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2、yanx)手段#2:举例论证(详见第53期军火库)句型1:Numerous examples can be given, but this/these will suffice.(用于举例之前)(微信号:kaoyanx)句型2:I can think of no better illustration than the following one(s).(用于举例之前)句型3:This/these case(s) effectively clarify that.(用于举例之后)表示举例的关联词:a case in point(一个恰当的例子)after allas a proofas an

3、illustrationas an examplefor example/for instancein particularjust asnamelyspecifically(特别的)that isto illustrateto demonstrate手段#3:利弊对比(详见第55期军火库)手段#4:联系现实常用词汇:represent:代表symbolize:象征epitomize:是.的缩影be naturally associated with.:自然与.联系起来3.小结,概括论证,总结本段,1句。第三段,归纳结论/建议措施(4句话)1.结论句,呼应象征寓意,1句。(微信号:kaoyan


5、 Mr. Wang,Dear+名,比如:Dear Bob,Dear+头衔,比如:Dear Mr. manager, Dear editor,如果题目中没有告知明确的收信人是谁,称呼这样写:(1)Dear Sir or Madam,(2)To whom it may concern,注意:无论哪一种称呼,后面的标点符号都是逗号。(微信号:kaoyanx)2.正文正文有2种书写格式:缩进式(常用格式):即每个段落的开头空4个字母,段与段之间没有空行(微信号:kaoyanx)。齐头式:即每个段落的开头都顶格写,段与段之间必须空一行。3.结尾礼词有2种情况:如果写公务信函,结尾礼词写Yours sin

6、cerely,(或:Sincerely yours,),Yours faithfully,。如果给比较亲密的人(比如同学、父母、朋友)写信,结尾礼词写Yours,即可(微信号:kaoyanx)。4.署名看题目要求写署名。每次考书信写作,题目要求中都有这样一句话:Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use Li Ming instead.此时,你署Li Ming就可以。第二,书信写作套路与句式很明显,书信重点在正文。而写正文特别注意三点:1.开门见山说意图第一段第一句话必须说明写信目的。可套用以下句型:I am writing

7、this letter to appreciate.(感谢信)I am writing this letter to apologize for.(道歉信)I am writing this letter to apply for.(申请信/求职信)I am writing this letter to complain about.(投诉信)I am writing this letter to inquire about.(咨询信)2.感谢客气不能少写信的目的都是求人办事,所以,一定要感谢对方。下面是2句“感谢客套话”,可任选其一,放在书信最后一段的第一句。I really appreci

8、ate your attention to my letter/request.(我真的非常感谢你对我这封信(我这个请求)的关注)(微信号:kaoyanx)I am really grateful for your consideration of my request.(你能考虑我的请求,我表示衷心感谢)(微信号:kaoyanx)3.期待回信要记牢书信写到最后,就是要期待对方回信了。下面是2句话,可任选其一,放在书信最后一段的第二句(注:最后一段共2句话)。I am looking forward to your reply as soon as possible.(我期待您能尽快回信)I

9、am looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.(我希望您能在方便时尽快回复)(微信号:kaoyanx)4.补充说明小作文写作时间最好控制在15分钟之内;最好写满120个单词。虽然试卷要求“no less than 100 words”,但超出阅卷人期待总有意外收获。第一,第一句话的任务是评价图画的价值,应该写成:“这幅图画虽然简单但是令人深思。”注:务必牢记以下四个句型,考场上可任选其一。句型如下:This cartoon(picture/drawing) is humorous but significant.(这

10、幅卡通(图画)很幽默但是意义深远)The cartoon is simple but reveals a profound meaning.(这幅图很简单却揭示了深刻的意义)(微信号:kaoyanx)The drawing above is really thought-provoking.(上面这幅图的确令人深思)The drawing does mirror a common social phenomenon and is really thought-provoking.(这幅图确实反映了一个普遍的社会现象而且的确令人深思)(微信号:kaoyanx)第二,第二句话的任务是描述图画,分为

