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1、高中英语教学设计模板课时教学设计题Unit 4 Body language 三维教学目标知识与能力talk about body language: cultural differences and intercultural communication备课时间上课时间过程与方法参看教学过程教学方法Explanation and practice学法指导Individual work,pair work and group work.情感态度价值观让学生了解有声语言与“体态语”的对应关系,了解语言意义与行为意义(“体态语”)在交际中具有同等重要的作用。课型reading教学重点及分析Act o

2、ut the following meanings, please.Please guess what I mean.Please show the actions, using body language.教学难点及突破Enable the students to understand what a certain gesture of the body language means in a given situation.教学过程教学环节老师指导与学生活动设计意图 Step I Lead-inThe teacher shows some pictures on screen. These

3、 pictures are from the Evening Party Celebrating the coming Lunar New Year of the Rooster of 2005. T: But do you know who she is? Yes, she was the leading dancer of the program. Her name is Tai Lihua(邰丽华). She is called a Fairy of Peach blossom(桃花仙子) by people. You know she is a deaf girl, but she i

4、s a wise, diligent, charming and energetic girl. She studied very hard and got two degrees of bachelors in university. She was famous as an artist for her wonderful performance. She is deaf and dumb. But how did she get that great achievement and became a successful person? She loves life very much.

5、 We should learn from her spirit. Besides her hard working, body language plays a very important part in her life. We are all healthy people, sometimes we can use body language to express ourselves. So we should pay more attention to learning body languages. Step II IntroductionT: Now lets do some T

6、PR (Total Physical Response) activities together, I hope you will enjoy them and have fun as well.T: Ok. Its time to take up the lesson. Please look at the screen. Lets take a look at the following gestures:Gesture ActionMeaningA handshake You are welcome.A clap of handCome on; be cheerful.A V-shape

7、 of the fore-finger and middle fingerMay you succeed!Or congratulations on your success!A half-closed hand with thumb downI am not in favor of your idea or Ill have to refuse you.A wrinkling of the brow in thought or displeasure or a scowlShe is worried.Tears coming out of his eyes.He is very sad.Al

8、l smiles on her faceShe is very happy.Waving their handsThey are waving goodbye to people around.A hand stretched out forward with strengthHe is stopping a tank.People jump with their both hands stretched open in the air.They are cheering for the victory.Step PracticeT: Look at Page 25. What are the

9、se people communicating?Step Time for FunStep V Role Play (Speaking task on P67)T: Now, theres still a little time left. Lets come to Speaking Task on Page 67. 作业English weekly 1-6课后反思课时教学设计课题Unit 4 Body language三维教学目标知识与能力Help the students learn how to express themselves in body language when neede

10、d.备课时间上课时间过程与方法参看教学过程教学方法aIndividual work, pair work and group work.学法指导Acting out by imitation情感态度价值观为学生提供了来自不同国度、不同语言文化背景的“体态语”及其在交际中的异同和影响的具体例证课型阅读教学重点及分析a. Teach the students how to understand body language used in different countries or cultures as well as in different occasions.b. Teach the st

11、udents how to use body language in the most appropriate occasions.教学难点及突破Enable the students to realize the importance of body language in communication so that little or no misunderstanding may occur.教学过程教学环节老师指导与学生活动设计意图 Step RevisionFree talk about the topic: the Importance of Body Language. Whil

12、e the student on duty gives the presentation, the teacher can simultaneously approve his or her performance by using the body language learned or familiar to the students such as nodding the head, stretching out the hand with thumb up, shrugging the shoulders, etc.Step Pre-readingT: Our text is abou

13、t a special means of communicationBody Language. Now please look at the screen. And discuss these questions with your partner first. And then some of you will be asked to report your work. Are you clear?After a few minutes.T: Now whod like to answer the first question? Volunteer! S1: Let me try. The

14、 purpose of language, of course, is to be used as a tool of communication. That is, to exchange with others ideas, feelings, information, and so on.T: Perfect! Body language is used anytime and anywhere to convey peoples ideas, feelings, information, and so on and so forth. Next question?Step While-

