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英语八年级上Module3 Sports知识解读及练习.docx

1、英语八年级上Module3 Sports知识解读及练习Module3 SportsUnit 1 Nothing is more enjoyable than playing tennis1. baseball 棒球 volleyball 排球 basketball 篮球 play 加球类单词时,不用加定冠词the , play basketball play 加乐器单词时,要加定冠词the,play the piano2. matter n. 问题 麻烦whats the matter with you ? 你怎么了?=whats wrong with you? =whats your tro

2、uble?= what happened to you ?=whats the trouble with you?3. enjoyable adj. 令人愉快的 enjoy v. 喜欢享受 enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事4. You look tired.你看起来很疲惫, look是系动词,后面跟形容词,类似的还有sound/taste/smell/feel5. mind v. 介意,讨厌,反对 would you mind doing sth? 你介意做某事吗?6. plenty 大量,许多 plenty of 大量,许多7. warm v. 使暖和,使温暖 warm up 热

3、身,做准备活动8. pity n. 可惜,遗憾 what a pity! 真遗憾9. confident adj. 自信的 confidence n. 信心10. popular adj. 流行的,受欢迎的 be popular with 受的欢迎 比较级和最高级分别为 more popular和most popular11. never mind 不要介意 bad luck 坏运气1. Whats the score? 比分是多少? Spain scored a minute ago. 西班牙(队)一分钟前得分了。在第一个句子中,score 是名词,意思是“比分,进球数” ;第二个句子中的s

4、core 是动词,表示“得分,进球”。 例如:After two hours and twenty minutes of play, the final score was 3:2.经过两小时二十分钟的比赛,最终比分为三比二。Arsenal scored in the final minute of the game.阿森纳队在比赛的最后一分钟进了一球。2. Last week the match on TV was so boring because no one scored at all.boring 令人厌烦的 bored 感到厌烦的, relaxing 令人放松的 relaxed 感

5、到放松的,exciting 令人激动的 excited 感到激动的前者(+ing)修饰的对象是事或物,后者(+ed)修饰的对象是人。No one 没有人,相当于nobody。不能指物,不可与of连用形成短语,作主语时,谓语动词用单数,常用语回答who引导的问句。none意为“没有一个“,即可指人,又可指物,可与of短语连用,作主语,指代可数时,谓语动词用复数,指代不可数时,谓语动词 用单数。Who can answer the question? No one. 谁能回答这个问题? 没有人。 How many students are there in the classroom? None.

6、 教室里有多少学生? 一个也没有at all 根本,完全(用来加强语气) notat all 一点也不,根本不3. Nothing is more enjoyable than playing tennis.Nothing为不定代词。当不定代词做主语时,谓语动词要用单数形式。than 在这,用作介词。介词(for, at, about, in, from, before, after, though,on等)后如果接动词,要接动词-ing。多音节形容词的比较级:more+形容词如:more beautiful more expensive more interesting4. So this

7、weeks match is already more exciting. 因此,这周的比赛早已更令人激动。英语中的形容词有很多为多音节词,如:dangerous, difficult, exciting, expensive, beautiful, popular等。其比较级形式是在该形容词前加more。除了多音节形容词变比较级要用more之外,部分双音节形容词, 如careful, tiring, boring等比较级也是在词前加more。由此可见, 多音节形容词及部分双音节形容词比较级的句式结构为: A + 谓语+ more + 多音节形容词/部分双音节形容词 + than + B。 T

8、his picture is _ than that one. 这张照片比那张照片漂亮。 He is _ than the others. 他比其他人更仔细。 The football match is _. 足球赛更激动人心。 Your shirt is _ than mine. 你的衬衫比我的贵。2. But you enjoyed watching the Olympic on TV, right? 但是你喜欢在电视上观看奥运, 是吗?enjoy 欣赏; 享受; 喜爱 +v.-ingI enjoyed _ these books very much. 我很喜欢读这些书。Tom doesn

9、t enjoy _ to cinema. 汤姆不喜欢上学。 3. And staying at home was easier than going to the stadium. 呆在家里比去体育馆容易。 stay at home“呆在家里”,在句子中作主语,因此要用动名词或不定式形式。课文中像这样的句子还有:Watching is not dangerous and its more relaxing too!中考链接( ) 1. It was a _ day and she feel very _.(2012广东河源) A. tiring; tired B. tiring; tiring

