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本文(An analysis of Nancys double character in Oliver Twist 《雾都孤儿》中南希双重性格分析.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

An analysis of Nancys double character in Oliver Twist 《雾都孤儿》中南希双重性格分析.docx

1、An analysis of Nancys double character in Oliver Twist 雾都孤儿中南希双重性格分析An analysis of Nancys double character in Oliver Twist雾都孤儿中南希双重性格分析摘 要本文以英国批判现实主义大师查尔斯狄更斯的小说雾都孤儿为主要研究资料。首先,本文从英国批判现实主义的起源与发展入手,综述批判现实主义的思想特征与艺术特征;其次,本文将主要以批判现实主义的思想特征和艺术特征为出发点,分析并研究南希双重性格在小说中的表现;最后,本文将从人性和社会环境因素出发,并结合狄更斯在创作南希该人物时的思路

2、,剖析其双重性格形成的深层次原因。从而可以看出社会环境对人的性格与个性具有较深的影响,但是无论环境多么恶劣,它都无法泯灭人类本性中的善良成分。ABSTRACTThis paper is mainly based on one of the masterpieces of Charles Dickens, Oliver Twist, which is deemed as one the representatives of English critical realistic literature of the 19th century. It first introduces the orig

3、in and development of critical realism in England and illustrates the ideological and artistic features of critical realism. It then, based on its ideological and artistic features, analyzes the manifestations of Nancys double character in this novel. It finally discusses the reasons for Nancys doub

4、le character from the perspective of human nature and social environment as well as Charles Dickens viewpoint of Nancy. As a result, it proves that social environment has a great effect on humans character, but however adverse the environment is, it may never tarnish the goodness in human nature.1In

5、troductionCharles Dickens, the greatest representative of the English critical realistic literature of Victorian era, was born in February, 1812. In his childhood when he thought himself a “very small and not-over-particularly-taken-care-of boy” 1215, he was fond of playing outdoors and reading book

6、s, especially showing an ineffable interest in picaresque novels of Tobias Smollett and Henry Fielding. As a matter of fact, this period was an idyllic but significant time for his whole life for it had had a great influence on his works which later gained a worldwide reputation. As the founder and

7、one of the eminent representatives of English critical realism in 19th century, Charles Dickens is responsible for some of English literatures most iconic characters 2136. He is much loved by readers around the globe not only for his well-portrayed characters such as Oliver Twist and David Copperfie

8、ld, but also for his exhaustive depiction of contemporary life as well as the relentless denouncement towards the dark social reality. His novels and short stories have never gone out of print. A concern with social reform is an eternal theme that runs throughout his every work. In his novels, he ma

9、intains “an unbroken faith in people with an entire pessimism as to capitalist society.”3354The story is set in the 19th London. The hero, Oliver Twist, is adopted by an orphanage as soon as he was born. He cant bear the poor and hungry life in that place, so he escapes. Unfortunately, however, he i

10、s kidnapped by the evil gang of Fagin. Although intimidated by force and beguiled with money, young Oliver is unwilling to steal. With the help of Nancy, Brownlow and other kind-hearted people, Oliver finally escapes from the abyss of vice and misery, finds out who he really is and leads a happy lif

11、e. The wretched and tortuous experience of Oliver and Nancy is a living embodiment of authors miserable childhood.From the perspective of the novel itself, Oliver Twist is not deemed as the quintessential representative work of Charles Dickens in the strict sense. Some scholars argue that Oliver Twi

12、st is a realist work smacking of romance for it exhibits some humorous language, comic characters and a happy ending to readers. As far as its historical and literary significance are concerned, however, Oliver Twist marks the beginning of the English realist literature in Victorian Era. Charles Dic

13、kens spares no efforts to reveal the hypocrisy and inhumanity of parish workhouse through the description of the little Olivers childhood in this novel. Furthermore, Dickens gives realistic pictures of the horrible existence in workhouse. One of the important characteristics of the novel is the real

14、 and specific description of people who lived at the bottom of the capitalistic society. Their miserable lives are just the live mirror of the dark and evil sides of British society of 19th century. Those works aroused readers to think about the need of a nationwide social reform as well as the soci

15、al reasons for all sorts of criminal phenomena at that time. Along with the success of this well-known novel, “Dickens became more and more at odds with bourgeois society and more and more aware of (and exasperated by) the absence of any readily available alternative”. 4248In spite of her status as

