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八年级新目标下Unit 10 Its a nice day isnt it教案.docx

1、八年级新目标下Unit 10 Its a nice day isnt it教案Unit 10 Its a nice day, isnt it?I Teaching objectives 单元教学目标SkillFocusListen for small talk.Make small talk with strangers in different situations.Write a thank-you note. Read about thank-you notes.LanguageFocus 功能句式Make small talkIts a nice day, isnt it? (weat

2、her)Youre Bens sister, arent you? (relationship)The train is always late, isnt it? (transportation)You love violin music, dont you? (music)词汇1. 重点词汇 umbrella, noon, goodbye, cross, low, slow, cost, note, baby, holiday, traffic2 认读词汇 Franklin, sandy, bookstore, elevator, yeah, Erhu, somewhere3 词组look

3、 through, get along, at least, be careful语法Tag questionsIts a nice day, isnt it?Yes, it is. I really love hot weather.Youre Jennys Friend, arent you?Yes, I am.StrategyFocusCooperatingUsing what you knowII. Teaching materials analyzing and rearranging 教材分析和教材重组1. 教材分析 本单元以“Small talk为话题,旨在通过单元教学,帮助学生

4、掌握在什么情况下使用small talk以及如何用small talk和陌生人交谈,并能辨别什么样的small talk是得体的,什么样的是不得体的,进而了解中西方在这方面的文化差异,增强他们在日常生活中的沟通和交流能力;在学生初步掌握了small talk的用法后,学习tag question的表达法,这也是本单元的语法重点;如何写感谢信是本单元的写作任务,学生将学习如何为不同的主题写感谢信,表达谢意。 Section A 1a介绍什么是small talk并让学生根据图片判断什么样的场合会发生small talk,由此引入本单元的主题;1b让学生听三段对话录音,根据听到的顺序给图片排续,帮

5、助学生从听力材料中了解、获取目标语言;1c是一个口头会话练习,指导学生如何用目标语言进行对话;2a和2b是两个听力活动,通过听力训练帮助学生进一步了解目标语言的用法,介绍如何将small talk进行下去;2c要求学生设想一个在公交车站的small talk场景并结对完成对话,是对学生的一种语言输出练习;3a要求学生阅读并补充一段small talk对话,是对目标语言的阅读和写作训练;3b要求学生口头练习3a中的对话并和同伴用提供的情景写一段small talk对话,然后进行口头练习,是对目标语言的写作和口语训练;4 给学生提供了一个应用所学语言的机会,要求他们设想并表演出和一些陌生人之间的s

6、mall talk,帮助学生认识和不同的人应该有不同的small talk话题。 Section B 1a让学生判断图片中提供的哪些问题是合适的small talk问题,哪些是不合适的,从而进一步了解关于small talk的文化含义,即东西方文化差异;1b是在1a基础上的口头训练,强化学生对small talk问题合理与否的认识;2a和2b是两个听力练习,要求学生能根据small talk的内容辨别其地点并学会对small talk作应答;2c又是一个小组口头活动,帮助学生在small talk中学习使用正确的Opening questions;3a一篇有关thank-you note的阅读

7、材料,要求学生根据材料内容判别表示感谢的不同情境,了解什么是感谢信,哪些情况需要写感谢信;3b和3c是感谢信的两个写作训练,即语言输出训练;4设计了一个情景,要求学生运用所学句型设想可能的small talk,并进行会话练习,体现了目标语言的功能性。 Self check 1要求学生对几个重点词汇进行填空训练,帮助学生在语境中学习、巩固词汇;2要求学生根据图片完成对话,是对学生语言应用能力的综合检验;3也是对目标语言运用的检验,要求学生根据图片所提供的情景作对应的会话练习,把目标语言和真实场景结合起来,培养学生应用语言的能力。2 教材重组和课时分配Period 1 (Section A: 1a

8、, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2c) Function Period 2 (Section B: 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 2c, Section A: 3a) Listening and speakingPeriod 3 (Section A: 3b, 4, Section B: 4)Performance show Period 4 (Section B: 3a, 3b, 3c) Reading and writingPeriod 5 (Self check) Grammar and practiceIII. Teaching plans for each period 分课时

9、教案Period 1 FunctionTarget language 目标语言1. Words and expressions重点词汇和短语small talk, umbrella, noon, by noon2. Key sentences重点句子Tag questions:Its really cold today, isnt it?The No. 15 bus stops here, doesnt it?Ability goals 能力目标Get students to know where to make small talk.Enable students to make small

10、 talk using tag questions.Learning ability goals 学能目标Help students learn how small talk is used in different situations.Teaching important and difficult points 教学重难点The use of tag questions.Teaching aids 教具准备Pictures, tape recording.Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式Step I Lead-inT: Good morning,

11、boys and girls! Now lets recall something about two years ago, the first day when you came here. Everyone was new here then. Of course, you didnt know each other at that time. Do you still remember the words that you said to the student you didnt know? What are the words? If you cant say them in Eng

12、lish, Chinese is OK.S1: Whats your name?S2: Which school are you from?S3: Youre Chen Feis classmate, arent you?S4: How old are you?S5: Your pencil-box is beautiful, isnt it?T: Well, the conversation between you and other people you dont know is called “small talk”. In Chinese it means “闲谈”. Write “S

