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1、英语作文有关校内校外生活句子积累英语写作积累1. We are active in class .我们在课上表现积极。2. we feel relaxed and very energetic in class 我们感觉在课堂上感到轻松,精力充沛。3. He has achieved good results in the examinations. 他在考试中取得了很好的成绩。4Since he went to senior high school, he has worked very hard. 自从他上高中,他就一直努力学习。5. It is important to make ful

2、l/good use of the time in class. 充分利用课堂上的时间很重要。6. Im determined to try my best to prepare for the exam. 我下决心努力为考试做准备。7. Im a senior 3 student. The college entrance exam is on the way。我是高三的学生,高考正在临近。8. As a Senior Three student, time seems much limited. 作为高三的学生,时间看起来很有限。9. The annual college entrance

3、 examination is around the corner.(is drawing near)(is approaching) 一年一度的高考就要来了。10. Classes in our school usually begin at 8 in the morning and finish at 4 in the afternoon 我们通常早上8点上课,下午四点放学。11. He spends about two hours doing his homework/ on his homework.他每天大约花两个小时的时间写英语作业。12. After a tiring day a

4、t school , we always had a lot of homework to do . 在劳累了一天之后,我们总是有很多作业要做。13. Sometimes we even worked late into the night . 有时候我们甚至学习到深夜。14. A lot of students spend much time on study. Therefore ,they have no time for rest and sports, which greatly affects students health.很多学生花很多时间在学习上,因此没有时间休息和做锻炼,这

5、严重影响了学生的健康。15. After class we enjoy all kinds of activities, such as going in for sports , doing experiments or surfing the Internet.放学后,我们享受各种各样的活动,例如进行运动,做实验或上网。16. We often have discussions in pairs or in groups 我们经常进行小组讨论。17. You can then join other students in playing ball games or swimming. It

6、ll be a lot of fun. 你可以和其他同学一起打球或游泳,会很有意思的。18. Theyre able to communicate with their classmates and teachers whenever they come across any problem. 他们可以和同学和老师交流无论他们什么时候遇到问题。19. If we have difficulties, we can turn to our teachers and our classmates for help.如果我们有困难,我们可以想我们的老师和同学寻求帮助。20. At school, a

7、ll the teachers work very hard, encourage us to build up our confidence and inspire us to improve our study.在学校,所有的老师工作努力,鼓励我们建立信心并且激励我们改善学习状况。21. With the help of our English teacher we discussed and finally came up with the proper solution。在老师的帮助下,我们经过讨论并最终得出合适的解决措施。22. Our school also provides go

8、od facilities for us students, for example the library stays open in the evenings and even on the weekends学校给我们提供了好的设施,例如图书馆保持开放到晚上甚至在周末。23.Im very satisfied with what we have achieved so far. 到目前为止,我对我们取得的成绩很是满意。24. Our school is quite close to our home, so we could go to school together by bike.我家

9、里学校很近,所以我们可以骑车去学校。25. In my opinion, to take a ten-minute break between classes is necessary. Otherwise we will feel tired both physically and mentally.在我看来,课间休息十分钟是必要的。否则我们会在心里和身体上都感到疲惫的。26.Recently, our class have had a heated discussion about whether it is necessary for middle school students to

10、carry mobile phones to school.最近,我们班展了开一场讨论,是关于中学生是否有必要带手机去上学。27.Last week our class organized an activity to thank our teachers before graduation。上周我们班组织了一次活动去感谢我们的老师在毕业之前。28 It is known to us all that some students copy others homework.众所周知,有些学生抄袭别人的作业。29. For one thing, its against the rules of t

11、he school. 首先,这违反学校规定。30. We should be honest and work hard to achieve high grades.我们应诚实并且努力考得高分。我是王珊,一名十六岁的女孩子,就读于北京红星中学。Im Wang Shan, a girl of sixteen, presently attending Beijing HongXing Middle School.我们在食堂吃午餐,并可以在此期间和朋友们交谈。At noon we eat at the school dining hall, and enjoy talking with friend