11、两种情况:描述人物和描述物体。1.描述人物重点是描述两个动作,套用下面公式:如图所示,次要动作,sb. is doing/do 主要动作注:次要动作一般是V+ing形式,或者with+名词的形式。(微信号:kaoyanx)举例如下:例1:As is vividly depicted in the photo(如图所示), wearing traditional Chinese costume(次要动作), an American girl is smiling(主要动作)to us.(2002年真题“中西文化交流”)(微信号:kaoyanx)例2:As is vividly depicted

12、in the photo(如图所示), sitting in a barbershop(次要动作), a young man spent(主要动作)300 Yuan on his hairstyle of Beckham.(2006年真题“偶像崇拜”)(微信号:kaoyanx)2.描述物体套用下面公式:如图所示,there is a sth./sb. which/who .(定语从句)例1:As vividly depicted in the drawing(如图所示), there is a boiling pot which hold various ingredients() of cu

13、ltures.(定语从句)(2010年真题“文化营养要均衡”)(微信号:kaoyanx)例2:As shown in the picture above(如图所示), there is a house with many rooms in which there sit some people communicating with each other through Internet.(定语从句)(2009年真题“互联网的远与近”)(微信号:kaoyanx)现在,你已经拥有了两个描写公式,足够用了。特别注意#1,如果有两幅图,就需要写两个句子,每一幅图用一句话描述。(微信号:kaoyanx)

14、特别注意#2,“如图所示”句型总结如下:句型1:According to(或:As can be seen from, 或:As shown in, 或:Its clear/apparent from) the picture/cartoon/figure/illustration, .句型2:The picture/cartoon/figure/illustration shows/reveals/suggests/illustrates/demonstrates/indicates/depicts/describes that.(微信号:kaoyanx)第三,第三句话是关键,其任务是说出图

15、画要揭示一个什么社会问题或者现象。这类似于主旨句。例如,2006年真题“偶像崇拜”第一段的第三句话可以这么写:There is no doubt that the cartoon above reveals and reflects a common and serious phenomenon in China idol worship() among young generations.(微信号:kaoyanx)第三句话可套用以下句型:句型#1:There is no denying that the picture implies that.句型#2:The purpose of thi

16、s picture is to show us that.(微信号:kaoyanx)句型#3:It seems to me that the picture is sending the message that.句型#4:What is conveyed in the picture goes far beyond merely an issue of.Instead, it carries the message that.(微信号:kaoyanx)句型#5:There is no doubt that the cartoon above reveals and reflects a co

17、mmon and serious phenomenon in China .大作文结尾段高分写法:三类型模板秒杀大作文结尾注:对于图画作文,根据负面、正面、利弊兼有三种社会现象提供结尾段的三种类型的模板。第一,负面型如果图画中的社会现象是负面(比如2011年的“旅游景点的污染”),则结尾段就写成“总结归纳+解决措施”。如何写“解决措施”呢?下面是万能措施超级模板,只有5句话,直接套用即可。1.万能措施超级模板第1句:总论,说明采取解决措施的迫切性。第2、3、4句:陈述政府、公民和个人三方面的解决措施。第5句:说明美好的前景。模板具体如下:Accordingly, it is imperativ

18、e() for us to take drastic and effective measures to.In the first place, we can appeal to() the government to make some strict laws and regulations to.In the second place, we must enhance()/cultivate() citizens awareness everybodys responsibility. In the third place, as for ourselves, we oug

19、ht to take practical actions to.Only in this way can we have opportunities to come.(微信号:kaoyanx)其中:措施一(宏观,第句):我们要向政府呼吁制定出严格的法律和规章来.措施二(中观,第句):我们要加强公民的意识,.是每个人的责任。(微信号:kaoyanx)措施三(微观,第句):对于我们自己而言,也要采取实际行动去.注:任何负面现象都可以用这三个措施解决。(微信号:kaoyanx)2.实战示例(话题:保护野生动物)注:只需添加几个关键词即可。Accordingly, it is im

20、perative() for us to take drastic and effective measures to protect the wildlife. In the first place, we can appeal to() the government to make some strict laws and regulations to prevent them from being caught and killed. In the second place, we must enhance()/cultivate() citizens awareness that lo

