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1、江南大学成人学历教育江南大学成人学历教育毕业设计(论文)说明书专业: 英语教育 姓名: 题目:立足课堂 培养口语 日 期: 2010 年 4 月 9 日目录1. 目录2. 毕业论文(设计)任务书3. 毕业论文的中文摘要4. 毕业论文的正文5. 参考文献江南大学成人学历教育江南大学英语 学院(系) 英语教育 专业毕 业任 务 书一、题目及专题1、题目 立足课堂 培养口语2、专题 英语教育 二、课题来源及选题依据: 一、 本设计(论文或其他)应达到的要求: 四、接受任务学生: 班 姓名 五、开始及完成日期:自 年 月 日至 年 月 日六、开始(论文)指导(或顾问) 指导教师 签名 签名 签名 教研

2、室主任 签名 院长(系主任) 签名 年 月 日毕业论文的英文摘要Abstract: Modern English, more and more emphasis on students use of English and communication, it is particularly important spoken, middle school English teaching purpose is to enable students to master some basic knowledge of English, students initially use the Engli

3、sh language. To achieve this objective, we have to change the teacher-centered teaching, emphasis on grammatical structure of the analysis, explanation, and the machinery of the sentence of teaching practice. This teaching goes against the quality of education to students as the main principle, but

4、also a departure from the basic rules of English teaching. Therefore, teachers must be student-centered, to enhance training guide, increase student self-activity,To develop students self-learning ability.Key words: oral English training platform to strengthenTeaching guide to improve oralEnglish as

5、 a language, learning primarily for use, such use is increasingly reflected in the oral communication. So, as English, usually speaking on the training of students should be strengthened, focusing on oral communication, which allows students to use English better. Allow them to get the usual oral co

6、mmunication in English using an intuitive, that is, access to language sense, thereby changing the exam-oriented education has long been under the dumb English conditions. I am on how to implement the new curriculum, students with proficiency in English, to talk about their own practice points.I, to

7、o well spoken three tests that create the conditions for the spoken language training.First, sound off. The correct pronunciation clear, is spoken of the first off. Living environment in the Chinese people, to accurately grasp the pronunciation of a foreign language, requires a deliberate process of

8、 pursuing. Learn to have a pronounced lip and part of stage attention. May wish to reluctantly some exaggerated some, like the Peking Opera as a character asks, excessive to nip potential. The correct pronunciation habits, will gradually become natural. We hear foreigners speak Chinese, only their p

9、ronunciation and wonder, would they not without effort and that the Chinese people as well. Without accurate stage deliberately seek naturalThis issue is only a dubious sound, somewhat like in general, but far from the correct sound.Some sound made inaccurate, mainly lip and part not in place. If yo

10、ur in pronunciation, it is difficult to distinguish the correct pronunciation or not other people. Too pronounced to be strictly related requirements to practice scrupulous, just Shunshundangdang Left to itself, often the last to learn the only ambiguous voice, not a right. English pronunciation mai

11、nly by imitation and repeated listening, you can listen to the teachers pronunciation, it is best to listen to tapes of pronunciation, and only correct pronunciation is the first step in learning English.Second, the relevant sentence: Sentence is in their mind to establish an important part of forei

12、gn language context. Master sentence requirement is not only in the brain, store enough sentence, but also flexible in use for the transfer. English has many specific scenes, atmosphere and the corresponding specific sentence. Use these phrases to express recommendation, request, order, comfort, bla

13、ming, excitement, anger and feelings of different requirements. Such sentences are generally short, mostly simple sentences, they express a variety of claims under all circumstances. To achieve fluency, they must be familiar with and master a variety of specific conditions of a particular sentence,R

14、apid formation of a specific scene to the language of response capability.Control method is to memorize the sentence and impromptu speeches. Learning a foreign language must recite a good article, good sentence, a good sentence can create many good sentences. Memorize 50 sentences, you will get bett

15、er oral; then back 50 sentences, spoken at a level you; If we continue to memorize 50 sentences, you will enter a new oral realm. Not require students to fathom fine, detailed analysis of each lesson for each one, but to remember the extent to in verse. In fact, not entirely recited, often back to a

16、 certain number of classes formed in my mind a foreign language context, the establishment of a sense of language.Familiar with is that the first question, as long as the reading was clear, only to become fluent. Old saying, a stiff current, not write it aloud, is the truth.Skilled second sentence i

17、s an impromptu speech. The subject of the speech should be a bit wide, instead of always My classroom My family, such as talking about the topic of Beijing, some students just say Beijing is the capital of China, the following have no idea going to say. In fact, there are many topics to talk about.

