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1、版人教版新目标英语七年级上Unit2Thisismysister重难点与练习第五课时 教学重难点一、 重点词汇短语1.sister 2.mother 3.mother 4.parent 5.grandmother 6.grandparent 8.those 9.who 10.these 11.they 12.have 14.son 15.cousin 16.grandpa 18. Aunt 19.grandma 21.uncle 22.daughter 25.of 27.picture

2、 28.girl 29.dog二、 重点句子:1. Are those your parents?-Yes, they are.2. Well, have a good day.3. This is my friend Jane. Thats my grandfather.4. These are my brothers. Those are my parents.5. Whos she? Shes my sister.6. Here are two nice photos of my family.7. My grandfather and grandmother are in the fi

3、rst photo. In the next picture are三、 语法:(一) 指示代词指示说明近处或者远处、上文或者下文、以前或者现在的人或事物。单数复数含义this(这个)these(这些)指较近的人和物that(那个)those(那些)指较远的人和物such (这样的人/物)指上文提过的人和物same (同样的人/物)指和上文提过的相同的人和物it (这人/这物)指不太清楚是谁或者是什么时指示代词既可以单独使用做句子的主语、宾语或表语,也可以作定语修饰名词。如:Whats this?(这是什么?) / That model plane is made of plastic.(那只

4、模型飞机是塑料做的)(被动句) / Remember never to do such things.(记得永远不要做这样的事情) / Do the same as the teacher tells you. (按老师说的做)/ -Who is it?(是谁?) -Its me!(是我!)(二) 名词1. 规则可数名词的复数形式:名词的复数形式,一般在单数形式后面加-s或-es。现将构成方法与读音规则列表如下:规则例词1一般情况在词尾加-smap-maps, girl-girls, day-days2以s, x, ch, sh结尾的名词后加-esclass-classes, watch-wa

5、tches, dish-dishes3以-f或-fe结尾的词变-f和-fe为v再加-esthief-thieves, knife-knives, wife-wives加-sbelief-beliefs, , roof-roofs, 4以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,变y为i加-esparty-parties, family-families, story-stories, 5以元音字母加y结尾的名词,或专有名词以y结尾的,加-stoy-toys, boy-boys, day-days, 6以辅音字母加-o结尾的名词一般加-eshero-heroes, potato-potatoes, tomato-

6、tomatoes不少外来词加-spiano-pianos, photo-photos, 7以元音字母加-o结尾的名词加-sradio-radios, zoo-zoos2. 不规则可数名词复数:英语里有些名词的复数形式是不规则的,现归纳如下:规则例词1改变名词中的元音字母或其他形式man-men, woman-women, foot-feet, 2单复数相同sheep, deer, series, means, works, fish, 3只有复数形式trousers, clothes, glasses, 4一些集体名词总是用作复数people, police, cattle5部分集体名词既可以

7、作单数(整体)也可以作复数(成员)class, family, group, government, population, team, public, party6表示“某国人”加-sAmericans, Australians, Germans, Greeks, Swedes, Europeans单复数同形Chinese, Japanese以-man或-woman结尾的改为-men,-womenEnglishmen, Frenchwomen常用口诀表示民族的名词顺口溜(1)“中、日、瑞”友好是一致。(2)“英、法”联盟a变e。(3)其他一律加s即Chinese,Japanese单复数同形;


9、tobaccos1)2)两人两菜一火山。(+es)小学中学课本中以o结尾的名词构成复数时,加es的只有negro(黑人),hero(英雄),potato(土豆),tomato(西红杮),volcano(火山),这就是“两人两菜一火山”。或:黑人和英雄吃土豆和西红柿Negroes and heroes eat tomatoes and potatoes)2)其余以o结尾的名词变复数时均加s。图景:你在“zoo”里,看见一要“bamboo”,上面挂着一张“photo”,所照的是一架“piano”,上面放着一台“radio”。zoo-zoos,bamboo-bamboos,photo-photos,


11、ief,proof,handkerchief。编成口诀联想: 海湾边、屋顶上,首领农仆相望;谁说他们无信仰,语气定在手帕上 巧记不规则名词单变复 男女脚步牙鹅,老鼠加虱婆。man-men;woman-women;foot-feet;tooth-teeth;goose-geese;mouse-mice;louse-lice.(三) 名词所有格(注意所有格的读音和名词复数的读音一样。)1、 名词所有格表示所属关系,相当于物主代词,在句中作定语、宾语或主语。其构成法如下:(1)表示人或其它有生命的东西的名词常在词尾加s。如:Childerns Day(儿童节), my sisters book(我姐

12、姐的书)(2)以s或es结尾的复数名词。只在词尾加。如:Teachers Day(教师节)(3)有些表示时间、距离以及世界、国家、城镇等无生命的名词,也可在词尾加s. 如:todays newspaper(今天的报纸), ten minutes break(十分钟的课间休息),Chinas population(中国的人口).(4)无论表示有生命还是无生命的东西的名词,一般均可用介词of短语来表示所有关系。如:a fine daughter of the Party(党的好女儿).2、注解: s还可以表示某人的家或者某个店铺,如:my aunts(我阿姨家), the doctors(诊所)

