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1、关于态度的英文演讲稿关于态度的英文演讲稿1. 有关学习态度的100词左右的英语演讲含翻译 Attitude Determines Everything 态度打算一切 People who have a positive attitude will live with hope and strive hard, but negative attitude will influence someone in where he is directing to. 拥有乐观态度的人会满怀盼望地生活,但是消极的态度会影响人所要前进的方向。 Here, I would like to further ill

2、ustrate this by showing everyone a video. 在这里,我想请大家观看一个视频来进一步阐述此观点。 Although this is a funny video, but I would like to demonstrate that our learning journey is very subjective, our own attitude is conducting our own behaviour. We should learn with an upright attitude and treat our results optimisti

3、cally, and not do nothing till the eleventh hour or even cheat in the exams. 虽然这是一个搞笑的视频,但我表示的是,我们的学习过程是特别客观的,我们本身的态度左右着我们本身的行动。我们应当以耿直的态度来学习,乐观地对待成果,而不是临渴掘井亦或是考试作弊。 Life is so beautiful, we should stay optimistic and hope for things which are uplifting. 生活是如此美妙,我们应当保持乐观并渴望全部令人快乐的事物。 2. 【虚心和自信冲突么 Hu

4、mility and self-confidence is not in contradiction with each other,so you can show it at the same time,humble in success when not proud,not to show off to others,not just boast of themselves,but also in getting others praise when not cocky,not complacent.Smile is necessary,you can smile,SMILE but th

5、at is not proud of,look down on people laugh,so let others hate you.However,confidence in the face of danger is not afraid of the performance,do not be afraid when you have difficulties,and life will have to face the danger of harm,so there is courage.To be honest,self-confidence is to believe in yo

6、urself,courage is a source of spiritual sustenance and comfort,with confidence,you will have many,many countless things,and humility,and together will be an almost perfect synthesis,although more difficult,but if made,will become a very successful person.虚和自信相互并不冲突,所以可以同时表现出来的,虚心是在获得胜利的时候不傲慢,不向别人炫耀,

7、不任凭夸耀本人,也是在得到别人夸奖的时候不翘尾巴,不洋洋得意.笑容是必要的,可以是浅笑,也就是SMILE但是不行以是得意的、瞧不起人的笑,这样会让别人厌烦你的.然而自信则是在面对危急时不畏惧的表现,在有困难时不要可怕,直面危急和生活将要带来的损害,这样就有的士气.说实话,自信就是本人信任本人,是士气的来源,精神的寄予和劝慰,有了自信,就会拥有好多好多数不清的东西,和虚心和在一起就会合成一个近乎完善的人,虽然比较难,但是假如做成了,就会成为一个很胜利的人.。 3. 关于心态的英语演讲稿2 心态,即心理形态,英文psychology。有人说,心态打算命运,心态表示一个人的精神形态,一个人的心态,对

8、他的人生成长与进展会有很大的影响。好的心态不但可以让人更好得取得胜利,还能更好的享受生活,提高你的幸福程度。但是我们的心态是崎岖不定的,心态有好也有坏。 That mentality, mental state, English psychology. Someone said, attitude determines destiny, mind that a persons mental state, a persons state of mind, will have a great influence on his life growth and development. A good

9、attitude can not only make people better success, can enjoy life better, improve your level of happiness. But our attitude is fluctuating, the mentality of a good and bad. 4. 态度打算一切(attitude is everything)英文演讲稿 第一段和最终一段是我本人写的,两头的一段是从/positive_attitude.htm 网站上摘抄的,我只做了一点小改动。 你看看能否能用:) Attitude is ever

10、ything You practiced over and over again; you wanted it more than anyone; you studied the hardest, but in the end, you still didnt succeed. Each time you ask yourself, what happened and why. What I might suggest is that did you have a wrong attitude? Positive attitude helps us cope with the daily af

11、fairs of life more easily. It brings optimism into our life, and makes it easier to avoid worry and negative thinking. If we adopt it as a way of life, it will bring constructive changes into our life, and makes us happier, brighter and more successful. With a positive attitude we will see the brigh

12、t side of life, become optimistic and expect the best to happen. It is certainly a state of mind that is well worth developing and strengthening. So next time, you will practice just as much, still want it just as much, will study just as hard. What will be different is that you will also put on a s

13、mile. A positive attitude might just be the one thing that you need to succeed! 5. 英语演讲:以“attitude态度”为主题 I have been shocked many times by some accidents in my life through which I find Humans life is like a delicate vase that will break into pieces for some unexpected incidents. One day in the summ

14、er of last year, Wang, my friend, was watching a football match with his father. The match was too exciting for his fathers heart to bear so he suddenly fell down to the ground for the heart attack. 120 was soon dialed but Wangs father passed away at last. It was too cruel for Wang to see his father

15、 die in front of him, and also too difficult for me to accept the fact, because just several hours before his death, he picked Wang and me up at Pu Dong Airport and sent us back home. At that time, he was so healthy that no one would expect that he would die a few hours later. A few days later, I fo

16、und something wrong with my body.It was a cyst as big as a coin found under my cheek. I felt very worried because, as I know, a cyst in that place was very dangerous. I was put into hospital after the doctor decided to remove it. After I entered the room of patients, I was jaw dropping because the l

17、ooks of the patients were frightening, one person has a lump as big as a baseball on his face; another patients eyes were bruised too badly to be seen and an old mans teeth had been all knocked off because the doctor would do an operation in his throat. I felt lucky and was even satisfied with my il

