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1、北师大版高三英语课后习题含答案限时规范练9必修2Unit5A限时规范练9(必修2Unit 5A)核心素养关键词:培养学生人与自我、国家国际的素养能力意识限时规范练第18页一、阅读理解AGrowing up in my household meant often hearing live music.When I was six years old,I took a traditional Irish step dance class.I fell in love and stuck with it for the next seven years.During that time my fat

2、her also became more involved in the Irish music world,so he would play,and I would dance.My ethnic heritage (族裔归属) is German and Irish,but because I was surrounded by traditional Irish music and dance in my home,I have grown to be more interested in and connected to my Irish heritage.When I started

3、 interning (实习) for the Folklife Festival,I became interested in traditional Basque music and dance and I learned that their experience with dance is very similar to my own.There are so far over 170 Basque organizations in 24 countries,with a greater population of Basques outside of the Basque count

4、ry than in it.The separation they experience from their homeland is both physical and psychological,so being part of a group with the same interests is an important social support system.These organizations contribute to the continuation of Basque culture,language,and community,and encourage future

5、generations to learn about their ethnic heritage.One of the ways through which they achieve this is dance.While learning and performing Basque dances,they connect to their heritage,experience a part of their homeland,preserve Basque culture,and create connections and friendships that last a lifetime

6、.Californian Valerie Arrechea began teaching alongside her father at the age of thirteen and on her own at sixteen.For her,dance is her preferred expression of heritage;it provides a way to be proud of her Basque heritage.The dance performances of North American Basque organizations have developed t

7、he interest of non-Basque Americans as well.Janet Iribarne from the Basque Dancers explained that their organization is open to anyone,and after seeing her group perform,several of her non-Basque friends have developed their own love of Basque traditions as well.【篇章导读】本文是记叙文。作者在一次实习中接触到了巴斯克传统音乐和舞蹈并了

8、解到:它们不仅带给巴斯克裔美国人民族认同感,由此建立的友谊也使他们终生难忘。1.What is the reason for the authors preference for Irish dance?A.Her dance teacher.B.Her love of Irish music.C.Her interning experience.D.Her familys strong root in dance.答案D剖析细节明白题。根据第一段中的“because I was surrounded my Irish heritage”可知,作者喜欢爱尔兰舞蹈是源于家庭气氛的熏陶

9、。2.What do we know about Basque people?A.Most of them live abroad.B.Their culture is being lost.C.They live in poor conditions.D.Their population is increasing.答案A剖析细节明白题。根据第三段中的“with a greater population of Basques outside of the Basque country than in it”可知,大多数巴斯克人生存在外洋。3.What is the purpose of Ba

10、sque organizations?A.To help Basques in need.B.To preserve Basque culture.C.To provide medical treatment for Basques.D.To support overseas Basque children for education.答案B剖析细节明白题。根据第三段中的“These organizations contribute to the continuation of Basque culture,language,and community,and encourage future

11、 generations to learn about their ethnic heritage.”可知,这些巴斯克组织旨在保护、传承传统文化。BClimate change,not human hunting,may have wiped out the thylacine (袋狼),according to a new study based on DNA from thylacine bones.The meat-eating marsupials (有袋动物) died out on mainland Australia a few thousand years ago,but su

12、rvived in Tasmania,an island of southeast Australia separated from the mainland,until the 1930s.Until now,scientists had believed the cause of this mainland extinction was increased activity from native Australians and dingoes (Australian wild dogs).Scientists behind the University of Adelaide study

13、,which was published in the Journal of Biogeography on Thursday,collected 51 new thylacine DNA samples from fossil bones and museum skins the largest data set of thylacine DNA to date.The paper concluded that climate change starting about 4,000 years ago in particular drier seasons caused by the wea

14、ther systems known as El Nino-Southern Oscillation was likely the main cause of the mainland extinction.The ancient DNA showed that the mainland extinction of thylacines was rapid,and not the result of loss of genetic diversity.There was also evidence of a population crash in thylacines in Tasmania

15、at the same period of time,reducing their numbers and genetic diversity.Associate Professor Jeremy Austin,deputy director of the Universitys Australian Centre for Ancient DNA,said Tasmania would have been protected from mainland Australias warmer,drier climate due to its higher rainfall.He argued th

16、at climate change was “the only thing that could have caused,or at least started,an extinction on the mainland and caused a population crash in Tasmania.”“They both occurred at about the same time,and the other two things that have been talked about in the past that may have driven thylacines to ext

17、inction on the mainland were dingoes and humans.So the only explanation thats left is climate change.And because that population crash happened at the same time that the species went extinct on the mainland,our argument is theres a common theme there and the only common theme thats there is this cha

