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Chapter 10 SBI Units 1920.docx

1、Chapter 10 SBI Units 1920Chapter 10 SBI Units 19-20重点句型1. What do you think causes these changes?2. It is on this arable land that the farmers produce food for the whole population of China.3. To make as much use of the land as possible, two or more crops are planted each year where possible.4. Not

2、only is food production important but also taking care of the environment.5. Much of the wisdom discovered by early Chinese scientists is still useful for farming.6. Acting our stereotypes of people from different countries can be very funny.7. What comedians have in common with the players in a com

3、edy is their way of playing with words.8. Typical for China is the crosstalk show, where a pair of comedians entertain the audience with word play. 重点词汇1. protection n. 保护;防卫2. technique n. 技术;技巧3. irrigation n. 灌溉;冲洗4. import n. & v. 进口;输入5. production n. 产品;总产鼍6. sow v. 播种;散布7. wisdom n. 智慧;学识8. f

4、irstly adv. 首先9. remove vt. 移动;搬开10. depend v. 依靠;依赖11. insect n. 昆虫12. discovery n. 发现;被发现的事物13. humor n. 幽默;诙谐14. practical adj. 实际的;实用的15. fortunately adv. 幸运地16. intend vt. 打算;想要17. nationality n.国籍18. fluent adj. 流利的;流畅的19. amuse vt. 使发笑;使愉快20. laughter n. 笑;笑声21. accent n. 口音;腔调22. typical adj

5、. 典型的23. actually adv. 事实上24. appreciate vt. 欣赏;感激25. operate v. 运转;操作26. silence n. 寂静;沉默27. confuse vt. 使迷惑;混淆28. applaud v. & n. 拍手喝彩;赞同29. exist vi. 存在30. direction n. 方向;指示 重点短语1. bring in 引进2. depend on 依靠3. protect from 保护免受4. make use of 利用5. make fun of 取笑;嘲笑6. drive off 赶走;开走7. date back t

6、o 追溯到8. look on as 把看作9. be on good terms with 和关系好10. go against 违背;违犯11. have an effect on 对有影响12. at the right time of the year 在适当季节13. year after year 年复一年14. pass on 传递下去15. the first time 第一次16. enjoy a long life 健康长寿17. in great surprise 大吃一惊18. add to 增添19. from generation to generation 一代代

7、20. be different from 与不同短语闯关下列短语都是这两个单元学过的重要短语,请你根据汉语在横线上填人一个正确的词,每个词4分,80分才能过关,你一定能过关,做好了闯关的准备吗?那么我们就开始吧?1. depend _ 信赖;依靠;取决于2. and _ on 等等(表示列举未尽)3. twister 绕口令4. make fun _ 取笑;嘲笑5. date _ (to) 回溯到;追溯到6. make use _ 利用某事物(某人)7. be _ good terms (with sb)(与某人)关系好8. drive _ 把(车)开走;赶走;击退9. look on._

8、把看作10. _ the 1980s在20世纪80年代11. have an effect _ 对产生影响12. bring _ 引进13. not onlybut _ 不仅而且14. _ good money 赚大钱15. go _ 违背;违犯16. a wide audience得到广大观众的欢迎l7. play _ words玩弄词藻18. be fluent _ English英语说得流利19. act _ small sketches演小品20. _ sunset(在)黄昏21. pass _ 传递下去22. _ a long life健康长寿23. _ great surprise

9、大吃一惊24. all _ China 全中国25. act the _ of 演角色 交际用语1. In my opinion you should.2. If I were you.3. We cant do both, so.4. As far as I can see the best thing would be to.5. Wouldnt it be better if.6. I hope (wish) to7. I intend to.词汇短语6. amuse vt. (1) 给娱乐(消遣) (2) 使喜欢 (高兴) (3) 逗乐(笑) amusement n. 娱乐;消遣;娱乐

10、活动 amused adj. 愉快的;开心的;好玩的 amusing adj. 有趣的 His story amuses me. 他的故事使我发笑。 The children amused themselves by playing hide-and- seek games. 孩子们玩捉迷藏游戏取乐。 词组 be amused at 以为乐;对觉得有趣 (好笑) be amused by 以为乐;对觉得有趣(好笑) be amused with 以为乐;对觉得有趣(好笑) amuse oneself with 以自娱7. appreciate vt. 鉴赏,欣赏;感谢;意识到 vi. 涨价;

