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1、小学语文备课检查总结en小学语文备课检查总结(Primary school Chinese lesson preparation inspection summary)在小学语文备课中,有几点做法和体会需要注意:备课要整合多项教学研究的内容,不是单纯的撰写教学案;备课要脚踏实地,作备课的有心人,今天我给大家整理了小学语文备课检查总结,谢谢大家对我的支持。(In elementary school Chinese lesson preparation, there are a few practices and experiences that need to be paid attention

2、 to: lesson preparation should integrate multiple teaching research content, not just writing a teaching plan; lesson preparation should be down-to-earth and be a caring person for lesson preparation. Today I have compiled elementary school language preparation for everyone Check the summary, thank

3、you for your support.)小学语文备课检查总结篇一(Primary school Chinese lesson preparation inspection summary one)历时三天的全国小学低年级语文教学观摩活动今天圆满结束了。参加这次大会的有全国小语会的领导,汉语拼音教研中心的常务理事、理事,来自全国各省、市、自治区的专家、教师、教研人员、教育行政领导共1700多人。这次活动意义深远,它是一次不同版本、不同教学风格、不同教学方法相互交流、相互学习、相互促进、共同提高教学水平的教学观摩活动,是一场生动活泼的现场教学研究活动。从某种意义上讲,它检阅了语文课程标准实施以

4、来低年级语文教学改革的成果,同时,也为今后进一步深入开展低年级语文教学改革、进一步探索如何在低年级语文教学中发挥汉语拼音作用的问题创造了条件。(The three-day national elementary school lower grade Chinese teaching observation activity ended successfully today. Participating in this conference are the leaders of the National Small Language Association, the standing direc

5、tors and directors of the Chinese Pinyin Teaching and Research Center, and more than 1,700 experts, teachers, teaching and research personnel, and education administrative leaders from all provinces, cities, and autonomous regions across the country. This event has far-reaching significance. It is a

6、 teaching observation activity in which different versions, different teaching styles, and different teaching methods communicate with each other, learn from each other, promote each other, and jointly improve the teaching level. It is a lively and lively teaching and research activity on site. In a

7、 sense, it reviewed the results of the lower-grade Chinese teaching reform since the implementation of the Chinese curriculum standards. At the same time, it will further develop the lower-grade Chinese teaching reform in the future, and further explore how to play the role of Hanyu Pinyin in the lo

8、wer-grade Chinese teaching. The problem created the conditions.)这次大会之所以能取得圆满成功,首先应该归功于做课的老师和他们的指导老师。这些同志怀着改革教学的强烈愿望,奉献出精心设计的课例,为大会增添了光彩。还有,大会的评委们,他们不辞劳苦地认真看课、评课,对每一节课都作出了公正的评价。他们这种一丝不苟的工作态度,值得提倡,值得学习!前来听课的教师们的学习精神同样令人感动。他们千里迢迢汇集到济南,为了学习新鲜经验,改进自己的教学,不顾路途疲劳,精神饱满地认真听课,认真记录。这种热爱学习、肯于钻研的精神,值得称赞,值得学习!(The

9、 success of this conference should first be attributed to the teachers and their advisors. With a strong desire to reform teaching, these comrades contributed well-designed lesson examples, which added luster to the conference. Also, the judges of the conference, they watched and evaluated the lectu

10、res carefully, and made a fair evaluation of each class. Their meticulous work attitude is worth advocating and worth learning! The learning spirit of the teachers who came to attend the lectures was also touching. They gathered all the way to Jinan, in order to learn new experience and improve thei

11、r teaching, regardless of the fatigue of the journey, they listened to the class and recorded seriously. This kind of passion for learning and willingness to study is worthy of praise and learning!)我们还应该感谢东道主山东省教研室和济南市教研室的领导和同志们,他们为了这次活动的顺利进行,日夜奔忙,十分辛苦,做了大量的、细致的工作,他们的工作作风和工作态度令人敬佩。(We should also th

