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1、优美翻译On-line Translation Practice 第一周 词的选择 复习思考题:翻译下列句子,注意选词: 我的表不准,每天快十多分钟。 时间过得真快! 情人节快到了。around the corner 这把刀很快。参考译文:(链接) My watch doesnt keep good time. It gains more than ten minutes a day. How time does fly! Valentines Day is near. Or: Valentines Day is at hand. Or: Valentines Day is drawing n

2、ear. The knife is really sharp. (*The knife is swift.) 第二周 词语翻译技巧(词义引申) 复习思考题练习:根据本节所讲进行选词1. 人民现在为什么拥护我们?就是这十几年有发展。2. 由于全球气候变暖,海平面在一点点地上升。3. 改革开放也使民族精神获得了解放。4. 我们的企业应着重提高国际竞争力。5. 中国的现代化建设离不开与世界各国的经济合作与贸易往来。6. 世界科技进步和产业结构的调整,亚太地区经济的迅速增长,给我国经济发展提供了有利条件。在我国中长期发展中,也有不可制约的因素,突出的是:7. 在1993年亚太经合组织第一次领导人非正式

3、会议上,我曾说过,把一个什么样的世界带到二十一世纪,是我们这一代领导人必须认真思考和解决的重大问题。环顾新世纪初的世界和亚太地区形势,可以说是有喜有忧。8. 为了进行认真细致的考察,他很少乘车坐船,几乎全靠双脚翻山越岭,长途跋涉;为了弄清大自然的真相,他总是挑选道路艰险的山区,人迹稀少的森林进行考察,发现了许多奇山秀景。9. 专家普遍认为积极的财政政策对于最近几年的经济快速增长势头起了很大作用,2003年,这一政策的实施除了应向社会保障,农村教育及基础设施倾斜以外,还应从政府投资转向民间投资。10. 这些价值观和孔子宣扬的一些思想有很多相同之处,孔子的思想强调的是中庸适度。但是我尊重孔子的思想

4、,并不是要把他的思想搬到现代社会。11. 对于采取什么样的措施来控制人口这一问题早已不单是一个国家的问题了,而是一个全世界都关注的问题。12. 湖区水位提高可能要危及竹子的生长。这意味着以竹子为食物的大熊猫也将受到威胁。13. 不幸的是,中国似乎是在学西方的样,如为了事业不结婚的人越来越多,不要小孩的越来越多,离婚的越来越多,年老的父母单独生活的越来越多。14. 新建的金茂大厦成为浦东新区的象征。金茂大厦楼高八十八层,耸立在浦东新区的金融中心,与上海证券交易毗邻,是上海的黄金商业选址。金茂大厦比上海所有建筑物都高,是中国目前最高的大厦,它东望整个浦东新区,西眺上海和黄浦江全景。金茂大厦,一到五

5、十二层为写字楼,五十二层以上为五星级的凯悦大酒店和六层购物商场,租户可以尽情享受在大厦所提供的一切。参考译文:1. Why do people support us? Because our economy has been developing.2. The sea level is rising little by little in the consequence of global warming.3. Reforms and the open policy have also emancipated the minds of the people.4. We need to be e

6、nhancing international competitiveness.5. Chinas modernization is inseparable from her economic cooperation and trade ties with other nations.6. The scientific and technical advancement in the world and the industrial restructuring as well as the rapid economic growth in the Asia-Pacific region prov

7、ide favorable conditions for economic development in China. However, there are a few factors that can impede progress in our medium-and-long range development. The prominent ones of these factors are7. At the first APEC Economic leaders meeting in 1993, I said that what kind of world was to be broug

8、ht into the 21st century was a crucial issue that we leaders of this generation must carefully think about and solve. Today, at the beginning of the 21st century, we have found the situation of the world and of the Asia-Pacific region both encouraging and worrying.8. In order to get a detailed and t

9、ruthful picture of the particular places, he preferred to travel on foot instead of by cart or boat, despite the hardships on long distances; and he even ventured in mountainous areas and jungles, which are rarely traveled by people and full of dangers. The pay-off for his efforts was his discovery

