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1、甘肃省张掖二中届高三上学期月考英语试题育才班张掖二中20122013学年度高三月考试卷(10月)高三英语(育才班)第一卷(共100分)第一部分:听力第一节(共5小题;每小题15分,满分75分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题每段对话仅读一遍。1What does the man like about the play?AThe story BThe ending CThe actor2Which place are the speakers trying

2、to find?Ahotel Bbank Crestaurant3At what time will the two speakers meet?A5:20 B5:l0 C4:404What will the man do?AChange the plan BWait for a phone call CSort things out5What does the woman want to do?ASee a film with the man BOffer the mall some help CListen to some great music第二节(共1 5小题:每小题15分,满分22

3、5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟:听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6Where is Ben?AIn the kitchen BAt school CIn the park7What will the children do in the aftrenoon?AHelp set the table BHave a party CDo their homework听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8What are th

4、e two speakers talking about?AA family holiday BA business trip CA travel plan9Where did Rachel go?ASpain BItaly CChina听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10How did the woman get to know about third-hand smoke?AFrom young smokers BProm a newspaper article CFrom Some smoking parents11Why does the man say that he should

5、 keep away from babies?AHe has just become a father BHe wears dirty clothes CHe is a smoker12What does the woman suggest smoking parents should do?AStop smoking altogether BSmoke only outside their houses CReduce dangerous matter in cigarettes听第9段材料,回答第l 3至l 6题。13Where does Michelle Ray come from?AA

6、 middle-sized city BA small town CA big city 14Which place would Michelle Ray take her visitors to for shopping?AThe Zen Garden BThe Highlands CThe Red River area15What does Michelle Ray do for complete quiet?AGo camping BStudy in a library CRead at home16What are the speakers talking about in gener

7、al?ALate -night shopping BAsian food CLouisville听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17Why do some people say they never have dreams according to Dr Garfield?AThey forget about their dreams BThey dont want to tell the truth CThey have no bad experiences18Why did Davis stop having dreams?AHe got a serious heart attack

8、BHe was too sad about his brothers death CHe Was frightened by a terrible dream19What is Dr Garfields opinion about dreaming?AIt is very useful BIt makes things worse CIt prevents the mind from working20Why do some people turn off their dreams completely?ATo sleep better BTo recover from illnesses C

9、To stay away from their problems第二部分:英语知识运用(共三节,满分60分)第一节:单项填空(共30小题;每小题1分,满分30分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 21. Shall we take _ short break? I want to make _ call.A. the; a B. a; the C. the; the D. a; a22. She _ down her book and _ in bed.A. lay; laid B. laid; lay C. lay; lay D. laid

10、; laid23. Where does your little daughter want to go during her holiday ?She is always looking forward to _ to the Wu Yi Mountain.A. take B. taking C. being taken D. be taken24. The loud noise outside _ our teachers voice so that we didnt _ what he was saying. A. put out; hear B. drowned; make out C

11、. cut out; recognize D. threw away; know25. Why, Jack, you look so tired! Well, I _the house and I must finish the work tomorrow. A. was painting B. have been painting C. have painted D. will be painting26. I think the student ought to be punished. He shouldnt _ cheating in the exam.A. come up with

12、B. get along with C. get away from D. get away with27. My English-Chinese dictionary has disappeared. Who _ have taken it? A. should B. must C. could D. would28. In my opinion, friends are more reliable than online ones.A. real B. true C. close D. good29. She promised to _ at the meeting but she did

13、nt _. A. turn up; keep her word B. present; keep her promise C. attend; turn up D. appear; keep her words30. Did you enjoy yourself at the party?Yes , Ive never been to _ one before.A. a more excited B. the most excited C. a more exciting D. the most exciting 31. _in a white uniform, he looks more l

14、ike a cook than a doctor. A. Dressed B. To dress C. Dressing D. Having dressed32. Why cant I smoke here?At no time _ in the meeting room.A. is smoking permitted B. smoking is permitted C. does smoking permit D. smoking does permit33. _ your son has no interest in piano, there is no point pushing him

15、 to learn it.A. Now that B. So that C. Even if D. As if 34. She has been working hard day and night, which of course, _ her pale face.A. accounts for B. stands for C. goes for D. answer for35. _ excited Geoff Marcy most was _ there were planets in other solar system where life might exist.A. It; if