16、a secondary character in Oliver Twist, Nancy plays an irreplaceable part in the development of the novel. As a humble female thief in the gang of Fagin, Nancy is instigated to kidnap Oliver into this evil gang, but finally she sacrifices her own life to save Oliver from the abyss of miseries and suf

17、ferings. Due to the complexity in her character, Nancy has become a popular subject studied by some scholars. Although Charles Dickens was once criticized for molding a character of “thieving, whoring, slut of the streets” 5107, there is no doubt that Nancy is one of literatures earliest examples of

18、 the stock character of the “tart with a heart”the stereotypical character of a tragic or fallen woman who makes her way through life by means of crime and often earns a wage as a prostitute, but is still a good and compassionate person. The thesis here is intended to introduce the rise and developm

19、ent of critical realism as well as its ideological and artistic features firstly; secondly, it will analyze Nancys double character from the perspective of the ideological and artistic features of critical realism; thirdly, it continues to bring out the reason for her tragedy from the perspective of

20、 the goodness of humanity and the influence of social reality on human nature.2. The review of critical realism In the second half of 19th century, the entire English society witnessed an unprecedented and unrepeatable movement which caused vital changes in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, and tr

21、ansportation. Later on, it is known as the “Industrial Revolution” which then exerted a profound effect on the socioeconomic and cultural conditions in the England. Along with it there emerged English capitalism and bourgeois. As the working class continued to expand, they became more and more dissa

22、tisfied and cynical with their living conditions and social status. And the gap between working class and upper class became wider, which thus became the background where critical realism rose.2.1 Rise and development of English critical realismIn a strict sense, critical realism is a term applied t

23、o the realistic fiction in the late 19th and early 20th centuries which some writers and intellectuals in the period between 1875 and 1920 used to criticize and examine the serious social issues of that time. During this period suffused with intense class struggle appeared a new sort of literary tre

24、ndcritical realism which flourished in the forties and in the early fifties of 19th century. It was described with a lot of vividness and great artistic skills by some critical realistic writers. The most important is that this new literature reflected the major traits of the capitalist society and

25、criticized the capitalist system from the viewpoint of a democrat. Critical realism had achieved great success in Europe at one time. As the industrial capitalism continued to develop throughout the Europe and the contradiction between upper class and middle and lower class became increasingly inten

26、sified. Under this backdrop, critical realism took shape and gained its initial development in France in the 1920s. From 1930s to 1940s, critical realism became the mainstream of European literature after romanticism, which was generally considered as the real peak of critical realism. Gorky once th

27、ought it was a “major, most splendid and useful literary school of 19th century”. Critical realism originated in France. Red and Black of Stendhal laid a foundation for this literary trend and Human Comedy of Balzac symbolized the highest achievement of critical realism. Moreover, critical realists

28、like Gustave Flaubert, Guy de Maupassant, Alexandre Dumasfils and Romain Rolland became famous with their sharply satirical works which formed the magnificent trend of critical realism of 19th century. While in Britain, in the meantime, there emerged a great many celebrated writers from the middle c

29、lass. They were dissatisfied with the conditions both the country and its people are faced with at that time. Therefore, they spared no efforts to denounce the darkness and corruption of the society, sympathizes people from below and advocates social reforms so as to radically change the current con

30、dition of England.In the year of 1837, Charles Dickens (1812-1870) who has been regarded as one of the three hosts of Victorian novelists (another two are Thackeray and George Eliot) wrote the novel Oliver Twist which reflects the tortuous life of Oliver Twist and mirrors the miseries people living

31、in the bottom of the English society suffered and repudiates the defects of capitalism. In 1844, Thomas Hood (1799-1845) wrote the poem The Song of the Shirt which, through the mouth of a poor seamstress, voiced the miserable life of the female workers. These works, to a great degree, showed the wri

32、ters deep concern and sympathy for the workers and their protests against the exploitation of capitalism. Hence, those writers were usually considered as the earliest writers of critical realism in the English literature.Generally speaking, Charles Dickens and William Makepeace Thackeray were the ma

33、ture statesmen of English critical realistic literature. They represented the middle and lower classes, exposing and criticizing the evil and corruptive aspects of capitalism. Charles Dickens creates pictures of bourgeois civilization and describes the misery and sufferings of the common people by means of striking fo

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