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1、剑桥少儿英语三级上重点知识及练习Unit 1 My school subjectsGrammar:1. be (am, is, are) going to +V原形,将要做某事,用于一般将来时。 eg: I am going to sing a song. Peter is going to _ (play) football. We are going to have a party. (就划线部分提问) What are you going to do? 2. can 为情态动词,后加动词原形eg: She can swim.3. 问距离 How far is it from to ?(从

2、到有多远)eg: How far is it from your home to your school?4. 形容词的最高级前要加定冠词the eg: the nearest/the highest5. 短语 1). take a turn 轮流2). pull sth. out of sth. 从里把拉出来eg: Pull the toy out of the bag)3). make a sentence 造句4). share sth. with sb. 和某人分享某物5). a lot of (lots of) 许多 6). be different from 与不同 eg: Thi

3、s book is different from that book. 7). be related to 和相关,与有 联系 8). as as 像一样 eg: as many as you can 你尽可能多的9). a piece of 一片、talk about 谈论、6.句型 1). no matter if 无论,不管 eg: No matter if you are rich or poor 无论你是富是穷 2). You can have lots of friends ,but a best friend is someone who is really different

4、from the others.(定语从句 P6)3). They can help you when you are sad. (时间状语从句) 课文第六部分翻译:什么是最好的朋友?最好的朋友是可以保守秘密,倾听你的谈话,和你一起分享快乐和痛苦的时光并且就像哥哥或姐姐一样的爱你。你可以有很多的好朋友但是最好的朋友是和其他的朋友截然不同的。1) 最好的朋友认为你是最酷的-即使当你牙齿上沾了一整天的鸡蛋。2) 最好的朋友是理解你的。当你悲伤的时候他们会帮助你并且有时候不用你告诉他们哪里出现了问题,他们就知道怎样让你好起来。3) 最好的朋友是当你真的需要和他谈论你的问题时他们会认真听你谈话的人。4

5、) 最好的朋友是不管你是贫穷还是富有都喜欢和你呆在一起的人。*新标准四年级(下)难点突破I. Choose the best answer. (选择正确的答案。)( ) 1. Dont _ the window.A. open B. opens C. opening( ) 2. My father _ in Canada.A. lives B. live C. living ( ) 3. _ feed the ducks. A. Not B. Do no C. Dont ( ) 4. He doesnt here. A. live B. lives C. livsII. Rewrite the

6、 sentences. (按要求改写句子。) 1. Open your book. (改为否定句) _2. I want you to close the door. (改为祈使句) _3. He lives in Daqing. (改为否定句)_ III. Correct the sentences. (改错。)1. It put the crisps in their bags. A B C _ 改为 _2. Wearing these glasses. And dont touch anything. A B C _ 改为 _3. Dont walking on the grass. A

7、 B C _ 改为 _Unit 2 Happy BirthdayGrammar:一. 介词in与on 1) 介词in + 年/月/国家/时间段(放于表示不确切的时间前)/季节eg: in 2012 在2012年 in July 在七月 in China 在中国 in the morning/afternoon/evening 在早上/下午/晚上 in spring/summer 在春天/夏天 2) 介词on后接具体的日期。(on+具体的某一天)eg: on the evening of February 13th 在二月十三号的晚上on April 7th 在四月七日 on Friday 3)

8、 at +点钟 at 6 oclock at noon/night二. 固定短语: make a wish 许愿、blow out 吹灭、too to 太怎么样以至于不能怎么样三. 名词:分为可数名词(CN)和不可数名词(UN)A可数名词的变化规则:1. 直接在名词后+seg: apple-apples orange-oranges2. 以ch, sh, x, s, o结尾的名词通常+es, 以o结尾的有生命的名词通常+es,但无生命的以o结尾的名词+s。eg: peach-peaches dish-dishes box-boxes bus-buses 有生命: tomato-tomatoes

9、 potato-potatoes无生命: piano-pianos photo-photos zoo-zoos radio-radios *kangaroo-kangaroos3. 以辅音+y结尾的名词,把y变i,+eseg: fly-flies family-families butterfly-butterflies 注:monkey-monkeys key-keys(元音+y,不是辅音+y,所以直接+s)4. 以f, fe结尾的名词,将f, fe去掉+ves:eg: knife-knives wife-wives wolf-wolves leaf-leaves5. 特殊变法不变化:she

