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1、定语从句复习定语从句在复合句中修饰名词或代词的从句叫做定语从句。别修饰的名词或代词叫先行词。引导定语从句的关系代词有:which, that, who, whom, whose。引导英语从句的关系副词有:where, when, why。1定语从句:修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。定语从句一般紧跟在它所修饰的先行词之后。2先行词:被定语从句修饰的词叫先行词。3关系词:引导定语从句的词叫关系词。 关系词有关系代词和关系副词。关系代词有that, which, who, whom, whose, as等;关系副词有when, where, why等。 关系词通常有下列三个作用:A、引导定语从句

2、;B、代替先行词;C、在定语从句中担当一个成分。 I have lost the book that/which my friend gave me for my birthday.1. who,whom,which, that ,whose, why 的使用一 用适当的关系代词或关系将两个分句连接起来: 1. Hes the famous scientist _ will give us a lecture next Thursday. 2. A good teacher is one _ students not only respect but also love. 5. At last

3、 the policeman found the man _ wallet was stolen on the bus. 6. The river _ flows slowly around our farm is shallow and clear. 7. The papers _ the policemen were searching for have been discovered here. 10. They finally arrived at an island _ name was very strange to them. 14. The first runner _ rea

4、ched the finishing line was my classmate. 15. The thing _ Id like to do now is to go out for a drive. 16.In the park she met an old friend, _ invited her to his house for a visit. 17.There was a search for Sophia, _ no one had seen for so many days. 18.Our teacher, _ wife fell ill yesterday, cannot

5、come to work today. 21.My dog, _ temper(脾气)is very bad, often barks (吠) at my family. 22.Last Monday I went to New York, _ I attended an important meeting. 23.He died of hunger during the war, _ we all suffered for lack of ( 缺乏)food. 24.Would you tell me the reason _ Tom refused to attend the party.

6、25.I still remember the day _ I first came to Beijing.26.Can you tell me the office _ he works?27.The man _ you met just now is my old friend.28.The man _ is walking on the playground is my old friend.29.A child _ parents are dead is called an orphan.定语从句的特殊情况练习1:1.Do you have anything _ you want to

7、 say for yourself?2.The only thing _ we can do is to give you some money.3.This is the most interesting film _ I have ever seen.4.What is the first American film _ you have seen?5.Do you know the things and persons _ they are talking about?1宜用that引导的定语从句1)序数词或最高级形容词修饰先行词时,要用that。 The first English n

8、ovel that I read was A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens.2) all, everything, nothing, something, anything 等不定代词作先行词时用that。 Everything that we saw in the factory greatly interested us.3) 先行词有两个,既有人也有物,要用that。 We were talking about the persons and things that we remembered in our school.4) 先行词前有th

9、e only, the very, the right等修饰时,要用that。 It is the very skirt that suits me well.练习2:1 Do you still remember the days _ we spent the summer holidays in Qingdao?2 Do you still remember the days _ we spent in Qingdao?3 August 8,2008 will be a special day _ the opening ceremony of the 29th Olympic Games

10、 will be held.4. August 8,2008 will be a special day _ we Chinese will remember forever.2.在某些情况下,虽然先行词是表示时间,地点或者原因,但是关系词不能用where 、when和why. 1 I want to know the date _ you were born.2 I have remember the date _ I forget just now.3 Do you know the reason _ he is absent today?4 That is the reason _ I

11、want to know.5 This is the factory _ his father works.6 This is the factory _ his father built.注意常常涉及到的一些动词:如visit,remember, forgetDo you still remember the chicken farm _ we visited three months ago? A. in which B. where C. to which D. that练习3 “介词+关系代词”型定语从句“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句 关系代词在定语从句中作介词宾语时,从句常常由“介