10、 C. tired; tiring D. tired; tired( ) 2. How do you like your new job in the bank? Its_. I do exactly the same thing every day.(2012辽宁丹东) A. interesting B. exciting C. surprising D. boring( ) 3. Li Na won the first place in the final tennis game. Nobody else played _! (2010佛山) A. well B. better C. be

11、st( ) 4. Of the two coats, shed like to choose the _ one to save money for a book. (2011兰州) A. cheapest B. cheaper C. more expensive D. most expensive( ) 5. After practicing for several months, I can swim much _ now. (2011温州) A. slower B. slowest C. faster D. fastest( ) 6. Its so cold today. Yes, it

12、s _ colder than it was yesterday. (2011浙江丽水) A. some B. more C. very D. much( ) 7. Which do you like_, summer or winter? I prefer summer. (2011泰安) A. good B. well C. better D. bestKeys: 1. more beautiful 2. more careful 3. more exciting 4. more expensive Keys: 1. reading 2. goingKeys: 1. A 2. D 3. B

13、 4. B 5. C 6.D 7. CUnit 2 This year we are training more carefully.Learn new words.1) train作动词,表示“训练,操练”作名词,表示“火车”。Were training harder than usual because the other school beat us last year.我们比平时更努力训练,因为去年别的学校打败了我们。His father goes to Shanghai by train.他父亲坐火车去上海。2) against 为介词,表示“反对,与.对抗” 。例如:3) warm

14、 up 的意思是“热身,做准备活动” 。例如:The runners _ before the race.赛跑选手正在做赛前热身。4) coach n. 教练5) careless adj. 粗心的;疏忽的6) pass v. 传递;传送Last year we were careless when we passed the ball and we lost to the other team. So this year we train more carefully.7) fan club 球迷(或影迷,歌迷)俱乐部8) cheer on 用欢呼声激励;为加油9) loudly adv.

15、响亮地;大声地10) quiet adj. 寂静的;安静的Language points1. win与beat的用法区别这两个词都有“获胜,打败”的意思,但其后宾语不同。beat是“打败,优于”的意思,后面接人或队,如:We beat them. 我们打败了他们。win指“赢,获胜”,后面接比赛、名次,如:We won the match/game/race/the first place. 我们赢了这场比赛(获得了第一名)2. Our coach is pleased because we are playing better as a team now. 我们的教练很满意,因为我们现在作为

16、一个团队,打球打得更好了。pleased 是一个形容词,主语为人,表示某人高兴、愉快情感或情绪。be pleased with/about sth. 对高兴(满意) be pleased to do sth. 做高兴3.That means we have a better chance of winning.那意味着我们有更好的获胜的机会。have a chance of doing sth.=have a chance to do sth. =have an opportunity to do sth 有机会做某事4. I am in our school team and were pl

17、aying against another school next week. 我是校队成员,我们(队)下周将要和另一学校比赛。1) Germany are _ Brazil in the World Cup final tonight.今晚德国将与巴西争夺世界杯冠军。2) We will _ the enemy.我们将与敌人交战。3) They are strongly _ the idea.他们强烈反对这个主意。4) Are you for or _ my proposal?你(们)是同意还是反对我的计划?5. We all arrive as early as we can so tha

18、t we have time to warm up. 我们尽可能的早到,以便有时间热身。as early ae we can 尽可能早;asas sb. can=asas possibleso that 为了,以便。引导目的状语从句,从句中通常含有can、could、may、might等情态动词I took a taxi so that I could get there earlier. 我打了车,以便我能早点儿到那儿6. usual意为“通常的、平常的”than usual 表示“比平常” as usual 表示“和平常一样”He went to school ealier than us

19、ual.他比平时早一些去上学He went to school early as usual.他和平时一样早早地去上学了7. That means we have a better chance of winning. 这就意味着我们获胜的机会更大。have a chance of doing sth. 表示“有做某事的机会” 。例如:1) You will _ your exams if you work harder.如果你(们)再用功一点,通过考试的机会就更大一点。2) If we hurry up, theres still _ the plane.要是我们抓紧点,赶上飞机的机会还是很

20、大的。5. Its good to have our fans around because they cheer us on loudly.有我们的球迷在周围真好,因为他们为我们欢呼加油。cheer sb. on 的意思是“为.欢呼加油” 。例如:1) The crowd _ their favourite singers _.观众为他们最喜欢的各手喝彩加油。2) They gathered round the swimming pool and _.他们在游泳池周围,给她加油。一、中考连接( )1. Whats wrong with you today? (2012广东湛江) I am q

