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1、非谓语动词非谓语动词非谓语动词分三种,即:不定式,动名词和分词。动词不定式主动形式被动形式一般式(not) to make(not) to be made完成式(not) to have made(not) to have been made进行式(not) to be making在句子中可以充当主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语和补足语。(一)带to的动词不定式作宾语表示请求,要求,选择,决定,打算,同意等的动词通常只能跟不定式作宾语。afford agree aim appear arrange bother believe care choose claim come consent dar

2、e decide demand desire determine decline expect elect endeavor fail hesitate offer happen help hope hesitate intend seek learn long mean manage neglect tend pledge plan prepare pretend promise wish refuse seem swear undertake volunteer wait(二)跟不带to的动词不定式的常用动词和结构1. 感官动词:see hear watch observe notice

3、smell taste feel look at listen toe.g. She noticed a man into the laboratory.e.g. I saw him repairing the bicycle when I stepped into the gate yesterday.注意:感观动词后跟doing表示动作的连续性和进行性。真题:1995-522. 使役动词如have, bid(嘱咐,命令), make, let等,构成have/bid/make/let sb. do sth.句型。3. 一些情态动词如had better, would ratherthan,

4、 wouldsoonerthan, rather than, may well do, may as well do(还是好了),cannot but, cannot help but等句型。e.g. He would rather die than surrender.e.g. We cannot help but put up here tonight.4. do (did/does/done) nothing (anything/everything) but (except) do句型中。e.g. He has been doing nothing but fool around fo

5、r several months.5. Why/why not表示建议。6. help可带to,也可不带to, help sb. (to) do sth.7. 并列连词and, than, or和介词except, but连接两个以上的具有相同意义或功能的不定式时,第二个动词不定式不带to.e.g. She told us to stay at home and wait till she came back.注意:如果两个不定式表示对照或对比时,则不能省略to。e.g. To try and fail is better than not to try at all.真题:200143;19

6、9559(三)可用不定式作宾补的常见动词1. 动词宾语不定式advise allow appoint believe cause challenge command compel consider declare drive enable encourage find forbid force guess get hire imagine impel induce inform instruct invite judge know like order permit persuade remind report request require select send state suppose

7、 tell think train trust understand urge warn ask beg expect intend pretend say teach want2. 某些短语动词如arranger for, call on, care for, count on, count upon, depend upon, long for, prepare for, prevail upon, rely on, vote for, wait for等后面,也可以跟宾语加不定式的复合结构。e.g. The premier calls on the people to lead a si

8、mple life.3. 表示心理状态的动词像consider, declare, find, prove, think, know, believe, discover, feel(=think), image, judge, pretend, suppose, understand等词的宾语补足语不定式一般是to be (或动词的完成时态)。e.g. He is considering to become a scholar.e.g. He judged them to have finished their work.注意:1 consider, declare, find, prove

9、, think等动词的to be可以省略。e.g. She considered me a scholar.e.g. They found him guilty.2 既可以构成“动词不定式”,又可以构成“动词宾语不定式”的动词如下:ask beg choose expect hate help intend wish like love need prefer prepare promise wante.g. She wishes to succeed in her chosen career.e.g. I wish you to succeed in your chosen career.真

10、题:199523(四)不定式的进行式1. 不定式的进行式强调其所表示的动作在主要谓语动词所表示的动作发生时正在进行。e.g. He pretended to be listening to the teacher carefully.2. 不定式的完成进行式强调其所表示的动作在主要谓语动词所表示的动作发生之前一直进行。e.g. She is known to have been working on the problem for many years.真题:200448(五)不定式的完成式不定式的完成式所表示的动作(状态)发生在主要谓语动词或特定的某时间之前,它一般强调事情的完成或结果。e.