12、词+关系代词”引出。 注意: 含有介词的短语动词一般不拆开,介词仍放在短语动词的后面。如:look for, look after, take care of 等。 若介词放在关系代词前,关系代词指人时只可用whom,不可用who, that;关系代词指物时只可用which,不可用that。关系代词是所有格时用whose。 “介词+关系代词”前还可有some, any, none, all, both, neither, many, most, each, few等代词或者数词。This is the watch (which / that) I am looking for.The man

13、with whom you talked just now is my neighbour. He loves his parents deeply, both of whom are very kind to him. Up to now, he has written ten stories, three of which are about country life. 迄今为止,他写了部小说,其中部是关于农村生活的。 A:简单介词+关系代词 1 This is the house _ Lu Xun once lived.2 Do you know the boy _ _ they wer

14、e talking just now?3 The gentleman _ _ you told me yesterday proved to be a thief.4 This is the pen _ _ I wrote the letter .5 The beggar has no money _ _ he can buy food.6 The house _ _ they paid $30000 was burnt down in the big fire.在下列定语从句中,填入适当的介词。1. The pencil _ which he wrote was broken.2. He b

15、uilt a telescope _ which he could study the skies.3. The woman, _ whom I learned the news, is a nurse.4. The wolf _ which the sheep was killed was shot.5. She has three children, all _ whom are at school.6. There is a tall tree outside, _ which stands our teacher.7. My glasses, _ which I was like a

16、blind man, fell to the ground and broke.8. In the dark street, there wasnt a person _ whom she could turn for help.9. I was surprised at the way _ which he treated the old man.10. The age _ which children can go to school is seven.11. His bike _ which he went to work was stolen last night.12. Do you

17、 know the building _ which is flying a red flag?13. Ours is a beautiful school, _ which we are proud.14. The desk _ which Jack is leaning is Johns.15. He bought a book yesterday, the author _ which is a teacher.B:the+ 名词+of+关系代词 知识归纳:用于此结构的关系代词只有which。该结构表示所有关系, 口语中常用“whose + 名词”代替。非正式文体中可以用“of whic

18、h the +名词”。 (2000上海) Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase, _ was very reasonable. A. which price B. the price of which C. its price D. the price of whose C:表示部分的词语of关系代词 知识归纳:此时,指人的关系代词只能是whom, 指物的关系代词只能是which。表示部分的词语常见的有:不定代词all, both, none, neither, either, some, any, 数词(含基数词,序数词,分数和百分数);数词+名

19、词;the +最高级/比较级,以及表示数目或数量的词语many, most, few, several, enough, half a, a quarter。 1. (2004湖北卷) There are two buildings, _ stands nearly a hundred feet high. A. the larger B. the larger of them C. the larger one that D. the larger of which 2. (2004辽宁卷) The factory produces half a million pairs of shoes

20、 every year, 80% _ are sold abroad. A. of which B. which of C. of them D. of that 1He has two sons, _ work as chemists. A. two of whom B. both of whom C. both of which D. all of whom2. I have many books, some of _ are on chemistry. A. them B. that C. which D. those 3 In our factory there are 2,000 w

21、orkers, two thirds of _are women.A. them B. which C. whom D. who4. This is the house, _ window broke last night.This is the house, the window _ _ broke last night.This is the house, _ _ the window broke last night. 5 I have many friends, _ some are businessmen. A. of them B. from which C. who of D.

22、of whom 限制性定语从句(restrictive) 非限制性定语从句( non-restrictive )The teacher told me that Tom was the only person that I could depend on. 老师告诉我说汤姆是我唯一的可以依靠的人。 His mother, who loves him very much, is strict with him.他妈妈十分地爱他,对他要求很严格。限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句都是修饰名词和代词的一种从句,两者虽然性质相同,但在意义上和用法上有许多不同。 1.限制性定语从句是先行词在意义上不可缺少

23、的定语,如果去掉,主句的意思就不完整或失去意义。这种定语从句和主句的关系十分密切,书写时不用逗号分开。例如: I was the only person in my office who was invited. 我是办公室里唯一受到邀请的人。 He has found the hammer that he was looking for.他找到了他正在寻找的那把锤子2.非限制性定语从句同主句的关系不十分密切,只是对先行词作附加或补充的说明,不起限制的作用,如果省去,主句的意思仍然清楚完整。例如说“He has two brothers.”时,句意已经很明确了,但若要进一步说明“two bro

