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1、重庆中考英语模拟题20062007学年度南开中学初2007级英语九年级下第一次月考试题(满分:150分 时间:120分钟)第I卷(95分)I. 听力测试。(共30分)A)情景反应。(每小题1分,共6分) 听一遍,根据你所听到的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答语,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。1. A. Thank you . B. Good idea . C. It doesnt matter .2. A. Im glad to help you . B. Im pleased to hear that . C. No news is good news .3. A. In h

2、alf an hour . B. Before half an hour . C. After an hour .4. A. Hello ! Whats the matter ? B. Hold on for a moment , please . C. The same to you .5. A. You must keep the refrigerator clean . B. The dishes are delicious . C. Im afraid you must .6. A. I think I like him very much . B. I think he is gre

3、at . C. I think he is in China .B)对话理解。(每小题1分,共6分) 听一遍,根据你所听到的对话和问题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。7. A. Its raining heavily . B. The rain is coming . C. Its cloudy and windy .8. A. Jack . B. Mary . C. Sorry , I dont know .9. A. 6:45 B. 7:00 C. 7:1510. A. The yellow one . B. The blue one . C. T

4、he red one .11. A. A football . B. A camera . C. A basketball .12. A. Old classmates . B. Neighbors . C. Teacher and student .C)短文理解。(每小题2分,共18分) 听两遍,根据你所听到的短文内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。听第一段短文,听完后回答第1316小题。13. What did the students have to do at school in the past ?A. They were made to l

5、earn things for themselves .B. They just sat quietly without anything to do .C. They were made to remember all kinds of things by their teachers .14. What do many teachers think about school teaching today ?A. Students can learn all the things at school .B. A teacher is a kind of person who helps st

6、udents to learn .C. It is useless for students to go to school .15. Why do some of the students go to school ?A. They love studying .B. Their parents make them go .C. They want to find very good jobs .16. Can students find jobs if they are not old enough ?A. No , they cant .B. Yes , they can .C. We

7、dont know .听第二段短文,听完后回答第1721小题。17. The Black Forest is _ . A. a place in Germany . B. not a real place . C. A place in Britain .18. When he was walking in the forest , _ ran after him . A. two dogs B. two women C. two men19. Finally he came to _ , and he was saved . A. a forest B. a small hotel C. a

8、nother road20. It was _ that saved the mans life 20 years later . A. the dream B. a stranger C. God21. The story tells us that _ .A. a dream is always a dream .B. a dream may come true some time later .C. people shouldnt believe their dreams .II. 单选项选择。(每小题1分,共20分)22. As we know , _ English is _ use

9、ful language . A. an ; the B. the ; an C. an ; a D. / ; a23. We wondered what _ next . A. would we do B. we would do C. will we do D. we will do24. - Has Tom arrived in Beijing ? - Yes . He _ there for two days . A. has been B. has gone C. have been D. have gone25. My friends sent me presents and _

10、me a happy birthday . A. wished B. hoped C. expected D. wanted26. They waited very long for a taxi . _ , they walked down . A. At the end B. At least C. In the end D. Until the end27. The _ child had nobody _ for a whole day . A. alone ; to play B. lonely ; playing C. lonely ; to play with D. alone

11、; play28. - I have a note for her . Could you give it to her for me ? - _ . A. Certainly not trouble B. Of course , no trouble C. Not at all D. No forgetting29. He could hardly remember _ the new words , _ he ? A. two hundred of ; didnt B. two hundred of ; could C. two hundreds ; couldnt D. two hund

12、red ; did30. Some of the rice is from Thailand . What about _ ? A. another B. the other C. others D. the rest31. I _ my hand and asked a question . A. put off B. put down C. put up D. put on32. The boy cant buy _ a beautiful present with _ little money . A. so ; such B. such ; such C. so ; so D. suc

13、h ; so33. This kind of paper is made _ wood and _ writing . A. of ; used to B. from ; used for C. of ; as D. in ; for34. - Would you like some coffee , please ? - Yes , I prefer coffee _ sugar . A. with B. for C. to D. than35. Mrs Smith is very rich . She _ her dog _ meat . A. feed ; on B. feeds ; t

14、o C. feeds ; on D. feed ; for36. - Im not going to buy the book . - _ . Its too expensive . A. I dont either . B. So am I . C. Neither am I . D. Im not , too .37. Each dolphin is about _ . A. ten foots long B. ten-foot-long C. ten feet long D. ten-feet-long38. The line is busy , someone _ the teleph