11、增加 appreciator n. 鉴别(赏)者;赏识者 appreciation n. 欣赏;评价;了解;感激 appreciative adj. 赞赏的;有欣赏力的;感激的 We all appreciate the holiday after a year of hard work. 经过一年的辛苦工作之后,我们都十分珍惜这个假 期。 A musician can appreciate small differences in sounds. 音乐家能辨别声音中极细微的差别。 We shall appreciate hearing from you again 我们恭候佳音。 I don

12、t think you appreciate the danger of this job. 我认为你完全不了解这项工作的危险性。 I appreciate your kindness. 多谢厚意。 Houses in this area have all appreciated since the new road was built. 这条新路修好后,这个地区的房子都涨价了。 【注意appreciate 后接动词的-ing形式,不能接不定 式,也不可用“人”作宾语。【考点2】certain 的用法构词: certainly adv. 的确,(口语)当然行 certainty n. 确实确定

13、(性);确知,确信;必然的事; 毫无疑问的事搭配: It is certain that. ”是肯定无疑的 友情提示:certain在大多时候可以被sure替换,但此 句型中不可以。 be certain of / about确信,深信 be certain to do sth必然,一定 be not certain whether.不能确定是否 for certain 肯定地,确凿地 make certain of / about把弄清楚,把弄确 实 make certain that. 保证【考例2】NMET 1997 Wait till you are more_. Its better

14、 to be sure than sorry. A. inspired B. satisfied C. calm D. certain考查目标 本题考查certain的词义。答案与解析D 从下文的sure可以得到印证,句意是“等到有把握(确信)”。5. develop v. (1) vt. 发展,养成;形成,培养 The little boy developed an interest in music. 这个小男孩对音乐感兴趣。 Fresh air and exercise develop healthy bodies. 新鲜空气和体育锻炼造就了健康的体魄。 (2) 成长,形成 James

15、has developed into a charming young man. 詹姆斯已经长成为一个富有魅力的年青人。 (3) 冲洗 (胶卷) Lets have these pictures developed. 咱们把这些照片冲洗出来吧。 (4) 开发,建设 We should develop the natural resources of our country. 我们应该开发我们国家的自然资源。 拓展developed adj. 发达的 developed country / society 发达国家社会 developing adj. 发展中的 developing countr

16、y / society 发展中国家社会 development n. 发展,进步,成长,开发2. guide vt. 指导;带领 vi. 任向导 n. 领路人,导 游者,向导 guidance n. 指导;领导 guided adj. 有领导的;指导的 guiding n. 导向;控制 They guided us to the office. 他们带领我们到了办公室。 Be guided by your feeling. 按你的感觉行事。 guide后常接介词to,意为“的指南,的向 导”。 This book is a guide to Ennglish Grammar. 这是一本英语语法

17、指南。4. intend vt. (1) 想要,打算;企图 (2) 设计;计划 (3) 意指;意思足 intending adj. 主英 预期的;未来的 intended adj. 预期的;有意的;已订婚的 n. 未婚妻夫 I intend to go home. 我想回家。 The book is intended for beginners. 本书是为初学者编写的。 What do you intend by that remark? 你说这话是什么意思? Is that what you intended? 这是你的原意吗? 词组 be intended to (do) 使;是用来 be

18、 intended to be 规定为;确定为 it is intended that 企图;意图是 intend for 打算供使用;打算送给;打算使 成为;想让从事某事【考点1】intend的用法构词:intention n. 意图,打算,目的;意义,用意 搭配: intend that. 打算 intend doing sth / to do sth 打算 intend.for.打算供使用,打算把送给 ;打算使成为;想让从事 intend sb to do sth 打算让某人做某事 be intended / meant for 专门为专门给 have no intention of d

19、oing无意做 with the intention of 抱有目的,打算 without intention 无意中,不是故意地【考例1】2004北京Younger people shouldnt be doingexercises _ for 18-year-olds. A. used B. intended C. made D. described考查目标 本题考查intend的基本用法。答案与解析B intend与for的搭配表示“打算供某人使用,为某人设计使用”等意思。【考点6】mind 的用法 构词:evil-minded 存心不良的low-minded 卑鄙的research-m

20、inded 富于研究精神的small-minded 气量小的strong-minded 意志坚强的absent-minded 心不在焉地 搭配: against ones mind 违反某人的心愿,没有得到某人 的同意 apply bend / give / pay / set ones mind to 专心 ,一心一意 be in / have a good mind to do sth 极想,极有意 be of / in a / one mind 意见一致 be out of ones mind 精神不正常,发疯;忘记 bear / mind 记住,记在心里 bring /