10、of many fantastic landscapes.9. It is generally agreed among exports that the proactive fiscal policy has considerably contributed to the rapid economic growth in recent years. The year 2003 will see the further implementation of such a policy, which will give added weight to the development of the

11、social security system, rural education and the infrastructure, and a shifting of focus on investment sources from the government to the private sector.10. These values have much in common with some of the virtues of Confucianism, the Chinese philosophy that stresses moderation. However, although I

12、respect the spirit of Confucianism, I have not tried to adapt this ancient philosophy to modern society.11. The question of what is to be done to control population growth is no longer a matter of one country alone. It is a problem of international concern.12. Higher water levels in the lake area ma

13、y endanger the growing of bamboos, which means giant pandas that feed on these plants will suffer, too.13. Unfortunately, China seems to be following the wests lead: the rising number of career singles and childless families, the soaring divorce rate and more and more the elderly parents living alon

14、e.14. The emerging Jinmao Building has become a symbol of Pudong New Area. Located in the financial district of the new area and next to the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the 88-storey mansion is Shanghais prime business address. Towing over (rising above) the other buildings in Shanghai, it boasts the t

15、allest in China and enjoys commanding views of the whole area of Pudong to the east, and of the Huangpu River and the main city to the west. With 52 floors of offices situated below the five-star Grant Hyatt and a six-floor shopping area, the skyscraper offers a great deal for tenants.第三周 物称与人称 复习思考

16、题翻译下列句子,注意运用物称表达法 我想到希望,忽然害怕起来了。 他气得话也说不出来。 我一时想不起他的名字。 我疏忽了这个问题。 我兴奋得什么话都说不出来。 走过草地几步,我们就到了一个华丽的大酒店。 你只消仔细比较一下,就会发现不同。 一看到那棵大树,我便想起了童年的情景。 恕我孤陋寡闻,对此关系一无所知。 凭良心讲,你待我礼貌有加,我却受之有愧。 五四运动以后,开始了“新红学”时代,代表人物有胡适、俞平伯等这样一些学者。 小梅心地善良,性情温和,对她朋友这种没有心肝的行为,实在看不顺眼。 参考译文: The access of hope made me suddenly afraid.

17、Anger choked his words. His name escaped me for the moment. This point slipped my attention. Excitement deprived me of all power of utterance. A few steps across the lawn brought me to a large, splendid hotel. Careful comparison of them will show you the difference. The sight of the big tree always

18、reminds me of my childhood. My total ignorance of the connection must plead my apology. My conscience told me that I deserved no extraordinary politeness. The May Fourth Movement of 1919 saw the beginning of the “New Redology”, represented by scholars such as Hu Shi and Yu Pingbai. Xiaomeis kindly a

19、nd gentle nature could not but revolt at her friends callous behaviour. 第四周 正说与反说 复习思考题 日子很快过去了,她做工却丝毫没有松懈。 他不在,我感到很寂寞。 我很高兴看见你安然无恙。 他们的供应不足,冬季又将来临。 他不自然地咳了起来。 你早晨来看我的时候,我还没有起床。 他只顾自己,不顾别人,使得大家都很生气。 她没有同伴,只一个人坐在车厢一角动也不动。 是重力使我们不至于从地球上抛出去。 他下意识地举起手来搔他的头顶。 返回祖国的念头始终萦绕在他们心中。 只要他没有病倒,他是不会不来的。 她只觉得头晕眼花,辩

20、不出路径。 一遇到机会,他总是要发表一通议论。 他的暗示没有引起我的注意。 你恐怕弄错了。参考译文 The days passed quickly, but she worked as hard as ever. In his absence, I felt very lonely. I am glad to see you safe and sound. Their supply line was thin and winter was coming on. He coughed with embarrassment. When you called on me this morning,

21、I was still in bed. His lack of consideration for the feelings of others angered everyone present. Travelling alone, she was sitting still in the corner of the carriage. It is gravity that keeps us from falling off the earth. He involuntarily raised his hand to scratch his head. The thought of retur

