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小学五年级竞赛题 上.docx

1、小学五年级竞赛题 上三河市小学英语2012-2013学年度第一学期五年级学科抽测题学校 姓名 考号 考场 指导教师 分 数 一、单词。(20分)(一)选出每组单词中不同类的一项。( ) 1.A.quiet B. thin C. fat D. queen ( ) 2.A.third B. first C. four D. second ( ) 3.A. photo B. tomato C. potato D. carrot( ) 4.A.sheep B. menu C. tiger D. hen ( ) 5.A.plane B. ship C. bus D. plan(二)把下列混乱的字母正确排

2、序,变成一个单词。 1. ctisrt _ 2.ruos _ 3.esfort _4. smiuc _ 5.orluco _(三)单词接龙。(每个单词的末尾字母是下一个单词的首字母)school- - - - - - - work (四)按要求写出单词的正确形式。1.short_(反义词) 2.fish_(复数) _(反义词) _(复数) 5.hear_(同音词)二、短语。(15分)(一)把短语序号填在题前括号内。( )1. 不得不 A. carrot juice( )2. 品德课 B. sweet dumplings( )3. 胡萝卜汁 C. have a tr

3、y( )4. 汤圆 D. have to( )5. 试试 E. Moral Education(二)根据句意填写短语。 1、Can you ?(洗衣服)2、 This is the ?( 讲台)3、My father is .( 浇花)4、She always after dinner.(看电视)5、I often .(读书)(三)根据句意为划线部分选出正确的汉意。( ) 1.Dont feed the animals. A.喂动物 B.禁止喂食 C. 饲养动物( ) 2. She is a university student. A.中学生 B.大学生 C.研究生( ) 3. They gi

4、ve him some money under the table. A. 私底下 B.在桌子下面 C.在桌子的旁边( ) 4.I want to make a salad. A.制表格 B.整理 C.做沙拉( ) 5.He can empty the trash. A.下棋 B.垃圾箱 C.倒垃圾三、单项选择。(15分)( )1. We want_ go to Shanghai train. A. to; in B. for; in C. to; by D. /; by( )2. Apples are sweet _ fall .A. in B. on C. at D. of( )3. On

5、 Mid-Autumn Day, people usually eat . A. zongzi B. mooncakes C. dumplings D. noodles( )4. Whats _ like? A. her B. she C. him D. his( )5. In America, Thanksgiving Day is the Thursday in November.A. first B. four C. fourth D. second( )6. _ is the first day of a week in America. A. Monday B. Sunday C.

6、Saturday D. Tuesday( )7 . She often goes to _ at nine, but now she is . A. sleeps, sleeping B. sleep, sleeping C. sleep, sleep D. sleeping, sleeping( )8 . I can _ the clothes. A. put B. away C. put away D./( )9. Can you do the _ .A. dish B. dishes C. dishs D. dishing( )10. _ there a path here ?A. Be

7、 B. Is C. Are D. Am( )11. Please tell me your school . A. with B. about C. of D. /( )12. Ill play _ in the music room.A. violins B. a violin C. the violin D. violin( )13. What can you in Zooms room?A. see B. watch C. look D. looking( )14. - I dont like grapes. They are .A. sour.B. tastyC. sweet D. n

8、ice( )15. What do you have ? A. on wednesday B. in Wednesday C. on Wednesdays D. in wednesdays 四、句型大观园。(20分)(一) 请用括号中所给词的适当形式完成下列句子. 1、There are three _ (tomato) on the plate.2、 She can_ (drive) a car.3、 Please_ (not open) the door.4、 There _ (be) some milk in the glass.5、 He is _ (dance) now.(二)选择正

9、确的答句。 ( ) 1、 Would you like some cabbage? A. Hes our principal. ( ) 2 、Whats he like? B. Not much. ( ) 3、 Whos that young man? C. Yes, its healthy. ( ) 4 、What are you doing? D. Hes a baseball player. ( ) 5、 Whats your father? E. Hes thin and short.(三)句型转换 1、 What day is it today? (根据实际情况回答) 2、 How

10、do you go to school? (根据实际情况回答) 3、 7:00 get the usually I up at morning in(连词成句) .4、 在床头柜上有一部电话。 (汉译英) 5、 Remember to switch off the gas.(英译汉) (四)根据情境选择正确的选项。 ( ). 别人请你吃东西,你不想吃了,你应说: A. Sorry! B. Yes, thank you. C. No, thank you. D. No, no, no.( ). 当别人跟你打招呼说Hello!你应说: A. Whats your name? B. Hello! C

