee magic performancesthe quiet bellthe clever boythe terriblemessagetwo full

17、hoursSaturday morningstarts at 9: 30The Grand Cinema 741 Htgh Street(1)We can go to see the Taj pictures every day EXCEPT A MondayB TuesdayC FridayD Sunday(2)If eight students go to see animals in the zoo on Sunday, they should pay A 105B140C35D70(3)Children under are not allowed to go to Bell Tower

18、A5B 6C7D8(4)On Saturday morning the film Harry Potter may end at A9:30B10:00C11:00D 11 :30(5)If Sam wants to see magic performances, he may go to to enjoy themA City Art MuseumB the Grand CinemaC African Safari ParkD Bell Tower23(6分)If you go to the Hong Kong History Museum, you will see a photo tak

19、en in 1989 of a man holding a mobile phone The phone is the size of a small handbag and when the person is speaking into, it, it covers half of his face! In sixteen years, people have entered the mobile phone age Some mobile phones these days are so small that they can fit right into your hand If th

20、ese changes have taken place(发生)in just sixteen years, what kind of mobile phones will be used in the future? Todays mobile phones are no longer used just for making and receiving calls They can even connect us to the Internet and act as personal digital assistants They can do all the things a compu

21、ter can do They can send short messages and emails They can also take and send photos just like a digital camera Mobile phones of the future may be able to play music in the same way as an MD player As for size, the technology will make them small enough to fit on your arm, just like a watch you wea

22、r Can you imagine what mobile phones will be able to do in another sixteen years?(1)We can learn from the passage that Amobile phones were widely used in the 1980sBpeople enjoyed mobile phones in Hong KongCits hard for mobile phones to change any moreDmobile phones have changed a lot in the past 16

23、years(2)The underlined(画线的 )sentence shows that the mobile phone is very AlightBheavyClargeDsmall(3)Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage? AMobile phones are used as a digital cameraBMobile phones can be used as a small notebookCMobile phones will be used for listening to musicDMobi

24、le phones can be made even smaller in the future24(10分)Henry: I find the Internet is very good for shopping I use it more and more for buying books and CDs, and I even bought some clothes over the Internet The other thing I can do is to book tickets over the Internet I booked a cheap flight once, it

25、 was very easy, and it was really good David: I use the Internet for games I play chess with people all round the world Last night I had a game with someone from Japan I also download games from the Internet, so I can have any game I want Peter: I use the Internet for anything I need to help me with

26、 my school work I use the online dictionaries, encyclopedias (百科全书) and magazines Its great because I can download pictures or articles and use them with my homework Its very easy to use and its free, so I like it Tony: Well, the main thing I use the Internet for is to email I usually write to my cu

27、stomers (客户) by email, and my customers answer me by email, too We probably send and receive four or five hundred emails a month But of course, I also use email to keep in touch with friends and family My daughter is in Australia and we send emails to each other every day根据短文内容选择正确答案( 1) prefers to

28、use the Internet to buy thingsA HenryB DavidC PeterD Tony( 2)Davids hobby is to over the InternetA read booksB book ticketsC play gamesD download pictures( 3)Peter can use the Internet to easily A play chessB do some shoppingC do school workD talk with his daughter( 4)From the passage we know that A

29、 Peter is a teacherB Tony is a businessmanC David is an engineerD Henry is a bookseller( 5)According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true? A Henry had an experience of using the Internet to book a cheap flightB David had a game with a Japanese over the Internet last nightC Tony often emails to his customers, friends and familyD Peter needs to pay for what he gets from the Internet25(10分)Whenever the sun dropped and the blue sky came up,my father and I used to climb the mountain near my houseWalking

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