18、For example: the history of Beijing, universities, parks, transportation, streets, buildings and modern construction, but also can introduce their own topics of interest to sports, drama, literature or the novel to talk about. Some students strong self-esteem, fear of mistakes, not mouth.Impromptu s

19、peech is to ask students to overcome their inferiority and shyness, a bold mouth, used in a relaxed atmosphere to talk in English, will learn the sentence for the conversation, the topic into their own familiar topics and express law.Finally, the relevant vocabulary: to improve speaking ability in t

20、he third, the vocabulary. Vocabulary to solve the expression good bad key. Sentence on the basis of the master it makes sense to expand vocabulary. Expanding vocabulary, the need to remember some common words, emergency words. By using frequency, using the range, about 5000 or so daily oral vocabula

21、ry is enough to exchange. Oral vocabulary is different from the written words, spoken words in the vocabulary used by the majority of simple spelling, pronunciation smooth, mostly short words, simple words, common words. There are some universal words, such as go, make do and so on, these words in s

22、poken usage of a very activeExpression lively, concise, content rich exception. To master a dozen such words, you can apply a variety of sentence patterns, the ease of exchange in spoken language. Therefore, teachers should try to use some short words, short sentences, and taught English to teach En

23、glish to explain the meaning of difficult sentences and texts. English students studied English, hear clearly, understand and accurate, so the actual capacity of students to use English will be increased.Second, the English-speaking students used to enhance spoken language training.In the classroom,

24、 to encourage students to train well in a variety of sentence patterns, language teachers should create the environment, pay attention to situational dialogue, not isolation of teaching the word, and strive to cultivate good habits of the English-speaking students. (1) for various training. Sentence

25、 in the training of students, each school of a sentence must be achieved through repetition, imitation, substitution, conversion, expansion and other training, to achieve proficiency for students speaking English at first used to lay the foundation should be very easy Jinchu sentence start. Such as:

26、 Sit down, please, Good morning, Han mei mei, How are you?. Then play a role in the dialogue.With the clear language teachers introduced to the students, and tell the significance of this new structure and syntax of the form. (2) make repeated exchanges. Had finished sentence, if the students reache

27、d the level of understanding, teachers should gradually create the context of some exchange activities, such as the introduction scene activities: go shopping (go Shopprng), to allow a student to play salesman, to another a play customer, Can I help you How much are . . let the two students to use e

28、veryday language to speech communication or internship buying and selling the event. Through this exchange, so that students truly master the English language daily communicationUsage. This school used, in the use of secondary schools, will make use of linguistic forms associated with the language,

29、is used to train students to speak English good way.Third, students interested in oral communication.In the normal course of classroom teaching, when we learn a new phrase and sentence when given the typical listen in, shall support and encourage students to make sentences. Students will listen as l

30、ong as the read the sentences will be very happy scrambling. Some sentences or even the wonderful surprise. This would not only enable students to easily and effectively learn new phrases, new sentence, but also for the formation of oral laid a solid foundation.On this basis, to encourage students t

31、o apply what they made sentences for dialogue and exchange, not only a good grasp of the language learning materials, but also greatly interested in developing their oral communication.4, for oral communication training. In the English study, using what we learn in the text, so that students try to

32、adapt their oral language, repeating some of the longer text. In carrying out this activity before the first day to allow students to make adequate preparations. Without limiting the students to write an outline, or even to allow pre-written. As oral and written expression are closely linked. As long as students do not see verbally repeat a written outlin

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