12、s over lunch.我们学校通常上午7:30开始上课,下午4: 00放学。Classes in our school usually begin at 7:30 in the morning and finish at 4: 00 in the afternoon.丰富多彩的课外活动能够让我们开阔眼界,充实课余生活,还能使我们在繁忙的学习后得到放松。A wide variety of after-class activities will broaden our horizons, enrich the school life and make us relaxed.在校时我们需要穿校服

13、并必须遵守学校规则。We need to wear uniforms in the school and must obey the school rules. 课外选修课使学生们投入到自己真正感兴趣的事情上。Optional courses / subjects enable students to engage in what they are really interested in and what they are willing to devote to我喜欢参加英语演讲,从中我可以学到很多关于英美文化的知识。Id like to attend English lectures,

14、from which I can get more information on British and American culture.学校生活让我们学到了知识,给我们提供了全面发展的机会,并为我们以后的职业选择和个人发展做好了准备。School life equips students with abundant knowledge, provides them with the chances to fully develop personalities and well prepares for the future career and improvement.我们的实验楼在学校中

15、心。在它的前面有美丽的花园,教学楼在它的右边。Our lab building is in the centre of the school. There is a beautiful garden in front of it and our classroom building is right behind it.图书馆规定每名同学每次最多只能借五本书,并可以保存十天。According to the rule, every student can borrow up to 5 books each time and keep them for 10 days.体育锻炼在我们的生活中起着

16、非常重要的作用。Sports play an important role / part in our daily life.体育锻炼(各种课外活动)能让我们在很多方面获益。Sports (various out-of-class activities) benefit us in many ways.体育锻炼教会了我们体谅、合作和乐观。Sports teach us to be considerate, cooperative and optimistic.通过体育锻炼,我们不仅能够调节好自己的学习生活,而且有更多的机会去结交朋友,更多的机会去接近大自然。We not only gain a

17、 well balanced life through going in for sports, but also get more chances to make more friends and stay closer to nature. 帮助别人可以给你机会改变人们的生活,包括你自己的。Helping others gives you an opportunity to change peoples lives, including your own.给别人带来阳光的人,自己也会拥有阳光。Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others c

18、annot keep it from themselves.(学习)焦虑问题是高三学生中普遍存在的问题。(Learning) Anxiety is a common problem among senior three students. 我们可以采取一些措施来减轻压力,如锻炼、听音乐、郊游等。We could take some measures to reduce the pressure, such as doing some sports, listening to music, going outing and so on.上周我们的外教老师做了一个关于美国文化的讲座,吸引了很多老师

19、和学生来参加。A lecture about American culture was given last week by our foreign teacher, which attracted lots of teachers and students to attend. 无论任务多么艰巨,毫无疑问我们会克服困难取得成功。No matter how (however) tough the task is, there is no doubt that we will overcome all the difficulties and win a complete success. 最近

20、我们正忙着准备即将到来的|“外语文化节”。Recently we have been busy preparing for / we have been occupied with the preparation for the incoming “Foreign Language Festival”.我们应该积极参加社会实践活动,并从中受益。We should take an active part in social activities, where we will benefit a lot.我的努力没有白费,我为自己所取得的进步感到骄傲。My hard work doesnt pay

21、 off, and I am quite proud of what I have achieved / of the progress I have made.外语说得好让我有了更多的机会去和校园里的留学生们进行沟通和交流。A good command of English enables me to gain more chances to communicate and exchange ideas with foreign students in our school. 作为一名高三学生,学习和锻炼组成了我生活的全部。As a Senior 3 student, study and s