10、ep-sheep fish-fish 完全变化:mouse-mice child-children tooth-teeth foot-feet man-men woman-women注: it/she/he-they is-are this-these that- those 6. 常以复数形式存在的单词 shorts jeans trousers shoes scissors glasses noodles(常以复数形式存在)B不可数名词要表达数量时,需要借助量词,数的表达体现在量词的变化上: a bar of 一条 a cup of 一杯a dozen 一打,十二个 a bunch of

11、一串,一束a bag of 一包 a pair of 一双,一对a bottle of 一瓶eg: a bunch of flower(一束花) Two bottles of ink (两瓶墨水) a bar of chocolate(一条巧克力) a dozen of pencils(一打铅笔)a bag of apples(一袋苹果)四 数词:分为基数词和序数词1) 基数词:表示数目多少的词。 eg: one two, three.2) 序数词:表示顺序先后的词。 eg: first, second, third, fourth, fifth*一般数词在后面加th变成序数词 eg: six

12、sixth seven-seventh缩写:1stfirst, 2ndsecond, 3rd-third 6thsixth 7thseventh 特例:fivefifth, eighteighth, nineninth, twelvetwelfth缩写形式:数字+序数词后两位字母*几十变成序数词时把y变成i 再加 eth eg: twentytwentieth thirtythirtieth fortyfortieth*第几十几:把个位变成序数词eg: 第二十二 twentysecond 第六十七 sixty-seventh 课文第三部分翻译: 生日聚会A:你好,Sarah. 明天是我的生日。

13、你想要来参加我的生日聚会吗?B:太好了,我很愿意来。谁将会去那啊?A:Betty,David,Emma,Harry和Helen。B:太好了。我很确信我们会玩的很愉快。第二天B:生日快乐!这是送给你的礼物。A:非常感谢。请进。B:让我们唱生日歌吧。C:好的,让我们唱吧。D:你现在可以许愿了。A:是的。E:你可以吹蜡烛了。A:让我们一起来吹蜡烛。所有人:生日快乐!*新标准四年级(下)难点突破I. Choose the best answer. (选择正确的答案。)( ) 1. It _ one thousand eight hundred yuan.A. are B. costing C. cos

14、ts( ) 2. Which computer is good _ you?A. to B. for C. of( ) 3. Its difficult _.A. choose B. to choose C. too choose( ) 4. I _ got 20 yuan.A. has B. have C. amII. Rewrite the sentences. (按要求改写句子。)1. The computer is very cheap. (改为否定句) _2. He likes this computer very much. (改为一般疑问句) _III. Correct the

15、sentences. (改错。)1. The computer is beautiful, and it is powerfully. A B C _ 改为 _2. I can take this computer at school on my bike. A B C _ 改为 _3. I like this sport T-shirt. I can to buy it. A B C _ 改为 _4. The computer is got a big screen. A B C _ 改为 _Unit3 The weather band(天气乐队)一. 一般过去时:含义:发生在过去时间段的事

16、情且这一动作已经结束。标志词:yesterday (昨天) / ago (在之前) / in the past (在过去) / once (曾经)eg: I went to the cinema yesterday evening. 昨天晚上我去电影院。 In the past, her mother was a teacher. 过去,她的妈妈是一位老师。 There was a small village ten years ago. 十年前这有一个小村庄。 动词过去式变化规则: 1.规则动词的过去式,在词尾直接加ed。 play-played want-wanted 2.以辅音字母结尾且

17、这个辅音字母前只有一个元音,要先 双写这个辅音字母在加ed。 stop-stopped 3.以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,要先把y变i再加ed。 study-studied 4.不规则变化部分需要特殊记忆。 tell-told see-saw eat-ate buy-bought wear-wore say-said win-won fall-fell put-put cut-cut hurt-hurt is/am-was are-were二 固定短语fall down 掉落 on the ground 在地上put on 穿上、戴上 suck up 吸on vacation 度假 三. 询问及回

18、答天气的句子Whats the weather like today?= Hows the weather? 今天天气怎么样?回答:Its rainy/ windy/ snowy/ cloudy/ sunny.四名词变形容词:1. 直接在名词词尾+y rain-rainy cloud-cloudy snow-snowy wind-windy storm-stormy2. 元音+辅音结尾,双写结尾辅音字母再+ysun-sunny fog-foggy 五课文第五部分翻译。你曾经听说过由青蛙和鱼引发的阵雨吗?它们确实发生过。有时强风把动物们从湖泊和河流中吸出来然后把它们扔到地面上。不久,雨就来了。