13、两人共有某物时,可以采用 A and Bs 的形式,如:Lucy and Lilys bedroom(露西和丽丽合住的卧室) “of+名词所有格/名词性物主代词”,称为双重所有格,如:a friend of my fathers(我父亲的一位朋友), a friend of mine(我的一位朋友)2.短语所有格有生命的名词,我们用s结构来表示所有关系,如果是无生命的,我们就要用名词+of+名词的结构来表示。The window of the house(这间房子的窗户)注意当s所有格用来表示事物类别或属性时不可用of所有格。如:男式鞋应是mens,而不是shoes of men。3.of+名

14、词所有格of+名词所有称为双重所有格,使用时要注意以下几项。1)表示部分时,前面的词一定要有a,an,some,any,few,two,no,several(几个)之类有修饰语,不能是one和the。如可说:a book of my brothers我兄弟的一本书不说:books of my brothers或book of my brothers.2)当带有感情色彩时,可用the ,this ,that ,these ,those于名词前。如the pretty daughter of your sisters 你姐姐的漂亮的女儿Did you read that book of Lu Xu

15、ns? 你读过鲁迅的那本书吗?3)of前面的名词不能是专有名词。如不说:this is john of his uncles.4)of 后面的名词必须是特定的。如these books of my friends are good 我朋友的这些书很好。5)of 后面的名词必须是指人的名词。比较不说it is a leaf of the trees. A picture of my father指的是爸爸本人的照片。注意of所有格和双重所有格有时可以交替使用,意义无甚区别。如a friend of my brothera friend of my brothers 测试点a car of Bet

16、tys cars ,不可换为a car of Betty.。Jims and toms fathers are in the same office now.吉姆的父亲的汤姆父亲目前在同一办公室。练习题一、根据题意,用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Mary is a friend of _. ( I )2. This is _ ( she ) ruler. _ ( I ) is in the bag. 3. Her brother is too young to look after _ ( he )4. This is _ ( I ) book. This book is _ ( I ).5.

17、 These pens are _ ( we ).二、填空1Shes a teacher . This is _ bag.2. Hes a driver. This is _ taxi.3. I am a boy . _ name is Peter.4. -Whats _ name? - My name is Tony.5. Its my puppy. _ name is Mimi.6. _ book is it ? Its _. A. Whoseher B. Whose hers C. Whohers D. Whom Her三、填写下列表格。人称代词我我们你,你们他她它他们主 格宾 格形容词

18、性物主代词名词性物主代词四、改写下列句子Eg, This is my book. - The book is mine.1. That is her ruler. _2. These are their footballs. _3. This is my backpack . _4. Those are your boxes. _五、改错1.This is mine map. _2.These are ours books._名词复数及所有格:一、写出下列各词的复数 I _ him _ this _ her watch child photo _ diary day_ foot_ book_

19、dress _tooth_ sheep _ box_ strawberry thief _ peach_ sandwich man woman_ computer _ apple _ city_house_tomato _potato _glass _radio _ zoo _ life _ wife story _ leaf _ baby _dress _butterfly _deer_class _ brush _key _plane tree lesson month fox piano hero knife 二、汉译英1.Tom的足球 _ 2.老师们的自行车_3.学生们的课桌 4.哥哥

20、的文具盒 5.姑姑的卡片 _ 6.猴子们的香蕉 7.蚂蚁们的早餐 _ 8.妈妈的包 9.姐姐的连衣裙 10女孩们的苹果 三、改错 (圈出错处,在横线上改正过来)1.There are some butterflys on the table. _2.This is Alice dress. _3.I like tomato very much. _4.The house is my brother. _5.He has visited many country. _6. They are Englishs. _7. This is Tom red bike. _四、将下列句子变成复数形式。1T

21、his dog is brown._2. There is a book and a pen on the table._3.That woman is a teacher. 4.This sheep is white._5. There is a desk and a chair in the room._6.That man is a doctor._五、选择填空1There are two _ in the room. A. Chineses B. English2.The old man will have _ out. A. two tooths B. two teeth3. _ a

22、re sold in this bookstore. A. Childrens books B. Children books4. Some friends of _ will come here. A. Johns B. John 5. Can you give me _?A. some papers B. a piece of paper6.There are _ on the floor.A. some box B. some boxes六、完形填空Li li look 1 the picture. Its 2 picture of our classroom. In the pictu

23、re, you can see some desks 3 chairs. 4 the blackboard, you can see two black and white cats. A map is 5 the door. Its a map 6 Beijing. Under the 7 desk is a ball, but you cant see it. The girl in the hat is my good friend Kate. She is a new student. She is 8 English girl. She looks 9 Lucy . But they

24、 arent 10 . ( )1.A. in B. at C. to D. on( )2.A.a B. an C. the D./( )3.A.or B. but C. and D. there( )4.A. In B. Of C. At D. On( ) B. in C. under D. behind( )6.A. of B. on C. in D. for( )7.A. teacher B. teachers C. teachers D. of teacher( )8.A. / B. the C. an D. a( ) B. after C. like D. th

25、e same( )10.A. boys B. girls C. twins D. students7、阅读理解lot of boys and girls in Western Countries are wearing the same kinds of clothes, and many of them have long hair, so it is often difficult to tell whether they are boys or girls. One day, an old man went for walk in a park in Washington, and wh

26、en he was tired, he sat down on a bench. A young person was standing on the other side. My goodness! the old man said the person next to him on the bench. Do you see that person with long hair? Is it a boy or a girl? A girl, said his neighbour. Shes my daughter. Oh! the old man said quickly. Please forgive me, I didnt know that you were her mother. Im not, said the other person, Im her father.1. Some of the boys Western Countries look like girls because _. A. they are not tall enough B. they walk

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