22、ports make up my life. 在暑假期间,我们学校的许多学生志愿去帮助孤寡老人。During the summer holiday /vacation, many of the students in / of our school volunteered to help the old people who live alone.老师鼓励我们尽可能多地找出方法来解决问题。The teacher encouraged us / we are encouraged to find out as many ways as possible to work out the probl

23、em.面对压力和挑战,我们渴望得到老师和父母的理解。Faced with so many challenges and so much pressure, we are eager for / we are in great need of / we expect the understanding from parents and teachers.只有当你真正投入的时候,你才能体会到学习的乐趣。Only when you devote yourself to it will / can you enjoy the real pleasure of learning. 我已经习惯了早起晚睡。

24、So far I have been used to getting up early in the morning and staying up late at night. 1.有许多学生正在操场上锻炼。There are many students doing sports / taking exercise on the playground.2.课后,学生们积极地参加课外活动。After class/school, Students take an active part in out-of class activities.3.课上,所有的学生都认真听讲并且做笔记。All of t

25、he students were absorbed in what the teacher said and took notes carefully during the class.4.我认为学习一门外语很重要。I think it is necessary for us to learn a foreign language.5.在老师的帮助下,我英语成绩提高很快。With the help of the teacher, Ive made rapid progress in my English learning.6.李东努力的学习,为了赶上别的同学。Li Dong spares no

26、 effort to study so that he can catch up with his classmates.7. 被老师的话所感动,我们决定努力学习。Touched by the teachers words, we decided to work hard.8.在我们学校,有一个大图书馆,在那儿我们能够读到我们感兴趣的东西。In our school, there is a big library ,where we can read what we are interested in.9.图书馆的寂静有时被翻书的声音打破了。The silence of the library

27、 is sometimes broken by the sound of pages being turned.10.据我们所知,我们班长是一个对工作负责并且关心同学的女孩。As we know, our monitor is a girl, who is responsible for her work and takes good care of her classmates.11.他一直努力学习各个科目,为我们树立了榜样。He has been working hard at every subject, which sets a good example to us.12.他参加了我们

28、学校举办的英语演讲比赛并且获得了第一名。He took part in the English Speech Contest held in our school and won the first prize/place.13.上周二,我们做了大扫除。有的学生扫地,有的学生擦玻璃,还有一些人在擦墙。Last Tuesday, we did a general /thorough cleaning. Some were sweeping the floor, some were cleaning the windows while others were cleaning the wall.1

29、4.老师对我们所做的很满意。The teacher was satisfied with what we had done.15.上周三,我们班进行了如何保护环境的讨论。Last Wednesday, our class held a discussion on how to protect our environment.16. 就我而言,只有通过努力工作才能实现我们的愿望。As far as Im concerned, only by working hard will our dream come true.17.作为一名高三学生,我一直在努力学习并且得到一个好成绩。As a Senio

30、r 3 student, I have been working hard at my lessons and have managed to get fairly high grades.18.这个演讲将会非常有趣并且很有帮助,通过它我们能够学到很多。The lecture will be very interesting and helpful, from which we can learn a lot.19.作为一名高三学生,我们需要锻炼为了保持健康。As Senior 3 students, we need to do sports so that we can keep fit.2

31、0.这个校园非常漂亮,是一个学习的好地方。The campus is beautiful, which is a good place to study in.21.我很开朗,善于与人交流。Im sociable, easygoing and good at communicating with others.22.考试中作弊是错误的。It is wrong to cheat in the exam.23.你要半年以后才能从这所学校毕业。It will be half a year before you graduate from this school.24.即使面对困难,你也不应该灰心。Y

32、ou shouldnt lose heart even if you are in the face of difficulty.25.无论发生什么,我们也不能失去希望。Whatever may happen, we shall not lose hope.26.只要你坚持你的学习计划,你肯定能取得进步。As long as you stick to your plans for your study, you are sure to make great progress.27.活到老,学到老。Its never too old to learn.28.对于我们来说学好英语是很重要的。Its important for us to have a good knowledge of English.2

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