21、ving the nature and wildlife is everybodys responsibility.In the third place, as for ourselves, we ought to take practical actions to protect our living environment and wild animals. Only in this way can we have opportunities to expect a beautiful world and a bright future to come.(微信号:kaoyanx)第二,正面

22、型如果图画中的社会现象是正面(比如2008年“合作精神”),则结尾段就写成“总结归纳+弘扬提倡”。如何写“弘扬提倡”呢?下面是万能弘扬超级模板,只有5句话,不管是什么好事,直接套用即可。1.万能措施超级模板第1句:总论,肯定这件事的重大意义。第2、3、4句:陈述媒体、政府和个人三方面去弘扬这件事的做法。第5句:说明美好的希望。模板具体如下:Considering every aspect of this positive phenomenon, we should bear in mind() that.(此处写作文话题) is of great significance to both ou

23、r society and ourselves. Therefore, mass media, such as radios, televisions and Internet, should make every effort to propaganda() and advocate() it. In addition, the government has the responsibility to educate every citizen to.Last but not the least, as for ourselves, we ought to take practical ac

24、tions to.In conclusion, we have every reason to be convinced that we can achieve more achievements through.(微信号:kaoyanx)其中:弘扬一(第句):媒体弘扬弘扬二(第句):政府教育(微信号:kaoyanx)弘扬三(第句):从我做起注:任何正面现象都可以通过这三个层面去宣传。(微信号:kaoyanx)2.实战示例(话题:合作精神)Considering every aspect of this positive phenomenon, we should bear in mind()

25、 that cooperation spirit is of great significance to both our society and ourselves. Therefore, mass media, such as radios, televisions and Internet, should make every effort to propagandise() and advocate() it. In addition, the government has the responsibility to educate every citizen to learn to

26、cooperate with other people. Last but not the least, as for ourselves, we ought to take practical actions to cultivate the awareness of cooperation of our own. In conclusion, we have every reason to be convinced that we can achieve more achievements through joint efforts with our colleagues() and co

27、mpanions().(微信号:kaoyanx)第三,利弊兼有型如果图画中的社会现象是利弊兼有(比如2009年“互联网的远与近”),则结尾段就写成“总结归纳+客观评价”。如何写“客观评价”呢?下面是万能评价超级模板,只有3句话,直接套用即可。1.万能评价超级模板Taking all factors into consideration, we may come to(或arrive at) a conclusion that there is nothing wrong for sb. to do.However(或Nevertheless), if the extent of

28、., they misunderstand the significance of.As a result(或In my point of view), all social members, young and old, men and women, should take a reasonable attitude towards.instead of.blindly.(微信号:kaoyanx)2.实战示例(话题:老年人养宠物)Taking all factors into consideration, we may arrive at a conclusion that there is

29、 nothing wrong forthe aged generationstokeep pets.Nevertheless, if theylove their petsto the extent ofignoring their families, thier children and even their friends,they misunderstand the significance ofprotecting the animals.In my point of view, all social members, young and old, men and women, sho

30、uld take a reasonable attitude towardskeeping petsinstead ofspoiling themblindly.(微信号:kaoyanx)附:补充说明针对图画反映的三类社会现象:正面、负面和利弊兼有,哇魔力给出了对应的写作模式:第一,负面:解决措施+总结归纳第二,正面:弘扬提倡+总结归纳(微信号:kaoyanx)第三,利弊兼有:客观评价+总结归纳而且,哇魔力还给出了如何写“解决措施”、“弘扬提倡”和“客观评价”的万能模板,只需填入很少的关键词进去即可!考试时,你只需分清正面、负面和利弊兼有中的哪一种情况,然后直接套用对应的模板即可。(微信号:k

31、aoyanx)千万别忘了,结尾还有一个任务:总结归纳。写“总结归纳”,套用下面公式即可:总结归纳=总而言之+经过分析+不难发现+重申主题1.表示“总而言之”的词组有:all in allin conclusionto concludein generallygenerally speakingto sum up2.表示“经过分析”的句型有:if we take a careful consideration, .taking all factors into consideration, .for the reasons presented above, .3.表示“不难发现”的句型有:it is not difficult to reach the conclusion is appropriate to support the statement that.把上面的“总

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