21、uite upset. Cheer up! The more you smile, the _ you will feel. Ahappy Bhappier Chappily DMore happily( ) 2. Do you know sound travels very fast? Yes. But light travels _ sound. (2012湖北荆州) A. as fast as B. a little faster than C. much faster than D. slower than( ) 3. Your room is very dirty. You shou

22、ld keep it _. (2012湖北襄阳) OK. Ill sweep it right away. A. clean B. dry C. quiet D. warm( ) 4. Would you mind staying in such a noisy room ? No, but my son needs a _ place to study in. (2011宁波) A. cleaner B. quieter C. safer D. smaller( ) 5. Some students are so _ that they often make mistakes in thei

23、r homework. (2011聊城) A. careful B. serious C. careless D. successful( ) 6. My sister has practiced tennis for a long time. She plays tennis _ you. (2011德阳) A. as good as B. so well as C. as well as( ) 7. The smile on his teachers face shows that she was _ with my work. (2007佛山) A. angry B. pleased C

24、 sadKey: are warming upKeys: 1) playing against 2) fight against 3) against 4) againstKeys: 1) have a better chance of passing 2) a good chance of catchingKeys: 1) cheered; on 2) cheered her onKeys: 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. C 7.BUnit 3 Language in use1、hard 和hardlyhard是坚硬、困难,努力的意思,是形容词,也是副词。hardl

25、y是“几乎不能,基本上不可能,难以”的意思,只有副词用法,并且表示否定。2、decide to do sth. 决定做某事3、be afraid to do sth/of doing sth.害怕做某事be afraid+(that)从句4、keep fit 保持健康=keep healthy5、try doing sth 尝试做某事 try to do sth 尽力,努力做某事6、stop doing sth 停止做某事(手头的事) stop to do sth 停下来去做某事(另一件事)7、go walking 去徒步旅行 在英语中,go+ v-ing形式表示进行一些体育或娱乐、休闲性活动

26、 8、take part in (doing)sth. 参加尤其是指参加会议、比赛或群众性活动,并在其中发挥作用例:Will you take part in the English evening. 你将参加英语晚会么?join(in)或join sb 或join sb in (doing) sth 加入某个组织、党派或团体,并成为其中一员课文重点句型分析:1. In the mornings and evenings you can see people jogging in parks or along city streets. 在早上或晚上,你会看见人们在公园或沿着街道慢跑。see

27、people jogging 看见人们慢跑see sb. doing sth 看见某人正在做某事see sb. do sth. 看见某人做某事的全过程along city streets 沿着街道 along 意为“沿着”2. The more you go jogging, the longer you will run and the healthier you will feel free. 你慢跑得越远,你将感觉到越健康。The+比较级,the+比较级 越,越The more we do for the people, the happier well be. 我们为人民做得越多,我们

28、就越幸福。3.a bit和a little a bit 意为“有点儿,稍微”,常用于修饰形容词、副词等,也可以修饰比较级 例:Today is a bit cold.今天有点儿冷 【注意】:a bit和a little都作一点儿讲,但用法不同。1)a bit和a little在肯定句中修饰动词、形容词、副词和比较级时可以互换,表示一点儿的意思。The speaker spoke up a bit/a little so as to make himself heard more clearly.演讲者把嗓门提高了一点儿,以便使别人听得更清楚。2)a bit和a little在否定句中的意思恰恰

29、相反,not a bit相当于not at all(一点儿都不),not a little相当于very(much)或extremely(很、非常)。She is not a bit tired.(=She is not tired at all.)她一点都不累。3)a little可以直接作定语修饰名词,而a bit则要在后面加of构成短语才能作定语,两者都只能修饰不可数名词。There is a little/a bit of food left for lunch. 午饭只能吃剩下的一点食品了。4)a bit of的另一种形式是bits of, a little则没有这种变体。【注意】:

30、little和a little的用法1)little做副词时,译作“几乎一点儿都不”,等于no(一点儿都不)之意The patients condition is little better than yesterday.(病人的情况并没有比昨天好一点)2)a little作副词时,译成“有点儿”后接形容词或副词The patients condition is getting a little better. (病人的情况好转了些)3)little作副词时,通常修饰动词think, know, dream, expectI little thought that you had done it. (我几乎没料到你一把事情做完了)Grammar形容词的比较级(2)上一模块我们学习了单音节形容词和部分双音节形容词的比较级构成形式和比较级句子的表达方式。那么,还有部分双音节和多音节形容词,它们的比较级是如何构成的呢?也是在词

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