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1、外籍员工雇佣劳动合同模板LOGO公司名称人力资源部门2019年度工作计划人力资源部门2019年度工作计划INDEX 目录1.P OSITION & TASKS OF WORK 职务及工作职责2.T RIAL PERIOD 试用期3.D URATION OF THE CONTRACT 合同期限4.S ALARY 工资5.P REMIUM & BONUS 奖金及分红6.P ERSONAL INCOME TAX 个人所得税7.T RAINING 培训8.W ORKING HOURS 工作时间9.D ISCIPLINE 劳动纪律10.SICKNESS & INJURY LEAVE 病假及伤假BOUR


3、ELLANEOUS 其它事宜甲方(用人单位)全称:住所:联系电话:法定代表人:Hereinafter referred to as the ?COMPANY?,以下简称?本公司?乙方(劳动者)姓名:性别:出生年月:出生地:有效身份证件号码:(护照)现住址:联系电话:Hereinafter referred to as the ?EMPLOYEE?,以下简称?该员工?Hereinafter collectively referred to as the ?PARTIES?.甲方、乙方以下统称?合同双方?。In accordance with the Labour Law and other re

4、levant laws and regulations of the Peoples Republic of China, the PARTIES have concluded the following labour contract (hereinafter referred to as the ?CONTRACT?)合同双方依照中华人民共和国劳动法以及中华人民共和国其它相关法律法规,共同约定以下劳动合同(以下简称?本合同?)。此处图片未下载成功1.1.The EMPLOYEE will have the following position:该员工将担任以下职务:_1.2.If nece

5、ssary due to the management organisation of the COMPANY and or thecompetence and abilities of the EMPLOYEE the COMPANY may adjust theposition, duties and responsibilities of the EMPLOYEE.若由于本公司管理编制的需要及/或由于该员工本人资格与能力的原因,本公司可在必要的情况下对该员工的职务和工作职责进行适当调整。此处图片未下载成功2.1The trial period will start on the date

6、 of signature of this CONTRACT. The durationof the trial period is three (3) months.During the trial period the EMPLOYEE willbe bound by all articles of this contract.试用期自本合同签署之日起开始,时间为三个月。在试用期间,该员工受本合同全部条款所约束。2.2After the specified trial period and if no notice of termination is given theEMPLOYEE a

7、utomatically becomes employed under the terms and conditions ofthis CONTRACT.在约定的试用期内,若该员工没有收到关于解除劳动关系的通知,在试用期满后,该员工自动转为本公司正式员工,执行本合同规定的条款。此处图片未下载成功The duration of this CONTRACT is twenty-four (27)months.本合同期限为27个月。3.2This CONTRACT maybe extended upon agreement of both PARTIES. Anextension to this C

8、ONTRACT shall come into force only a written agreement has been signed by both PARTIES.本合同经合同双方同意后可以续签。只有在合同双方签署书面协议后,续签的合同方能生效。此处图片未下载成功4.1The COMPANY shall define its own salary policy in accordance with regulations stipulated by the state and municipal government. The COMPANY shall ensure that th

9、e monthly salary of the EMPLOYEE is not less than the minimum pay standard set by the local government.本公司将依照中华人民共和国和北京市有关政策法规制定本公司的员工工资标准。本公司保证该员工的月工资将不低于当地政府规定的最低工资。4.2The EMPLOYEE will receive a gross monthly or 口annual salary of 3,000.00 renminbi (RMB3,000.00) and increase thereafter the basis o

10、f the staff performance, the economic development of the COMPANY and according to the salary policy of此处图片未下载成功该员工税前工资将为准的工资标准每年递增。4.3Such salary shall be transferred to the bank account designated by the EMPLOYEE between the third and fifth day of each mohttp上述工资将于每月3号至5号期间汇入该员工所指定的银行账户。此处图片未下载成功th

11、e result of his/her work and fulfilment of his/her objectives detailed with his/her manager and at the beginning of each calendar year the EMPLOYEE will beentitled to an annual bonus not exceeding one (1) month of salary and shall bepaid to the EMPLOYEE for each full calendar year which the EMPLOYEE

12、 worksfor the COMPANY in two (2) instalments the following year.经本公司董事长同意,并且根据该员工的工作态度、工作成果及其上级主管规定之工作目标的完成状况,该员工将有权在每个公历年初享受年终奖金(奖金总额不超过该员工的月工资)。员工为公司工作满一年时,奖金将于次年分两次发放给个人。此处图片未下载成功6.1The EMPLOYEE shall pay individual income tax in accordance with the relevantlaws and regulations of th e Peoples Re

13、public of China. The COMPANY shallwithhold such amount and pay it to the competent tax bureau.该员工须按照中华人民共和国相关法律法规缴纳个人所得税。本公司将为该员工代扣代徼个人所得税,并将应纳税款上交相应税务机关。此处图片未下载成功7.1The COMPANY will establish an EMPLOYEE training system and providenecessary training to the EMPLOYEE in accordance with the relevant l

14、aws andregulations of the Peoples Republic of China and as the COMPANY needs.本公司将依照中华人民共和国有关法律法规及公司需求,为该员工设计一套培训体系,向该员工提供必要的培训。此处图片未下载成功8.1The COMPANY will implement working hour system of forty minimum(40) hoursper week in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations exclusive of lunch time.本公