21、 ones mind 想起,回忆起 change ones mind 改变想法主意;变卦 come to / into ones mind 浮现在某人的脑海中 give ones (whole) mind to 一心一意地,专心于 make up ones mind 决心,打定主意;接受,承认 read sbs mind / thoughts 看出某人的心思,知道某 人在想些什么 to sbs mind 在某人看来;合某人的心意 with one mind 全体一致地;同心间德 mind (sb / sbs) doing sth介意反对(某人)做某事 never mind 别难

22、过;没关系;不重要【考例6】2004山西模拟 To most of us,friendshipsare considered very important, but we need to haveclear in our _ the kinds of friends we want. A. hearts B. thought C. actions D. minds考查目标 本题考查mind的意思及其他和一些近义词的区别。答案与解析D in ones mind 意思是“在某人的心目中”,in ones heart 则常表示“在某人内心深处”,二者使用的场合不同。【考点3】operate的用法构词

23、: operating-table n. 手术台 operation n. 运转,操作,实施,作用,业务,工作, 手术,军事行动 operaUve adj. 运转着的,有效的,手术的,起作用 的,生效的 搭配: operate on / upon sb 给某人动手术 be in operation 在运转中;在行动中;在实施中;在 生效中 come / go into operation 开始工作运转;生效 perform an operation on sb for a disease 给某人动手 术 put / bring into operation 实施,施行【考例3】I was wo

24、ndering why suddenly the lift was not_ properly. A. operating on B. operating C. managing D. controlling考查目标operate的多种含义。答案与解析B operate可作不及物动词,意为“(机器电梯等)运转”,结合本题语境,只有B正确。本句意为“我一直在纳闷为何电梯突然失灵了”。1. remove vt. 移动,拿开;脱掉,摘掉;去掉,开除。 He removed his desk to another office after argument. 争吵后,他把办公桌搬到了另一个办公室。 P

25、lease remove your baggage from the seat so that the old man can sit down. 请把你的行李拿开让这位老人坐下。 I recognised Tom after he removed his dark glasses. 汤姆取下墨镜后我才认出他。【考点4】return的用法 搭配: in relurn (for) 作为的报答回礼,交换 (Wish you) many happy returns!(祝你)福寿无疆, 长命百岁! write in return 写回信 return sb a visit 回访某人 return ti

26、cket 来回票 in return for 报答 make a return 作报告汇报 small profits and quick returns 薄利多销【考例4】2004湖北Two weeks later, she _ tofind her old car cleaned inside and out with three newtires and the radio fixed. A. shocked B. happened C. returned D. came考查目标本题考查return的基本词义。答案与解析C 根据上下文本空白所需要的意思是“回来”。【考点7】seat的用法

27、 搭配: Please have a seat. 请坐。 take a seat 坐下 take ones seat 就座,坐在自己的座位上;(当选为议 员后)就职 seat oneself (=be seated) 坐下【考例7】2003北京西城模拟 At dinner, he was_ beside a woman full of dignity A. seated B. placed C. arranged D. kept考查目标 本题考查seat作为动词时的用法。答案与解析A 作为动词的seat意思是“给某人安排座位,让某人落座”,常用被动语态。8. suffer vt. 遭受;忍耐

28、vi. 受苦(难);受损失;吃亏; 受罚 (for);患病 (from) sufferer n. 受苦的人;受害者;患者 suffering n. 苦楚;受难 adj受苦的;患病的 I will not suffer such conduct. 我不能容忍这种行为。 His business suffered greatly during the war. 他的生意在战争中蒙受了重大损失。 He suffered for his carelessness. 他因粗心而吃了亏。 The child suffers from measles. 这小孩得了麻疹。 词组 suffer for 为而受苦

29、 suffer from 患病;受苦【考点5】use的用法 构词: used adj. 用过的,旧的 usable adj. 可用的,适于使用的 user n. 使用者,用户 useful adj. 有用的,有助益的 useless adj. 没用的,无价值的 搭配: use up 用完,耗尽;(口)使筋疲力尽 make (full) use of (充分)利用,使用 of (no) use (没)有用 out of use 不再使用了,不通用,作废 in use 正在用,通用 bring / put sth into use 开始使用(某物) come into use 开始被使用【考例5】2004辽宁 With special equipment, somescientists are studying the ways in which the mountainsnow can be_, and with the help of a repeaterstation,. A. taken car

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