13、mall talk” on the blackboard.StepPresentationT: Now, lets think about when we make small talk. Just now, we talked about the first day you came to a new school. Thats an example of the situation. Are there any other places in your life where you would talk to some people you dont know? What are they

14、? Make a list of them.Students work alone to write down the places. When theyve finished, ask some students to read out their lists.Sample list:on a bus, wait in a movie line, at a bus stop or train station, at a concert, in a restaurant, at a parkT: Here are four pictures which show different situa

15、tions. Talk about them by asking two questions for each picture.Q1: Where is it?Q2: What are they doing?Answer: Picture 1: in a line; waiting to buy movie ticketPicture 2: at a train station; waiting for the trainPicture 3: at a train station; waiting for the trainPicture 4: at a concert; listening

16、to the musicT: Where would you start a conversation? Circle the situations below where you would start a conversation.S1: I would start a conversation at a train station.S2: I would start a conversation at a concert.T: As you know, small talk may be various in different situations. For example, at a

17、 station, the small talk will be about the train, its late or early, something like that. However, at a concert, the small talk will be about the music or the musicians.T: Now listen to three conversations and decide where they are making small talk. Number the pictures in 1a in the order you hear t

18、hem. Play the tape for the students to listen to. Check the answers.T: Listen again. This time listen for how they start their conversations. Try to catch the first sentence in each conversation.Ask students to repeat the first sentence in each conversation, and then write them down on the blackboar

19、d or show them on the screen. Hes really good, isnt it?This line is moving slowly, isnt it?The train is late, isnt it?Step Pairwork (1c, P76)T: These questions are tag questions. They are quite often used to start small talk. For example, in the first picture, they may make a conversation like this:

20、 A: It looks like rain, doesnt it? B: Yes, it does. And I forget my umbrella. Draw a picture of an umbrella to show its meaning. Read the sentences for the students to follow. T: Can you make small talk for the other pictures? Work in pairs to make your small talk. You can use the expressions below.

21、The train is always late, isnt it?You love violin music, dont you?It looks like rain, doesnt it?Call several pairs to present their conversations.Sample conversations:Conversation 1: A: The train is always late, isnt it?B: Yes, it is. I hope it comes soon.Conversation 2: A: Hes really good, isnt he?

22、B: He sure is. I often listen to his music.A: You love violin music, dont you?B: Yeah, its wonderful.Step Listening (2a, 2b, P77)T: To have successful small talk, both people need to ask questions to let the conversation go on. Listen to the three conversations. Are they examples of successful or un

23、successful small talk? Write “S” (for successful) or “U” (for unsuccessful) in the blanks below.Play the recording. Then check the answers.T: Here are some sentences in the successful conversation. Call some students to read the sentences in 2b separately.T: Lets listen to the successful conversatio

24、n again. Put the sentences and questions below in order. It begins with “f”. Its the opening of the conversation.Check the answers.Explain two language points:I hope so. / I hope not (negative form). They are used to express agreement or noon Here “ by ” means “ not later than; befor

25、e ”. So it means “not later than noon”.Step Pairwork (2c, P77)1. Role play the conversation in 2b. Get students to practice the conversation in 2b and then ask some pairs to act it out.2. Make conversations. T: Imagine you are at a bus stop. Make your own small talk. You can use the expressions in t

26、he box below.Ask a student to read them.S: Its really cold today, isnt it? The No. 15 bus stops here, doesnt it?T: You can make conversations like this:A: Its really cold today, isnt it?B: Yes, it is. I hope the bus comes soon.Call several pairs to show their conversations.Sample conversation:A: The

27、 No. 15 bus stops here, doesnt it?B: Yes, it is. But it always comes late.A: I usually wait for it for quite a long time.B: I hope there is no traffic jam today.Step HomeworkT: To start small talk, proper questions should be asked. That depends on different culture. Its not the same in different cou

28、ntries. Find out the differences in the beginning of small talk between China and western countries.Period 2 Listening and speakingTarget language 目标语言1. Words and expressions重点词汇和短语cost, sandy2. Key sentences重点句子Youre Annas brother, arent you?You love baseball games, dont you?Ability goals 能力目标Lear

29、n how to make small talk politely and successfully.Learn how to choose the topics of small talk.Learning ability goals 学能目标Help students learn how to make small talk politely and successfully.Help students learn how to choose the topics of small talk.Teaching important and difficult points 教学重难点What

30、 is polite and successful small talk.Teaching aids 教具准备CIA or lantern slides; tape recording.Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式StepRevision and lead-in1. Begin the class by talking about the weather.e.g. Lovely day, isnt it?It looks like rain, doesnt it?Bad weather, isnt it?Get the students to res

31、ponse: Yes, it is. / Sure it is.2. Check the homework and lead in the new period.T: Yesterday. We recalled some questions you used to talk with other studenton the first day you came here. Lets look at them again. Would you please read them?Show the sentences on a slide or a piece of ppt. page. Whats your name? Which school are you from? Youre Chen Feis classmate, arent you? How old are you? Your pencil-box is beautiful, isnt it?T: Of course these are our Chinese way of starting small talk. Can you think about other expre

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