15、one . A. maybe use B. must be using C. need to use D. can be using39. -Excuse me , sir ? Can you tell me when _ the street is safe . - Its easy . When the light is green . But you still must be careful when _ the street . A. to cross ; to cross B. cross ; crossing C. to cross ; crossing D. to cross

16、; youll cross40. My mother used _ in the city _ has a long history . A. to work ; who B. to working ; which C. to working ; that D. to work ; that41. - Could you tell me _ ? - Its next to the post office . A. where is the supermarket B. where the supermarket is C. where was the supermarket D. where

17、the supermarket wasIII. 完型填空。(每小题1.5分,共15分)根据短文内容,在短文后面的四个选项中选择一个能正确填入相应空格内的最佳答案。Last Tuesday I took my two daughters , aged five and seven , to town by car . It began to rain 42 , so I decided I would leave the children in the car before I rushed into a shop . I asked my girls 43 touch anything and

18、 told them I would be back within a few minutes . Then I locked all the doors and left them happily 44 out of the window .When I returned to the car 45 five minutes , the girls 46 ! I could hardly believe my eyes . The car doors were 47 locked , the windows tightly shut and on the back seat were onl

19、y two coats .Being afraid , I ran to the corner of the street 48 there was no sign of them . I rushed up to an old lady nearby and asked 49 she had seen two small girls but she said “ No ” .Feeling quite sick with fear , I sat on the drivers seat , and tried to stop trembling(发抖). Suddenly , I heard

20、 a happy laughter behind me . I got out of the car , ran round to the boot(车尾行李箱)and there inside were two very red-faced and 50 children . They had obviously pulled out the back seat , climbed behind it and then been unable to 51 the seat forward again . With tears in my eyes , I leaned(屈身)forward

21、and pulled their ears .42. A. heavyB. hardC. hardlyD. big43. A. toB. dontC. not toD. didnt44. A. lookingB. lookC. to lookingD. looked45. A. beforeB. forC. inD. after46. A. missing B. have disappeared C. had appeared D. had disappeared47. A. stillB. everC. alwaysD. hardly ever48. A. whereB. whichC. t

22、hatD. when49. A. thatB. whenC. whetherD. how50. A. excitingB. excitedC. worriedD. worrying51. A. pushB. pullC. takeD. bringIV. 阅读理解。(每小题2分,共30分) 阅读下列短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。AFrom a time he was a little boy , P.T. Barnum loved to look at strange things . So when he grew up , he opened a museum in New

23、York . In his museum , he put all the strange things he could find . There was a white elephant and a mermaid . There were magicians and actors . People came from all around to see the things in the museum . Some things were real , but some were not . Barnum was so clever , no one knew what was real

24、 and what was fake .The museum was a huge success . But P.T. Barnum was unhappy . He wished that even more people could see the show . One day he had an idea . Why not take the show to the people ? So he loaded everything onto a train . It took 70 cars and three engines to move it all . The circus(马

25、戏团)would travel to different cities , set up a big tent , and put on the show . In the show there were three rings with something different going on in each one . It was a three-ring circus . Barnum called it , “ The Greatest Show on Earth ” . And it really was .52. What is the main idea of the stor

26、y ?A. P.T. Barnum liked animals .B. P.T. Barnum started a circus .C. P.T. Barnum liked strange stories .D. P.T. Barnum became the greatest magician .53. What does the underlined word fake mean in the first paragraph of the story ? A. Not real . B. Strange . C. Clever . D. Beautiful .54. Why did Barn

27、um take the show to different cities ?A. He liked to travel .B. The circus was a huge success .C. He wanted more people to see it .D. He could make more money .55. What was the “ The Greatest Show on Earth ” ?A. The museum in New York .B. The train with animals .C. The three-ring circus .D. The muse

28、um with a white elephant and a mermaid .56. What is not true about P.T. Barnum ?A. He started the three-ring circus .B. He could make things look real .C. He opened a museum .D. He started the first museum .BAll living things on the earth need other living things to live . Nothing lives alone . Most

29、 animals must live in a group , and even a plant grows close together with others of the same kind . Sometimes one living thing kills another , one eats and the other is eaten . Each kind of life eats another kind of life in order to live , and together they form a food chain(链条). Some food chains a

30、re simple , while others are not . But all food chains begin with the sun , and all food chains become broken up if one of the links disappears .All life needs sunlight to live on . But only plants can use sunlight directly . Plans are “ factories ” . They make food from sunlight , water and things in the soil and air . Plants feed all other living things . Animals can only use the suns energy after it has been changed into food by plants . Some animals feed directly on plants , others eat smaller animals . Meat-eating animals are only eating plants indirectly .What about human beings ? We ar

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