11、g. Judging from his manners at the party, he doesnt seem to have received much education.真题:2007-55,200246;199943(六)be+动词不定式1. 表示最近,未来的计划或安排(相当于be going to)You are to see him today at six oclock.2. 表示该做或不该做的事(相当于should/must/ought to/have to等)。e.g. You are to explain this.3. 表示能不能发生的事(相当于can/may等)e.g

12、. Similar conditions are to be found in all other Latin American countries.4. 表示不可避免将要发生的事。e.g. They said goodbye, little knowing that they were never to meet again.5. 用于条件从句,表示如果想,设想(相当于ifshould, 或ifwant)。e.g. If we are to be there in time, well have to hurry up.(六)动词疑问句+带to的不定式advise consider deci

13、de discuss explain find out forget hear inquire know learn regard remember see settle show teach tell think understand wondere.g. Please show me how to do that.(做宾语)e.g. When to hold the meeting has not yet been decided.(做主语)e.g. The problem is how to get there in time.(做表语)e.g. I had no idea which

14、to read first.(做名词同位语)真题:199849(七)不定式的特殊句型1. such as to, suchas to, soas to表程度e.g. It was such an accident as to claim 20 lives.e.g. Who could be so mean as to do a thing like that?2. so as (not) to, to, only to, in order to, so (such) as to(如此以便)表目的e.g. We have got so plenty of food as to treat our

15、 guests.e.g. They hurried to the station, only to find the train had left.(不料竟会,没想到会)3. tooto结构1 太以至于2 当too前面有only, all, but时,意思是“非常”,too等于very。e.g. He was but too eager to get home.3 当too前或to前有否定词构成双重否定时,too等于very。e.g. He is too wise not to see that.4 当too后是glad, pleased, happy, delighted, satisfie

16、d, ready, willing, kind, apt, good, true, east, near, careful, well, early, delicious, eager, anxious等形容词或副词时,too等于very。e.g. They are too ready to help others.5 too与cannot连用,表示无止境。e.g. You cannot be too careful.6 当不定式在句中做定语或真正的主语时,表示so (many/much)。e.g. There are too many problems to be solved.真题:200

17、553;199942;199850(八)动词不定式的复合结构1. 强调不定式的行为属性,可用“It is +形容词for somebody+不定式”句型。静态形容词多用于此句型。Easy difficult hard important possible impossible better necessary comfortable not enough essential the first the next the last the best too much too littlee.g. It was very difficult for me to learn Spanish.间或也可

18、用“for+there to be”表示e.g. Its a great pity for there to be much trouble in the company.e.g. Would you like there to be a meeting to discuss the problem?2. 强调任务的性格和特征,则用“It is +形容词of somebody+不定式”句型。动态形容词多用于此句型。Kind nice stupid rude clever thoughtful brave considerate silly selfish careless impolite g

19、ood naughty bold honest sensible wrong right bad真题:2007-63;200347(九)一些表企图,努力,倾向,目的,打算,愿望,能力,意向等意义的名词后面要求接不定式做定语。如ability, attempt, effort.(十) 以aim, duty, hope, idea, happiness, job, plan, problem, purpose, thing, wish等为中心的名词,或是以what引导的名词性从句,用不定式做表语,对主语起补充说明作用。e.g. The bosss plan is to start building

20、 the skyscraper immediately.e.g. What I want to say is to get rid of the plan forever.(十一)做独立成分的不定式表示说话人的态度或看问题的角度。常见的有:to begin with, to tell (you) the truth, to be honest, to be frank (with you), to put it another way. 多放于句首。动名词(一)“动词doing”结构的常见动词resent understand suggest stand resent postpone par

21、don permit necessitate mind miss mention involve include imagine finish favour forbid excuse escape enjoy acknowledge advice advocate appreciate avoid consider complete confess delay denye.g. John suggested not saying anything about it until they found out more facts.注意:上述动词advise, forbid, permit, r