24、thers”的情况,可以在其后面加上 who live in Guilin 或 who can speak English 等非限制性定语从句。故非限制性定语从句仅仅是对意思已经相当明确的先行词加以补充说明,不起限制的作用。这类定语从句在书写时大多用逗号与主句分开。例如: Last week I met John, who seemed to be very excited.上星期我见到了约翰,他好像很兴奋。 The project, which lasted two years, cost five million dollars. 这项工程历时两年,耗资五百万美元。 3.非限制性定语从句对

25、所谈及的人或事物只提供进一步的说明或解释,它形式上是一个从句,但在功能上相当于一个分句,在意义上相当于一个状语,故可根据其句意改为并列句或状语从句。例如: The meeting, which was held in the park, was attended by 1000 people. The meeting was attended by 1000 people, and it was held in the park. 那次会议有一千人参加,它是在公园里举行的。 I dont like the boy, who is very lazy. I dont like the boy,

26、since he is very lazy. 我不喜欢这个男孩, (因为)他太懒惰了。 4.关系代词 who,whom,which 在限制性定语从句中作动词的宾语时往往可以省略,但在非限制性定语从句中不能省略。值得注意的是,关系代词 that 可引导限制性定语从句,但一般不可引导非限制性定语从句。例如: I know the man (whom) you mean. 我认识你指的那个人。 I happened to meet Li Hong, whom I didnt recognize at once. 我碰巧遇到李红,但并没有马上认出她来。 These are the pictures (

27、that / which) I took in Guilin.这些是我在桂林拍的照片。 These apple trees, which I planted three years ago, have not borne any fruit.这些苹果树是我三年前栽的,还没有结过果实。(不可将 which 改为 that) 5.限制性定语从句对先行词起限制的作用,非限制性定语从句对先行词起补充说明的作用,故两者的意义往往有别。例如: His brother, who is eighteen years old, is a PLA man. 他的哥哥是个解放军战士,现今十八岁。(说明他只有一个哥哥

28、) His brother who is eighteen years old is a PLA man. 他那个十八岁的哥哥是位解放军。 (说明他还有别的哥哥) All the books there, which have beautiful pictures in them, were written by him. 那里所有的书都是他写的, 书里附有漂亮的插图。 (说明那里没有除他以外的人写的书) All the books there which have beautiful pictures in them were written by him. 那里所有附插图的书都是他写的。

29、(暗示没有附插图的书不是他写的) 非限制性定语从句应注意以下几点:一、 非限制性定语从句通常不能用that引导。如: 1. I like the book, which was bought yesterday. 我喜欢这本书,这是昨天买的。 2. I like the book which / that was bought yesterday. 我喜欢昨天买的那本书。 二、 非限制性定语从句不能用why引导。要用for which代替why。如: 1. I had told them the reason, for which I didnt attend the meeting. 我已经

30、把理由告诉了他们,为此我没有去开会。 2. I had told them the reason why I didnt attend the meeting. 我告诉了他们我不去开会的理由。(限制性定语从句“the reason why.”是常见搭配。) 三、 非限制性定语从句置于句首时,不能用which引导。关系代词as引导非限制性定语从句位置比较灵活,可以放主句前,也可以放主句后。如: 1. As I expected, he didnt believe me. 正如我所预料的,他不相信我。 2. She heard a terrible noise, which brought her heart into her mouth. 她听到一个可怕的声音,这让她把心都提到嗓子眼了。 四、 非限制性定语从句由“介词+关系代词”引导时,其中的关系代词不能用as。如: 1. He bought the car for more than $20,000, with which his father was angry. 他花两万多美元买了这辆车,他父亲对此很生气。 2. I finished my work ahead of tim

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