19、一句古语说:“正在下猫下狗(倾盆大雨)。”追溯到英国17世纪的一个时期在那时许多的狗和猫狂奔了起来。在强烈的暴风雨之后,许多的这些动物被发现已经死了。一些人认为它们是随着雨降下来的。那就是为什么人们说下猫下狗。Unit3练习册生单词讲解:第二题2) dry干旱的 3)hurricane飓风 5)Arctic北极 degree度数第三题field田地 toss抛,掷 heaven天堂 wide宽阔的 repose休息 glow发光 ray光线第四题1)desert沙漠 2)humid湿润的 3)breeze微风 4)drizzle下毛毛雨 8)thunder打雷 10)mild温和的,暖和的*新

20、标准四年级(下)难点突破I. Choose the best answer. (选择正确的答案。)( ) 1. Once upon a time, there _ an old man.A. is B. are C. was( ) 2. One day, a wolf came _ the field.A. to B. on C. in( ) 3. Sam looked _ his brother Tom yesterday.A. after B. at C. inII. Rewrite the sentences. (按要求改写句子。)1. He played football with h

21、is friends yesterday. (改为一般疑问句)_?2. She cleaned her room yesterday. (对划线部分提问)_?III. Fill in the blanks. (用单词的正确形式填空。)have is go eat buy say Yesterday Tom 1 to a shop. He 2 an ice cream. He 3 the ice cream. Some ice cream 4 on his nose. Tom went home. “Im hungry, Mum,” shouted Tom. “Can I have an ice

22、 cream, please?” “No,” 5 Mum, “You 6 an ice cream,” “Look at your nose!” said Mum.1. _ 2. _ 3. _4. _ 5. _ 6. _Unit 4 How far is it from Xian dan to Wang fu jing Street?Grammar:1. 短语 from to 从哪到哪 go straight on 直走 turn left/right 向左转/向右转 get around 到处转转 many different kinds of 许多不同种类的2. by的用法1) 在旁边 e

23、g:There is a house by the lake. 2) 乘坐 by+交通工具 eg: by ship by bus 3) 到为止 eg:They will finish the work by Sunday.2. 常见的特殊疑问词What 什么 Which 哪一个 Where 哪里 Who 谁Whose 谁的 How 怎样、如何 When 什么时候 Why 为什么 How far 多远 How often 多久(就频率提问) How long 多长时间 How many 多少(其后+可数名词) How much 多少,多少钱(其后+不可数名词) 3重点句型How far is i

24、t from to ? 从一个地方到另一个地方有多远?eg: How far is it from Tianjing to Shanghai? 123km.How long does it take by+ 交通工具? 乘坐需要多长时间?eg: How long does it take by taxi? It takes about 1 hour.Could you tell me the way to the.? 你能告诉我去哪里的路吗?eg: Could you tell me the way to the station?课文第四部分翻译: 帮助外国朋友到处转转!在北京乘出租车到处转转

25、并不是很难。如果你有不会说汉语的外国朋友,为他用汉语写下地名。然后他就会很容易的出示给司机所要去的地方。骑自行车通过北京的街道去观看城市是令人最喜爱的方式之一。你的朋友可以一个地方一个地方的去。他们可以沿着街道参观商店。当骑自行车的时候他们可以自如的走走停停,并且可以自在的谈话。在北京有许多不同种类的公共汽车。紧紧只需花上1或2元钱。有两种付费的方式。一种是一上车就付费。另一种是先上车后付费。现在仅仅有四条地铁线路。但是到2008北京将有13条地铁线路。到那时,你将能够更容易地去任何地方。Unit4练习册生单词讲解:1. helicopter直升飞机 2. get on上车 get off下车

26、3. main street主街 police station警察局4. shopping mall购物广场 attend参加,出席5. through和across区别:through是指从空间的穿过 。across是指从平面的穿过。*新标准四年级(下)难点突破I. Choose the best answer. (选择正确的答案。)( ) 1. _ the end everyone clapped.A. To B. For C. At( ) 2. I _ a concert last year. A. played in B. played at C. play in( ) 3. Do y

27、ou want to listen _ music? A. / B. to C. ofII. Rewrite the sentences. (按要求改写句子。) 1. It was Chinese music. (改为一般疑问句) _?2. Do you go to a concert? (改为一般过去时) _?3. They went to a concert last night. (对划线部分提问) _?III. Correct the sentences. (改错。)1. Dad played erhu in the concert. A B C _ 改为 _2. It looks liking the erhu. A B C _ 改为 _IV. Read and judge True (T) or False (F). (阅读理解并判断。)It was very late at night when Bill got off the train. He was tired and wanted to find a hotel. He looked around and saw a three-storied building. It was the nearest hotel, so Bill

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