18、lness in this situation. Life is really precious and delicate. Some people are bornblind or deaf. Some pass away in a minute. Some live in great pain even they are alive. We have no qualification to complain about some little unfairness in our life if we are healthy. We should care for our lives and

19、 make use of it as plentifully as possible. 6. 有关学习态度的英语作文 Adjust Our Attitude Towards Study Studying is important, but a right attitude towards study is more important. It is strange enough that many students still take marks as the most important thing. They study with the only purpose of getting

20、full marks. They ignore to improve their ability, so that they become people with high marks but low capacity in the society. 7. 写事物的态度的英语作文 以下是一篇关于描写食物的英语作文供参考, My Favorite Food I like many different kinds of food,eggs is my favorite kind.Eggs contain a lot of essential nutrients needed by the huma

21、n body,and its commonly found in almost any part of the world. Eggs are oval shaped spheres with a light brown color depending on the egg.Eggs is the basic ingredient to many dishes,like omelet and french toast.You can easily get eggs at any supermarkets,and they are sold for a very cheap price too.

22、After the eggs are acquired,it is best to crack it open into a pan or plate and stir it evenly.If the egg is to be pan fried,then just crack the egg into the boiling pan,and remember to flip sides. Eggs contain lots of nutrients and is a very good source of energy.Soldiers used to carry eggs to the

23、frontline as their food.Egg is my favorite kind of food. 8. 关于学习英语的态度和方法的英语演讲稿 爱好就培育起来了,用英语与别人或与老外交谈,提高英语学习爱好: Fluency,而且印象更深, patience,那么就需要通过本人对本人将英语来制造英语环境. Try to find some partners practicing oral English together and English corner is a good place as where we may exchange English study experie

24、nce. 4,收看英语电视节目;t read book without making notes. 努力查找学伴一起练习口语. If English partners are not easy to get. 假如找不到学伴或参与英语角的机会很少,我们就可以从英语学习中得到满意感和成就感. 假如时间允许. 3:流利-精确-恰当. To develop interest in English study is not very hard, we may read Mini Chinese-English dictionary carefully from cover to cover. Plan

25、s are always very essential,由于这样我们可以把所学英语与某些特定的场景联系起来以加深记忆. 5:千万不要干没有方案的傻事. D, so we must make some elaborate and workable plans before study, then we have to create an English environment ourselves by speaking English to ourselves,这样我们可以常常听一听来加深印象和减轻记忆负担.当然假如爱好培育得好. We may have the feeling of satis

26、faction and achievement from our English study when we are able to say something simple in English,通读小小汉英字典对于英语学习也关心很大. 制定英语学习方案太重要了, English TV programs.培育对英语的爱好并不难:(口语学习) A. 并且我们肯定要严格执行这些方案. 7. Never just memorize single English words,完成一小段后. B,坚持.请留意, to deepen our impression and to lighten our b

27、urden of memory. We may also record our notes on tapes so as to often listen to them easier,我们应当注意培育对英语学习的爱好. Watching English movies. As we know that notes are the summarization, 可适当减弱这方面的要求, which may help us widen our sight and master knowledge in all aspects, and Appropriateness. Notes should be

28、 made whenever we study any book. Part 2 Detailed methods(第2部分 详细方法) 1.英语角是个不错的地方, so this order of importance of oral English study should be followed,中心内容. We may follow this advice.更胜一畴的做法是把笔记录成音,还可以沟通英语学习阅历,那等于在铺张生命,我们都要作笔记,我们的理解和课本的缩略, talk with others or foreigners in English and act as others

29、, our understanding and the abbreviations of the books. And we should certainly carry out these plans to the letter. 请不要孤立地背英语单词. Sometimes it is needful to draw some tables and illustrations that are very impressive,忍耐,然后逐句直接口译成英文,自信和坚决都是很重要的, widen our sight and improve interest in English! 2, sel

30、f-confidence and determination are badly needed.请留意,我们立刻可以发觉我们口译的错误, listening to English songs and learn English on some special occasions are also excellent and vivid English learning ways as we may combine English with some certain scenes to deepen our memory.我们可以参照下面的忠告. This method is very effe

31、ctive and easy to insist on-interpreting Chinese-English novels or books; interpreters.如您所知,这种满意感和成就感很重要.笔记要比课本薄的多,去看书上的对应英文部分并与我们的口译进行比较. 优秀的性格也是英语学习的关键因素之一,我们可以较简单的记忆和常常复习他们. Excellent personality is one of the decisive factors in English study,英语口述本人正在作的事情. 无论学习什么.请背记包含生词的句子或词组:不作笔记就不要读书. Learn b

32、y heart the whole sentences and the phrases that contain the new words so we may know how to use the words,这样我们才真正能运用这些词汇, Accuracy. That is to say. 在英语学习之初,笔记是我们对所学课本的总结.他能关心我们扩大视野并全方位地把握所学学问, shortcomings and progresses in our interpretation. Persistence,所以我们必需在学习前制定精细的和可操作的方案.首先我们先读汉语部分. We study spoken English so as to make oral communications.当我们可以说点儿简洁的英语. Our notes are much thinner than the books so that we can learn them by heart easier and can often review and read them. 这种方法特别有效且很简单坚持-口译汉英对比(或英汉对比)的小说或其它读物,所以英语口语中的几个要素的重要次序应为,在那我们不

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