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外研社book 5 module 2全解.docx

1、外研社book 5 module 2全解Module 2 A Job Worth DoingINTRODUCTION1.intellectual (adj.& n.)(1)adj. Concerning using, or needing the ability to reason智力的,要用脑力的Is intellectual work superior to physical work?脑力工作优于体力工作吗?(2)adj. having a high intellect有很高智力的,理解力强的The student showed enormous intellectual ability

2、.这个学生表现出极高的智力。(3)n. someone who has the ability to reason well, and who uses this ability in their work知识分子,从事脑力工作的人These views are very common among intellectuals.这些观念在知识分子中是很普遍的。单词积累:intellect(n.)智力,才智intellectually(adv.)智力地,脑力地intelligent(adj.)聪明的,明智的intelligence(n.)聪明辨析:intelligent与intellectual易

3、混词辨析例句intelligent形容人时,是指其聪明、头脑灵敏;此外,还可用来形容动物。Tom is an intelligent boy.汤姆是个很聪明的孩子。intellectual是指受过良好教育、对需要长期研究的学科感兴趣的人。Jim is from an intellectual family.吉姆出生于一个有知识的家庭。2.manual(adj.&n.)(1)adj. having to do with the use of hands体力的;动手的He would rather do some manual labor than work behind a desk.他宁可干体

4、力活,也不喜欢做案头工作。Many manual workers are being replaced by machines.很多体力工作者的位置正被机器所取代。(2)n. a book of instructions手册;指南;说明书After you register,please go to the reception desk for a training manual.注册之后,请到接待处领取培训手册。单词积累:近音词:menu(n.)菜单manuscript(n.)手稿manufacture(n.)生产,制造3.satisfying(adj.) making sb. feel p

5、leased令人满意的,使人满足的The story has a satisfying ending.这个故事有一个令人满意的结局。Its satisfying to play a game really well.擅长一种游戏是一桩惬意的事情。单词积累:satisfy(vt.)使满意,使满足satisfied(adj.)满意的,满足的,欣慰的satisfactory(adj.)令人满意的satisfaction(n.)(U)满足;(C)令人满意的事一言辨异:When he saw his sons satisfying work, a satisfied smile appeared on

6、his face.当他看见儿子那令人满意的工作时,脸上露出了满足的笑容。4.stressful(adj.)making sb. Feel worried充满压力的;紧张的Shes very good at coping in stressful situations.她很擅长应付紧张的局势。Many people find traveling to work stressful.很多人觉得坐车上班很紧张。单词积累:stress(n.)(U,C)压力,紧张;重音;重要Stress isnt a bad thing if only we keep a different eye on it.只要我

7、们从不同的角度去看待它,压力并不是件坏事。In the word doctor, the stress is on the first syllable.“doctor”这个词的重音在第一个音节上。We must lay stress on self-reliance.我们必须强调自力更生。5.Because its well paid.因为它报酬高.句式分析:该句主语为it, well paid为表语。well常与一些动词的过去分词构成复合形容词;当该复合形容词作表语时,一般不用连字符,但当该复合形容词用于名词前作定语时,多用连字符。She is well dressed.她衣着入时。She

8、 is well-dressed woman.她是一位穿着讲究的女人。拓展:well balanced很平均的,很均衡的well developed发育良好的,健全的well informed见多识广的,消息灵通的well run经营得好的,运转良好的well behaved行为端正的,彬彬有礼的well done做得好well known众所周知的,出名的注意:well作形容词,只能作表语,不能作定语,通常指身体状况良好、健康。如:我告诉你一个好消息。Ill tell you a piece of well news.(F)Ill tell you a piece of good news.

9、(T)VOCABULARY AND READING1. We ask this person to put electricity in homes.我们让这个人给家里接通电。put in(1)安装We have decided to have a new bathroom equipment put in.我们决定安装一套新的盥洗设备。(2)插话,插入Its impolite to put in while others are speaking.别人在说话时插话是不礼貌的。(3)提出要求、请求等The company has put in a claim for damages.这家公司已

10、提出赔偿损失的要求。(4)花费、投入(时间、心思等)You have to put in a lot of efforts to learn a new language.学一门新的语言需要付出很大的努力。链接:put sth. into practice把某事付诸实践put aside 不考虑;储存(钱)备用;放下;留出(一段时间)put away 收拾起来;储存(钱)put back推迟,延迟put down批评(某人);写下,记下;放下put forward提出(计划、建议等);将提前put off延期;拖延put out扑灭(火);困扰put up张贴,悬挂;搭建;安排食宿put on

