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本文(学士学位论文英语从《嘉莉妹妹》女主人公的悲剧分析美国的拜金主义.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、学士学位论文英语从嘉莉妹妹女主人公的悲剧分析美国的拜金主义山西农业大学信息学院本科毕业论文从嘉莉妹妹女主人公的悲剧分析美国的拜金主义 系部名称:山西农业大学信息学院 专业名称:英语 学生姓名:、 学 号: 指导教师:二一六年六月BACHELORS DEGREE THESIS OF CISAU An Analysis of the Money Worship of the United States: The Root of Sister Carries TragedyCollege :College of Information, Shanxi Agricultural UniversityS

2、ubject :English MajorName :Number :2012600404Director :Niu ZhipingJune 2016郑 重 申 明本人呈交的学位论文,是在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果,所有数据、图片资料真实可靠。尽我所知,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本学位论文的研究成果不包含他人享有著作权的内容。对本论文所涉及的研究工作做出贡献的其他个人和集体,均已在文中以明确的方式标明。本学位论文的知识产权归属于培养单位 本人签名: 日期:摘 要在一个时代,经济发展的水平决定该时代人们的精神高度,而人们的精神追求也反映一个时代经济发展的阶段。在西奥多德莱赛生活


4、出生的悲剧、爱情的悲剧及个人发展的悲剧分析当时导致嘉丽心境变化的拜金主义。关键词:西奥多德莱赛; 嘉莉妹妹; 欲望; 物质追求; 拜金主义 ABSTRACTIn an era in which economic development determines the level of the spirit of the times, peoples spiritual quest also reflects the stage of economic development. In the late 19 century and early 20th century of the United

5、States, the commodity economy was developing in upswing, materialism prevailing. Dazzling array of merchandise embellished peoples lives, increased their sense of well-being, but at the same time the blind pursuit of this happiness also makes people become morbid. Carrie as a typical representative

6、of this period fully embodies the underprivileged people whose was tested when they faced the satisfaction of materialism. The change of Sister Carrie greatly reflected the level of economic development of this era. She, a country girl with ragged and old-fashioned clothes, came to the city of Chica

7、go, ultimately became a Broadway star, who owned identity and status. It seemed that Carrie was happy, Carrie get material comforts, but also lost something, such as everlasting love that every girl constantly longed for, and inner moral self-satisfaction. This paper will analyze Carries tragedy fro

8、m three aspects: the tragedy of her humble birth, the tragedy of her love, and the tragedy of her personal pursuits, so as to explore the Money Worship of the USs influence on her life.Key words: Theodore Dreiser; Sister Carrie; Desires; Pursuit of Material; Money WorshipTableofContents摘 要 iiABSTRAC

9、T iiiI. Introduction 31.1 Project Background and Significance 31.2 The Main Content of the Paper 31.3 Organizational Structure of the Paper 4II. At Home and Abroad Research Status of Sister Carrie 52.1 The Research Status of Sister Carrie At Home 62.2 The Research Status of Sister Carrie Abroad 6III

10、. Analysis of Carries Tragedy Composition 7 3.1 The Tragedy of Carries Humble Background 83.2 The Tragedy of Carries Love 9 3.3 The Tragedy of Carries Personal Pursuit 11IV. The Influence of Money Worship on Carries Tragedy 12 3.1 Humble Background VS Money Worship of the United States 13 3.2 True L

11、ove VS Money Worship of the United States 14 3.3 Personal Pursuit VS Money Worship of the United States 15V. Conclusion 17References 20Acknowledgments 21I. Introduction1.1 Project Background and Significance Theodore Dreiser is one of the famous American naturalistic writers of the 20th century. Dre

12、iser lived in a poor family, so he dropped out at high school to earn a living. He was influenced by progressive ideas because he read Darwin, Huxley et al.s work. To survive, Dreiser worked as dishwasher, tellers, laundry workers and furniture salesman and other chores. In 1900, Dreiser published t

13、he first novel Sister Carrie. He describes the disillusionment of happiness that Carrie pursued, and criticized the darkness of the capitalistic society. He pointed out that honest laboring is no way to be successful in the United States, but by betraying ones soul, could we get money and status. Th

14、eodore Dreiser stressed the desire and environment are the main factors that affected the fate of the characters. For instance, Carrie is the best model.The subject of my graduation paper is An Analysis of the Money Worship of the United States: The Root of Sister Carries Tragedy. Sister Carrie tell