22、ecommend在有人作宾语时,则后接不定式作宾语补足语。e.g. I recommended going to by bike.e.g. The doctor recommended her to take a few days rest.真题:199553(二)动名词的复合结构由物主代词或名词的所有格动名词构成,在句中可以作主语,并与,表语等成分。e.g. Her leaving is a great loss.e.g. I would appreciate your keeping it a secret.注意:“there being+动名词复合结构”作介词of的宾语,表示存在。e.g

23、. She never dreams of there being a chance for her to be sent abroad very soon.真题:200561(三)动名词的完成时表示的动作在谓语所表示的动作之前发生时,用动名词的完成时。e.g. I dont remember having ever said te.g. I regret having done such a thing.我后悔做了这样的事。(四)动名词的被动式e.g. No one avoid being influenced by advertisements.e.g. Susan was very un

24、happy for not having been invited to the party.(五)动名词做介词的宾语,有时介词可省略。e.g. Dont risk (in) losing the job which so many people want.e.g. I dont think it is any use discussing this matter any further.(it is no use (good)doing做没有用(好处),动名词做介词in的宾语,常省略。)(六)只能接动名词或名词的词组accustom (oneself)to admit to apply to

25、 lead to live up to keep to stick to thanks togive up be capable of put off insist on be fond of等等真题:200562;1996-48;199853(七)动名词做名词的后置定语1. 后置定语一般用of doing的名词:hope, risk, possibility, probability, intention, prospect, responsibility, aim等。e.g. He will run the risk of loosing his life to save the chil

26、d.2. 后置定语一般用to do的名词:will, willingness, suggestion, conclusion, decision, permission, agreement, refusal, determination, proposal, resolution等。e.g. Mary has the will to win the first prize.(不用of winning).3. 既可用to do又可用of doing的名词:way, chance, need, right, freedom, power, opportunity, ability等。e.g He

27、r chance of going (to go) abroad was lost.真题:2005-61(八) 在下列it作形式主语或形式宾语的句型中,用动名词作逻辑主语或宾语。1. It is no use (no good, no point, no sense, a waste of money等名词)+doing sth.2. It is good (nice, interesting, useless, fun, hard, useful等形容词)+doing sth.3. There is no point (use, sense, good等名词)doing sth.(九)动词d

28、oing与动词to do的区别1. stop 和go on后面接不定式和动名词的区别动名词表示停下或继续正在做的事情;不定式表示停下以便做某事或改做另外一件事情。e.g. The old man walked slowly, stopping frequently to rest.e.g. Men will never stop searching for new ways of getting new energy.2. remember 和forget接不定式和动名词的区别remember, forget + doing sth:表示动作发生在过去。remember, forget +to

29、 do sth:表示动作尚未发生。e.g. Dont forget to close the window before leaving the room.e.g. I remember giving the letter to him3. cease to do表示长时间,甚至永远停止做某事;cease doing表示暂时停止做某事,以后还会接着做e.g. That zoo has ceased to exist forever.e.g. The girl ceased chatting for a moment when their monitor passed by.4. be afra

30、id to do sth.表示不敢,胆怯做某事,是主观上的原因不去做,意为“怕”。be afraid of doing sth.表示担心出现doing的状况结果,是客观原因造成的,意为“生怕,恐怕” e.g. Helen was afraid to step further in grass because she was afraid of being bitten by a snake. e.g. 5. begin/start to do sth.和begin/start doing sth.1谈及一项长期的活动或开始一种习惯时,用doing。 e.g. How old were you

31、when you first started playing basketball?2begin, start用于进行时时,用to do. e.g. I was beginning to get angry.3在attempt, intend, begin, start后接know, understand, realize这类动词时,常用不定式to do. e.g. He began to understand the truth.分词(一) 分词做状语1. 表时间 e.g. Hearing the news, we immediately set off for London. e.g. She sat down, listening to their talk. 注意:on/in+doing也是常用的时间表示法,有些细微差别。On+doing相当于as soon as,强调瞬间动作。In+doing相当于when或while,强调的是连续的缓慢的动作。 e.g. On entering the room, he found the woman lying dead on the floor. e.g. In

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