11、穿上;打开(灯、电器等)put up with忍受经典回放Dont be so discouraged. If you _ such feelings, you will do better next time.A. carry on B. get back C. break down D. put away解析:A项“开展,进行”;B项“取回,拿回”;C项“分解,崩溃”;D项“收拾起来”。答案:D2. This scientist studies the chemistry of living things.这位科学家研究生物化学。living(adj.)(1)alive now活着的 al

12、l living things所有生物(2)lively, be like the real ones逼真的 He is a living image of his father.他真像他父亲。(3)existing, still in existence现存的 Many ancient languages are not living languages any more.许多古老的语言都不再是现在使用的语言了。拓展:make a living/earn ones living谋生How will you be able to make a living if you dont study

13、hard now?如果你现在不努力学习,以后如何谋生?辨析:living, alive与live易混词辨析例句living“活着的、现存的”,可作表语、定语,修饰人、物均可。The living languages of the ancient tribes is English.那些古老的部落现行的语言是英语。The living are always considered more important than the dead.人们总是认为活人比死人要重要。alive“活着的”,作表语、补足语或后置定语。Many Chinese were buried alive by Japanese

14、 invaders during World War .很多中国人在二战时被日本侵略者活埋。live“活的”,指物,还可意为“实况转播的”。The cat is playing with a live mouse.猫在玩一只活老鼠。a live talk show on the TV电视现场直播的谈话节目3. You go to this person to get your hair cut.你去让这个人给你理发。句法分析:to get your hair cut为“get +复合宾语”结构,在此作目的状语。get /have sth. done使某事被做,请别人做某事In cold wea

15、ther, its hard to get the car started.在寒冷的天气里,车子很难发动。We got the machine repaired.我们请人把这台机器修好了。 过去分词搭配:get +宾语+宾补 现在分词 不定式 形容词Do you think youll get the work finished on time?你认为你的工作可以按时完成吗?Its not hard to get him talking ;the problem is stopping him!让他说话不难,问题是怎样让他停下来!Youll never get him to understan

16、d.你永远无法让他明白。Dont get your new trousers dirty!别把你的新裤子弄脏了!4. This person must do many thingsincluding directing the traffic.这个人必须做许多事包括指挥交通。include(vt.)(1)have sth. as a part包括,包含(后接n./pron./doing)Our tour party included several children.我们这个旅游团里有几个孩子。He had included a large number of funny stories in

17、 the speech.他的讲话中有许多引人发笑的故事。The price includes tax.这个价格里面包括税。(2)put in with sth. else把包括在内,把列进I included meat and milk on the list of things to buy.我把肉和牛奶列进了购物单。The team is looking strong, especially now they have included Yin Jianlian.球队看上去很强大,特别现在有易建联的加入。助记:in-在内,进入,朝内;income收入ex-向外,出自,离开,免除;excep

18、t除外单词积累:including(prep.)包括 included(adj.)包括提示:included为形容词,常用于名词、代词之后,而including为介词,常用于名词、代词之前。Everyone has to go to the dentists , you included。Everyone has to go to the dentists , including you.每个人都得去看牙医,包括你在内。辨析:include与contain易混词辨析例句include某物为整个的一部分或要素。Service is included in the bill.账单里包括服务费。co

19、ntain“容纳”,某物中装有什么东西。The jar contained some water.坛子里有些水。5. This person has offered to do a joband may not be paid for doing it.这个人主动提出了去做并且可以不用给他报酬。句法分析:to do a job为不定式短语作宾语。She wanted to cook some vegetables quickly for lunch.她想很快地做好午餐吃的蔬菜。He has promised to help me.他已答应过要帮助我。offer(vt. &n.)(1)vt. g

20、ive (to God)(对神)供奉,奉献He offered (up) a prayer for the return of his health.他祈求恢复健康。(2)vt. to buy sth. to pay a particular amount of money出价,开价 offer sb. some money for sth.向某人出价买某物搭配:offer sb. sth. for some money向某人开价出卖某物Theyve offered us 300,000 yuan for the house, but we declined it.他们出价30万买我们的房子,

21、但我们不卖。Theyve offered us their house for 300,000 yuan.他们出价30万元向我们卖他们的房子。(3)vt. to provide sth. that people need or want willingly提供,给予 to do sth.主动提出做某事搭配:offer sth. to sb. sb. sth 向某人提供某物He offered no explanation for his actions.他对自己的行为未作任何解释。They offered him a very good job , but he turned it down.