15、reading1. Scanning While reading, please try to divide the whole passage into several parts and find out the main idea.Summary of body language.Read the text carefully, then decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Step IV Post reading1. Is the author of this passage male or fem

16、ale? How do you know ?2.What were the two mistakes that the author noticed? 3. Who seemed to prefer to keep more physical distance from others? Who seemed to prefer closer physical distance ?4. Did any students have similar greeting customs? If so, which ones?作业Get ready to retell the text in your o

17、wn words.课后反思课时教学设计课题Unit 4 Body language 三维教学目标知识与能力Enable the students to know more about body language.备课时间上课时间过程与方法参看教学过程教学方法task-based method, role-play method.学法指导Individual work, pair work and group work.情感态度价值观使学生进一步明确“体态语”对人们在日常交际中了解对方情感、思想、态度等方面所起的作用课型Reading教学重点及分析The understanding of the

18、 poorly-written reading text, especially the relationship awkwardly built up between “you” and the other people in the text, who are met by the awkward arrangement of the compilers of the textbook.教学难点及突破Let the students know that there is both positive body language and negative body language.教学过程教

19、学环节老师指导与学生活动设计意图1 Pre-reading1. What is the function of body language?2. How do you find body language in our daily life?3. How can the same body language express different feelings or ideas in different cultures?2 Fast readingTURE OF FALSE3 Further readingT: We have just read a passage entitled “Sh

20、owing Our Feelings”, which tells us more about body language. Now lets read another passage in the Workbook on P66. The title of the reading text is: The Open Hand - A Universal Sign. You will be given 3 minutes to read through the text as quickly as you can, trying to get as much information from t

21、he text as possible. T: Before we come to the end of this period, lets take up the last item, doing the arrangement of the information under the passage on Page 67.S8: It can be dangerous to meet people you do not know.S9: Many Asian people do not usually physically touch strangers.S10: If we show a

22、n open hand, it means that we are not holding anything dangerous.S11: The right hand is usually used because it is almost the stronger.S12: People shake their hands when meeting to show that they can be trusted.S13: To show respect, people will touch their heart and mouth when greeting someone.作业Hom

23、ework1. Read aloud all the reading texts in this unit.2. Get ready to retell the two reading passages learnt in this period.课后反思课时教学设计课题Unit 4 Body language三维教学目标知识与能力动词-ing用法备课时间上课时间过程与方法参看教学过程教学方法 Individual work, pair work and group work.学法指导情感态度价值观学生在听、说、做(即表演“体态语”的动作)中能够增进对语言交际的感性认识,为他们在阅读过程中上升

24、到对语言交际的理性认识打下基础。课型Grammar教学重点及分析V-ing 形式在句中作定语和状语是本单元的学习重点。教学难点及突破V-ing 形式在句中作定语和状语是本单元的学习重点。教学过程教学环节老师指导与学生活动设计意图Structure Study 一: V-ing 形式由 “doing” 构成, 其否定形式是 “not doing”, V-ing 可以带宾语或状语构成 V-ing 短语, 没有人称和数的变化, 但有时态和语态的变化。 V-ing 形式在句中作定语和状语是本单元的学习重点。1. 作定语 V-ing 形式可以单独充当名词的前置修饰语, 这时有两种情况。1) -ing形式

25、表示 “供作.之用”的意思, 这类作定语的-ing形式过去叫动名词。 A swimming pool = a pool for swimming2) -ing形式表示 “.的” 意思, 过去叫现在分词 A sleeping child working people -ing形式短语作定语时一般放在它所修饰的名词之后, 相当于一个定语从句。如: They are visitors coming from several countries. The boy standing there is a classmate of mine.2. 作状语 可以表示时间, 原因, 结果,条件, 行为方式或伴随动作等。Attention Please -ing形式作状语时, 它的逻辑主语必须与主句的主语是一致的。Time permitting, I will pay a visit to the whole city. (分词的逻辑主语是time , 而句子的主语是I , 两者不构成主谓关系, 所以只能用独立主格结构, 也就是给现在分词补充一个主语。)作业HomeworkDo “Using Structures” on Page 64.课后反思

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