22、ning to his motherland never deserted him. Hell certainly come unless he is ill. She felt too dizzy to remember the way she had come. He was never tired of harping upon his arguments once more whenever an opportunity presented itself. His hint escaped me. Im afraid you are mistaken.第五周 外位语的英译 复习思考题外

23、位语英译练习 高粱、玉米、黄豆,这些已经收割完了。 百花齐放,百家争鸣,这是促进艺术发展和科学进步的方针 靠山脚有一排用竹子搭成的草棚,这就是三连的营房了。 钢盔、皮包、水壶、刺刀、剃胡刀、旅行药箱、旅行收音机等等,这些东西在门口摊了一地。 他这件事做得多好,这真是了不起。 你不想做那工作,这是很明显的。 敌人有的死在路上,有的惊魂丧胆地跳到河里淹死了。 每句话,每个行动,每项政策,都要适合人民的利益,如果有了错误,定要改正,这就叫向人民负责。 他的父母几乎同时死去,这是很可怕的。 抗战胜利的果实应该属于人民,这是一个问题,但是,胜利果实究竟落到谁手,能不能归于人民,这是另一个问题。参考译文:

24、 The sorghum, the maize and the soya-beans have all been harvested. Letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend is the policy for promoting progress in the arts and sciences. At the foot of the mountain was a row of thatched shacks, built of bamboo-poles. This was Thir

25、d Companys camp. Steel helmets, leather satchels, flasks, bayonets, razors, small medicine kits, portable radiosall these were littered on the ground at the doorway. It is wonderful how well he did it. It is clear that you did not want t do that job. Of the enemy, some died on the way and some, frig

26、htened out of their wits, leaped into the river and were drowned. Every word, every act and every policy must conform to the peoples interests, and if mistakes occur, they must be correctedthat is what being responsible to the people means. It is dreadful that her father and mother died almost at th

27、e same time. That the fruits of victory of the War of Resistance should go to the people is one thing, but who will eventually get them and whether it will be the people is another. 第六周 被动与主动 复习思考题 关于这个问题,已经说得很多了。 请旅客在此填写报关表。 全国到处都在兴建新的工厂和中小型水电站。 那个孩子在街上玩,一辆摩托车把他撞伤了。 军备竞赛必须制止。 我们学院由四个系组成,下面有20个班级。 很

28、抱歉,因为雨太大了,参观博物馆得推迟到明天了。 医院立即收下那个重伤的男孩。 据谣传,那场事故是由于玩忽职守而造成的。 我希望一切问题都能在满足双方的情况下获得解决。 一群人立刻把他围住了,向他提出一个又一个的问题。 口试时,问了十个问题,她全都答对了。 来宾请出示入场券。 Much has been said on this question. Passengers are requested to fill in the customs declaration form here. New factories and hydro-electric stations of small and

29、 medium sizes are being built everywhere in our country. The boy playing in the street was injured by a motorcycle. The arms race must be stopped. Our college is composed of 4 departments which are subdivided into 20 classes. Im sorry to say the visit to the museum has to be put off till tomorrow be

30、cause of the heavy rain. The boy who had been seriously injured was immediately admitted into the hospital. It is rumoured that the accident was due to negligence. I hope all our problems can be settled with satisfaction on both sides. Very soon he was surrounded by a crowd and was snowed under with

31、 questions. She was asked ten questions in the oral exam and answered every one of them correctly. Visitors are requested to show their tickets.第七周 重复词语和重复结构的处理 复习思考题翻译练习,注意重复部分的译法 我们的毛病还很多。我们不怕说出自己的毛病,我们一定要改正自己的毛病。 成绩有两重性,错误也有两重性。 你不愿意落后, 她也不愿意落后。 不懂就是不懂,不要装懂。 电子管通常用来放大,而真空管则是电子管的另一名称。 沉默呵,沉默!不在沉默中爆发,就在沉默中灭亡。 一个地方有一个地方的全局,一个国家有一个国家的全局。

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