12、ank the leaders and comrades of the host Shandong Provincial Teaching and Research Office and Jinan City Teaching and Research Office. They are busy day and night and very hard for the smooth progress of this event. They have done a lot of and meticulous work. Their work style and attitude make Peop

13、le admire.)总之,整个活动都洋溢着无私奉献、团结进取、创新改革的精神。有了这种精神,此次活动才得以成功;有了这种精神,我们在今后的教学改革中,才能不断前进,取得更加辉煌的成就。(In short, the whole event was permeated with the spirit of selfless dedication, unity and progress, and innovation and reform. With this spirit, this event can be successful; with this spirit, we can contin

14、ue to advance and achieve more brilliant achievements in the future teaching reforms.)这次活动的时间虽然短暂,但效果却是显著的。与会代表普遍反映这次观摩活动展示的课例十分精彩,既体现了课程标准的新理念,又扎实地进行了语文基础知识的教学和语文基本技能的训练。不少课例在设计上有新意,有亮点,给听课的教师们留下了深刻的印象。这次观摩课具有以下特点:(Although the duration of this event is short, the effect is remarkable. Participants

15、 generally reflect that the lesson examples displayed in this observation activity are very exciting, which not only embodies the new concept of curriculum standards, but also conducts the teaching of basic Chinese knowledge and the training of basic Chinese skills. Many lesson examples are innovati

16、ve and bright in design, which left a deep impression on the teachers. The observation class has the following characteristics:)1、遵循课程标准的要求以及所倡导的新理念,教学方法百花齐放,异彩纷呈。比如新课的导入,有情景导入、实物导入、游戏导入、看动画片导入、讲故事导入、谈话导入;复习巩固生字的形式,有摘苹果、玩魔方、猜字谜、看动作猜字、看图贴词卡,等等。教师们运用自己创造、设计的这些符合低年级学生年龄特点的教学方法进行教学,使学生学得生动活泼,兴趣盎然。(1. Fo

17、llow the requirements of the curriculum standards and the new ideas advocated, and the teaching methods are blooming and colorful. For example, the introduction of new lessons includes scene introduction, real object introduction, game introduction, cartoon introduction, storytelling introduction, a

18、nd conversation introduction; review and consolidate the form of new characters, such as picking apples, playing Rubiks cube, guessing words, watching actions, guessing words, and watching Picture stickers, word cards, etc. Teachers use the teaching methods that they created and designed to meet the

19、 age characteristics of lower grade students to teach, so that students learn lively and are full of interest.)2、注重全面提高学生的语文素养。全面提高学生的语文素养,是课程标准提出的一个基本理念,也是语文教育教学改革深化的产物,它已成为广大语文教育工作者的共识。在这次观摩课的一些阅读教学中,教师不仅注重指导学生朗读、理解词语和句子,还注意引导学生感悟课文所蕴涵的人文精神和情感因素。使学生通过语文学习,受到道德情操的陶冶、审美情趣的熏陶,为全面提高学生的语文素养打下良好的基础。(2.

20、Pay attention to the comprehensive improvement of students language literacy. To improve students Chinese literacy in an all-round way is a basic idea put forward by the curriculum standards and a product of the deepening of Chinese education and teaching reform. It has become the consensus of the m

21、ajority of Chinese educators. In some reading teaching in this observation class, teachers not only pay attention to guiding students to read aloud and understand words and sentences, but also to guide students to perceive the humanistic spirit and emotional factors contained in the text. Through Ch

22、inese learning, students are nurtured by moral sentiment and aesthetic appeal, which lays a good foundation for comprehensively improving students Chinese literacy.)3、注重培养学生自主学习的意识和习惯。语文课程标准在教学建议中指出,要注重培养学生自主学习的意识和习惯。这次观摩活动中的许多课,都体现了课程标准所倡导的这一新的教学思想。例如,在识字教学中,教师改变了逐个教识生字的做法,鼓励学生借助汉语拼音自学生字的读音,引导学生探究、

