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1、2科技题材雅思2. 科技题材Technology引言: 科技的话题主要围绕着科技的发展给人们带来的影响是positive还是negative。科技的发展和科技产品带来的影响成为考题的关键词。如:Technology是否加大了贫富的差距Technology网络教育是否可以代替老师Technology是否可以取代书信、图书馆、博物馆Technology改变工作和生活方式改变Technology通过手机、网络产生犯罪、诈骗Technology使人们变得相互依赖还是更加独立Technology产生什么样的身体与心理健康问题电视、手机、电脑的影响、飞机旅行的利弊手机、互联网与老年人 远程办公 (work

2、ing from/ at home = telecommuting) 太空探索的利弊私家车的利与弊 科技话题真题再现A类题目20090110 Some people think that the range of technology available to individuals is increasing the gap between rich people and poor people,while others hold the opposite opinion. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 关键词解读:科技是否加大了贫富差距

3、 懂得使用高科技的人可以从中获得巨大的经济利益,比如. (people who are capable of operating/ using hi-tech machines tend to make a fortune/ wealth than those who are not. For example, computer literates can often make full use of information available online and turn it into prosperous/ booming business. In contrast, those wh

4、o live in the backward areas are disadvantaged, because most of them are still struggling for their next meal.) 当然也有人在这个所谓的高科技时代里变得非常穷的人。一个典型的例子是有些人利用网络炒股或赌博,最终导致破产。(there are some people who become bankrupt in this so-called hi-tech age. A good case in point is that people who invest in stock marke

5、t could lose all their investment in economic crisis, such as 2008 global crisis.) 【第三点:高尖端科技如飞机,苹果系列产品等能使大公司赚很多利润。当然,这些公司的老板们的身家成倍数增长.】Of course, there are also good reasons why some people disagree with technology widening wealth gap. In the first place,因特网的出现使得个人或小企业有机会发展自己的生意。任何人都可以上网去发布广告,去推销自己

6、的产品,去做生意。这使得很多人脱离了贫困. Another good reason is that 其它原因也可能造成贫富差距扩大20090117 People can now live and work anywhere because of improved communication technology and transport. To what extent do you think its advantages outweigh its disadvantages?关键词解读:人们可以选择在任何地方工作和生活的利弊20090808 The development of techn

7、ology changes the way people connect with each other. In which way does the development of technology change the types of relationships among people? Does it have positive or negative effects on the relationships?关键词解读:科技改变了人们之间的关系首段Due to/ thanks to the technological development, the way people con

8、nect with each other has changed greatly. As a result, family relationships, youth friendship and romantic relationship have also experienced changes. Personally, I feel that it is only fair to discuss both positive and negative effects on the relationships, before airing my opinion. 第二段Technologica

9、l progress is a largely a positive situation/ development. In this first place, (优点1:给人们带来了前所未有的便利,比如因特网。)another big advantage of technological progress is (优点2:沟通无距离。)第三段Technological advances have produced some impacts on relationships. For example, modern technologies blur the border between wor

10、k and home. This can limit family interactions and cause conflict between family members. The use of Internet and television by children and teenagers also limits the amount time spent with family and can increase conflict between children and their parents.结尾段: To sum up, I would concede that there

11、 are also problems of living in this hi-tech age. 【写出两个不利之处】. However, these disadvantages are of lesser importance when compared with the range of advantages people can enjoy in this age. 20091212 Nowadays many employees may work at home with modern technology. Some people claim that it benefits on

12、ly the workers, but not the employers. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 关键词解读:在家办公,只有员工受益20100227 Technological progress in the past century has its negative effect, despite its remarkable contribution. To what extent do you agree or disagree?关键词解读:科技发展的利弊20100320 Lately, more and more work

13、has been done by machines. Do you think the positive effects of the development outweigh the negative effects? 关键词解读:很多工作被机器取代20100410 Some people think that cheaper and cheaper travel by air is beneficial but other people think it has drawbacks to environment and the resources of the world. Discuss

14、 both views and give your own opinion.关键词解读:飞机旅行的利弊链接机经关键词 跟上科学的发展(keep pace with scientific advances) 随着因特网技术出现(with the advent of the Internet technology),全球信息化(global information) 及信息高速公路(the information superhighway)走入人们的视线。许多科技的创新(innovation),例如交流工具(communication tool)、电信(telecommunication)等,重新

15、塑造我们的生活(reshape our life),改变了生活方式。通讯工具具有方便快捷(convenient and efficient)的特点,便于人们处理紧急事情(deal with emergencies)、加速生活节奏(accelerate/ speed up the pace of life)的同时、拉近了人们之间的距离(shorten/ narrow the distance between people)。mobile phone手机作为现代化的交流工具(communication tool)的出现,使人们能够与人交往(communicate with somebody)过程中

16、,克服地域的障碍(overcome geographical barrier),但是人们是否过度依赖手机的现象(overly-dependent on mobile phones)television从电视节目上,因其有趣(interesting)、 有教育意义的(instructive), 并使我们消息灵通(keep us informed)我们能了解到的资讯有:最新的消息(the latest news) 大量的电视报道(massive television coverage)了解国内外发生的一切(learn what is happening at home and abroad)电视也

17、是我们的一种休闲娱乐方式(a way of entertainment) computer 广泛使用计算机(a widespread use of computers),由于其功能( marvelous functions)和准确性 (accuracy),能使人们快速地完成任务(accomplish the task perfectly),提高了工作工作效率(achieve the high efficiency) negative points大量的新闻报道过青少年上瘾(be addicted to/ indulge in),沉浸在电脑游戏(be preoccupied with compu

18、ter games),正因为如此,他们往往忽视户外活动(neglect/ ignore outdoor activities)并与外界隔离(be isolated from the outside world);结果变得不善交际的(unsociable)、近视(near-sighted)、使人变得更加被动(make people more passive)、接触不良信息(be exposed to some negative information)误导青少年(misguide teenagers)。词汇部分breakthrough n. 突破,突破性进展【同义表达】discovery n.