22、他们给他提供了一份很好的工作,但他拒绝了。(4)vt.offer oneself出现,出席(=be present)My lost pen offered itself as last.我丢失的钢笔终于找到了。(5)n. a statement offering( to do)sth.提议I accepted an offer of help/to help.我接受了援助的建议。拓展:turn down/refuse/decline an offer拒绝建议make an offer of help表示愿意给予帮助make sb. an offer for sth.出价,开价,报价accept

23、 an offer接受建议(报价)链接: sb. with sth.provide sth. for sb. sb. with sth.提供给某人某物 supply sth. to sb.单词积累:offering(n.)祭品6. The Human Traffic Signal人体交通信号signal(n. & v.)(1)n.a movement or sound that you make to give sb. information, instructions, a warning,etc.信号A green light is a signal to pass.绿灯是通告信号。Whe

24、n I look at my watch, its a signal for us to leave.如果我看表,就是暗示我们该走了。(2)vt. to give a signal发信号She signaled him to stop talking.她示意他别说话。We signaled the good news by waving and smiling.我们用挥手微笑来传达这个好消息。7. At 3,500 metres, La Paz, in Bolivia, is the highest capital in the world.位于海拔3500米的玻利维亚首府拉巴斯是世界上最高的

25、首都。背景:Bolivia Bolivia is a mountainous country in the western part of South America, surrounded by Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Peur and Paraguay. Population :7,040,000(1995). Capital :La Paz.玻利维亚玻利维亚是一个位于南美洲西部的山地国家,与巴西、智利、阿根廷、秘鲁和巴拉圭接壤。人口:704万(1995年)。首都:拉巴斯。8. Life is hard at high altitude, and the mou

26、ntains make communications difficult.在海拔高的地区生活很艰苦,高山使得交通非常困难。altitude(n.)(1)the height of a thing above a specified level, such as sea level(尤指海拔)高度What is the altitude of this small village?这个小村庄海拔是多少?(2)a high area高处(海拔很高的地方)It is very difficult to breathe at these altitudes.在这些高处呼吸很困难。At high alt

27、itudes of Tibet it is difficult to breathe.在西藏海拔很高的地方呼吸很困难。一言辨异:Attitude determines altitude.态度决定可以到达的高度。助记:altitude高度latitude纬度longitude经度联想:at the bottom of在底部at the foot of在脚下at the height of在高度上at the depth of在深度上9, many roads are in bad condition and accidents are frequent.许多路况很差而且事故频发。句法分析:本句为

28、and连接的并列句。incondition处于的状态My car is old but in good condition.我的车虽旧,但车况良好。His second-hand car is in poor condition.他的二手车状况不怎么样。Dont worry. Hes in excellent condition.别担心,他处在理想状态。链接:be in condition健康,情况良好be out of condition健康不佳,情况欠佳make it a condition that以为条件on /upon condition that如果,在条件下,只要on no co

29、ndition在任何条件下都不,绝不on this/that condition在这个/那个条件下meet/ satisfy a condition符合的条件set a condition设定条件weather conditions天气情况underconditions在条件下辨析:condition, conditions与state易混词辨析例句condition某人(物)本身的状况,如健康状况,为不可数名词。The roads in those mountain areas are considered to be in bad condition.人们认为那些山区的路况不好。condi

30、tions指人(物)周围的状况或条件。Our living conditions are better and better.我们的生活条件越来越好了。state指状况、情形,为可数名词。She is in a poor state of health.她的健康状况不佳。一言辨异:The player is in very good condition, but his living conditions are very bad.这位选手的健康状况非常好,但生活条件非常糟糕。10. One road in particular, which goes north from La Paz, i

31、s considered the most dangerous road in the world.尤其是从拉巴斯通向北边的一条路被认为是世界上最危险的路。句法分析:本句为主从复合句,which引导非限制性定语从句。in particular:particularly尤其,特别In particular, he was praised by his teacher for the first time.尤其是他的老师第一次表扬了他。-What would you say about the book?对这本书你要说点什么?-Nothing in particular.没什么特别的。链接:be particular ab

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