15、司依照相关法律法规实行每周40小时工作制(每周工作时间不得少于40小时),不包括午餐时间。The working hours are from Monday to Friday from 9:00AM to 6:00PM with aone (1) hour for lunch that may vary in time so as to have at least one staffmember in the office during lunch time.工作时间从周一至周五,每天上午9点至下午6点,午餐时间为一个小时。午餐时间将根据具体情况进行安排以确保届时至少有一名员工留守办公室。8

16、.2Subject to the operation needs the COMPANY may adopt irregular working hoursystem or calculate the working hours on synthetic basis.根据实际工作需要,本公司可能采用不规则时间工作制或依照综合标准计算工作时间。8.3The COMPANY may extend the working hours of the EMPLOYEE afterconsultation with the EMPLOYEE according to the relevant laws a

17、nd regulations.依照有关法律法规,与该员工进行协商后,本公司可以延长该员工的工作时间。The COMPANY pays the EMPLOYEE 300 percent of the salary, based on anhourly amount according to Article 4, hereto for working during official publicholidays.若需要员工在法定节假日加班,公司将根据本合同第4条中所列工资标准计算出该员工的每小时工资,并按照每小时工资标准的3倍支付加班工资。8.4Notwithstanding what provi

18、ded hereof the COMPANY shall extend the workinghours regardless of Article 8.1 and Article 8.3 in any of the following cases:若出现下列情况,无论是否符合本合同第8.1条和第8.3条中的规定,本公司均可延长工作时间:a.action which must be carried out in case of natural disasters,accidents or other events that will endanger the EMPLOYEEs life, h

19、ealth,property, or safety;由于发生自然灾害、事故或其它危及该员工生命、健康、财产及安全的事件,必须采取紧急措施;b.Urgent repair which must be carried out in case of breaking down of operationequipment, communication, transportation and other facilities which willendanger COMPANY business or public interest;由于运营设备、通讯设备、运输设备及其它设备发生故障,危害到本公司的业务

20、或公共利益,必须进行紧急维修;c.Continuous of the operation or business of the COMPANY which shall not beinterrupted on stipulated holidays and rest days.由于无法因为法定休假和双休日而中断本公司持续开展的经营运作或业务;d.Overhaul and maintenance of the equipment which shall only be made onstipulated holidays and rest days; and只能在法定休假和双休日进行的设备检修与

21、维护;e.Emergency operation concerning national defence.此处图片未下载成功9.1Apart from the provisions of this CONTRACT the EMPLOYEE must respect allrelevant laws and regulations of the Peoples Republic of China rules andregulations of the COMPANY and provisions of any relevant collective labourcontract.除本合同所规定

22、之条款外,该员工还须遵守中华人民共和国相关法律法规、本公司制定的规章制度,以及其它劳动合同方面的相关规定。9.2The EMPLOYEE must respect and execute any and all formal instructions given tohim/her regarding the duties and responsibilities of his/her tasks of work.该员工须遵守并执行一切与其工作职责有关的正式指令。9.3In cases of an offence, gross misconduct, and or any violation

23、of labour disciplinethe COMPANY will normally carry out the following procedure:若该员工出现过错、严重过失及/或其它违反劳动纪律的行为,本公司一般依照以下程序对该员工进行处罚:1 Oral warning 口头警告2 First written warning 第一次书面警告3 Final written warning 第二次书面警告4 Dismissal 开除9.4However the COMPANY reserves the right to omit any of these stages as thec

24、ase may be.然而,本公司有权根据实际情况对上述某些步骤进行调整。9.5The EMPLOYEE has the right to appeal against written warnings or dismissal tothe Labour Dispute Committee if any.该员工有权针对其受到的书面警告或开除决定向劳动争议委员会提出申诉(如需)。此处图片未下载成功10.1The EMPLOYEE will be entitled to sickness and injury leaves in accordance withthe relevant laws a

25、nd regulations.该员工有权根据相关法律法规享受病假及伤假。10.2The EMP LOYEE applying for sickness or injury leave shall fill in a leaveapplication form and get approval from his/her manager. Leave for more thantwo (2) days shall be approved by the Chief Executive Officer of the COMPANYand submitted to the Office Manager,

26、 Human Resources Manager or Manager for verification and filing before going for leave.申请病假或伤假时,该员工应填写?休假申请表?,并必须得到其上级主管的准许。若该员工的休假超过两(2)天,则需经本公司首席执行官允许,且应在休假前将?休假申请表?提交至行政经理、人力资源部经理或直属上级经理以供审核及存档。In case of any sudden sickness or injury the EMPLOYEE shall inform his/hermanager no later than the end

27、 of the first day. A written confirmation shall besubmitted to the Office Manager and Human Resources Manager for verificationand filing within two (2) days after he or she comes back to work.若该员工突发疾病或受伤,需在当天结束前通知其上级经理,并在返回岗位后的两(2)个工作日内将书面说明提交行政经理及人力资源部经理以供审核及存档。10.3If the EMPLOYEE is absent for mor

28、e than one (1) week he/she must ensure thatthe Chief Executive Officer are kept informed of the progress at weekly intervals.若该员工的病假超过一周,该员工必须每周向首席执行官报告其病情状况。10.4The EMPLOYEE taking sickness or leaves for more than one (1) day mustprovide a medical certificate issued by a qualified doctor. Failure o

29、r refusal toprovide the certificate or providing false or inaccurate information will be deemedas a gross misconduct.若该员工休病假或伤假超过一天,必须提供由专业医师出具的病假条。若该员工无法或拒绝提供病假条或提供虚假信息,将被视为严重过失。11.1The COMPANY will establish a sound labour safety and hygiene facilities and shallstrictly implement rules and standards of labour safety and hygiene of the Peoples

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