19、发现【经典搭配】technological breakthrough 科技突破【考官例句】This has been driven by technological and scientific breakthroughs that are changing the whole way we view the world on an almost daily basis.科学技术的突破日益改变着人们看待世界的方式。【句架提炼】is driven by 受驱动beyond ones expectations 超出想象【经典搭配】beyond ones wildest expectations 超

20、出某人最大的想象【考官例句】Over the last half century the pace of change in the life of human beings has increased beyond our wildest expectations. 上半个世纪以来,人类生活的变化之快超出我们最大的想象。【句架提炼】the pace of changehas increased beyond our wildest expectations 变化的速度超出我们最狂野的想象technological adj. 技术的,工艺的【经典搭配】technological breakth

21、rough 科技突破technological innovation 科技创新【即学即用】The recent two decades witnessed the boom of science and technology, which gave rise to a series of technological innovations, including the mobile phone.近二十年,科技的发展带动了科技产品的创新,包括手机。technology n. 技术,工艺【考官例句】We should, however, ensure that we are still in a

22、position where we are able to control technology.【句架提炼】ensure that 确保technology transfer 技术转让【即学即用】One way of narrowing the gap between rich and poor is international technology transfer, which means that some new technologies from industrialized countries could be adopted by poorer ones. 缩短贫富差距的方法之

23、一是进行国际技术转让,也就是贫穷国家采取工业化国家的新技术。思路拓展关于科技是否加大了贫富差距的话题Technology widens/ enlarges the rich-poor gap It is true that technology has contributed significantly to the economic development of the world. But we must always remember that it has a dark side. The development of new technology always enlarges th

24、e gap between rich and poor. 扩大贫富差距 In reality, it is not money but technology that drives/ boosts prosperity. More importantly, perhaps, is the reality that poverty is caused and sustained by a lack of technology. 科技缺乏导致贫困1 The accumulation of intellectual capital by rich nations has helped broaden

25、 this gap because it has enabled them to control technology and collect hidden taxes (间接税)from less affluent nations.Numerous examples throughout history support the idea that technology can be used as a tool of oppression. And there is little doubt that one countrys technological advancement has al

26、lowed it to exploit natural resources in the poorer countries. 掠夺资源 In view of the close relationship between economic development and technical development, I am afraid the gap between rich and poor will keep growing. 科技发展与经济发展关系密切 To narrow/ bridge the gap between rich and poor, or at least slow d

27、own the expansion of the gap, we need more study/attention on marginal lands(边远地区). This is because most of the rural people living below the absolute poverty line(贫困线) are living in marginal lands. innovation n. 创新,革新,新方法【同源词汇】innovate vi. 创新;innovated adj. 创新的;innovational adj. 革新的 【同义表达】novelty n

28、. 新奇【经典搭配】technological innovation 科技创新【考官例句】A lot of innovation are made with the aim of making money for a few. 很多的发明创新只为少数人谋利。advance vt. & vi. 发展,促进,提高, 提升【同源词汇】advancement n. 前进,进步; advanced adj. 先进的【同义表达】accelerate vt. & vi. 加速,促进; promote vt. 促进,提升【即学即用】Thanks to the advanced technology, it i

29、s possible for people to have access to a wide range of information.由于先进的科技,人们能够接触到各类的信息。wave of the future 未来的潮流【即学即用】Computers are the wave of the future, but old fashioned learning techniques should not be forgotten. 计算机是未来的潮流,但是不能摈弃传统的学习方式。accelerate vt. &vi. 加速,促进,增加【同源词汇】acceleration n. 加速,促进;

30、 accelerated adj. 加速的,加快的【同义表达】speed up 加速【经典搭配】accelerate the pace of life 加速生活节奏 【即学即用】Technological innovation accelerates the pace of life and enhances work efficiency. 科学技术的发明加快了人们的生活节奏,提升了工作效率。forge ahead 稳步前进,快速前进【即学即用】Our work has been forging ahead recently.近来,我们的工作一直在稳步进展。by leaps and boun

31、ds 飞跃地,突飞猛进地【即学即用】Science and technology advances by leaps and bounds. 科技发展日新月异。sweep away 清除,扫除【同义表达】clear away 清除【即学即用】The Internet, fax machines, satellites, and cable TV are sweeping away cultural boundaries, shaping the perceptions of the general public. 互联网、传真、卫星、有线电视扫清了国家间的文化障碍,改变着大众观念。interd

32、ependent adj. 互相依赖的,互相依存的【同源词汇】interdependence n. 互相依赖【即学即用】Airplanes, telephone service, email, computers, all these have made the world more interdependent than ever. 飞机、电话、邮件及电脑,世界变得比以往更加地相互依赖。efficiency n. 效率,功效,效能【同源词汇】efficient adj. 有效率的;inefficient adj. 无效率的【经典搭配】achieve the high efficiency 获得高效 enhance the efficiency 提高效率【即学即用】The obvious benefit of air travel is that it can enhance the e

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