15、s the story of a young girl who lived in the bottom of the society and at last became a Broadway star. Carrie shows the growing desire in this course. In this materialistic age, everywhere is full of temptation; each of us could be the next Sister Carrie. Could we keep a clear mind, and hold the bot

16、tom moral line in the materialistic society? This paper attempts to analyze the tragedy of Sister Carrie, and reveal that money worship exerted great influence on peoples character and life so as to give modern people enlightenment.1.2 The Main Content of the PaperThis paper tells a story that a cou

17、ntry girl who was lived in the capitalist society became a Broadway star at last. Carrie was a girl from a poor family, because she was driven by the Worship of Money, she used unfair means to get success. It was seemed that Carrie was happy, but she didnt get the true love, and she has lost family

18、members.The third part and the fourth part introduced the cause of the tragedy of Carrie in detail. The third part introduced the tragedy of Carrie from three aspects, they are the tragedy of Carries humble background, the tragedy of Carries love and the tragedy of Carries personal pursit. The fourt

19、h part is the analysis of the influence of Money Worship on Carries tragedy. Therefore, research methods used in this topic are: (1) version of the literature research: to solve their own problems based on the data obtained through investigation and information, so as to fully and correctly grasp th

20、e background knowledge and theory to solve the problem. (2): the qualitative analysis and synthesis, abstraction and generalization methods, thinking of all kinds of materials processing access to do so, the inner essence of things, to understand and reveal the inherent regularity.1.3 Organizational

21、 Structure of the PaperThis article mainly analyze Carries tragedy through the novel “Sister Carrie” making a conclusion that the influence of Money Worship on people at that time. In order to express the content of this article very well, the article is divided into five parts.The first chapter mai

22、nly introduces the research background and scientific significance and the structure of this paper. The second chapter mainly introduces domestic and foreign research status of “Sister Carrie. The third chapter mainly analyses the tragedy of Carrie from three aspects: the tragedy of the Carries birt

23、h, the tragedy of Carries love and the tragedy of Carries personal pursuit. The forth chapter combining the contents of the third chapter, describes the relationship between Carries tragedies and the money worship of the United States . The fifth chapter makes a summary of this article.II. At Home a

24、nd Abroad Research Status of Sister CarrieSister Carrie is the famous naturalist writer Theodore Dreisers first novel of the United States in the 20th century. The author revealed the reality of the 20th century America in a unique vision by Carries story. People enjoyed the happiness that material

25、satisfaction brought to them and blindly chased it. Domestic and foreign scholars had a lot of research on Sister Carrie. This chapter mainly introduces the domestic and foreign scholars studies on the money worship of the United States s influence on Sister Carries life .2.1 The Research Status of

26、Sister Carrie At HomeDomestic scholars Wei JingJing explores the cause of Carries desire combining with the theory of Maslows hierarchy of needs from Carrie behavior characteristics and psychological factors. She believes that everyone has a dream just like Carrie who had been looking forward to a g

27、oal. The key of the desire lies in the desire for achievement.Gao Yufen through the analysis of Sister Carrie and others, especially the relationship between Sister Carrie and two men, Drew and Hurst wood, reveals the character of Sister Carrie whose life has never been satisfied. With the help of D

28、rew, she achieved the first goal: stable material life, and then, Hurst wood helped Carrie realize the second goal: greater material wealth. After that, she started chasing the third goal: the pursuit of the spirit. She has always been chasing a new goal all the time. 2.2 The Research Status of Sist

29、er Carrie Abroad Current researches in foreign countries on Sister Carrie are mainly confined to literary criticism, moral philosophy and cultural fields. Mickey Clark said: Theodore Dreiser equated the city to the desire. A detailed description of the city he described not appeared before. Dreisers

30、 city life is the largest record of the United States. The city represents the separation of people and self-sufficient world, the order created by the natural order of power.(Clark 1967:35-38)Carries choice was because the evil influence of American society. The city to rural areas have a decisive

31、victory. During this period, Carrie left the rural areas, went in Chicago world to get success. She can get luxury fashion and luxury, but these only by a road of crime.Philosopher Martin Heidegger said that the essence of the new era is non-apotheosis; God from the world will disappear,and science

32、and technology will make people lose their spiritual homeland. Carrie is in such a state of mind. (Song 1991 :57-59)III. Analysis of Carries Tragedy Composition Sister Carrie vividly described during the 20th century of the United States that obsessed with material comforts, people in the pursuit of material enjoyment lost themselves. Carrie as a representative of this period, changed from a country girl into a Broadway star. It seemed that Carrie was successful, but from the

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