11、. Thank you. D. Fine, thank you.( ). Hello, is that Tom speaking? _ A. Nice to see you. B. Hello. C. Yes, this is Tom.D. Yes, that is Tom.( ). 假如你是一名记者,采访某位著名演员,问她在家是否会做家务,你应该说:A. Are you do housework at home? B. Can you do housework at home? C. Can you do homework at home? D. Are you helpful at hom

12、e?( ). Would you like to go swimming? _ A. Thats great. B. I like. C. Yes, it is. D. Oh, thank you.五、阅读理解(25分)。 (一)、根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F) I have a pet. His name is Mimi. He likes eating bones. Every Saturday, Mimi and I go to play soccer, He is great! He kicks the ball very quickly. He often makes me fa

13、ll down on the floor, then he runs away! I am very happy to play with him. Mimi is a good swimmer, too. On Sundays, I usually take him to the pool. He swims very well. He uses his feet to wash his face, his head and body. He looks like a smart boy. I like Mimi very much, and he likes me, too. We are

14、 good friends!( )1. My pet is a cat. ( )2. Mimi doesnt like eating bones. ( )3. Every day I can play soccer with Mimi.( )4. Mimi can swim very well.( )5. Mimi and I are good friend. (二)根据短文内容,选择恰当的答案。 There is a big shop near my home. It sells a lot of things. From the shop we can buy some food, som

15、e drink and some school things like cakes, apples, milk, oranges, pens and exercise-books. The shop opens very early in the morning and it closes very late. W e can buy things from 7:00-22:00 in the shop. I often help my mother and father buy things in this shop. The people in the are very friendly.

16、( ) 1. There is a shop_. A. near the school B. near my home C. near the factory( ) 2. The shop sells _.A. some food B. some drink C. some school things, food and drink( ) 3. The shop opens_. A. at 7:00 in the morning. B. at 22:00 in the morning. C. late in the morning( ) 4. We can buy things_ in thi

17、s shop.A. after ten oclock in the evening B. before ten oclock in the evening C. at about eleven in the evening ( ) 5. _buy things in the shop.A. My father often helps meB. My mother often helps my father C. I often help my father and mother(三)根据短文选择最佳答案。 Jimmy is five years _1_. He is a lovely boy.

18、 He plays _2_other children in a small park every day. The park is near his building.His mother buys new clothes for_3_ . The clothes are expensive and nice. Jimmy is very happy.“Mum, can I go out and play with my friend? I want them to _4_ my new clothes,” asks Jimmy.“Yes, please keep your clothes_

19、5_ ,”says the mother. “Im going to do some cooking. Well _6_ supper after your father comes back.” _7_about six oclock his father comes back from work. Jimmy goes home for supper. “Why do you have much earth on your clothes?” _8_ his mother. “Because I have some falls,” answers Jimmy.“You shouldnt_9

20、_the nice clothes dirty,” says the mother.“Im sorry, Mum,” says Jimmy, “ I have _10_ time to take off my clothes when I fall.” . ( )1. A. young B. old C. short D. tall ( )2. A. with B. to C. for D. about ( )3. A. he B. his C. himself D. him ( )4. A. meet B. look C. see D. find ( )5. A .clean B. nice

21、 C. blue D. big ( )6. A. keep B. get C. have D. has ( )7. A. With B. About C. Of D. At ( )8. A. tells B. asks C. see D. say( )9. A. make B. lets C. take D. got( )10.A. much B. no C. many D. lots(四)从所给的选项中选择恰当的句子补全对话(其中有两个多余选项),答案写在题下横线上。 A: Tony, what are you doing there? B: Be quiet. 1 A: Do you ne

22、ed my help?B: 2 A: No problem.B: 3 After a while.A: Mum, happy birthday. 4 B: He made it by himself.C: Oh, 5 Its beautiful! Thank you very much, Tom. A. Ill givemy mum a big surprise.B. I cant believe it. C. Yes, please. Can you help me mix the flour and sugar? D. Help yourself to some fish. E. Im m

23、aking a birthday cake for my mum. F. Would you like some tea? G. I hope you like this present.A: Youre welcome, Mum.1.六、智力测试(5分)。 ( )1.“black tea” “black sheep” “black hole”的汉语意思分别是 A. 黑茶;黑羊;黑洞 B.红茶;黑羊;灰洞 C. 黑茶;害群之马 ;灰洞 D.红茶;害群之马 ;黑洞 ( )2. How many colours are there in the rainbow? A. Three B. Five C. Seven D. Nine ( ) 3. Which is the medicine(药)for headaches(头痛)? It is _. A.ASP B.APC C.PAC D.APS 4 . Which letter should follow? (填空题) S M T W T F ? 5. I must get up early tomorrow.(这句话中藏有一个水果单词,请写出来。)_

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