18、nge in climate.”【篇章导读】本文是说明文。最新研究发明,澳洲袋狼的灭尽源于气候变化,而非土著人和野狗的威胁。4.What happened to thylacines in the 1930s?A.They died out on mainland Australia.B.They were hunted in large numbers.C.They survived in Tasmania.D.They were no longer seen.答案D剖析细节明白题。由第二段中的“The meat-eating marsupials.until the 1930s.”可知,到

19、二十世纪三十年月,袋狼彻底绝种了。5.What did scientists believe before the University of Adelaide study?A.Marsupials were all meat-eating animals.B.Dingoes should be removed from Australia.C.Thylacines had no enemies on mainland Australia.D.Native people were responsible for the extinction of thylacines.答案D剖析细节明白题。由

20、第二段中的“Until now,scientists had believed.native Australians and dingoes (Australian wild dogs)”可知,在这项研究公布之前,科学家们一直认为是土著人和澳大利亚野狗造成了袋狼的灭尽。6.Whats the difference between mainland Australia and Tasmania?A.Tasmania has more dingoes.B.Tasmania has more wet days.C.Tasmania has a higher temperature.D.Tasmani

21、a has more native Australians.答案B剖析推理判断题。由第五段中的“Tasmania would have been protected from mainland Australias warmer,drier climate due to its higher rainfall.”可知,塔斯马尼亚降雨量大,气候潮湿。7.Whats the best title for the text?A.DNA is playing an important roleB.Climate change led to thylacines disappearanceC.Austr

22、alian animals are facing a population crashD.Native Australians and dingoes were misunderstood答案B剖析标题归纳题。文章首段即点明中心袋狼的灭绝是由气候变化造成的,文末又对这一看法举行了呼应。B项做标题最能归纳综合文意。二、七选五Deciding whether or not to take part in an extracurricular (课外的) activity can be a challenge.Before signing up to play on the volleyball t

23、eam,first consider the advantages and disadvantages of such a decision.1 Students are successful when they take part in many activities.They do well in their classes and feel more connected to school.Research shows that students in extracurricular activities have better attendance and grades.Extracu

24、rricular activities also help students make new friends and lasting relationships.2Even though we became friends a long time ago,we are still close today.While these activities have many advantages,students should consider the downside as well.3 Extracurricular activities can be too much for student

25、s who do not practice good time management.Students need to be good at managing their time between different activities.Another downside to extracurricular activities involves transportation.4 This situation limits students extracurricular choices to those outside the school and closer to home.A few

26、 of my classmates joined the schools cultural club.They later discovered that it met after school.These students dropped out of the club because they had to catch their buses.Only you can decide if extracurricular activities are right for you.Activities outside the school can help you succeed in man

27、y areas of your life.5 Are you up for a challenge?A.We were both in the eight-and-under age group.B.Some clubs or sports meet before or after school.C.One downside is that it can create a busy life for students.D.Many students are tired from all the things they have to do.E.Taking part in extracurri

28、cular activities has many advantages.F.I met my best friend when we were on the YMCA swim team.G.However,you need good time management skills to deal with a busy life.答案与解析【篇章导读】本文是议论文。要不要参加课外活动对于许多学生来说是个必要权衡利弊的题目。1.E本空为本段的主题句,本段主要阐述了参加课外活动的学生们在学习方面体现更突出,即到场课外活动的利益。2.F本空是对前一句的举例说明,且下一句中的we became fr

29、iends与F项中的I met my best friend在语意上相干。3.C由本空前一句可知,本段开始阐述参加课外活动的弊端;而本空后面的内容是对本空的进一步表明阐明,阐述的是此中一个毛病,即让学生们更繁忙。4.BB项内容与下一句形成因果关系,本空后面的This situation指代B项内容。5.G本空前一句与G项内容形成迁移转变干系,即课外活动虽有利益,但学生们需要适当奇妙地摆设时间,以应对繁忙的生存。三、语法填空The jaguar (美洲豹) is the largest cat in the Americas.A hundred years ago,jaguars 1. (fin

30、d) everywhere from the southwestern United States to Argentina,in South America.Today,jaguars are an endangered species throughout their 2. (nature) habitat and have been lost from 50 percent of their territory.Today they live 3. (most) in the Amazon rainforest.And jaguars arent the only animals los

31、ing their homes according 4. the International Union for Conservation of Nature,habitat loss 5. (be) the main threat to about 85 percent of all endangered plant and animal species.Tropical rainforests cover only about 7 percent of Earths land,but theyre home to about half of all known plant and anim

32、al species.Most 6. (scientist) agree that about 80,000 acres (an acre is equal to 4,047 square metres) disappear every day when trees are cut down and land is cleared for farms.Trees also play 7. important role in climate change.Fewer forests mean that more greenhouse gases remain 8. (trap) in the atmosphere,the mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth.Grasslands,underwater habitats,and wetlands

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