23、发现汉字的构字规律,从而习得一些识字的方法。许多老师都注重引导学生相互交流课外识字的途径和记字的方法,这种做法有助于培养学生课外自主学习的意识,使他们关注身边的汉字,把社会作为学习语文的大课堂。(3. Focus on cultivating students awareness and habits of autonomous learning. The Chinese curriculum standard pointed out in the Teaching Suggestions that we should focus on cultivating students awarene

24、ss and habits of autonomous learning. Many classes in this observation activity reflect this new teaching idea advocated by the curriculum standards. For example, in the literacy teaching, teachers have changed the practice of teaching new characters one by one, encouraging students to use Chinese p

25、inyin from the pronunciation of student characters to guide students to explore and discover the pattern of Chinese characters, so as to acquire some literacy methods. Many teachers pay attention to guiding students to communicate with each other in the ways of extracurricular literacy and the metho

26、ds of remembering characters. This practice helps to cultivate students awareness of autonomous learning outside of class, so that they can pay attention to the Chinese characters around them and regard society as a large classroom for learning Chinese.)4、注意发挥汉语拼音在低年级教学中的作用。汉语拼音是识字和学习普通话的有效工具。在低年级语文

27、教学中,汉语拼音的地位不容忽视。学生掌握了汉语拼音,就可以独立识字,独立阅读,这样便为学生自主学习创造了条件。汉语拼音能够帮助方言地区的学生正音,可以起到推广普通话的作用。在这次观摩课中,教师们都能注意发挥汉语拼音在教学中的作用,这是非常可喜的现象。(4. Pay attention to the role of Chinese Pinyin in the teaching of lower grades. Chinese Pinyin is an effective tool for literacy and learning Mandarin. The status of Chinese

28、Pinyin cannot be ignored in the teaching of Chinese in lower grades. If students master the Chinese Pinyin, they can learn and read independently, which creates conditions for students to learn independently. Chinese Pinyin can help students in dialect areas to correct the pronunciation and can play

29、 a role in promoting Mandarin. In this observation class, teachers can pay attention to the role of Chinese Pinyin in teaching. This is a very gratifying phenomenon.)5、突出了低年级语文教学的重点。低年级语文教学的重点是识字、写字和阅读。识字可以为阅读打基础,通过写字和阅读可以巩固识过的汉字。执教观摩课的教师们所设计的教学都能抓住这三个重点,改变了一节课单纯识字或单纯阅读的陈旧的教学模式。(5. Highlight the key

30、 points of lower grade Chinese teaching. The emphasis of Chinese teaching in lower grades is literacy, writing and reading. Literacy can lay the foundation for reading, and through writing and reading, the Chinese characters you have learned can be consolidated. The teaching designed by the teachers

31、 who teach the observation class can grasp these three key points, and change the outdated teaching mode of literacy or reading in a lesson.)6、根据学生的年龄特点选择教学方法,符合学生的认知规律。低年级学生对直观的、形象的事物容易理解,而且活泼好动。观摩课中的许多教师都能注意运用符合学生年龄特点的教学方法突破教学难点。例如,借助图画、动作、表情引导学生了解字义、词义;借助课件演示词句的意思;通过学生表演课文内容检查学生是不是读懂了课文,等等。这些教学方法

32、符合低年级学生的认知规律,既能引起学生的学习兴趣,又能起到化难为易的作用。(6. Choose the teaching method according to the age characteristics of the students, in line with the students cognitive law. Lower grades are easy to understand intuitive and visual things, and they are lively and active. Many teachers in the observation class c

33、an pay attention to the use of teaching methods that meet the age characteristics of students to break through teaching difficulties. For example, use pictures, movements, and expressions to guide students to understand the meaning of words and words; use courseware to demonstrate the meaning of words and sentences; check whether students understand the

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