16、B. That; whether C. What; whether D. What; that36. The father made a promise _his daughter worked hard, he would take her to visit Huangshan. A. if B. that C. whether D. that if37. There are so many tall trees in the forest, _ . A. some of them measures 50 metres B. some of which measuring 50 metres

17、C. some of them measuring 50 metres D. some of which measures 50 metres38. He gave us another piece of advice,_of great help to the research work.A. which I think is B. which I think it is C. I think which is D. I think it is39. Babies health is much more likely to be affected if _ parent smokesA. b

18、oth B. none C. neither D. either40. All the machines_ by the end of the following week.A. were repaired B. will be repaired C. have been repaired D. will have been repaired41. _ many times, but he still didn t understand it.A. Having been told B. Though he was told C. To have been told D. He was tol

19、d42. Have you received Jacks plan?Yes, but I dont think his plan is _.Aworth being considered Bworthy to be considered Cworthy of considering Dworth to be considered43. Jacob was kicked out of the football team. _ .He drinks and smokes too much. A. How come? B. What for? C. It cant be true. D. Not s

20、urprising. 44. _ you missed such a fine lecture?A. How it was that B. It was how that C. How was it that D. Was it how that 45. How did your interview go? ! The questions were a bit difficult, but I answered them all.A. Just so so B. Terrible C. It couldnt be better D. Hard to say46. Which sport cos

21、ts the most _ training facilities, players personal equipment and uniforms?A. in terms of B. in place of C. by way of D. by means of47. How much shall I pay for the phone call?You_. This is free of charge.A. shouldnt B. cant C. dont have to D. mustnt48. In our class there are 46 students, _ half wea

22、r glasses.A. in whom B. in them C. of whom D. of them49. You look so upset, Marry. ? I failed to pass the driving test last week. A. Whats up B. Whats for C. What are you up to D. So what50. Now he has _money, and can do anything he wants to. A. a great number of B. a great many of C. a large amount

23、 of D. a good plenty of第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题l.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。There was a rich man who wanted to choose a husband for his only child from a great number of pursuers. The man 51 all the pursuers to a river and pointed to the crocodiles there, saying, “Any

24、one who can swim across the river safely will marry my 52 .” The pursuers looked at each other and no one 53 take action. At that moment, a man plunged into the river and swam 54 surprising speed to the other side. All the people there 55 him with a great sense of admiration for his courage. 56 ,the

25、 man, after landing on the bank, shouted 57 , “who pushed me into the river just now?”Maybe the man, 58 thinking about the whole 59 and the happy consequences of his act, will eventually be 60 to the one who pushed him into the river. In life it is fairly 61 for disadvantages to turn into advantages

26、 and misfortunes into fortunes! But many of us are 62 to realize the true 63 of our “rivals” to success. Generally speaking, many people would see the one who “pushes him into the river” as an opponent. However, the one who “pushes him into the river” gives you a feeling of urgency and stimulates yo

27、ur ambition and 64 to strive for success! You try your best to 65 your difficulties and progress to the next stage in life!If a man does not have rivals, he 66 be satisfied with the present and will not strive to improve his 67 . He would 68 in the face of difficulties and sink into laziness. Theref

28、ore, you rivals are not your opponents. Instead, they are good 69 !In our lives, we need some rivals to “pushes him into the river,” leading us to strive ahead in difficulties and competitions. Thank to our rivals, we can show our 70 to its best. Thanks to our rivals, we are able to make continuous

29、progress while competing with them!51Awalked Bdrove Cled Dbrought52Adaughter Bson Cbrother Dsister53Adared Bwould Ccould Dmust54Ain Bat Cfor Dwith55Awelcome Bapplauded Cobserved Dapproved56ABut BHowever CMeanwhile DFurthermore57Adesperately Bangrily Chappily Dsurprisingly58Aafter Bbefore Cunless Dwhile59Aresult Bprogram Caccident Dprocess60Agrateful Bsatisfied Cdevoted Dclose61Ageneral Busual Ccommon Dordinary62Aunable Bable Cwilling Dunwilling63Asignificance Bmeaning Ctendency Danswer64Ademand Bdeed Cdesire Ddefense65Aignore Bmeet Coverlook D overcome66Ais bound

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